JFK Assassination: Doesn't it seem strange???

There was a program on showing the testing of the rifle he used. It is possible to fire that particular rifle in quick enough succession to have gotten off the 3 shots. His military record showed him to be a good enough shot. The rifle had a scope. Hell, with a scope on a rifle I can shoot a can on a hillside, and the shoot it again as it rolls down the hillside. I've done that. And I don't consider myself a remarkable shooter at all.

The 'magic bullet' theory fails because of the way the people in the car were seated.

One broadcast, though, that is quite interesting is one I saw myself when it happened. Oswald being walked through the jail. News man say no one is allowed in without proper ID or press pass because they think someone is going to try to kill Oswald. Less than a minute after the words were out he was shot. Then someone says shooter was wearing brown coat and black hat and they thought he was SS. But SS had already split on Air Force One with the body and the Johnsons. And the shooter was wearing a light colored coat and hat.

Kennedy's cadaver was subject to Texas law, but the SS whisked it away with plans to take off as quickly as possible. LBJ delayed the flight because he insisted on waiting for a federal judge to swear him in on the plane. Different wounds were reported from the hospital in Texas than those that were reported from Bethesda.

Also, Oswald did have some connection with the CIA. In my mind, I always thought LBJ had him killed because of his financial interest in Vietnam. Dallas was the only place he could get that done because it was the only place he had contacts. But Kennedy WAS getting ready to dismantle the CIA over the Bay of Pigs debacle. So, now I have to wonder if his killing weren't a joint mission between LBJ and the CIA.

I believe Oswald could have killed him and likely did. I don't believe he acted alone and was killed to silence him because he knew too much. Without some greater motivation than Oswald would have had alone, I don't think he would have been involved. And I don't think a strip club owner was invested in a president enough to kill him, unless he had been brought in to get the job done by someone like LBJ or the CIA. I don't think Jack Ruby banked on dying in prison.

we know for sure Oswald worked for the CIA and ONI because of declassified records done by the ARRB in the 90's. Till then researchers could only speculate about that but now we have proof through it in the national archives after they discovered, he did indeed work for him.No surprise since his uncle was a mobster and the mafia worked for the CIA.

the facts that prove oswald innocent of the crime is there were filme with still photos taekn seconds before,during,and after the shooting and oswald is not seen in that window.Here take a look.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RDkgTOMYWa0]JFK Assassination : The Dillard Photos Of The Texas School Book Depository Building - YouTube[/ame]

also two of the school book depository employees were going down the stairs after they heard the shots in the same time frame that oswald went down them and they never saw oswald going down those steps so the warren commission altered their testimonys of the time frame they said they went down.they were harrassed and intimidated for many months by authorities for refusing to change their testimonys..

also you forget to mention the rifle they found was a piece of crap with the scope badly misalined and the shims totally out of place and there was a tree in the way blocking his view. like oswald is going to wait to not shoot him on houston street where he is coming towards him with a much better shot and an unobstruced view and wait till he goes AWAY from him.a more difficult shot itself,WITH an obstructed view.:lol:

all of that clears oswald.

also 3 FBI marksmen tried to stimulate his shots and none of them could do it despite doing with at a NON MOVING TARGET and they had the windown opened ALL the way up as you can see from their stimulations,where as that window shows,its only partically open,not to mention,they cut down the tree that was blaocking oswald view as well.:lol:

A rifle like that one was tested and it was shown capable of doing the job. Saw it on Hi2. We really don't know know WHEN Oswald left the building. He may have waited to be sure the stairs were clear. Also, an empty window doesn't mean anything. Doesn't mean he was never in it. Anyway, he was found hiding nearby. And innocent people don't tend to hide in empty theaters. According to time lines, he also shot the police officer after he shot Kennedy. He was not apprehended immediately after either shooting. AND he was seen acting strangely by a store owner. At some point, he ducked into the vestibule of a store and pretended to be window shopping.

I believe he did it. But I also believe someone else hired him.

You may believe it but like the warren commission,you have no proof though. Im not saying it wasnt capable, but the one Oswald used,WAS incapable though.It was a piece of crap with a scope badly misalined and the shims very much out of wack at the time,thats evidence right there would not hold up in court.

Oh and actually we DO know when Oswald left the building.I cant remember the witness's name,but she worked in the texas school book despository and she said she saw him walk out the front door about 10 minutes or so after the assassination I believe.funny he would walk out the front door in front of a bunch of cops after allegedly shooting the president instead of using the backdoor.:lol:

again,the empty window seen in that pic doesn show ANY figure in it which you would see and it doest shot a puff of smoke emerging like it would not a muzzle flash like it would,both chararistices witnesses witnessed at the grassy knoll.

Oh and your apparently not aware of the two lady school book depository ladies who ran down the stairs according to them in the timeframe they said they went down and they NEVER saw oswald going down those stairs either in the timeframe they went down which was the same tiem frame the warren commission said oswald went down,that alone proves oswald innocent is there testimony.they were harrassed and threatened to change their storys and again,many witnesses were harrassed and threatened to change their witness testimonys,a crime itself the warren commission members should have gone to jail for.they altered many of them,thats a crime darlin. altering those two ladies testimonys to try and frame someone is a crime doll.a crime that does not holp up in a court of law.

the case against oswald is flimsy as hell.hang on a second.I'll find that story of the two ladies who were threated and harrassed to change their testimonys that they went down the stairs a different time than oswald so they could frame oswald.

Read the paragraphs below.These two women Sandra Styles and Victoris Adams went down the stairs from the 4th floor after the shots were fired and according to the warren commissions timeframe,Oswald would had to pass them and they never saw him pass her.they also INSISTED the warren commission altered their testimonys,something they did with MANY witnesses which itself is a crime the commission members should have gone to jail for.

And it was through Lane’s book that Barry was introduced to the heroine of the second story he will tell. That second story is about the plight of one of these ordinary people who was swept up by events: Victoria Adams, the notable “girl on the stairs.” She was an employee who worked in the same building as one Lee Harvey Oswald. The problem caused by her presence is very simple and easily summarized. Adams, along with her friend Sandra Styles, stood on the fourth floor of the Texas School Book Depository at the moment of the murder. She testified to hearing three shots, which from her vantage point appeared to be coming from the right of the building (i.e., from the grassy knoll). She and Styles then ran to the stairs to head down. This was the only set of stairs that went all the way to the top of the building. Both she and her friend took them down to the ground floor. She did not see or hear Oswald. Yet, she should have if he were on the sixth floor traveling downwards. Which is what the Commission said he did after he shot Kennedy.

This is the first problem, in a nutshell. Why did Adams not see a scrambling Oswald, flying down the stairs in pursuit of his Coca-Cola? Because of the Warren Commission’s timeline, we know Oswald had to have gone down the stairs during this period in order to be accosted in time by a motorcycle policeman. In addition, as we are later to discover, Adams also reports seeing Jack Ruby on the corner of Houston and Elm, “questioning people as though he were a policeman.”

From here the parallel stories broaden out. For Barry began to read more books critical of the Commission. And he would then compare what was in these books with the testimony and evidence in the 26 volumes. Like many people before him, he found something rather disturbing: the evidence and testimony did not completely back up the summary conclusions in the Warren Report. The Commission had selectively chosen evidence to make their case. And they had deliberately tried to discredit witnesses and testimony that contradicted their guilty verdict about Oswald. And the witness that they did this to that really kindled Barry’s curiosity was Victoria Adams. As the author writes at the end of Chapter 1, “What if she was right?”

Adams did not find the government eager to hear her story. This is why they badgered her day and night: the FBI, Secret Service, Dallas Police, and the Sheriff’s Department. And Victoria noticed something discriminatory about all the attention she was getting: the other witnesses in her office did not receive it, e.g., Sandy Styles who ran down the stairs with her, or Elsie Dorman or Dorothy May Garner who watched the motorcade with her.

The attention didn’t stop. In fact, even when she moved to a different address these agents followed her. Even though she had left no forwarding address and her new apartment was not in her name. But they still found her. They followed her when she went to lunch. They followed her when she walked around town. When she sent a letter to a friend in San Francisco describing what she saw and did that day as a witness, the friend never got the letter. The question they posed was always the same: When did you run down the stairs after the shooting?

Then, another odd thing happened. When David Belin and the Warren Commission requested her to testify, it was her alone. Sandra Styles was not with her. In fact, Barry could find no evidence that the Commission questioned Styles at all. Further, during her appearance, Belin had handed her a diagram of the first floor of the Texas School Book Depository, the place where she and Oswald worked at that time. He asked her to point out where she saw two other employees (i.e., William Shelley and Billy Lovelady) when she arrived at the bottom of the stairway. When Barry went to look up this exhibit in the Commission volumes—Commission Exhibit 496—he discovered something odd. It was not the document in the testimony. It was a copy of the application form Oswald filled out for his job at the Depository.

Further, although Styles did not testify that day, or at all, both Lovelady and Shelley did. And as Barry read their testimony it appeared to him that the Commission was making use of them to discredit Adams. Commission lawyer Joe Ball made sure he asked Shelley when and if he saw Adams after the shooting. And when Barry read Lovelady’s testimony his mouth flew open. Lovelady brought up Adams’ name before Ball did! And he called her by her nickname, “Vickie.” Barry was puzzled as to what prompted this spontaneous reference to Adams. Did Lovelady know in advance that Ball was going to specifically ask about her?

Indeed, when she read her own testimony in the Warren Commission—and the Commission’s use of it—Adams was startled to find major discrepancies, including the time interval as to when she started down the stairs after she heard the shots. This began for her a lifelong burden of living in the shadows, avoiding any publicity dealing with her testimony or her treatment at the hands of the Commission. When her employer, publishing house Scott Foresman, offered her a chance to transfer out of Dallas to Chicago in 1966, she took it. (p. 35) While there, she actually now began to read the Warren Report. She now noted what they had done with Lovelady and Shelley. This stupefied her. Because she did not recall seeing either man after she and Styles arrived on the first floor. (p. 36)

so much for the EVIDENCE that oswald fired killed kennedy.:lol::lol: oh and dont forget,nitrate tests down on his cheek tested NEGATIVE. anyone trying to prove oswald had anything to do with it in a HONEST government and courtroom which we havent had in DECADES,would be laughed out of that court in a minute.:lmao:
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He did go to Russia. He renounced his American citizenship, but Russia wouldn't take him. But I really think he was a paid hit man. His loyalty issues made the perfect duck blind for whomever paid him. After seeing the report that said the 'magic bullet' could have hit the governor if he was sitting closer to the middle of the seat, and finding that pic of him nearer the middle, I have to wonder if he knew someone was going to kill Kennedy and wanted out of the line of fire.

that is a right if you want to change your status to american national. Nothing what so ever to condemn anyone for since the right and the procedure are spelled out in the federal code.
we know for sure Oswald worked for the CIA and ONI because of declassified records done by the ARRB in the 90's. Till then researchers could only speculate about that but now we have proof through it in the national archives after they discovered, he did indeed work for him.No surprise since his uncle was a mobster and the mafia worked for the CIA.

the facts that prove oswald innocent of the crime is there were filme with still photos taekn seconds before,during,and after the shooting and oswald is not seen in that window.Here take a look.

JFK Assassination : The Dillard Photos Of The Texas School Book Depository Building - YouTube

also two of the school book depository employees were going down the stairs after they heard the shots in the same time frame that oswald went down them and they never saw oswald going down those steps so the warren commission altered their testimonys of the time frame they said they went down.they were harrassed and intimidated for many months by authorities for refusing to change their testimonys..

also you forget to mention the rifle they found was a piece of crap with the scope badly misalined and the shims totally out of place and there was a tree in the way blocking his view. like oswald is going to wait to not shoot him on houston street where he is coming towards him with a much better shot and an unobstruced view and wait till he goes AWAY from him.a more difficult shot itself,WITH an obstructed view.:lol:

all of that clears oswald.

also 3 FBI marksmen tried to stimulate his shots and none of them could do it despite doing with at a NON MOVING TARGET and they had the windown opened ALL the way up as you can see from their stimulations,where as that window shows,its only partically open,not to mention,they cut down the tree that was blaocking oswald view as well.:lol:

A rifle like that one was tested and it was shown capable of doing the job. Saw it on Hi2. We really don't know know WHEN Oswald left the building. He may have waited to be sure the stairs were clear. Also, an empty window doesn't mean anything. Doesn't mean he was never in it. Anyway, he was found hiding nearby. And innocent people don't tend to hide in empty theaters. According to time lines, he also shot the police officer after he shot Kennedy. He was not apprehended immediately after either shooting. AND he was seen acting strangely by a store owner. At some point, he ducked into the vestibule of a store and pretended to be window shopping.

I believe he did it. But I also believe someone else hired him.

When that do-do bird answers you, ask him why Oswald left work in the middle of the day, why he took a bus, then a taxi. Why he went home to get a revolver, sheded his jacket, shot a cop, and hid in a theater if he was innocent.

And while your at it, ask about where these supposed curtain rods are...you know, the ones he says he was carrying into the office that day?

probly dodging a traffic warrant

holding the curtains
we know for sure Oswald worked for the CIA and ONI because of declassified records done by the ARRB in the 90's. Till then researchers could only speculate about that but now we have proof through it in the national archives after they discovered, he did indeed work for him.No surprise since his uncle was a mobster and the mafia worked for the CIA.

the facts that prove oswald innocent of the crime is there were filme with still photos taekn seconds before,during,and after the shooting and oswald is not seen in that window.Here take a look.

JFK Assassination : The Dillard Photos Of The Texas School Book Depository Building - YouTube

also two of the school book depository employees were going down the stairs after they heard the shots in the same time frame that oswald went down them and they never saw oswald going down those steps so the warren commission altered their testimonys of the time frame they said they went down.they were harrassed and intimidated for many months by authorities for refusing to change their testimonys..

also you forget to mention the rifle they found was a piece of crap with the scope badly misalined and the shims totally out of place and there was a tree in the way blocking his view. like oswald is going to wait to not shoot him on houston street where he is coming towards him with a much better shot and an unobstruced view and wait till he goes AWAY from him.a more difficult shot itself,WITH an obstructed view.:lol:

all of that clears oswald.

also 3 FBI marksmen tried to stimulate his shots and none of them could do it despite doing with at a NON MOVING TARGET and they had the windown opened ALL the way up as you can see from their stimulations,where as that window shows,its only partically open,not to mention,they cut down the tree that was blaocking oswald view as well.:lol:

A rifle like that one was tested and it was shown capable of doing the job. Saw it on Hi2. We really don't know know WHEN Oswald left the building. He may have waited to be sure the stairs were clear. Also, an empty window doesn't mean anything. Doesn't mean he was never in it. Anyway, he was found hiding nearby. And innocent people don't tend to hide in empty theaters. According to time lines, he also shot the police officer after he shot Kennedy. He was not apprehended immediately after either shooting. AND he was seen acting strangely by a store owner. At some point, he ducked into the vestibule of a store and pretended to be window shopping.

I believe he did it. But I also believe someone else hired him.

You may believe it but like the warren commission,you have no proof though. Im not saying it wasnt capable, but the one Oswald used,WAS incapable though.It was a piece of crap with a scope badly misalined and the shims very much out of wack at the time,thats evidence right there would not hold up in court.

Oh and actually we DO know when Oswald left the building.I cant remember the witness's name,but she worked in the texas school book despository and she said she saw him walk out the front door about 10 minutes or so after the assassination I believe.funny he would walk out the front door in front of a bunch of cops after allegedly shooting the president instead of using the backdoor.:lol:

again,the empty window seen in that pic doesn show ANY figure in it which you would see and it doest shot a puff of smoke emerging like it would not a muzzle flash like it would,both chararistices witnesses witnessed at the grassy knoll.

Oh and your apparently not aware of the two lady school book depository ladies who ran down the stairs according to them in the timeframe they said they went down and they NEVER saw oswald going down those stairs either in the timeframe they went down which was the same tiem frame the warren commission said oswald went down,that alone proves oswald innocent is there testimony.they were harrassed and threatened to change their storys and again,many witnesses were harrassed and threatened to change their witness testimonys,a crime itself the warren commission members should have gone to jail for.they altered many of them,thats a crime darlin. altering those two ladies testimonys to try and frame someone is a crime doll.a crime that does not holp up in a court of law.

the case against oswald is flimsy as hell.hang on a second.I'll find that story of the two ladies who were threated and harrassed to change their testimonys that they went down the stairs a different time than oswald so they could frame oswald.

Read the paragraphs below.These two women Sandra Styles and Victoris Adams went down the stairs from the 4th floor after the shots were fired and according to the warren commissions timeframe,Oswald would had to pass them and they never saw him pass her.they also INSISTED the warren commission altered their testimonys,something they did with MANY witnesses which itself is a crime the commission members should have gone to jail for.

And it was through Lane’s book that Barry was introduced to the heroine of the second story he will tell. That second story is about the plight of one of these ordinary people who was swept up by events: Victoria Adams, the notable “girl on the stairs.” She was an employee who worked in the same building as one Lee Harvey Oswald. The problem caused by her presence is very simple and easily summarized. Adams, along with her friend Sandra Styles, stood on the fourth floor of the Texas School Book Depository at the moment of the murder. She testified to hearing three shots, which from her vantage point appeared to be coming from the right of the building (i.e., from the grassy knoll). She and Styles then ran to the stairs to head down. This was the only set of stairs that went all the way to the top of the building. Both she and her friend took them down to the ground floor. She did not see or hear Oswald. Yet, she should have if he were on the sixth floor traveling downwards. Which is what the Commission said he did after he shot Kennedy.

This is the first problem, in a nutshell. Why did Adams not see a scrambling Oswald, flying down the stairs in pursuit of his Coca-Cola? Because of the Warren Commission’s timeline, we know Oswald had to have gone down the stairs during this period in order to be accosted in time by a motorcycle policeman. In addition, as we are later to discover, Adams also reports seeing Jack Ruby on the corner of Houston and Elm, “questioning people as though he were a policeman.”

From here the parallel stories broaden out. For Barry began to read more books critical of the Commission. And he would then compare what was in these books with the testimony and evidence in the 26 volumes. Like many people before him, he found something rather disturbing: the evidence and testimony did not completely back up the summary conclusions in the Warren Report. The Commission had selectively chosen evidence to make their case. And they had deliberately tried to discredit witnesses and testimony that contradicted their guilty verdict about Oswald. And the witness that they did this to that really kindled Barry’s curiosity was Victoria Adams. As the author writes at the end of Chapter 1, “What if she was right?”

Adams did not find the government eager to hear her story. This is why they badgered her day and night: the FBI, Secret Service, Dallas Police, and the Sheriff’s Department. And Victoria noticed something discriminatory about all the attention she was getting: the other witnesses in her office did not receive it, e.g., Sandy Styles who ran down the stairs with her, or Elsie Dorman or Dorothy May Garner who watched the motorcade with her.

The attention didn’t stop. In fact, even when she moved to a different address these agents followed her. Even though she had left no forwarding address and her new apartment was not in her name. But they still found her. They followed her when she went to lunch. They followed her when she walked around town. When she sent a letter to a friend in San Francisco describing what she saw and did that day as a witness, the friend never got the letter. The question they posed was always the same: When did you run down the stairs after the shooting?

Then, another odd thing happened. When David Belin and the Warren Commission requested her to testify, it was her alone. Sandra Styles was not with her. In fact, Barry could find no evidence that the Commission questioned Styles at all. Further, during her appearance, Belin had handed her a diagram of the first floor of the Texas School Book Depository, the place where she and Oswald worked at that time. He asked her to point out where she saw two other employees (i.e., William Shelley and Billy Lovelady) when she arrived at the bottom of the stairway. When Barry went to look up this exhibit in the Commission volumes—Commission Exhibit 496—he discovered something odd. It was not the document in the testimony. It was a copy of the application form Oswald filled out for his job at the Depository.

Further, although Styles did not testify that day, or at all, both Lovelady and Shelley did. And as Barry read their testimony it appeared to him that the Commission was making use of them to discredit Adams. Commission lawyer Joe Ball made sure he asked Shelley when and if he saw Adams after the shooting. And when Barry read Lovelady’s testimony his mouth flew open. Lovelady brought up Adams’ name before Ball did! And he called her by her nickname, “Vickie.” Barry was puzzled as to what prompted this spontaneous reference to Adams. Did Lovelady know in advance that Ball was going to specifically ask about her?

Indeed, when she read her own testimony in the Warren Commission—and the Commission’s use of it—Adams was startled to find major discrepancies, including the time interval as to when she started down the stairs after she heard the shots. This began for her a lifelong burden of living in the shadows, avoiding any publicity dealing with her testimony or her treatment at the hands of the Commission. When her employer, publishing house Scott Foresman, offered her a chance to transfer out of Dallas to Chicago in 1966, she took it. (p. 35) While there, she actually now began to read the Warren Report. She now noted what they had done with Lovelady and Shelley. This stupefied her. Because she did not recall seeing either man after she and Styles arrived on the first floor. (p. 36)

so much for the EVIDENCE that oswald fired killed kennedy.:lol::lol: oh and dont forget,nitrate tests down on his cheek tested NEGATIVE. anyone trying to prove oswald had anything to do with it in a HONEST government and courtroom which we havent had in DECADES,would be laughed out of that court in a minute.:lmao:

God almighty. I'm not reading that wall of crap. Of course there is no proof he did it. He never went to trial. Duh. But all the known evidence points to him. And since I am old enough to vividly remember all the events of that day, I am certainly entitled to have my own opinion about what went down, and I do.

I'm not much of a conspiracy theorist but something seems strange about the JFK assassination to me. I believe Oswald was the only gunman to shoot that day. The evidence supports that now that we have advanced forensic investigation techniques.

What seems strange to me though is that you have Lee Harvey Oswald who was in the Marines stationed at what was probably a CIA outpost in the Far East, who eventually quit the Marine Corps to defect to Russia. Is allowed to defect by the Russians. Then after that becomes dis-enchanted with Russia, was moved to Minsk from Moscow. After that, he wants to return to the US, and is allowed to return.

All of this is going on during the height of the Cold War; after the Cuban Missile Crisis.

In the September before Kennedy goes to Dallas, Oswald goes to Mexico and visits the Cuban and Soviet consulates.

He returns and is all but ignored by the Secret Service, the FBI, and the CIA when the President comes to town?

It sure sounds fishy to me that there is a guy who defects, from one super power to the other then back again, and happens to be the guy who shoots the President.

You got a link to all that? cuz that's the first I heard he went to russia.

who was it in the car that screamed; They are going to kill us all!!

what an odd thing to say, once you've been shot.

but yea, Oswald could have easily been the only shooter.

anyone that's seen country folk or well trained soldiers shoot can tell you that.

hell, there was an investigation a few years back in Iraq b/c of all the head shots

connolly pretty much gave it away there yelling out oh my god,THEY are going to kill us all.i:lol: connolly when he got struck as well,he panick and his mind was obviously thinking-man their not going to just kill kennedy,their going to kill us all hense saying out loud oh my god they're going to kill us ALL!!!!!!:lol::lol:

connolly in fact changed his story from his hospital bed about the way he was killed to fit their version.
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A rifle like that one was tested and it was shown capable of doing the job. Saw it on Hi2. We really don't know know WHEN Oswald left the building. He may have waited to be sure the stairs were clear. Also, an empty window doesn't mean anything. Doesn't mean he was never in it. Anyway, he was found hiding nearby. And innocent people don't tend to hide in empty theaters. According to time lines, he also shot the police officer after he shot Kennedy. He was not apprehended immediately after either shooting. AND he was seen acting strangely by a store owner. At some point, he ducked into the vestibule of a store and pretended to be window shopping.

I believe he did it. But I also believe someone else hired him.

You may believe it but like the warren commission,you have no proof though. Im not saying it wasnt capable, but the one Oswald used,WAS incapable though.It was a piece of crap with a scope badly misalined and the shims very much out of wack at the time,thats evidence right there would not hold up in court.

Oh and actually we DO know when Oswald left the building.I cant remember the witness's name,but she worked in the texas school book despository and she said she saw him walk out the front door about 10 minutes or so after the assassination I believe.funny he would walk out the front door in front of a bunch of cops after allegedly shooting the president instead of using the backdoor.:lol:

again,the empty window seen in that pic doesn show ANY figure in it which you would see and it doest shot a puff of smoke emerging like it would not a muzzle flash like it would,both chararistices witnesses witnessed at the grassy knoll.

Oh and your apparently not aware of the two lady school book depository ladies who ran down the stairs according to them in the timeframe they said they went down and they NEVER saw oswald going down those stairs either in the timeframe they went down which was the same tiem frame the warren commission said oswald went down,that alone proves oswald innocent is there testimony.they were harrassed and threatened to change their storys and again,many witnesses were harrassed and threatened to change their witness testimonys,a crime itself the warren commission members should have gone to jail for.they altered many of them,thats a crime darlin. altering those two ladies testimonys to try and frame someone is a crime doll.a crime that does not holp up in a court of law.

the case against oswald is flimsy as hell.hang on a second.I'll find that story of the two ladies who were threated and harrassed to change their testimonys that they went down the stairs a different time than oswald so they could frame oswald.

Read the paragraphs below.These two women Sandra Styles and Victoris Adams went down the stairs from the 4th floor after the shots were fired and according to the warren commissions timeframe,Oswald would had to pass them and they never saw him pass her.they also INSISTED the warren commission altered their testimonys,something they did with MANY witnesses which itself is a crime the commission members should have gone to jail for.

And it was through Lane’s book that Barry was introduced to the heroine of the second story he will tell. That second story is about the plight of one of these ordinary people who was swept up by events: Victoria Adams, the notable “girl on the stairs.” She was an employee who worked in the same building as one Lee Harvey Oswald. The problem caused by her presence is very simple and easily summarized. Adams, along with her friend Sandra Styles, stood on the fourth floor of the Texas School Book Depository at the moment of the murder. She testified to hearing three shots, which from her vantage point appeared to be coming from the right of the building (i.e., from the grassy knoll). She and Styles then ran to the stairs to head down. This was the only set of stairs that went all the way to the top of the building. Both she and her friend took them down to the ground floor. She did not see or hear Oswald. Yet, she should have if he were on the sixth floor traveling downwards. Which is what the Commission said he did after he shot Kennedy.

This is the first problem, in a nutshell. Why did Adams not see a scrambling Oswald, flying down the stairs in pursuit of his Coca-Cola? Because of the Warren Commission’s timeline, we know Oswald had to have gone down the stairs during this period in order to be accosted in time by a motorcycle policeman. In addition, as we are later to discover, Adams also reports seeing Jack Ruby on the corner of Houston and Elm, “questioning people as though he were a policeman.”

From here the parallel stories broaden out. For Barry began to read more books critical of the Commission. And he would then compare what was in these books with the testimony and evidence in the 26 volumes. Like many people before him, he found something rather disturbing: the evidence and testimony did not completely back up the summary conclusions in the Warren Report. The Commission had selectively chosen evidence to make their case. And they had deliberately tried to discredit witnesses and testimony that contradicted their guilty verdict about Oswald. And the witness that they did this to that really kindled Barry’s curiosity was Victoria Adams. As the author writes at the end of Chapter 1, “What if she was right?”

Adams did not find the government eager to hear her story. This is why they badgered her day and night: the FBI, Secret Service, Dallas Police, and the Sheriff’s Department. And Victoria noticed something discriminatory about all the attention she was getting: the other witnesses in her office did not receive it, e.g., Sandy Styles who ran down the stairs with her, or Elsie Dorman or Dorothy May Garner who watched the motorcade with her.

The attention didn’t stop. In fact, even when she moved to a different address these agents followed her. Even though she had left no forwarding address and her new apartment was not in her name. But they still found her. They followed her when she went to lunch. They followed her when she walked around town. When she sent a letter to a friend in San Francisco describing what she saw and did that day as a witness, the friend never got the letter. The question they posed was always the same: When did you run down the stairs after the shooting?

Then, another odd thing happened. When David Belin and the Warren Commission requested her to testify, it was her alone. Sandra Styles was not with her. In fact, Barry could find no evidence that the Commission questioned Styles at all. Further, during her appearance, Belin had handed her a diagram of the first floor of the Texas School Book Depository, the place where she and Oswald worked at that time. He asked her to point out where she saw two other employees (i.e., William Shelley and Billy Lovelady) when she arrived at the bottom of the stairway. When Barry went to look up this exhibit in the Commission volumes—Commission Exhibit 496—he discovered something odd. It was not the document in the testimony. It was a copy of the application form Oswald filled out for his job at the Depository.

Further, although Styles did not testify that day, or at all, both Lovelady and Shelley did. And as Barry read their testimony it appeared to him that the Commission was making use of them to discredit Adams. Commission lawyer Joe Ball made sure he asked Shelley when and if he saw Adams after the shooting. And when Barry read Lovelady’s testimony his mouth flew open. Lovelady brought up Adams’ name before Ball did! And he called her by her nickname, “Vickie.” Barry was puzzled as to what prompted this spontaneous reference to Adams. Did Lovelady know in advance that Ball was going to specifically ask about her?

Indeed, when she read her own testimony in the Warren Commission—and the Commission’s use of it—Adams was startled to find major discrepancies, including the time interval as to when she started down the stairs after she heard the shots. This began for her a lifelong burden of living in the shadows, avoiding any publicity dealing with her testimony or her treatment at the hands of the Commission. When her employer, publishing house Scott Foresman, offered her a chance to transfer out of Dallas to Chicago in 1966, she took it. (p. 35) While there, she actually now began to read the Warren Report. She now noted what they had done with Lovelady and Shelley. This stupefied her. Because she did not recall seeing either man after she and Styles arrived on the first floor. (p. 36)

so much for the EVIDENCE that oswald fired killed kennedy.:lol::lol: oh and dont forget,nitrate tests down on his cheek tested NEGATIVE. anyone trying to prove oswald had anything to do with it in a HONEST government and courtroom which we havent had in DECADES,would be laughed out of that court in a minute.:lmao:

God almighty. I'm not reading that wall of crap. Of course there is no proof he did it. He never went to trial. Duh. But all the known evidence points to him. And since I am old enough to vividly remember all the events of that day, I am certainly entitled to have my own opinion about what went down, and I do.

all the known evidence points to him? a rifle thats a piece of crap with a scope badly misalined,the fact that he was spotted on the 2nd floor by one of the school book despository employees at 12:15,and bonnie ray williams a fellow employee said he was on the 6th floor eating his chicken sandwich till 12:20 yet he see's NOBODY there on the 6th floor when he leaves,and according to sandra styles and her coworker,they never see oswald go pass them while he is allegedly running down the stairs in the same time frame which the warren commission altered their testimonys of,a crime itself they should have gone to jail for.

amazing that you say the evidence points to him when he would have been extremely non chalent about about getting himself into position with less than 10 minutes left considering bonnie ray williams left at 12:20 never seeing anybody and the motorcade was suppose to arrive at 12:20 but was running ten minutes late. yet somehow oswald knew it would be running ten minutes late and he would take the chance that williams would leave giving him just less than 10 minutes to get into place to set it up not having a clue if willaims would leave or not.:lol: he did all of that instead of going up to the 7th floor where he wouldnt have to worry about anybody being there on that flloor.:lol:

Yep I would say the evidence points to him alright.:lol: the logic and common sense person would see there isnt a shread of evidence he was there.they would conclude oswald was on the second floor the whole entire time with the evidence there is.we got the lady employee saying she saw him in the 2nd floor at 12:15,bonnie ray williams saying he sees nobody in the 6th floor while he up there eating his chicken sandwich when he leaves,and oswald is then spotted 90 seconds after the assassination in the 2nd floor luncheon drinking a coke and amazingly not out of breath according to roy truely and officer baker after allegedly going down those flights of stairs in that time frame,never mind nobody was ever able to duplicate oswalds miracle feat of getting down there in that time frame not out of breath. Garrsions investigaters all tried it,none of them could do it in that time frame and they were all exhuasted.:D
Oh one more thing,the reason i posted that photo earlier of the 6th floor window is because the warren commission said they had a few witnesses that could place oswald in the 6th floor window.

Howard Brennan,their star witness they used as the most reliable,said he saw a man with a rifle firing out of the 6th floor window. Brennan was lying obviously because as you can see from that photo,there is NOBODY in that window.

Its pretty clear cut that Brennan was put under presssure harrassed and intimidated by authoritys to make up that story obviously in the fact his boss,his job forman,sandy speaker,told Jim Marrs-
-speaker-the took Brennan off for about 3 weeks.I dont know if they were secret service or FBI,but they were federal people.He came back a nervous wreck and within a year his hair had turned snow white.He wouldn't talk about the assassination after that.He was scared to death.They made him say what he wanted him to say.

which is pretty obvious since Brennan CLAIMS he saw a amn with a rifle in the 6th floor window and those photos show nobody in there and we know many other witnesses testimonys were changed and they were harrassed and intimidated just like Brennan.
801. Assassination of J.F.K. (11/25/2013)

Yesterday I posted a comment about JFK’s death in Yahoo news. Several minutes later, my comment disappeared from the news comment. I put it here.

You all fall into the trap the mastermind set up for you. Oswald, Johnson, Mafia, Castro….. Did they have ability to organize such a big plot? Think bigger. It is an organization that controls Secret Service, media, lawmakers, police force. That’s why after 50 years, people are still lose in dense fog.

1. Warren Commission was used to cover up the plot. Just like 911 commission used to cover up the truth of 911 attack.

2. Kill Kennedy family members to prevent them to re-gain political power to start a real investigation of J.F.K.’s death.

Robert Kennedy was assassinated when he joined the president campaign. Edward Kennedy suffered a scandal attack and had to drop the president campaign.

I also allege Kennedy’s wife Jacqueline Kennedy and his son John Fitzgerald Kennedy, Jr. were murdered because they had great political influence. I believe their death had connection to my story.

In early 1990s when I was still very innocent about US political system and believed it was a democratic society, I complained to a lot of people that I had become a murder target of the Feds. Then the Feds had a message to me: “So what, they (the Feds) even killed President Kennedy.” (see “17. They killed President Kennedy”) The intimidation hadn’t stopped my complaint but added “they killed President Kennedy” to the story.

As the Feds intensified the persecution, I left US twice. Each time Kennedy family lost an important member.

1. I left for China in 1994. Jacqueline died after I planned the China trip. I started to suspect it might relate to the intimidation from the Feds. It was too coincident.

2. Next time it was 1999 when I went to Hong Kong and planned to drift into South East Asia. I learned the death of Jr. Kennedy. It convinced my allegation – the Feds worry that I would reveal their crime of murdering President Kennedy, in abroad they were not able to control the media as they did in domestic US. To prevent a possible reaction from Kennedy family, they kill the main figures of the family in advance.

Edward Kennedy and Jacqueline Kennedy died of cancer. In my description, there were many murdering method through slow poison. The victim targeted were fed to sick gradually, when the time coming they only need to increase the dose to make the death like a natural one.

Jr. Kennedy was too young to die in this way. So he died in an accident. Long time ago when I started to learn something about the E.M. sleep wave, I had read such a news. Air Force lost a plane in a train. The commander center lost its trace. Sometime later, they found the wreckage in a far, far away mountain area. Apparently, the plane exhausted all its fuel and crashed there. Since the pilot was a black man. I thought it was a test to use sleep wave instrument as a weapon. When the pilot felt sleepy, he opened auto pilot instrument. He took a nod, hoping it could help him to overcome the sleepy but could never wake up. The sleeping wave was irresistible – to my experience. If you are driving a car, you may park your car at roadside before you go to sleep, but you can’t park a plane in the air.

I think Jr. Kennedy died in a similar murder plot.
801. Assassination of J.F.K. (11/25/2013)

Yesterday I posted a comment about JFK’s death in Yahoo news. Several minutes later, my comment disappeared from the news comment. I put it here.

You all fall into the trap the mastermind set up for you. Oswald, Johnson, Mafia, Castro….. Did they have ability to organize such a big plot? Think bigger. It is an organization that controls Secret Service, media, lawmakers, police force. That’s why after 50 years, people are still lose in dense fog.

1. Warren Commission was used to cover up the plot. Just like 911 commission used to cover up the truth of 911 attack.

2. Kill Kennedy family members to prevent them to re-gain political power to start a real investigation of J.F.K.’s death.

Robert Kennedy was assassinated when he joined the president campaign. Edward Kennedy suffered a scandal attack and had to drop the president campaign.

I also allege Kennedy’s wife Jacqueline Kennedy and his son John Fitzgerald Kennedy, Jr. were murdered because they had great political influence. I believe their death had connection to my story.

In early 1990s when I was still very innocent about US political system and believed it was a democratic society, I complained to a lot of people that I had become a murder target of the Feds. Then the Feds had a message to me: “So what, they (the Feds) even killed President Kennedy.” (see “17. They killed President Kennedy”) The intimidation hadn’t stopped my complaint but added “they killed President Kennedy” to the story.

As the Feds intensified the persecution, I left US twice. Each time Kennedy family lost an important member.

1. I left for China in 1994. Jacqueline died after I planned the China trip. I started to suspect it might relate to the intimidation from the Feds. It was too coincident.

2. Next time it was 1999 when I went to Hong Kong and planned to drift into South East Asia. I learned the death of Jr. Kennedy. It convinced my allegation – the Feds worry that I would reveal their crime of murdering President Kennedy, in abroad they were not able to control the media as they did in domestic US. To prevent a possible reaction from Kennedy family, they kill the main figures of the family in advance.

Edward Kennedy and Jacqueline Kennedy died of cancer. In my description, there were many murdering method through slow poison. The victim targeted were fed to sick gradually, when the time coming they only need to increase the dose to make the death like a natural one.

Jr. Kennedy was too young to die in this way. So he died in an accident. Long time ago when I started to learn something about the E.M. sleep wave, I had read such a news. Air Force lost a plane in a train. The commander center lost its trace. Sometime later, they found the wreckage in a far, far away mountain area. Apparently, the plane exhausted all its fuel and crashed there. Since the pilot was a black man. I thought it was a test to use sleep wave instrument as a weapon. When the pilot felt sleepy, he opened auto pilot instrument. He took a nod, hoping it could help him to overcome the sleepy but could never wake up. The sleeping wave was irresistible – to my experience. If you are driving a car, you may park your car at roadside before you go to sleep, but you can’t park a plane in the air.

I think Jr. Kennedy died in a similar murder plot.

RFK'S assassination was as much a joke as Jfk's was .same thing same story of facts that dont fit the governments explanation that the investigaters ignored. same with JFK,witnesses said that sirhan was in front of JFK the entire time and the films prove them correct,but more importantly,same with JFK,is the doctor examing him,who happened to be the worlds best pathologist no less,said he he had an entrance wound to the BACK of the head and then of course there were like 14 bullets that were photographed at the scene and later disaappeared being destroyed in the next few days and sirhans gun only held 8 bullets.:lol:
Where New JFK Evidence Points

By Jim DiEugenio

Global Research, November 20, 2013

After Oswald returned from Russia – receiving surprisingly little trouble despite his defection – he became friendly with the White Russian community in the Dallas/Fort Worth area. He then went to New Orleans in the summer of 1963. Numerous witnesses had testified to seeing him with former FBI agent Guy Banister or at Banister’s office at 544 Camp Street.

Where New JFK Evidence Points | Global Research

It reminds me of Tarmalan Tsarnayev. Both were used to infiltrate the Russian society (or Chechenya rebels.) When they were exposed (both rejected by Russian intelligence) they became scapegoats to take responsibility of the plot. Both have to die to keep the secret of their relationship to the US intelligence.
Where New JFK Evidence Points

By Jim DiEugenio

Global Research, November 20, 2013

After Oswald returned from Russia – receiving surprisingly little trouble despite his defection – he became friendly with the White Russian community in the Dallas/Fort Worth area. He then went to New Orleans in the summer of 1963. Numerous witnesses had testified to seeing him with former FBI agent Guy Banister or at Banister’s office at 544 Camp Street.

Where New JFK Evidence Points | Global Research

It reminds me of Tarmalan Tsarnayev. Both were used to infiltrate the Russian society (or Chechenya rebels.) When they were exposed (both rejected by Russian intelligence) they became scapegoats to take responsibility of the plot. Both have to die to keep the secret of their relationship to the US intelligence.

and you just HAD to resurrect this two week old dead thread to tell us that didnt you?:cuckoo:

I'm not much of a conspiracy theorist but something seems strange about the JFK assassination to me. I believe Oswald was the only gunman to shoot that day. The evidence supports that now that we have advanced forensic investigation techniques.

What seems strange to me though is that you have Lee Harvey Oswald who was in the Marines stationed at what was probably a CIA outpost in the Far East, who eventually quit the Marine Corps to defect to Russia. Is allowed to defect by the Russians. Then after that becomes dis-enchanted with Russia, was moved to Minsk from Moscow. After that, he wants to return to the US, and is allowed to return.

All of this is going on during the height of the Cold War; after the Cuban Missile Crisis.

In the September before Kennedy goes to Dallas, Oswald goes to Mexico and visits the Cuban and Soviet consulates.

He returns and is all but ignored by the Secret Service, the FBI, and the CIA when the President comes to town?

It sure sounds fishy to me that there is a guy who defects, from one super power to the other then back again, and happens to be the guy who shoots the President.

I believe that there very well could have been a conspiracy to kill Kennedy, lots of people had their reasons to. But I agree that Oswald was the lone gunman. there has been zero credible evidence otherwise.
I agree with virtually everything you posted here. This is what makes the Warren report seem so fishy . . . but all verifiable evidence pointed to Oswald as the shooter. And Oswald was a nutcase.

I understand that a large portion of the unreleased records from that day relate to FBI and CIA files on Oswald. Personally, I think Oswald was being "handled" by the agencies to infiltrate the pro-Castro Marxist organizations here in the U.S., but he got loose. The U.S. government would be minimally embarassed and possibly implicated in the death of a U.S. president.

Interesting take on it. When all of it finally comes out, it wouldn't surprise me to see that Oswald was on the payroll of the CIA for quite a while before he defected and when he came back but I doubt the CIA had the President killed. As you said, it would be an egg-on-the-face admission that one of the company men went off the reservation and killed the President.
When you sort out all the crazy conspiracy's that are out there and focus on some of the facts, you will soon awaken to the reality that Oswald could not have fired the fatal shot that day.

Not true. I have seen and heard extensive reports from ballistic experts and other professionals who have shown that Oswald not only could have made the shots, but in all likelyhood, did.
When you sort out all the crazy conspiracy's that are out there and focus on some of the facts, you will soon awaken to the reality that Oswald could not have fired the fatal shot that day.

There was a program on showing the testing of the rifle he used. It is possible to fire that particular rifle in quick enough succession to have gotten off the 3 shots. His military record showed him to be a good enough shot. The rifle had a scope. Hell, with a scope on a rifle I can shoot a can on a hillside, and the shoot it again as it rolls down the hillside. I've done that. And I don't consider myself a remarkable shooter at all.

The 'magic bullet' theory fails because of the way the people in the car were seated.

One broadcast, though, that is quite interesting is one I saw myself when it happened. Oswald being walked through the jail. News man say no one is allowed in without proper ID or press pass because they think someone is going to try to kill Oswald. Less than a minute after the words were out he was shot. Then someone says shooter was wearing brown coat and black hat and they thought he was SS. But SS had already split on Air Force One with the body and the Johnsons. And the shooter was wearing a light colored coat and hat.

Kennedy's cadaver was subject to Texas law, but the SS whisked it away with plans to take off as quickly as possible. LBJ delayed the flight because he insisted on waiting for a federal judge to swear him in on the plane. Different wounds were reported from the hospital in Texas than those that were reported from Bethesda.

Also, Oswald did have some connection with the CIA. In my mind, I always thought LBJ had him killed because of his financial interest in Vietnam. Dallas was the only place he could get that done because it was the only place he had contacts. But Kennedy WAS getting ready to dismantle the CIA over the Bay of Pigs debacle. So, now I have to wonder if his killing weren't a joint mission between LBJ and the CIA.

I believe Oswald could have killed him and likely did. I don't believe he acted alone and was killed to silence him because he knew too much. Without some greater motivation than Oswald would have had alone, I don't think he would have been involved. And I don't think a strip club owner was invested in a president enough to kill him, unless he had been brought in to get the job done by someone like LBJ or the CIA. I don't think Jack Ruby banked on dying in prison.

The jump-seats in the limo that Gov. Conally sat in line up perfectly according to one show I saw this weekend.

As for the CIA being involved someone would have to explain Cuba to me then; why was Cuba still allowed to be there; obviously pose a threat, monitor our airwaves, act as a logistical staging area for Lord knows what, etc.. etc...

It doesn't make sense to me that if the Hawks in the government wanted JFK dead that we would go to war and forget about Cuba.

I certanly don't buy that Oswald acted alone but I think he was the only gunman in Dallas on that day.

I don't doubt that there were forces behind Oswald. That is why he had to be taken out before he could talk. But Oswald definitely was the lone gunman.
Nixon in Dallas???

Fletcher Prouty Commentary - Sept

This article is from "People and the PURSUIT of the Truth" for June, 1978

This is the way the Warren Commission began. They had been appointed at the end of November. By the time of this January 27, 1964 meeting, they had seen and beard tons of FBI and Secret Service "opinions" and "findings." They were overwhelmed then, even as they started overwhelmed. This was exactly the way it ended. Kennedy was dead. Oswald was dead. The FBI and the Secret Service had "solved" the case. The Warren Commission was going to have to put its collective signatures on the verdict.

That is exactly what they did and not a bit more. That verdict, effectively dictated to them between November 30. 1963 and January 27, 1964 is still the vastest coverup of this century.

Nixon's Three Stories of Where He Was on November 22, 1963

In the first place, strange things which could scarcely all be coincidence happened even before JFK was killed. On the morning of November 22, 1963, the day Kennedy was killed the New York Times carried an item on a back page, It was datelined Dallas. And it said that ex-Vice-President Richard M. Nixon had made a speech in Dallas before a group of businessmen,

Not only did the Times carry that story on the very day JFK died, but Nixon was in Dallas the day Kennedy died, and it is very possible that he was still in Dallas at the moment Kennedy died. Despite all other reports to the contrary. And of course the thing that makes this so very important is that Nixon and others have for some reason tried to conceal that fact for more than twelve years.

By itself, this would not be important. Being in Dallas on November 22nd. 1963 does not make just anyone. for example, Nixon, a murderer; but the record of Nixon's visit to Dallas has been deliberately obscured. Let's pick three "official" versions of Nixon's actions that day and see how they compare and then what the differences may signify.

Story One

Not long after Kennedy was shot, Nixon wrote an unusually long article for the Reader's Digest. It appeared in the November 1964 issue under the strange title, "Cuba, Castro, and John F Kennedy." Prepared as it was by Nixon or for his signature and prepared for the massive worldwide audience of the August Reader's Digest, we are asked to believe that this is the factual account of what took place. Nixon says

"I urged, in a statement to the press [ Dallas on November 21 that the President and the vice-president be shown the respect to which their office entitled them."

Nixon added,

"I boarded a plane in Dallas on the morning of November 22 to New York. We arrived on schedule at 12:56. I hailed a cab. We were waiting for a light to change when a man ran over from the street corner and said that the President had just been shot in Dallas. This is the way that I learned the news."

Story Two

Now let's look at another Nixon account of the same day The November 1973 issue of Esquire magazine carried the following Nixon quote;

"I attended the Pepsi Cola convention [ in Dallas ]and left on Friday morning. November 22, from Love Field. Dallas, on a flight back to New York , . . on arrival in New York we caught a cab and headed for the city the cabbie missed a turn somewhere and we were off the highway . . . a woman came out of her house screaming and crying. I rolled down the cab window to ask what the matter was and when she saw my face she turned even paler. She told me that John Kennedy had just been shot in Dallas,"

Story Three

Now let's look at the "official" account from "The Day Kennedy was Shot, by Jim Bishop:"

"At Idlewild Airport now JFK Airport) in New York , reporters and photographers had been waiting for the American Airlines plane among (the passengers) was Nixon. As he got off the plane he thought that he would give 'the boys' basically the same interview he had granted in Dallas . Nixon posed for a few pictures . . . got into a taxi-cab was barely out of the airport when one of the reporters got the message: The President has been shot in Dallas."


Now let's compare these. Nixon was in Dallas on November 22. The versions agree that he took some plane out in the morning Bishop says it was American Airlines and that it went into Idlewild. Nixon says that it landed precisely at 12:56 nearly one half-hour after Kennedy had been shot. Certainly the crew would have heard over their radio that the president had been shot and would have told their passengers. Then Bishop says reporters and photographers were there. Certainly they too would have known about Kennedy's murder by then. Everyone else in the world did. Bishop says the photographers took pictures. Where are they?

Nixon says he traveled to New York from Dallas with a friend. Who? And what is his story?

Nixon says he got in a cab, presumably well after 12:56. What cabbie in New York City would have not known the news by then? And then Nixon tells a strange story. The first time a man ran out to the cab with the news, and the second time the cab was "lost" and a woman ran out screaming and crying the news. These different accounts do not hold water.

With all of this very contrived series of accounts it looks as though someone has been fabricating a cover-up of Nixon's actions that day. Why?

The True Story

Actually, Nixon was in Dallas when JFK was shot. On April 2nd 1975 a young man was listening to a talk at his school when he heard the lecturer tell about the Esquire account of Nixon's trip to Dallas, and how and when Nixon had learned about JFK's death. That young man then told the lecturer, "My father was an executive for the Pepsi Cola Company, and he was in Dallas on November 22nd 1963 at that convention. He has told me that Nixon was there in Dallas at the convention when the announcement was heard that JFK had been killed, Nixon left later that afternoon,"

This young man is the son of Mr. Harvey Russel of the Pepsi Cola Company. When Mr. Russel was informed of his son's account, he agreed that his son's story was true. Mr. Russel confirmed that Nixon was attending that meeting at the time the shots were fired. He added Nixon was there representing the Pepsi Cola Company's law firm Mudge, Rose, Nixon et al. The Dallas newspapers stated that Nixon was attending a board meeting.

Mr. Russel confirmed that the session Nixon was attending broke up when the assassination news came through. Nixon then returned to his hotel and later in the afternoon had been driven to the Dallas airport by a Mr. Deluca, also a Pepsi Cola official.

These surprising series of events and the manner in which they unfolded after all these years underscore that there was something unusual about Nixon's visit to Dallas. Telephone calls to Deluca and again to Russel did little more than highlight their growing concern over the inadvertent disclosure of this story.

Nixon in Dallas
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There was a program on showing the testing of the rifle he used. It is possible to fire that particular rifle in quick enough succession to have gotten off the 3 shots. His military record showed him to be a good enough shot. The rifle had a scope. Hell, with a scope on a rifle I can shoot a can on a hillside, and the shoot it again as it rolls down the hillside. I've done that. And I don't consider myself a remarkable shooter at all.

The 'magic bullet' theory fails because of the way the people in the car were seated.

One broadcast, though, that is quite interesting is one I saw myself when it happened. Oswald being walked through the jail. News man say no one is allowed in without proper ID or press pass because they think someone is going to try to kill Oswald. Less than a minute after the words were out he was shot. Then someone says shooter was wearing brown coat and black hat and they thought he was SS. But SS had already split on Air Force One with the body and the Johnsons. And the shooter was wearing a light colored coat and hat.

Kennedy's cadaver was subject to Texas law, but the SS whisked it away with plans to take off as quickly as possible. LBJ delayed the flight because he insisted on waiting for a federal judge to swear him in on the plane. Different wounds were reported from the hospital in Texas than those that were reported from Bethesda.

Also, Oswald did have some connection with the CIA. In my mind, I always thought LBJ had him killed because of his financial interest in Vietnam. Dallas was the only place he could get that done because it was the only place he had contacts. But Kennedy WAS getting ready to dismantle the CIA over the Bay of Pigs debacle. So, now I have to wonder if his killing weren't a joint mission between LBJ and the CIA.

I believe Oswald could have killed him and likely did. I don't believe he acted alone and was killed to silence him because he knew too much. Without some greater motivation than Oswald would have had alone, I don't think he would have been involved. And I don't think a strip club owner was invested in a president enough to kill him, unless he had been brought in to get the job done by someone like LBJ or the CIA. I don't think Jack Ruby banked on dying in prison.

The jump-seats in the limo that Gov. Conally sat in line up perfectly according to one show I saw this weekend.

As for the CIA being involved someone would have to explain Cuba to me then; why was Cuba still allowed to be there; obviously pose a threat, monitor our airwaves, act as a logistical staging area for Lord knows what, etc.. etc...

It doesn't make sense to me that if the Hawks in the government wanted JFK dead that we would go to war and forget about Cuba.

I certanly don't buy that Oswald acted alone but I think he was the only gunman in Dallas on that day.

I don't doubt that there were forces behind Oswald. That is why he had to be taken out before he could talk. But Oswald definitely was the lone gunman.

thats LIE czar for ya.:lol::lol::lol::lol:

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