JFK Assassination: Doesn't it seem strange???

Well one thing that came out of JFK's assassination was that it gave a home and and an unfailing source of pleasure for every nutty, drooling and shambling Conspiracy Theorist in America, of whom there seems to be millions and millions.

How much did your handlers pay you to come here and troll this thread with this aisnine posts of yours mr magic bullet theorist?:cuckoo:

your right about one thing though,the majority of americans arent stupid and remember what they were taught in junior high school science classes about the laws of physics where your head goes forward if he from behind. thats WHY 80% of americans dont accept the lies of warren commissions magic bullet theory anymore.:cuckoo:
Well one thing that came out of JFK's assassination was that it gave a home and and an unfailing source of pleasure for every nutty, drooling and shambling Conspiracy Theorist in America, of whom there seems to be millions and millions.

How much did your handlers pay you to come here and troll this thread with this aisnine posts of yours mr magic bullet theorist?:cuckoo:

your right about one thing though,the majority of americans arent stupid and remember what they were taught in junior high school science classes about the laws of physics where your head goes forward if he from behind. thats WHY 80% of americans dont accept the lies of warren commissions magic bullet theory anymore.:cuckoo:
the magic bullet was debunked decades ago so why do you still bring it up?

I'm not much of a conspiracy theorist but something seems strange about the JFK assassination to me. I believe Oswald was the only gunman to shoot that day. The evidence supports that now that we have advanced forensic investigation techniques.

What seems strange to me though is that you have Lee Harvey Oswald who was in the Marines stationed at what was probably a CIA outpost in the Far East, who eventually quit the Marine Corps to defect to Russia. Is allowed to defect by the Russians. Then after that becomes dis-enchanted with Russia, was moved to Minsk from Moscow. After that, he wants to return to the US, and is allowed to return.

All of this is going on during the height of the Cold War;

I stopped reading at the cold war mark: there was no cold war - just like democrat republican circus is rigged, so was the cold war - my proof to this is explained on one of my speeches:

video In the winter of 2007/8 I donated $100 to Ron Paul campaign and also $100 to Dennis Kucinich campaign, both anti war candidates. And then, few weeks or few months later, I saw Dennis Kucinich in the crowd among other law makers during George Bush's state of the union address, trying to reach out and shake Bush's hand. This is the guy, who was on stage fiercely criticizing Bush, calling him a war criminal. WHY would he be excited to shake hands with the war criminal?? Dennis Kucinich, I would like to hear an explanation from you. And if Dennis Kucinich is a fraud, we have to ask ourselves, how many more of these people on the establishment media, speaking out against establishment are a fraud as well?
And I want to remind you, that I am not on the establishment media, and I will never participate in any debates or discussions on that political prostitute stage and THAT is the DISTINCTION.
3 farts in a row from you dawgshit.

and one from fellow agent candyass also.:9::9::9::9:
If you are referring to the turd I think you are referring, my advice is just leave the turd alone as I do. that turd is attempting to insult me also, and if you touch it, it will only stink more.
"Merry Christmas" and a "Hurr! Hurr! Hurr!" to you too, Whackjob and Peeves.

Which one of you is Cheech, again?
I can't escape the feeling that, had Kennedy completed his term, he would have made a complete dog's breakfast of it. History may be treating him better than he would have deserved under different circumstances.

I'm not much of a conspiracy theorist but something seems strange about the JFK assassination to me. I believe Oswald was the only gunman to shoot that day. The evidence supports that now that we have advanced forensic investigation techniques.

What seems strange to me though is that you have Lee Harvey Oswald who was in the Marines stationed at what was probably a CIA outpost in the Far East, who eventually quit the Marine Corps to defect to Russia. Is allowed to defect by the Russians. Then after that becomes dis-enchanted with Russia, was moved to Minsk from Moscow. After that, he wants to return to the US, and is allowed to return.

All of this is going on during the height of the Cold War;

I stopped reading at the cold war mark: there was no cold war - just like democrat republican circus is rigged, so was the cold war - my proof to this is explained on one of my speeches:

video In the winter of 2007/8 I donated $100 to Ron Paul campaign and also $100 to Dennis Kucinich campaign, both anti war candidates. And then, few weeks or few months later, I saw Dennis Kucinich in the crowd among other law makers during George Bush's state of the union address, trying to reach out and shake Bush's hand. This is the guy, who was on stage fiercely criticizing Bush, calling him a war criminal. WHY would he be excited to shake hands with the war criminal?? Dennis Kucinich, I would like to hear an explanation from you. And if Dennis Kucinich is a fraud, we have to ask ourselves, how many more of these people on the establishment media, speaking out against establishment are a fraud as well?
And I want to remind you, that I am not on the establishment media, and I will never participate in any debates or discussions on that political prostitute stage and THAT is the DISTINCTION.

I stopped readin when you said "Ron Paul Campaign". There was no such thing.
I can't escape the feeling that, had Kennedy completed his term, he would have made a complete dog's breakfast of it. History may be treating him better than he would have deserved under different circumstances.

Its sort of like James Dean. He was a serviceable actor at best but because he died young he is seen as some sort of style counsel.
Why do I get the feeling that your feeling is not based in fact?

Perhaps attributable to your being 14 years old so not having been around to witness the downhill slide Kennedy's administration was enjoying at the time.
sorry chief but I'm 54..but thanks for playing!
btw unless you're say in your 70's or 80's you and I were far too young to notice any effect bad or good from kfk's foreshortened term in office.
sorry chief but I'm 54..but thanks for playing!
btw unless you're say in your 70's or 80's you and I were far too young to notice any effect bad or good from kfk's foreshortened term in office.

If you really were 54 rather than 14 you'd know that Kennedy's first name was John, not "Kevin" or "Kirk" or whatever you've been taught it might have been that begins with that "k".

Myself, I just made the cut in time to have voted for Goldwater. The whole Vietnam thing, therefore, is my fault. Because you Democrats told me that if I voted for Barry there'd be a land war in Asia.
sorry chief but I'm 54..but thanks for playing!
btw unless you're say in your 70's or 80's you and I were far too young to notice any effect bad or good from jfk's foreshortened term in office.

If you really were 54 rather than 14 you'd know that Kennedy's first name was John, not "Kevin" or "Kirk" or whatever you've been taught it might have been that begins with that "k".

Myself, I just made the cut in time to have voted for Goldwater. The whole Vietnam thing, therefore, is my fault. Because you Democrats told me that if I voted for Barry there'd be a land war in Asia.
oops ! crappy typing strikes again...
there was...no matter who you voted for.
I can't escape the feeling that, had Kennedy completed his term, he would have made a complete dog's breakfast of it. History may be treating him better than he would have deserved under different circumstances.

There is no doubt being assassinated made him into a martyr. even LBJ used this to his advantage. FOr some reason many people I have talked to seem to believe that JFK gave us the civil rights act. It was actually passed under LBJ who invoked the the memory of JFK to convince congress to pass the act. JFK himself did not have much luck passing it.

A close look at history of the early sixties shows that even opinion polls of the time do not show overwhelming support for JFK he was in fact a very controversial president who was not universally liked or loved. That is of course until he was murdered. Like many presidents he had support from his party but not many other Americans. Many Americans felt he stole the election from Nixon and did not forget or forgive this, again until he was murdered.

In fact the purpose for his trip to Texas was to try and heal the breach caused by infighting amongst the leaders of the democrtatic party in the state of Texas. This was crucial because he knew he had to carry Texas if he had any hope of being re-elected and his re-election was very much in doubt. No one really knows how it would have gone had he not been murdered but he was not a shoe in for another term at the time he died.
Kennedy's monkeying around in "civil rights" had alienated the vast majority of Democrats whose hearts were still with The Klan despite their outwardly having renounced their ties. By no means was it sure he could have been re-elected. Texas was only the tip of that iceberg.

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