JFK Assassination: Doesn't it seem strange???

Maybe a bit off topic,but I was wondering...Some sources say that Oswald qualified as a "marksman",and others say he qualified as a "sharpshooter" while in the marines.Which is it?
Either way,he was enough of a shot to shoot JFK.
Maybe a bit off topic,but I was wondering...Some sources say that Oswald qualified as a "marksman",and others say he qualified as a "sharpshooter" while in the marines.Which is it?
Either way,he was enough of a shot to shoot JFK.
my dad was a DI in the marines
most boot's earn a marksman ranking
Fundamental Rifle Marksmanship
Fundamental Rifle Marksmanship training introduces recruits to basic weapon operation.
Marine recruits undergo four progressive levels of marksmanship training during basic training. The first level is Fundamental Rifle Marksmanship (FRM). Through FRM training, Marines are taught the skills and attitude for safe and accurate rifle fire. They are taught breath control, weapon dynamics and how to use a service rifle from prone, sitting, kneeling and standing positions.

Basic Combat Marksmanship
To transition from marksmanship basics to greater proficiency as a combat marksman, Marines must next undergo Basic Combat Rife Marksmanship (BCRM) training. At the completion of BCRM, Marines are expected to be able to reload, speed reload, engage multiple targets and engage a moving target. At the end of BCRM training, Marines are tested on their weapons proficiency.

Intermediate Combat Marksmanship
During ICRM training, Marines improve basic combat shooting skills while learning how to fire accurately at night, fire at targets from an unknown distance and fire while moving forward.

Advanced Combat Marksmanship
As the title infers, ACRM training introduces advanced techniques that are especially relevant to the infantry Marine. ACRM fine tunes skills the recruit has mastered in previous weeks and incorporates any additional infantry-specific rifle training determined by the commander.

Marksmanship Qualification
At the end of BCRM training, recruits must qualify by shooting from prone, sitting, kneeling and standing positions at distances of 200, 300 and 500 yards. Recruits can earn up to 250 points during qualification, and must score at least 190 points to qualify as a marksman. Sharpshooter designation requires 210 points, and 220 points are necessary for expert designation. Additional qualifications outside basic training include marksman for 250 points, sharpshooter for 280 points and expert for 305 points. These qualification designations require shooting at 200, 300 and 500 yard distances as well as an additional tactical combat shoot. Recruits are given badges for each level of marksmanship accomplished.

Read more: Marine Corps Shooting Qualifications | eHow

Read more: Marine Corps Shooting Qualifications | eHow
Oswald was in the lunchroom at the time of the shooting. He also was a bad shot. Kennedy was shot from the front. Etc
Must I go on

Except Oswalds rifle (the one he bought) was found on the 6th floor with his prints on it and the bullets were tied to the gun. The curtain rods he brought into the building were never found but his rifle was.

Kennedy was shot from the rear otherwise you have to prove the wounds to Gov Conally were inflicted from the front as well.

We had this shit-brained moron here for a while that insisted on multiple message boards for upwards of 2 years that the driver shot Kennedy. So far, he's making more of a case that you are.

Do continue; I'm off for a while from work and the TV is showing re-runs of BB and the WD right now. I could use some entertainment and you're doing a great job.
The doctor who worked on Kennet said it came from the front. His head went back and to the left like it came from the grassy knoll.

That rifle could have been planted. Oswald wa sseen in the lunch room at the time of the shooting. He also was a bad shot

Have u ver shot a gun? I have. I know that te shot couldn't have come from the back. Maybe tere were two shooters but I form know
Oswald could not have shot JFK. Period. End of story. Whole Warren commission report theory collapses.
thats the understatement of the century.there has never been a shread of evidence that he had anything to do with it. parafin tests taken on his cheek came out negative.they dallas police could not find any palm print on the rifle until 2 days later after the assassination when the FBI had it in custody.the evidence proves they lifted it off his palm as well because the mortician complained after letting FBI agents in there to see him,when they came out,he had ink all over his hands and was mad cause he would have to redo and clean up the body all over again.proof that the FBI lifted it right there to put on the rifle obviously.

However there is overwhelming facts that prove there were multiple shooters there that day.not only did all the dallas doctors conclude both the throut and head shot wounds came from the front witnesses saw a gunman behind the picket fence firing a rifle as well.

you have a bullet hole in the chrome of the limo door,one that hit the windshield police officers said was an entrance shot,one that hit the manhole cover,one that hit a curb that was removed two days later and plastered over,one an FBI agent is picking up off the grass putting in his pocket walking away with.police officers Identified ALL of this,you can see it all in this short 40 minute video as well. which the disinfo agent thread starter of this thread and other agents on this thread never have any answers for. heck half the warren commission members did not believe oswald was the lone assassin.:cuckoo:

here is the video that proves multiple shooters there that day.

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Oswald was in the lunchroom at the time of the shooting. He also was a bad shot. Kennedy was shot from the front. Etc
Must I go on

He was spotted there 90 seconds after the shooting anyways not out of breath or anything.The thing that proves him innocent is the weapon they found was a piece of crap,the scope was bady misalinged,the shims way out of place,plue two witnesses were going down the stairs the exact same time he was going down according to their statements the warren commission altered their timef frame they went down the stairs which itself is crime they should have gone to jail for.they altered many witness testimonys,a crime.investigaters tried to dupicate oswalds feat of getting off 3 shots and getting down there in the same time frame oswald allegedly did.NONE of them could do it.

also the parade was running ten minutes behind suppose to be there at 12:20 and oswald was spotted on the 2nd floor by one of his co workers at 12:15 so he would have been VERY non chalant about getting into place to do the shooting.:cuckoo: having no way of knowing the parade route was running late,i would say he VERY non chalent about getting into place.:cuckoo: oh and that doesnt evn cover the fatc one of his co workers was on the 6th floor as well having eating his lunch and was there till 12:20 yet he never saw oswald who gain,ahd no way of knowing the parade route was late and wouldnt be there at 12:20:cuckoo: having no way of knowing if that coworker was goint to leave either,he sure as hell would have chosen the 7th floor window where it was vacant instead of the 6th floor.:cuckoo:

this thread starter troll always ignores all those facts.
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He was spotted right before the shooting and right after...

I am a Proud Libertarian and supporter of Rand Paul 2016. My political idol is Ron Paul. I use common sense.
If it was Oswald it doesn't matter 'cause he's dead.

If it was Johnson (contractor) it doesn't matter 'cause he's dead.

If it was Obama then had a gun where? In his diaper? That, of course DOES leave him open to suspicion.
Oswald was in the lunchroom at the time of the shooting. He also was a bad shot. Kennedy was shot from the front. Etc
Must I go on

He was spotted on the second floor lunch room at 12:15 by a coworker drinking a coke and was seen there as well 90 seconds later drinking that same coke,plus one of the coworkers was on the 6th floor till 12:20 eating his sandwhich and he saw NOBODY that whole time.considering the motorcade was running 10 minutes late and wasnt there at 12:20 like it was suppose to be,the evidence proves oswald innocent.that he was there the whole time.
The doctor who worked on Kennet said it came from the front. His head went back and to the left like it came from the grassy knoll.

That rifle could have been planted. Oswald wa sseen in the lunch room at the time of the shooting. He also was a bad shot

Have u ver shot a gun? I have. I know that te shot couldn't have come from the back. Maybe tere were two shooters but I form know

this thread starter troll has is just that.there was a vietnam expertmarkemsn who wrotea book about it who served in vietnam and was the top notch marksmen in the whole entire army with 93 confiremd sniper kills.he knew when the warren commission came out it was fiction knowing he had NEVER seen a victem of his that he killed shot from behind,that there head ever went backwards when shot from the back.:cuckoo:
He was spotted right before the shooting and right after...

I am a Proud Libertarian and supporter of Rand Paul 2016. My political idol is Ron Paul. I use common sense.

yeah many people here have been brainwashed into believing Obama is any different than Bush or romney any different than Obama.:cuckoo: I tip my cap off to you for voting for ron paul but I trust his son Rand about as far as i can spit. Rand unlike Ron,endorced Romney for the nomination and recently he met up wih Karl Rove to recieve canpan contributions.I am afraid he has sold out his father and the american people. thats why I am sticking with gary johnson who has similair views that Ron Had.
Maybe a bit off topic,but I was wondering...Some sources say that Oswald qualified as a "marksman",and others say he qualified as a "sharpshooter" while in the marines.Which is it?
Either way,he was enough of a shot to shoot JFK.

the facts prove he could not have done it with the weapon he had that day in the fact it was a piece of crap.this also proves he was pretty much a lousy shot.

Lee Harvey Oswald’s Marksmanship

Posted in Blog, Lee Harvey Oswald | 0 comments

Lee Harvey Oswald shot JFK…or did he? Was his marksmanship good enough to pull this off?

Facts – You Decide

No one has ever duplicated the marksmanship attributed to Oswald.

The CBS Reenactment Test

CBS news did a reenactment in 1967 involving several expert riflemen firing from a 60 foot tower at a moving sled using a similar Mannlicher-Carcano rifle.

None of these expert riflemen hit the target twice on their first try and 7 of them failed to do so on any try.

They also were able to fire several practice rounds before the test.

Warren Commission Tests

The Warren Commission’s tests were equally bad. The WC paid 3 expert riflemen to duplicate Oswald’s alleged feat. These shooters fired 18 rounds using Oswald’s gun and scope.

They fired 3 rounds with just the iron sites. These shooters missed the head and neck area of the target 18 out of 18 times using the telescopic sight and 2 out of 3 times when they used the iron sites.

Some of the shots missed the target completely. They were able to take as long as they wanted for the first shot. They were firing from a height of only 30 feet. Oswald fired from a height of 60 feet. They were also shooting at stationary targets instead of a moving limousine.

Oswald’s Marine Background

Former Marines recall that Oswald was a poor shot.

Nelson Delgado said Oswald on the firing line was “a pretty big joke” because he got a lot of complete misses.

Delgado told researcher Mark Lane that Oswald just was not that interested in guns. He was always being penalized for not taking proper care of his rifle or cleaning it regularly.

Sherman Cooley, another Marine, said “If I had to pick one man in the entire United States to shoot me, I’d pick Oswald. I saw the man shoot. There’s no way he could have ever learned to shoot well enough to do what they accused him of doing in Dallas.”

Henry Hurt, author of “Reasonable Doubt” interviewed many of Oswald’s fellow Marines. Hurt said “On the subject of Oswald’s shooting ability, there was virtually no exception to Delgado’s opinion that it was laughable.

Many of the Marines said that Oswald had a certain lack of coordination that they felt was responsible for the fact that he had difficulty learning to shoot.”

More Facts

When he was a member of a hunting club in Minsk, Russia Oswald’s fellow members considered him a bad marksman.

Craig Roberts was a former Marine sniper who later wrote a book on the JFK assassination called “Kill Zone.” Roberts visited the 6th floor window of the Texas School Book Depository and instantly realized that Oswald could not have performed the shooting feat because he knew that he himself could not. And he was a professional.

Roberts interviewed Sergeant Carlos Hathcock, the former senior instructor at the Marines Corps Sniper Instruction School at Quantico, Virginia. Roberts asked Hathcock if he thought Oswald could have done what the Warren Commission said he did. Hathcock said no.

Hathcock reconstructed the assassination at Quantico: the angle, moving target, time limit etc. he told Roberts, “I don’t know how many times we tried it, but we couldn’t duplicate what the Warren Commission said Oswald did.

Again, we are talking about professionals. Men who completely outclass Oswald in raw shooting ability. But further, these are professional assassins who practice their skills almost daily.”

Dean Andrews, an attorney in New Orleans who met Oswald testified before the Warren Commission.

Andrews said “I know good and well Oswald did not kill the President. With that weapon, he couldn’t have been capable of making 3 controlled shots in that short time. I am basing my opinion on 5 years as an ordnance man in the Navy.

You just don’t pick up a rifle or a pistol or whatever weapon you are using and stay proficient with it. You have to know what you are doing. This boy could have connived the deal, but I think he is a patsy.”

I can understand your confusion though because early on with some very extensive training,he barely qualified as a sharpshooter with some very extensive traning which was not hard for a marine to with that kind of extensive training.However when he got out of training,his last testing in 1959,he barley qualified as a marksmen which is bad shot.

as you just saw above,all his marine buddies said he had maggie drawers, meaning he was normally known as being a bad shot.:lol:

Oswald’s Marine Rifle Marksmanship Scores

In the late 1950s, US Marines were categorised at three levels of shooting ability, according to the scores they achieved at a standardised test of their accuracy:
1.Expert: a score of 220 to 250.
2.Sharpshooter: 210 to 219.
3.Marksman: 190 to 209.

According to his Marine score card (Commission Exhibit 239), Oswald was tested twice:
1.In December 1956, after “a very intensive 3 weeks’ training period” (Warren Commission Hearings, vol.11, p.302), Oswald scored 212: two marks above the minimum for a ‘sharpshooter’.
2.In May 1959, he scored 191: one mark above the minimum for a ‘marksman’.

Colonel Allison Folsom interpreted the results for the Warren Commission:

The Marine Corps consider that any reasonable application of the instructions given to Marines should permit them to become qualified at least as a marksman. To become qualified as a sharpshooter, the Marine Corps is of the opinion that most Marines with a reasonable amount of adaptability to weapons firing can become so qualified. Consequently, a low marksman qualification indicates a rather poor “shot” and a sharpshooter qualification indicates a fairly good “shot”.

(Warren Commission Hearings, vol.19, pp.17f)

Folsom agreed with his (not her) questioner that Oswald “was not a particularly outstanding shot” (Warren Commission Hearings, vol.8, p.311).

Lee Harvey Oswald’s Rifle Practice

The Quality of Oswald’s Rifles
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