JFK wouldn't be a Democrap today

JFK also signed by Executive Order the creation of the thing the wingnuts today call the Gestapo-like security force, you know, the Beckian labeled brownshirts known as

The Peace Corps.

Well it sure should be easy for you to find someone who made such a quote about the peace corps, we'll wait for you to provide it......waiting..........still waiting.......is it June yet?.............waiting..

BTW, is it Peace corps or pronounced Peace Corpse? The smartest man in the WH said the latter so I just want to make sure.
You mean besides Glenn Beck?

When Obama does it, anyway.

FactCheck.org : Obama’s ‘National Security Force?’

You said Peace corpse, oops that was Obama, you said peace corps.......waiting.....waiting...

Did you hear what Obama said about his "National Security Force?" No, I will bet you didn't.
Well it sure should be easy for you to find someone who made such a quote about the peace corps, we'll wait for you to provide it......waiting..........still waiting.......is it June yet?.............waiting..

BTW, is it Peace corps or pronounced Peace Corpse? The smartest man in the WH said the latter so I just want to make sure.
You mean besides Glenn Beck?

When Obama does it, anyway.

FactCheck.org : Obama’s ‘National Security Force?’

You said Peace corpse, oops that was Obama, you said peace corps.......waiting.....waiting...

Did you hear what Obama said about his "National Security Force?" No, I will bet you didn't.
You lose, again.
JFK was a moderate, asswipe.

A liberal hates the military and loves high taxes for more control over people.

Of course, you are too stupid to understand this after being shown graphs and a video of JFK right in your face.

JFK would be ashamed of Democraps today just like he would've ashamed of his fat little brother that killed a woman drinking and driving and lived off his name for decades in the Senate.

JFK was a liberal through and through.

He's want nothing to do with the clusterfuck that is the republican party today.

Hell, even a lot of republican's don't want anything to do with the clusterfuck of today.

I'm liberal and I served in the military. Do I hate my country? I notice you have almost 7000 posts here. Dude, you spend too much time on a computer to know anything about the world or the people in it. By the way, JFK, my first commander in chief, was the one that allowed the public sector to form unions. He championed the little guy. This in itself should make you stop using him to bolster your stupid tea bag philosophy.
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Don't expect GoneBezerk to be logical. He is a homer, nothing more. D'oh!
JFK was strong on national defense and for cutting taxes to stimulate economic growth, foreign ideas to liberals ruining the Democraps today.

This fiscal cliff debate is over raising taxes on working people and slashing the DoD budget in the middle of a war against worldwide terrorism that killed more Americans on US soil than previous all modern era wars combined.

So no liberal on this board should ever try to use JFK in your arguments here, he wouldn't be with you today.
sorry you dont get to claim our guys.

You are stuck with your own.

Bush, Nixon, Reagan and the like

You're both too fucking presumptive. :eusa_hand:
You're right, he would NOT be a dem today. Even though he was a Dem in name back then, he was not like the Dems of today, he would be a conservative Republican. My parents used to be Dems for years (they're both passed now), and i know for a fact they wouldn't be one today.

Idiot...he would not be a Democrap today.

You people are insane....and idiots to boot.

Care to explain away the video.....

sorry you dont get to claim our guys.

You are stuck with your own.

Bush, Nixon, Reagan and the like
You're right, he would NOT be a dem today. Even though he was a Dem in name back then, he was not like the Dems of today, he would be a conservative Republican. My parents used to be Dems for years (they're both passed now), and i know for a fact they wouldn't be one today.

Idiot...he would not be a Democrap today.

You people are insane....and idiots to boot.

Care to explain away the video.....

sorry you dont get to claim our guys.

You are stuck with your own.

Bush, Nixon, Reagan and the like

:lol: :lol: :lol: See the problem with the notion that JFK would be a Republican today is that he actually believed in civil rights, financial restraint and was against rape.
JFK was a moderate, asswipe.

A liberal hates the military and loves high taxes for more control over people.

Of course, you are too stupid to understand this after being shown graphs and a video of JFK right in your face.

JFK would be ashamed of Democraps today just like he would've ashamed of his fat little brother that killed a woman drinking and driving and lived off his name for decades in the Senate.

JFK was a liberal through and through.

He's want nothing to do with the clusterfuck that is the republican party today.

Hell, even a lot of republican's don't want anything to do with the clusterfuck of today.

I'm liberal and I served in the military. Do I hate my country? I notice you have almost 7000 posts here. Dude, you spend too much time on a computer to know anything about the world or the people in it. By the way, JFK, my first commander in chief, was the one that allowed the public sector to form unions. He championed the little guy. This in itself should make you stop using him to bolster your stupid tea bag philosophy.

Back then the unions were NEEDED. Today we have laws in place to protect workers....the unions are only there to protect the lazy that do stupid things at work and get caught. Today businesses know how important it is to keep good workers happy...they have so much competition if they really want to profit in their business then they're going to do what they can to keep good people. I'm not saying there aren't bad companies out there....but you most likely aren't going to see them around for long.
You're right, he would NOT be a dem today. Even though he was a Dem in name back then, he was not like the Dems of today, he would be a conservative Republican. My parents used to be Dems for years (they're both passed now), and i know for a fact they wouldn't be one today.

Idiot...he would not be a Democrap today.

You people are insane....and idiots to boot.

Care to explain away the video.....

:lol: :lol: :lol: See the problem with the notion that JFK would be a Republican today is that he actually believed in civil rights, financial restraint and was against rape.

I believe in those same things.....All conservatives i know believe in those same things.

So what's your point?
You're right, he would NOT be a dem today. Even though he was a Dem in name back then, he was not like the Dems of today, he would be a conservative Republican. My parents used to be Dems for years (they're both passed now), and i know for a fact they wouldn't be one today.

:lol: :lol: :lol: See the problem with the notion that JFK would be a Republican today is that he actually believed in civil rights, financial restraint and was against rape.

I believe in those same things.....All conservatives i know believe in those same things.

So what's your point?

Well you must be incredibly stupid then as the Republican Party has pissed on minorities and the middle class for decades, destroyed this country's economy and regularly advocates rape.
You're right, he would NOT be a dem today. Even though he was a Dem in name back then, he was not like the Dems of today, he would be a conservative Republican. My parents used to be Dems for years (they're both passed now), and i know for a fact they wouldn't be one today.

:lol: :lol: :lol: See the problem with the notion that JFK would be a Republican today is that he actually believed in civil rights, financial restraint and was against rape.

I believe in those same things.....All conservatives i know believe in those same things.

So what's your point?

You and those you know might but republicans and conservatives overall do not.

It’s republicans, not democrats, fighting to deny same-sex couples their civil liberties.

It was republicans, not democrats, who squandered a budget surplus, created a massive deficit, and expanded the size of government with no provision to pay for it.

And although no republican ‘advocates’ rape, it was nonetheless republican politicians, not democratic, who argued as to the inane notion of ‘legitimate rape,’ and pregnancy resulting from rape being ‘god’s will,’ exhibiting a callous ignorance about a very painful subject.
By that same standard, Eisenhower, Nixon and even Reagan wouldn't be welcome in the batshit crazy insane asylum that is the TeaBagging party.

More BS liberal story line. Just because the left has moved so far left they can't see the center that does not mean the right moved right. Everything that today's Republican conservative they stood for. I can say that because I am and was a Reagan conservative. You on the other hand are a liberal who supports a DNC that is nothing like what it was during Kennedy. Kennedy would not have the guts to say "ask not what your country can do for you....." he never would win the nomination.

Ronald REagan raised taxes after cutting them.
He restructured Social Security to make it tax more.
He gave amnesty to 3 million illegal aliens.
actually sat down with Democrats and hammered out budgets and laws.
Nominated moderates to the Supreme Court

This would be the real Ronald Reagan, not the myth you guys have created.

The Real Reagan would be a hated "RINO" who would have no love from the Teabaggers.

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