JFK wouldn't be a Democrap today

SniperDoosh, in other words, does not even know.

SniperDoosh cannot even define neo-conservatism, when it was developed, and which president can be classified as neo-conservative.

You are an easy mark, Fakey, and not worth the bother of beating down. But alas, educating you trolls is what we do here.

Read JFK's speech he never gave in Dallas. Sounds just like Dubya.
SniperDoosh, in other words, does not even know.

SniperDoosh cannot even define neo-conservatism, when it was developed, and which president can be classified as neo-conservative.

You are an easy mark, Fakey, and not worth the bother of beating down. But alas, educating you trolls is what we do here.

Read JFK's speech he never gave in Dallas. Sounds just like Dubya.

I realize the truth causes you great, great butthurt, Fakey.

But I like to expose... er.. educate you.

Scratch John F. Kennedy and you'll find a neocon.

Archived-Articles: JFK, neo-con.
JaketheFake staying up late past his bedtime defending liberals, must've mistaken tonight for New Years Eve.

SniperDoosh, in other words, does not even know.

SniperDoosh cannot even define neo-conservatism, when it was developed, and which president can be classified as neo-conservative.

You are an easy mark, Fakey, and not worth the bother of beating down. But alas, educating you trolls is what we do here.

Read JFK's speech he never gave in Dallas. Sounds just like Dubya.
SniperDoosh is guilty of present-ism.

He is winless in this thread.

SniperDoosh, in other words, does not even know.

You are an easy mark, Fakey, and not worth the bother of beating down. But alas, educating you trolls is what we do here.

Read JFK's speech he never gave in Dallas. Sounds just like Dubya.

I realize the truth causes you great, great butthurt, Fakey.

But I like to expose... er.. educate you.

Scratch John F. Kennedy and you'll find a neocon.

Archived-Articles: JFK, neo-con.
SniperDoosh is guilty of present-ism.

He is winless in this thread.

SniperDoosh, in other words, does not even know.

I realize the truth causes you great, great butthurt, Fakey.

But I like to expose... er.. educate you.

Scratch John F. Kennedy and you'll find a neocon.

Archived-Articles: JFK, neo-con.

You need to do much more than just say 'NUH UHN", Fakey.


"JFK, with his tax cuts, his Peace Corps, his anticommunism, and his belief in the humanitarian uses of American power (as well as the post-WWII moral responsibility of a great power to not turn a blind eye to oppression and atrocity in the world) would today be scorned as a 'neocon.'"
You need to do much more, SniperDoosh, that say JFK was a neo-conservative.

The statement you gave is of a pragmatic liberal cold warrior civil rights democratic politician of the 1940s to 1970s. Are you saying you are a closet liberal, SniperDoosh?

The ultra right and libertarians today would have nothing to do with him. You guys would primary out a Ronald Reagan today.
You need to do much more, SniperDoosh, that say JFK was a neo-conservative.

The statement you gave is of a pragmatic liberal cold warrior civil rights democratic politician of the 1940s to 1970s. Are you saying you are a closet liberal, SniperDoosh?

The ultra right and libertarians today would have nothing to do with him. You guys would primary out a Ronald Reagan today.

The description was of JFK, the rich tax cutting, pro-business, state building, war mongering compassionate humanitarian that he was. Or in other words, a neo-conservative.

You simply cannot deny the facts, although it eats you alive inside.

The description was that of the pragmatic cold warrior who supported social security and the coming of medicaid and medicare.

You need to define "neo-conservatism", which did not exist then.

You are so fail in this OP.

We are losing elections to the Dems we should be winning because of our voters like you, bigreb, Cecilie1200, and Lady Gunslinger. You keep shooting off your mouths and driving normal people away from voting for GOP candidates.

You need to do much more, SniperDoosh, that say JFK was a neo-conservative.

The statement you gave is of a pragmatic liberal cold warrior civil rights democratic politician of the 1940s to 1970s. Are you saying you are a closet liberal, SniperDoosh?

The ultra right and libertarians today would have nothing to do with him. You guys would primary out a Ronald Reagan today.

The description was of JFK, the rich tax cutting, pro-business, state building, war mongering compassionate humanitarian that he was. Or in other words, a neo-conservative.

You simply cannot deny the facts, although it eats you alive inside.

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JFK would be more of a democrat today because he would have nothing in common with the GOP of today.
JFK would be more of a democrat today because he would have nothing in common with the GOP of today.

You continue to make baseless assertions. This is because the truth rips you a new sphincter.

Could there could be a better description of trickle-down economics than neocon JFK's famous economic idiom that ' a rising tide lifts all boats'?
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Your baseless assertions, SniperDoosh, are not based on concrete evidence. I only have to point out you have offered nothing worthwhile in defense of your position.

So let's help you help yourself. Did the philosophy of neo-conservatism exist in the early 1960s? Give clear, concise evidence with objective sources. If you can't do this, your point is fail.
Your baseless assertions, SniperDoosh, are not based on concrete evidence. I only have to point out you have offered nothing worthwhile in defense of your position.

So let's help you help yourself. Did the philosophy of neo-conservatism exist in the early 1960s? Give clear, concise evidence with objective sources. If you can't do this, your point is fail.

You continue to offer up empty rhetoric.

This is because the truth rips you a gaping, bleeding new sphincter.

I asked you a very simple YES or NO question. Why are you so afraid of it?

Let's try again.

Could there could be a better description of trickle-down economics than neocon JFK's famous economic idiom that ' a rising tide lifts all boats'?
JFK cut taxes to stimulate the economy.....liberals ignore that FACT.

JFK investigated MLK Jr for his activities and would never support Jackson/Sharpton today......liberals ignore that FACT.

JFK got us tangled in a bad war in Vietnam (worse than Bush's Iraq)......liberals ignore that FACT.

JFK would not belong to the socialist, anti-military Democrap party of today....that is a FACT.
The empty rhetoric of SniperFire and GoneBezerk obviously cherry picks the career of a man with whom the modern libertarian and ultra right wings would condemn as a communist or socialist or marxist.

Reagan raised taxes three times so obviously he is not a Republican, either.

I love playing with these fool ultra right sickos.
The empty rhetoric of SniperFire and GoneBezerk obviously cherry picks the career of a man with whom the modern libertarian and ultra right wings would condemn as a communist or socialist or marxist.

Reagan raised taxes three times so obviously he is not a Republican, either.

I love playing with these fool ultra right sickos.

I asked you a very simple YES or NO question. Why are you so afraid of it?

Let's try again.

Could there could be a better description of trickle-down economics than neocon JFK's famous economic idiom that ' a rising tide lifts all boats'?

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