Jihad Jane


Jul 14, 2009
US woman, Colleen La Rose aka Jihad Jane, faces terrorism charges

This from Department of Justice...

WASHINGTON – David Kris, Assistant Attorney General for National Security, and Michael L. Levy, U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, together with Janice K. Fedarcyk, Special Agent-in-Charge of the FBI in Philadelphia, today announced the unsealing of an indictment charging Colleen R. LaRose, aka “Fatima LaRose,” aka “JihadJane,” with conspiracy to provide material support to terrorists, conspiracy to kill in a foreign country, making false statements to a government official and attempted identity theft.

The indictment charges that LaRose (an American citizen born in 1963 who resides in Montgomery County, Pa.) and five unindicted co-conspirators (located in South Asia, Eastern Europe, Western Europe and the United States) recruited men on the Internet to wage violent jihad in South Asia and Europe, and recruited women on the Internet who had passports and the ability to travel to and around Europe in support of violent jihad.

The indictment further charges that LaRose and her unindicted co-conspirators used the Internet to establish relationships with one another and to communicate regarding their plans, which included martyring themselves, soliciting funds for terrorists, soliciting passports and avoiding travel restrictions (through the collection of passports and through marriage) in order to wage violent jihad. The indictment further charges that LaRose stole another individual’s U.S. passport and transferred or attempted to transfer it in an effort to facilitate an act of international terrorism.

In addition, according to the indictment, LaRose received a direct order to kill a citizen and resident of Sweden, and to do so in a way that would frighten “the whole Kufar [non-believer] world.” The indictment further charges that LaRose agreed to carry out her murder assignment, and that she and her co-conspirators discussed that her appearance and American citizenship would help her blend in while carrying out her plans. According to the indictment, LaRose traveled to Europe and tracked the intended target online in an effort to complete her task.

FSN REPORTERS BLOG - NEWS COVERAGE AND ANALYSIS: US woman, Colleen La Rose aka Jihad Jane, faces terrorism charges
“Today’s indictment, which alleges that a woman from suburban America agreed to carry out murder overseas and to provide material support to terrorists, underscores the evolving nature of the threat we face,” said David Kris, Assistant Attorney General for the National Security Division. “I applaud the many agents, analysts and prosecutors who worked on this important investigation.”

“This case shows the use terrorists can and do make of the Internet,” said U.S. Attorney Michael L. Levy. “Colleen LaRose and five other individuals scattered across the globe are alleged to have used the Internet to form a conspiracy to provide material support to terrorism, culminating in a direct order to LaRose to commit murder overseas. LaRose – an American citizen whose appearance was considered to be an asset because it allowed her to blend in – is charged with using the Internet to recruit violent jihadist fighters and supporters, and to solicit passports and funding. It demonstrates yet another very real danger lurking on the Internet. This case also demonstrates that terrorists are looking for Americans to join them in their cause, and it shatters any lingering thought that we can spot a terrorist based on appearance.”

“This case demonstrates that the FBI and our partners in the law enforcement and intelligence communities must continue to remain vigilant in the face of the threats that America faces, in whatever form those threats may present themselves or no matter how creative those who threaten us try to be,” said Special Agent-in-Charge Janice K. Fedarcyk of the Philadelphia Division of the FBI. “We must use all available technologies and techniques to root out potential threats and stop those who intend to harm us.”

If convicted of the charges against her, LaRose faces a potential sentence of life in prison and a $1 million fine.

This case was investigated by the FBI’s Joint Terrorism Task Force. It is being prosecuted by Jennifer Arbittier Williams, Assistant U.S. Attorney from the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, and Matthew F. Blue, Trial Attorney from the Counterterrorism Section in the Justice Department’s National Security Division.

The public is reminded that an indictment is an accusation and a defendant is presumed innocent unless and until proven guilty.
I am Certain this is NOT an Islam thing...

She wasn't a Convert to Islam, was she?...

Islam doesn't Teach or Practice this stuff, so that couldn't be it.

She must be an Anti-Abortion, Clinic Bombing Wingnut, Correct?...


I am Certain this is NOT an Islam thing...

She wasn't a Convert to Islam, was she?...

Islam doesn't Teach or Practice this stuff, so that couldn't be it.

She must be an Anti-Abortion, Clinic Bombing Wingnut, Correct?...



There's a real easy way to check. Is there an American Flag hanging outside of her house? If so, then she must be a total Wingnut.

I am Certain this is NOT an Islam thing...

She wasn't a Convert to Islam, was she?...

Islam doesn't Teach or Practice this stuff, so that couldn't be it.

She must be an Anti-Abortion, Clinic Bombing Wingnut, Correct?...

She was a Bachmannite Teabagger.
I am Certain this is NOT an Islam thing...

She wasn't a Convert to Islam, was she?...

Islam doesn't Teach or Practice this stuff, so that couldn't be it.

She must be an Anti-Abortion, Clinic Bombing Wingnut, Correct?...



She was within a thousand miles of a Tparty protest. That alone should get her thrown in jail.
I am Certain this is NOT an Islam thing...

She wasn't a Convert to Islam, was she?...

Islam doesn't Teach or Practice this stuff, so that couldn't be it.

She must be an Anti-Abortion, Clinic Bombing Wingnut, Correct?...



There's a real easy way to check. Is there an American Flag hanging outside of her house? If so, then she must be a total Wingnut.




Algerian-born terror suspect who recruited 'Jihad Jane' held in Spain...

Ali Charaf Damache arrested: Algerian-born terror suspect who recruited 'Jihad Jane' held in Spain
Friday 11 December 2015 - Colleen LaRose, who used the online name Jihad Jane, was convicted in 2011 of agreeing to kill Swedish artist Lars Vilks
An Algerian-born terror suspect, wanted in the US on two counts of conspiring to develop a European terror cell and aiding Pakistan-based militants, has been arrested in Spain. Ali Charaf Damache, who holds Irish citizenship, was accused of recruiting American women Colleen LaRose and Jamie Paulin-Ramirez via jihadist websites by the US Justice Department. "We became aware that this person was in Barcelona earlier this week," said Jordi Jané, the regional interior minister for Catalonia told a press conference. Police were alerted to his presence in Barcelona thanks to a telephone tip-off to the emergency 112 number, Spanish media reported.


Ali Charaf Damache arrives at the courthouse in Waterford Ireland. An Algerian-Irish man accused of recruiting an American woman who called herself "Jihad Jane" and plotting to kill a Swedish artist has been arrested in Spain​

American investigators believe Damache recruited Colleen LaRose, who used the online name “Jihad Jane”. She was convicted in 2011 of agreeing to kill Swedish artist Lars Vilks - whose drawings depicting the prophet Muhammad as a dog offended Muslims - and sentenced last year to 10 years in prison. Her lawyer claimed she became obsessed with the cause after meeting a Muslim man on holiday in the Dutch capital, Amsterdam. After returning to her home in rural Pennsylvania, she began reading Islamic websites, learning the basics from a mentor in Turkey, before converting via instant messenger.

With her blond hair, blue eyes and US passport, the 51-year-old forever changed the face of terror in the United States, prosecutors said. Damache married Jamie Paulin-Ramirez, on the first day she arrived in Ireland from her hometown of Leadville, Colorado, accompanied by her 6-year-old son in 2009. The 35-year-old is serving an 8-year sentence after pleading guilty in 2014 to providing material support to terrorists. After she was arrested in Ireland with her husband in March 2010, she agreed to return to the United States, and pled guilty in 2014 to providing material support to terrorists.


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