Jill Biden wants free Community College. Was she on the ticket?

When my grandparents were in school, all that was required was an 8th grade education and you could get a job that supported you.

My parents needed a HS Diploma to qualify for a good job.

Today, it takes a College Degree or Technical Skills to get a good paying job.

Society demands it.
Yeah, let's make a college education as meaningless as a high school education.

We know

Conservatives hate education
When my grandparents were in school, all that was required was an 8th grade education and you could get a job that supported you.

My parents needed a HS Diploma to qualify for a good job.

Today, it takes a College Degree or Technical Skills to get a good paying job.

Society demands it.
Yeah, let's make a college education as meaningless as a high school education.

We know

Conservatives hate education
If that's what you got out of my post, you are clearly uneducated.
When my grandparents were in school, all that was required was an 8th grade education and you could get a job that supported you.

My parents needed a HS Diploma to qualify for a good job.

Today, it takes a College Degree or Technical Skills to get a good paying job.

Society demands it.
Yeah, let's make a college education as meaningless as a high school education.

We know

Conservatives hate education
If that's what you got out of my post, you are clearly uneducated.
Every other nation understands the value of an educated workforce.

Unfortunately, our nation is saddled with Conservatives who only want the wealthy to be highly educated
When my grandparents were in school, all that was required was an 8th grade education and you could get a job that supported you.

My parents needed a HS Diploma to qualify for a good job.

Today, it takes a College Degree or Technical Skills to get a good paying job.

Society demands it.
Yeah, let's make a college education as meaningless as a high school education.

We know

Conservatives hate education
If that's what you got out of my post, you are clearly uneducated.
Every other nation understands the value of an educated workforce.

Unfortunately, our nation is saddled with Conservatives who only want the wealthy to be highly educated
If that's what you got out of my post, you are clearly uneducated.
When my grandparents were in school, all that was required was an 8th grade education and you could get a job that supported you.

My parents needed a HS Diploma to qualify for a good job.

Today, it takes a College Degree or Technical Skills to get a good paying job.

Society demands it.
Yeah, let's make a college education as meaningless as a high school education.

We know

Conservatives hate education
If that's what you got out of my post, you are clearly uneducated.
Every other nation understands the value of an educated workforce.

Unfortunately, our nation is saddled with Conservatives who only want the wealthy to be highly educated
If that's what you got out of my post, you are clearly uneducated.
Unfortunately, your posts are of little value.
Two questions on this:

1. Who the fuck cares what she wants? She didn’t run for office, so she has no say in how tax dollars are spent.

2. Given that she teaches at a CC, and says she will continue to do so, will she be doing it for free from now on?

Didn’t take long for her to start calling the shots, huh?

/——-/ And the MSM will treat her like she was president.
Imagine another First Lady who actually has opinions on topics of national interest instead of one whose only concern was her wardrobe.
Our current First Lady speaks 6 languages. Perhaps Jill wants to learn Chinese, huh.

That 6 Languages is just more BS out of the Trump camp. Much like she has a degree in architecture and only did “modeling work”
Melania speaks Slovenian and heavily accented English. Most Europeans do. Her claims to other languages have been disproven. When visiting countries where she supposedly was fluent, she was only able to speak rudimentary phrases then switched to English.
Yeah, yeah, yeah. That's the media propaganda. Notice you also haven't explained how Christianity is being forced on you in another thread. You sure spout like a propaganda parrot.
Free this!

Free that!

Free fucking everything!

Step right up folks! Vote for Democrats and everything your little greedy hearts desire will be free!
Imagine another First Lady who actually has opinions on topics of national interest instead of one whose only concern was her wardrobe.
When Michelle had her school lunch program changes. She did not count on the Progs administering it, working for it and given contracts to provide the food. Corrupted bums be bums. And of course nothing was said of it. Ahhh the Village...It takes ten times the effort to provide the element as the the privilege live good providing a low quality product.
Two questions on this:

1. Who the fuck cares what she wants? She didn’t run for office, so she has no say in how tax dollars are spent.

2. Given that she teaches at a CC, and says she will continue to do so, will she be doing it for free from now on?

Didn’t take long for her to start calling the shots, huh?

Every one in this nation gets to express their opinions. Learn to deal with it.

First Ladies often have causes they champion. Jill Biden has opinions and she has influence with the president-elect. Why is this so hard to understand?

They prefer First Ladies whose only opinion is what clothes they wear
As opposed to First Ladies who actually write legislation, ala Hillarycare. Having unelected, unaccountable people with strong influence over the POTUS is not always a good thing.
Poor Melania was treated just like any other Trump Floozie
Fat Donnie is too insecure to have a powerful First Lady
Nice fairy tale you are telling yourself. :blahblah:

Fat Donnie only wanted Melania to be arm candy
Look at the Hot woman who will marry me?

Expecting her to handle complex First Lady duties is a bit much
And she was smart enough to stay out of areas that would only increase the hate she got from the usual suspects.
Poor Melania was treated just like any other Trump Floozie
Fat Donnie is too insecure to have a powerful First Lady
Nice fairy tale you are telling yourself. :blahblah:

Fat Donnie only wanted Melania to be arm candy
Look at the Hot woman who will marry me?

Expecting her to handle complex First Lady duties is a bit much
And she was smart enough to stay out of areas that would only increase the hate she got from the usual suspects.
Melania was really lacking in the compassion department
Poor Melania was treated just like any other Trump Floozie
Fat Donnie is too insecure to have a powerful First Lady
Nice fairy tale you are telling yourself. :blahblah:

Fat Donnie only wanted Melania to be arm candy
Look at the Hot woman who will marry me?

Expecting her to handle complex First Lady duties is a bit much
And she was smart enough to stay out of areas that would only increase the hate she got from the usual suspects.
Melania was really lacking in the compassion department
And she preferred to stay out of the spotlight, so why all the undeserved, irrational hate?
Imagine another First Lady who actually has opinions on topics of national interest instead of one whose only concern was her wardrobe.

You figure she's smarter than you to know community college is already free or close?
Poor Melania was treated just like any other Trump Floozie
Fat Donnie is too insecure to have a powerful First Lady
Nice fairy tale you are telling yourself. :blahblah:

Fat Donnie only wanted Melania to be arm candy
Look at the Hot woman who will marry me?

Expecting her to handle complex First Lady duties is a bit much
And she was smart enough to stay out of areas that would only increase the hate she got from the usual suspects.
Melania was really lacking in the compassion department
And she preferred to stay out of the spotlight, so why all the undeserved, irrational hate?

I think Fat Donnie did not want to share the spotlight
You guys do not have assholes!!!! No wonder you are so cranky and your thinking is so poor.
That was a very clumsy and amateurish reply

we have assholes and opinions too

but only libs think their opinion is so special

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