Jill Biden wants free Community College. Was she on the ticket?

When my grandparents were in school, all that was required was an 8th grade education and you could get a job that supported you.

My parents needed a HS Diploma to qualify for a good job.

Today, it takes a College Degree or Technical Skills to get a good paying job.

Society demands it.
I agree and disagree. Yes, trade skills are highly paid, which is why I think paying for two years of a trade school or community college is worthwhile. Then if a person wants to go on to a 4 yr college, they have the two years already and can do the rest on their own dime. But no, a college degree is not next to useless. Many jobs, well paying jobs require it.
Yes, degrees are required but not typically necessary to the job skill-set. A college degree from Havard is much more prestigious than one from a community college, for instance. As it is now, that degree from Harvard has a lot of clout especially in the legal fields. People pay huge amounts of tuition to go there. Free education would mean no more meaningful competition in Universities. Heck, you could go on line and get a degree which would be just as prestigious as Harvard. After all, it's all free!!! :auiqs.jpg:

Free college education, as in a 4 yr institution isn't feasible imo, but a community college or vocational school is.
I agree and disagree. Yes, trade skills are highly paid, which is why I think paying for two years of a trade school or community college is worthwhile. Then if a person wants to go on to a 4 yr college, they have the two years already and can do the rest on their own dime. But no, a college degree is not next to useless. Many jobs, well paying jobs require it.
Yes, degrees are required but not typically necessary to the job skill-set. A college degree from Havard is much more prestigious than one from a community college, for instance. As it is now, that degree from Harvard has a lot of clout especially in the legal fields. People pay huge amounts of tuition to go there. Free education would mean no more meaningful competition in Universities. Heck, you could go on line and get a degree which would be just as prestigious as Harvard. After all, it's all free!!! :auiqs.jpg:

Free college education, as in a 4 yr institution isn't feasible imo, but a community college or vocational school is.
Its a good start and society will benefit.
Imagine another First Lady who actually has opinions on topics of national interest instead of one whose only concern was her wardrobe.
Imagine parroting the same tired rhetoric that's been rejected by Americans since forever. Do democrats have ANY recollection of history, even as recent as Obama?

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There we go again...

Advocating free Community College is not Socialism

Advocating free Community College is not Socialism

where does the money come from?
The same places we pay soldiers to learn for no charge.
You may be onto something. Any kid who wants "free" community college should have to serve in the military.

They cannot usually meet the minimum requirements to serve. Why do you think only about 30% of those in the proper age group are eligible?
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I agree and disagree. Yes, trade skills are highly paid, which is why I think paying for two years of a trade school or community college is worthwhile. Then if a person wants to go on to a 4 yr college, they have the two years already and can do the rest on their own dime. But no, a college degree is not next to useless. Many jobs, well paying jobs require it.
Yes, degrees are required but not typically necessary to the job skill-set. A college degree from Havard is much more prestigious than one from a community college, for instance. As it is now, that degree from Harvard has a lot of clout especially in the legal fields. People pay huge amounts of tuition to go there. Free education would mean no more meaningful competition in Universities. Heck, you could go on line and get a degree which would be just as prestigious as Harvard. After all, it's all free!!! :auiqs.jpg:

Free college education, as in a 4 yr institution isn't feasible imo, but a community college or vocational school is.

Then if that's the case, get your state to pay for it and leave the rest of us alone.
which is why I think paying for two years of a trade school or community college is worthwhile.
If you can't get a paid apprenticeship or take evening classes while working straight out of high school, something is grievously wrong with the job market already.
When my grandparents were in school, all that was required was an 8th grade education and you could get a job that supported you.

My parents needed a HS Diploma to qualify for a good job.

Today, it takes a College Degree or Technical Skills to get a good paying job.

Society demands it.

Trade school.
Trade school.
Why isn't that a paid apprenticeship? Why is it such a hardship someone else has to pay for it? A recent high school graduate can't show up for work, show competency at basic tasks, and make a little money accomplishing something useful? After 13 years of K-12, you have to pay money for the privilege of working somewhere? Something is old here. Really, really old.
Jill wants to go back to college and doesn't want to pay.

She wants the tax payers to foot her bills. I'm wondering why any sane person voted for Biden. Free college my ass. Nothing is free. We tax payers will get tapped to pay for everyone's "free" college.
Imagine another First Lady who actually has opinions on topics of national interest instead of one whose only concern was her wardrobe.
Imagine another First Lady who actually has opinions on topics of national interest instead of one whose only concern was her wardrobe.
Our current First Lady speaks 6 languages. Perhaps Jill wants to learn Chinese, huh.

That 6 Languages is just more BS out of the Trump camp. Much like she has a degree in architecture and only did “modeling work”
Melania speaks Slovenian and heavily accented English. Most Europeans do. Her claims to other languages have been disproven. When visiting countries where she supposedly was fluent, she was only able to speak rudimentary phrases then switched to English.
When my grandparents were in school, all that was required was an 8th grade education and you could get a job that supported you.

My parents needed a HS Diploma to qualify for a good job.

Today, it takes a College Degree or Technical Skills to get a good paying job.

Society demands it.
Yeah, let's make a college education as meaningless as a high school education.
Two questions on this:

1. Who the fuck cares what she wants? She didn’t run for office, so she has no say in how tax dollars are spent.

2. Given that she teaches at a CC, and says she will continue to do so, will she be doing it for free from now on?

Didn’t take long for her to start calling the shots, huh?

The pervert-elect will listen to her and make this yet another case for the federal government to inject itself into local affairs.
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