Jim Acosta uses his power as a member of the Patriarchy to physically deny female WH Aide the Mic

Will CNN Fire or Punish Acosta?

  • Yes, they have to somehow gain some credibility back and not appear so hostile.

    Votes: 1 2.7%
  • No, they are all in on hostility towards this president, and have no intention of doing journalism.

    Votes: 36 97.3%

  • Total voters
Trump wants to be a dictator so bad....fu king moron , what an asshole.
Says an obama supporter
I'm not....but the orange is a joke....watching world news , everyone is laughing at the clip...fucking clown.
The mainstream media in this country sucks socialist cock....
^ only watches the most popular news channel in America, only visits some of the most popular news sites in America, only listens to the most popular talk radio shows in America, thinks none of those are mainstream because they tell him to think that

Probably eats at the most popular restaurant in America, McDonald's. And shops at the most popular retail store in America, Walmart.

Trump needs to stop having press conferences.
He can't handle them.
He wants reporters to be nice to him and ask him softball questions.
He wants everything he does to go without question or scrutiny.
And if you're good with that, then you're going to get the America you deserve.
You think maybe Khashoggi or whatever never existed?

Nice try.

The reality is quite shocking, as is the case when people who "interviewed Osama bin Laden" are involved....

Mr. Khashoggi claims he knew "Osama" while growing up in Saudi....

To anyone really paying attention and asking questions like

WHY are there NO PHOTOS of "Osama bin Laden" in Saudi???

this is the one fact your "cause" doesn't want America to see....

saudi royal family jewish - Google Search

8 million "hits" nice....
Anyone see this live? Scroll down to see the video. Such violence from CNN! :1peleas:

WATCH: Trump Crushes 'Rude' Acosta, Aide Grabs His Mic Away


Acosta's questions were not out of line.
Trump can't handle the heat.
Trump needs to get the fuck out of the kitchen.
Thin-skinned man-baby.

Acosta needs his nose busted. He's a leftist activist jerk. He gives journalism a bad name.

For asking legitimate questions and standing up to a pig-headed bully?
Trump has a lot to hide and that's why he's so hostile to the press.
And you fucking idiots somehow can't connect the dots.

Trump is a public servant. He is not king of America.
This is not a monarchy.
You seem to forget that.
And the ONLY goddamn thing separating the public from a tyrant is the press.
Other reporters ask legitimate questions with no problem. Acosta has a leftist agenda. He's a leftist activist, not a journalist. One of these days Acosta is going to get his fat arrogant hateful nose busted and we're gonna all laugh our patriotic asses off.

Oh put down your Solo cup full of Trump Kool Aid and watch the presser again.

He was rude to everybody except John Roberts from Fox and Trump cut him off, too.
He accused the black reporter from NPR of asking a racist question.
He's a man-baby who can't handle the heat.

Trump wants to be a dictator so bad....fu king moron , what an asshole.
Says an obama supporter
I'm not....but the orange is a joke....watching world news , everyone is laughing at the clip...fucking clown.
The mainstream media in this country sucks socialist cock....
^ only watches the most popular news channel in America, only visits some of the most popular news sites in America, only listens to the most popular talk radio shows in America, thinks none of those are mainstream because they tell him to think that

Probably eats at the most popular restaurant in America, McDonald's. And shops at the most popular retail store in America, Walmart.
But he thinks they’re hip and undergound
Trump wants to be a dictator so bad....fu king moron , what an asshole.
how so? he gave acosta his time. Didn't he? he answered his questions, right? Acosta's time was over, time to move on, yet Acosta wasn't going to sit down. then he basically smacked a woman trying to retrieve the mic from him. And you're all on the president? you sir are blind.
Anyone see this live? Scroll down to see the video. Such violence from CNN! :1peleas:

WATCH: Trump Crushes 'Rude' Acosta, Aide Grabs His Mic Away


Acosta's questions were not out of line.
Trump can't handle the heat.
Trump needs to get the fuck out of the kitchen.
Thin-skinned man-baby.

Acosta needs his nose busted. He's a leftist activist jerk. He gives journalism a bad name.

For asking legitimate questions and standing up to a pig-headed bully?
Trump has a lot to hide and that's why he's so hostile to the press.
And you fucking idiots somehow can't connect the dots.

Trump is a public servant. He is not king of America.
This is not a monarchy.
You seem to forget that.
And the ONLY goddamn thing separating the public from a tyrant is the press.
Other reporters ask legitimate questions with no problem. Acosta has a leftist agenda. He's a leftist activist, not a journalist. One of these days Acosta is going to get his fat arrogant hateful nose busted and we're gonna all laugh our patriotic asses off.

Oh put down your Solo cup full of Trump Kool Aid and watch the presser again.

He was rude to everybody except John Roberts from Fox and Trump cut him off, too.
He accused the black reporter from NPR of asking a racist question.
He's a man-baby who can't handle the heat.

The NPR reporter did ask a racist question. She wouldn't have asked that of Obungo. This President has brought N. Korea to the table, something no other President would do. The economy is boiling. Unemployment among blacks and Hispanics is the lowest ever. Let's talk about that. Now go fuck yourself.
Trump savaged the liberal media during his press conference while most of the White House press corps laughed it was hilarious.
Hahahahaha The so called President still handles himself well, like 9th grade drama queen.

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