Jim Carrey slammed for 'disgraceful,' garish portrait of Sarah Sanders

Another Canadian caught showing his true colors. If I had a dollar for every time I heard a Canadian attack the U.S on policy or government...I'd have a nice nest egg saved up. What blows me away is that it happens so often by Canadians living and earning ridiculous money in America! Talk about biting the hand that feeds them.

You know what I find offensive beyond this? A guy who was once living in a van with his family in socialist Canada who made more money than he could ever imagine, who lives in the country and remains a dual citizen. Granted, I remember he did take on a U.S citizenship so he's better than some others who milk the U.S system, but regardless, tell the world, "I denounce my Canadian citizenship" and have one citizenship if you REALLY love your adopted country. Certainly after these many years he should.

To each their own I suppose. Between these antics and his shaming of guns as he finished a movie involving guns (and to which the studio was not too pleased), he's gone off the rails.

Jim Carrey slammed for 'disgraceful,' garish portrait of Sarah Sanders

Jim Carrey faced swift backlash Sunday after the actor tweeted a painting that apparently showed White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders in a terrifyingly garish light.

“This is the portrait of a so-called Christian whose only purpose in life is to lie for the wicked. Monstrous!” Carrey wrote in his tweet accompaning the portrait Saturday.

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Jim Carrey


This is the portrait of a so-called Christian whose only purpose in life is to lie for the wicked. Monstrous!

5:35 PM - Mar 17, 2018
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Though Carrey didn’t mention Sanders by name, many Twitter users knew right away who it was, The Wrap reported.
Another Canadian caught showing his true colors. If I had a dollar for every time I heard a Canadian attack the U.S on policy or government...I'd have a nice nest egg saved up. What blows me away is that it happens so often by Canadians living and earning ridiculous money in America! Talk about biting the hand that feeds them.

You know what I find offensive beyond this? A guy who was once living in a van with his family in socialist Canada who made more money than he could ever imagine, who lives in the country and remains a dual citizen. Granted, I remember he did take on a U.S citizenship so he's better than some others who milk the U.S system, but regardless, tell the world, "I denounce my Canadian citizenship" and have one citizenship if you REALLY love your adopted country. Certainly after these many years he should.

To each their own I suppose. Between these antics and his shaming of guns as he finished a movie involving guns (and to which the studio was not too pleased), he's gone off the rails.

Jim Carrey slammed for 'disgraceful,' garish portrait of Sarah Sanders

Jim Carrey faced swift backlash Sunday after the actor tweeted a painting that apparently showed White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders in a terrifyingly garish light.

“This is the portrait of a so-called Christian whose only purpose in life is to lie for the wicked. Monstrous!” Carrey wrote in his tweet accompaning the portrait Saturday.

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Jim Carrey


This is the portrait of a so-called Christian whose only purpose in life is to lie for the wicked. Monstrous!

5:35 PM - Mar 17, 2018
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Though Carrey didn’t mention Sanders by name, many Twitter users knew right away who it was, The Wrap reported.


still looks better than she does
Y’all leave Sarah alone
I think Sarah Sanders is beautiful.
If she was a liberal the mocking would never end. She’s a fucking pig.
what are you talking about she’s a pig? She is so brave to talk every day in front of the entire world.
Every word out of her filthy pig mouth is a lie.
No no no this woman is strong.
The only thing strong is her smell.

If u believe wrestling is real u may even believe Fox news, Info Wars and the robotic drones on Sinclair Broadcasting. But wrestling doesn’t harm viewers. Performers like Sean Hannity and Alex Jones should join the WWE where their hyperbole will do less damage to the culture.


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