Jim Clyburn's defense: Omar's experience is 'more personal' than Jews who had parents

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
There you go people Black DeathRATS step up to the plate to stand for anti- semitism whenever they get a chance to make excuses for a Somali racist!

As Democrats line up to defend Rep. Ilhan Omar and come up with her excuses for her anti-Semitism, House Majority Whip Rep. James Clyburn, D-S.C., tried to minimize her comments by arguing that she escaped violence in Somalia, so her experience was "more personal" than Jews who merely had parents survive the Holocaust.

The Hill reports, "Clyburn came to Omar’s defense Wednesday, lamenting that many of the media reports surrounding the recent controversy have omitted mentioning that Omar, who was born in Somalia, had to flee the country to escape violence and spent four years in a Kenyan refugee camp before coming to the United States."

The article quotes Clyburn as saying, “There are people who tell me, ‘Well, my parents are Holocaust survivors.’ ‘My parents did this.’ It’s more personal with her ... I’ve talked to her, and I can tell you she is living through a lot of pain.”

(Excerpt) Read more at washingtonexaminer.com...
Which had nothing to do with Jews. Somalia, where she is from, is devoid of Jews.

There you go people Black DeathRATS step up to the plate to stand for anti- semitism whenever they get a chance to make excuses for a Somali racist!

As Democrats line up to defend Rep. Ilhan Omar and come up with her excuses for her anti-Semitism, House Majority Whip Rep. James Clyburn, D-S.C., tried to minimize her comments by arguing that she escaped violence in Somalia, so her experience was "more personal" than Jews who merely had parents survive the Holocaust.

The Hill reports, "Clyburn came to Omar’s defense Wednesday, lamenting that many of the media reports surrounding the recent controversy have omitted mentioning that Omar, who was born in Somalia, had to flee the country to escape violence and spent four years in a Kenyan refugee camp before coming to the United States."

The article quotes Clyburn as saying, “There are people who tell me, ‘Well, my parents are Holocaust survivors.’ ‘My parents did this.’ It’s more personal with her ... I’ve talked to her, and I can tell you she is living through a lot of pain.”

(Excerpt) Read more at washingtonexaminer.com...
There you go people Black DeathRATS step up to the plate to stand for anti- semitism whenever they get a chance to make excuses for a Somali racist!

As Democrats line up to defend Rep. Ilhan Omar and come up with her excuses for her anti-Semitism, House Majority Whip Rep. James Clyburn, D-S.C., tried to minimize her comments by arguing that she escaped violence in Somalia, so her experience was "more personal" than Jews who merely had parents survive the Holocaust.

The Hill reports, "Clyburn came to Omar’s defense Wednesday, lamenting that many of the media reports surrounding the recent controversy have omitted mentioning that Omar, who was born in Somalia, had to flee the country to escape violence and spent four years in a Kenyan refugee camp before coming to the United States."

The article quotes Clyburn as saying, “There are people who tell me, ‘Well, my parents are Holocaust survivors.’ ‘My parents did this.’ It’s more personal with her ... I’ve talked to her, and I can tell you she is living through a lot of pain.”

(Excerpt) Read more at washingtonexaminer.com...
Like I’ve always said all progressives are fucked in the head
There you go people Black DeathRATS step up to the plate to stand for anti- semitism whenever they get a chance to make excuses for a Somali racist!

As Democrats line up to defend Rep. Ilhan Omar and come up with her excuses for her anti-Semitism, House Majority Whip Rep. James Clyburn, D-S.C., tried to minimize her comments by arguing that she escaped violence in Somalia, so her experience was "more personal" than Jews who merely had parents survive the Holocaust.

The Hill reports, "Clyburn came to Omar’s defense Wednesday, lamenting that many of the media reports surrounding the recent controversy have omitted mentioning that Omar, who was born in Somalia, had to flee the country to escape violence and spent four years in a Kenyan refugee camp before coming to the United States."

The article quotes Clyburn as saying, “There are people who tell me, ‘Well, my parents are Holocaust survivors.’ ‘My parents did this.’ It’s more personal with her ... I’ve talked to her, and I can tell you she is living through a lot of pain.”

(Excerpt) Read more at washingtonexaminer.com...

Is having parents that survived the holicaust the same as actually surviving the holocaust?
Was Somalia attacked by Israel? If not, then it gives her no excuse.
There you go people Black DeathRATS step up to the plate to stand for anti- semitism whenever they get a chance to make excuses for a Somali racist!

As Democrats line up to defend Rep. Ilhan Omar and come up with her excuses for her anti-Semitism, House Majority Whip Rep. James Clyburn, D-S.C., tried to minimize her comments by arguing that she escaped violence in Somalia, so her experience was "more personal" than Jews who merely had parents survive the Holocaust.

The Hill reports, "Clyburn came to Omar’s defense Wednesday, lamenting that many of the media reports surrounding the recent controversy have omitted mentioning that Omar, who was born in Somalia, had to flee the country to escape violence and spent four years in a Kenyan refugee camp before coming to the United States."

The article quotes Clyburn as saying, “There are people who tell me, ‘Well, my parents are Holocaust survivors.’ ‘My parents did this.’ It’s more personal with her ... I’ve talked to her, and I can tell you she is living through a lot of pain.”

(Excerpt) Read more at washingtonexaminer.com...

Is having parents that survived the holicaust the same as actually surviving the holocaust?
Was Somalia attacked by Israel? If not, then it gives her no excuse.
There you go people Black DeathRATS step up to the plate to stand for anti- semitism whenever they get a chance to make excuses for a Somali racist!

As Democrats line up to defend Rep. Ilhan Omar and come up with her excuses for her anti-Semitism, House Majority Whip Rep. James Clyburn, D-S.C., tried to minimize her comments by arguing that she escaped violence in Somalia, so her experience was "more personal" than Jews who merely had parents survive the Holocaust.

The Hill reports, "Clyburn came to Omar’s defense Wednesday, lamenting that many of the media reports surrounding the recent controversy have omitted mentioning that Omar, who was born in Somalia, had to flee the country to escape violence and spent four years in a Kenyan refugee camp before coming to the United States."

The article quotes Clyburn as saying, “There are people who tell me, ‘Well, my parents are Holocaust survivors.’ ‘My parents did this.’ It’s more personal with her ... I’ve talked to her, and I can tell you she is living through a lot of pain.”

(Excerpt) Read more at washingtonexaminer.com...

Is having parents that survived the holicaust the same as actually surviving the holocaust?
Excuse for what? Opposing actions of the Israeli government? Wtf?
So, you agree with her anti-Semitic remarks. Gotcha. And shows your ridiculous comparison was just that, to holocaust survivors children.
Was Somalia attacked by Israel? If not, then it gives her no excuse.
There you go people Black DeathRATS step up to the plate to stand for anti- semitism whenever they get a chance to make excuses for a Somali racist!

As Democrats line up to defend Rep. Ilhan Omar and come up with her excuses for her anti-Semitism, House Majority Whip Rep. James Clyburn, D-S.C., tried to minimize her comments by arguing that she escaped violence in Somalia, so her experience was "more personal" than Jews who merely had parents survive the Holocaust.

The Hill reports, "Clyburn came to Omar’s defense Wednesday, lamenting that many of the media reports surrounding the recent controversy have omitted mentioning that Omar, who was born in Somalia, had to flee the country to escape violence and spent four years in a Kenyan refugee camp before coming to the United States."

The article quotes Clyburn as saying, “There are people who tell me, ‘Well, my parents are Holocaust survivors.’ ‘My parents did this.’ It’s more personal with her ... I’ve talked to her, and I can tell you she is living through a lot of pain.”

(Excerpt) Read more at washingtonexaminer.com...

Is having parents that survived the holicaust the same as actually surviving the holocaust?
Excuse for what? Opposing actions of the Israeli government? Wtf?
There you go people Black DeathRATS step up to the plate to stand for anti- semitism whenever they get a chance to make excuses for a Somali racist!

As Democrats line up to defend Rep. Ilhan Omar and come up with her excuses for her anti-Semitism, House Majority Whip Rep. James Clyburn, D-S.C., tried to minimize her comments by arguing that she escaped violence in Somalia, so her experience was "more personal" than Jews who merely had parents survive the Holocaust.

The Hill reports, "Clyburn came to Omar’s defense Wednesday, lamenting that many of the media reports surrounding the recent controversy have omitted mentioning that Omar, who was born in Somalia, had to flee the country to escape violence and spent four years in a Kenyan refugee camp before coming to the United States."

The article quotes Clyburn as saying, “There are people who tell me, ‘Well, my parents are Holocaust survivors.’ ‘My parents did this.’ It’s more personal with her ... I’ve talked to her, and I can tell you she is living through a lot of pain.”

(Excerpt) Read more at washingtonexaminer.com...
:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg: only leftists. yep, only leftists.
So, you agree with her anti-Semitic remarks. Gotcha. And shows your ridiculous comparison was just that, to holocaust survivors children.
Was Somalia attacked by Israel? If not, then it gives her no excuse.
There you go people Black DeathRATS step up to the plate to stand for anti- semitism whenever they get a chance to make excuses for a Somali racist!

As Democrats line up to defend Rep. Ilhan Omar and come up with her excuses for her anti-Semitism, House Majority Whip Rep. James Clyburn, D-S.C., tried to minimize her comments by arguing that she escaped violence in Somalia, so her experience was "more personal" than Jews who merely had parents survive the Holocaust.

The Hill reports, "Clyburn came to Omar’s defense Wednesday, lamenting that many of the media reports surrounding the recent controversy have omitted mentioning that Omar, who was born in Somalia, had to flee the country to escape violence and spent four years in a Kenyan refugee camp before coming to the United States."

The article quotes Clyburn as saying, “There are people who tell me, ‘Well, my parents are Holocaust survivors.’ ‘My parents did this.’ It’s more personal with her ... I’ve talked to her, and I can tell you she is living through a lot of pain.”

(Excerpt) Read more at washingtonexaminer.com...

Is having parents that survived the holicaust the same as actually surviving the holocaust?
Excuse for what? Opposing actions of the Israeli government? Wtf?
Oh you’re one of those. How long have you felt the Israeli government was infallible?
So, you agree with her anti-Semitic remarks. Gotcha. And shows your ridiculous comparison was just that, to holocaust survivors children.
Was Somalia attacked by Israel? If not, then it gives her no excuse.
There you go people Black DeathRATS step up to the plate to stand for anti- semitism whenever they get a chance to make excuses for a Somali racist!

As Democrats line up to defend Rep. Ilhan Omar and come up with her excuses for her anti-Semitism, House Majority Whip Rep. James Clyburn, D-S.C., tried to minimize her comments by arguing that she escaped violence in Somalia, so her experience was "more personal" than Jews who merely had parents survive the Holocaust.

The Hill reports, "Clyburn came to Omar’s defense Wednesday, lamenting that many of the media reports surrounding the recent controversy have omitted mentioning that Omar, who was born in Somalia, had to flee the country to escape violence and spent four years in a Kenyan refugee camp before coming to the United States."

The article quotes Clyburn as saying, “There are people who tell me, ‘Well, my parents are Holocaust survivors.’ ‘My parents did this.’ It’s more personal with her ... I’ve talked to her, and I can tell you she is living through a lot of pain.”

(Excerpt) Read more at washingtonexaminer.com...

Is having parents that survived the holicaust the same as actually surviving the holocaust?
Excuse for what? Opposing actions of the Israeli government? Wtf?
dude, this implies her experience far outweighed any jew being burned alive. Folks, I rest my case about the left insanity.
The Democratic party has welcomed anti-Semitic Jew haters into their party and now can't control them.
Pretty soon the terrorist muslims will be replacing ALL THE deathRAT Jew that have any power at all within the party....After next election the Muslim caucus will DEMAND ALL IN THEIR PARTY CHANGE TO THEIR RELIGION AND SCRAP THE CONSTITUTION FOR SHARIA LAW.....no I am not kidding!
While Dems bow in deference


The Democrat freshman Representative Ilhan Omar (D-Minn) has proven again and again her anti-Semitic bent. She continues to caricature American citizens who support the Jewish state of Israel, including such supporters serving in Congress, of harboring dual loyalties and “allegiance to a foreign country.” While some Democrat leaders in Congress have called her out for her remarks, none appear willing to discipline her. Unlike the Republicans’ actions in stripping Representative Steve King (R-Iowa) of his House committee seats after he made remarks that appeared to defend white nationalism, Congresswoman Omar is still a member of the influential House Foreign Affairs Committee, with no current intention by Democrat House leaders to remove her. Democratic House leaders also appear to be caving in to demands from Omar’s supporters that a clear-cut House resolution against anti-Semitism, which would not have called out Omar by name even in its original version, be even further watered down by adding generic condemnations of hatred in all forms, including of so-called Islamophobia.

Omar, a Somali-American, has regularly demonized Israel and sought to delegitimize it, hallmarks in themselves of her anti-Semitism. In the past, she has accused Israel of “evil doings” and of hypnotizing the world. Earlier this year, she compared Israel to the murderous, terrorist sponsoring Iranian regime and said she “almost chuckle” when the Jewish state is described as a democracy. Omar criticized Israel for instituting laws that “recognize it as a Jewish state and does not recognize the other religions that are living in it.”

Israel, like the United States, is in fact a pluralistic democracy that honors freedom of worship and religious tolerance. That’s certainly much more than can be said for Omar’s native Somalia, where Islam is the official religion and Islamic sharia is the basic source for national legislation. Employing a double standard when falsely accusing Israel of intolerant behavior that her own native country and other Islamic countries display is yet another hallmark of Omar’s anti-Semitism.

In castigating the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) and its supposed influence in swaying U.S politicians to favor Israel, Omar claims she is holding fast to her stated position on “the problematic role of lobbyists in politics, whether it be AIPAC, the [National Rifle Association] or the fossil fuel industry.” Somehow, however, she is not worried about the role of the Hamas-linked Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR). CAIR representatives have regularly lobbied members of Congress and their staff, as well as having conducted closed door meetings with members of the Obama administration. Its agenda is not merely to protect American Muslims’ civil rights, as it claims. The group, like Omar, is stridently anti-Israel. It has accepted foreign donations from radical Muslim countries such as Qatar. CAIR co-founder Omar Ahmad proclaimed two decades ago that “Islam isn’t in America to be equal to any other faith, but to become dominant. The Koran … should be the highest authority in America, and Islam the only accepted religion on Earth.”

Omar will be speaking at a fund-raising event for CAIR later this month, hosted by CAIR-LA, whose chief executive director, Hussam Ayloush, has compared Israel to the Islamic State. This same CAIR leader claimed after the 2015 San Bernardino, California terrorist attack, in which Islamist terrorists had murdered 14 people and wounded 31 others, that the United States itself was partly to blame for the attack. He said, “let’s not forget that some of our own foreign policy as Americans, as the West, have fueled that extremism.”

This is the company that Omar keeps – her kind of lobbyists. She is not only an anti-Semite, who deserves at minimum to be kicked off the House Foreign Affairs Committee immediately and censured if she continues accusing her fellow representatives and others who support Israel of dual loyalties. Like the Islamist group she will be fund-raising for, Omar is an apologist for Islamic terrorism.

Shortly after four armed members of al-Shabab, the Somalian jihadist terrorist group, stormed the Westgate mall in Nairobi, Kenya in 2013, resulting in nearly 70 people dead and 200 wounded, Omar said that terrorist acts were the “byproducts of the actions of our involvement in other people’s affairs.” Is that how she justifies the slaughter by al Qaeda of thousands of innocent people who were going about their own business on 9/11?

In 2016, when Omar was serving as a Minnesota state representative, she pleaded for “compassion” in a letter she sent to a judge considering the sentences for a group of Minnesota men accused of trying to join the Islamic State. She blamed their attraction to the Islamic State and preparations to fight for the Islamist terrorists on the flimsy excuse of “systematic alienation.” Lets just show these would-be murders some “distributive justice,” she said, instead of the harsh prison sentences they deserve.

Finally, when it comes to complaining about “dual loyalties” and “foreign allegiances,” Representative Omar would do well to speak with her colleague, Palestinian-American Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich). Tlaib said that much of her “strength comes from being Palestinian.” To show where her real allegiance lies, she wore a Palestinian gown, said to be a symbol of Palestinian nationalism, at her swearing-in ceremony. She explained, “Throughout my career in public service, the residents I have had the privilege of fighting for have embraced who I am, especially my Palestinian roots.”

A double standard once again. And today's Democrat Party is all in, bowing to its radical progressive base.
Was Somalia attacked by Israel? If not, then it gives her no excuse.
There you go people Black DeathRATS step up to the plate to stand for anti- semitism whenever they get a chance to make excuses for a Somali racist!

As Democrats line up to defend Rep. Ilhan Omar and come up with her excuses for her anti-Semitism, House Majority Whip Rep. James Clyburn, D-S.C., tried to minimize her comments by arguing that she escaped violence in Somalia, so her experience was "more personal" than Jews who merely had parents survive the Holocaust.

The Hill reports, "Clyburn came to Omar’s defense Wednesday, lamenting that many of the media reports surrounding the recent controversy have omitted mentioning that Omar, who was born in Somalia, had to flee the country to escape violence and spent four years in a Kenyan refugee camp before coming to the United States."

The article quotes Clyburn as saying, “There are people who tell me, ‘Well, my parents are Holocaust survivors.’ ‘My parents did this.’ It’s more personal with her ... I’ve talked to her, and I can tell you she is living through a lot of pain.”

(Excerpt) Read more at washingtonexaminer.com...

Is having parents that survived the holicaust the same as actually surviving the holocaust?
Excuse for what? Opposing actions of the Israeli government? Wtf?

She can oppose the actions of the Israeli government all she wants, but that’s not what she did.
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I hate Cyburn and rest of the CBC
She opposed AIPAC’s influence, right? Has the American legislature ever passed a bill demanding people do business with a country before under penalty of law, as they did with Israel?
While Dems bow in deference


The Democrat freshman Representative Ilhan Omar (D-Minn) has proven again and again her anti-Semitic bent. She continues to caricature American citizens who support the Jewish state of Israel, including such supporters serving in Congress, of harboring dual loyalties and “allegiance to a foreign country.” While some Democrat leaders in Congress have called her out for her remarks, none appear willing to discipline her. Unlike the Republicans’ actions in stripping Representative Steve King (R-Iowa) of his House committee seats after he made remarks that appeared to defend white nationalism, Congresswoman Omar is still a member of the influential House Foreign Affairs Committee, with no current intention by Democrat House leaders to remove her. Democratic House leaders also appear to be caving in to demands from Omar’s supporters that a clear-cut House resolution against anti-Semitism, which would not have called out Omar by name even in its original version, be even further watered down by adding generic condemnations of hatred in all forms, including of so-called Islamophobia.

Omar, a Somali-American, has regularly demonized Israel and sought to delegitimize it, hallmarks in themselves of her anti-Semitism. In the past, she has accused Israel of “evil doings” and of hypnotizing the world. Earlier this year, she compared Israel to the murderous, terrorist sponsoring Iranian regime and said she “almost chuckle” when the Jewish state is described as a democracy. Omar criticized Israel for instituting laws that “recognize it as a Jewish state and does not recognize the other religions that are living in it.”

Israel, like the United States, is in fact a pluralistic democracy that honors freedom of worship and religious tolerance. That’s certainly much more than can be said for Omar’s native Somalia, where Islam is the official religion and Islamic sharia is the basic source for national legislation. Employing a double standard when falsely accusing Israel of intolerant behavior that her own native country and other Islamic countries display is yet another hallmark of Omar’s anti-Semitism.

In castigating the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) and its supposed influence in swaying U.S politicians to favor Israel, Omar claims she is holding fast to her stated position on “the problematic role of lobbyists in politics, whether it be AIPAC, the [National Rifle Association] or the fossil fuel industry.” Somehow, however, she is not worried about the role of the Hamas-linked Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR). CAIR representatives have regularly lobbied members of Congress and their staff, as well as having conducted closed door meetings with members of the Obama administration. Its agenda is not merely to protect American Muslims’ civil rights, as it claims. The group, like Omar, is stridently anti-Israel. It has accepted foreign donations from radical Muslim countries such as Qatar. CAIR co-founder Omar Ahmad proclaimed two decades ago that “Islam isn’t in America to be equal to any other faith, but to become dominant. The Koran … should be the highest authority in America, and Islam the only accepted religion on Earth.”

Omar will be speaking at a fund-raising event for CAIR later this month, hosted by CAIR-LA, whose chief executive director, Hussam Ayloush, has compared Israel to the Islamic State. This same CAIR leader claimed after the 2015 San Bernardino, California terrorist attack, in which Islamist terrorists had murdered 14 people and wounded 31 others, that the United States itself was partly to blame for the attack. He said, “let’s not forget that some of our own foreign policy as Americans, as the West, have fueled that extremism.”

This is the company that Omar keeps – her kind of lobbyists. She is not only an anti-Semite, who deserves at minimum to be kicked off the House Foreign Affairs Committee immediately and censured if she continues accusing her fellow representatives and others who support Israel of dual loyalties. Like the Islamist group she will be fund-raising for, Omar is an apologist for Islamic terrorism.

Shortly after four armed members of al-Shabab, the Somalian jihadist terrorist group, stormed the Westgate mall in Nairobi, Kenya in 2013, resulting in nearly 70 people dead and 200 wounded, Omar said that terrorist acts were the “byproducts of the actions of our involvement in other people’s affairs.” Is that how she justifies the slaughter by al Qaeda of thousands of innocent people who were going about their own business on 9/11?

In 2016, when Omar was serving as a Minnesota state representative, she pleaded for “compassion” in a letter she sent to a judge considering the sentences for a group of Minnesota men accused of trying to join the Islamic State. She blamed their attraction to the Islamic State and preparations to fight for the Islamist terrorists on the flimsy excuse of “systematic alienation.” Lets just show these would-be murders some “distributive justice,” she said, instead of the harsh prison sentences they deserve.

Finally, when it comes to complaining about “dual loyalties” and “foreign allegiances,” Representative Omar would do well to speak with her colleague, Palestinian-American Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich). Tlaib said that much of her “strength comes from being Palestinian.” To show where her real allegiance lies, she wore a Palestinian gown, said to be a symbol of Palestinian nationalism, at her swearing-in ceremony. She explained, “Throughout my career in public service, the residents I have had the privilege of fighting for have embraced who I am, especially my Palestinian roots.”

A double standard once again. And today's Democrat Party is all in, bowing to its radical progressive base.
Muslims are the most hate-fille people on the planet

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