Jim DeMint: "I've Never Been Part Of The Tea Party In My Life"


The Big Bad Wolf.
Oct 4, 2010
What a fucking liar!

MARY KISSEL, WALL STREET JOURNAL: You’re seen as one of the backers, one of the intellectual godfathers of the tea party. So whether or not Heritage financially backs these candidates is a separate issue. When you look, though, at how tea party candidates are doing -- take Kansas, Milton Wolf, posting graphic x-rays on his Facebook page. He's trailing [incumbent Senator] Pat Roberts really badly. What are the lessons to learn from 2012, when, you know, you had some tea party winners, but then you have guys like this?

FMR. SEN. JIM DeMINT, HERITAGE: In 2010, it was a ground-up effort. That was good for Republicans. In 2012, they tried to do it from the top-down, a big central campaign without the grassroots. It didn't work. And what's happening around the country, you can't say one candidate is tea party and another one is not because the tea party is not --

KISSEL: Oh, come on, Senator!

DeMINT: They're not an organized --

KISSEL: Milton Wolf, Matt Bevin, Steve Stockman in Texas. They’re all running under the tea party banner and they’re all trailing by double digits. Why?

DeMINT: Well, a lot of them are running under tea party ideas. I don’t know if they’re calling themselves tea party candidates or not.

KISSEL: They are.

DeMINT: They're all called that. I mean, I'm called a tea party Senator and I’ve never been a part of a tea party in my life. I’ve been to a lot of meetings. It's the ideas that matter. It's the organization that has been vilified of tea parties, just like Republicans, and Democrats in a lot of cases. Congress only has like 10% approval. But America is hungry for ideas that will make our life better and the country stronger, and that's not being presented by politicians.
Jim DeMint: "I've Never Been Part Of The Tea Party In My Life" | Video | RealClearPolitics
Where did Milton Wolf call himself a "Tea Party Candidate."

In fact, he doesn't appear to allign himself with ANY political party.

About | Dr. Milton Wolf for U.S. Senate

Here is what he actually says about himself:

Milton is a doctor, not a politician. He has never run for political office. He rejects the idea of career politicians and shares our Founding Fathers’ vision of a citizen legislature where Americans bring their experiences, serve for a short time and then return home to live under the laws they helped to create. Milton believes America must re-embrace the Constitution and the divinely-inspired American Idea of individual liberty, limited government and free-market values.

His political party affiliation is REPUBLICAN.
What a fucking liar!

MARY KISSEL, WALL STREET JOURNAL: You’re seen as one of the backers, one of the intellectual godfathers of the tea party. So whether or not Heritage financially backs these candidates is a separate issue. When you look, though, at how tea party candidates are doing -- take Kansas, Milton Wolf, posting graphic x-rays on his Facebook page. He's trailing [incumbent Senator] Pat Roberts really badly. What are the lessons to learn from 2012, when, you know, you had some tea party winners, but then you have guys like this?

FMR. SEN. JIM DeMINT, HERITAGE: In 2010, it was a ground-up effort. That was good for Republicans. In 2012, they tried to do it from the top-down, a big central campaign without the grassroots. It didn't work. And what's happening around the country, you can't say one candidate is tea party and another one is not because the tea party is not --

KISSEL: Oh, come on, Senator!

DeMINT: They're not an organized --

KISSEL: Milton Wolf, Matt Bevin, Steve Stockman in Texas. They’re all running under the tea party banner and they’re all trailing by double digits. Why?

DeMINT: Well, a lot of them are running under tea party ideas. I don’t know if they’re calling themselves tea party candidates or not.

KISSEL: They are.

DeMINT: They're all called that. I mean, I'm called a tea party Senator and I’ve never been a part of a tea party in my life. I’ve been to a lot of meetings. It's the ideas that matter. It's the organization that has been vilified of tea parties, just like Republicans, and Democrats in a lot of cases. Congress only has like 10% approval. But America is hungry for ideas that will make our life better and the country stronger, and that's not being presented by politicians.
Jim DeMint: "I've Never Been Part Of The Tea Party In My Life" | Video | RealClearPolitics
The only thing worse than Jim DeMint, are the dumbass American's who voted for him.
what a fucking liar!

mary kissel, wall street journal: You’re seen as one of the backers, one of the intellectual godfathers of the tea party. So whether or not heritage financially backs these candidates is a separate issue. When you look, though, at how tea party candidates are doing -- take kansas, milton wolf, posting graphic x-rays on his facebook page. He's trailing [incumbent senator] pat roberts really badly. What are the lessons to learn from 2012, when, you know, you had some tea party winners, but then you have guys like this?

Fmr. Sen. Jim demint, heritage: In 2010, it was a ground-up effort. That was good for republicans. In 2012, they tried to do it from the top-down, a big central campaign without the grassroots. It didn't work. And what's happening around the country, you can't say one candidate is tea party and another one is not because the tea party is not --

kissel: Oh, come on, senator!

Demint: They're not an organized --

kissel: Milton wolf, matt bevin, steve stockman in texas. They’re all running under the tea party banner and they’re all trailing by double digits. Why?

Demint: Well, a lot of them are running under tea party ideas. I don’t know if they’re calling themselves tea party candidates or not.

Kissel: They are.

Demint: They're all called that. I mean, i'm called a tea party senator and i’ve never been a part of a tea party in my life. I’ve been to a lot of meetings. It's the ideas that matter. It's the organization that has been vilified of tea parties, just like republicans, and democrats in a lot of cases. Congress only has like 10% approval. But america is hungry for ideas that will make our life better and the country stronger, and that's not being presented by politicians.
jim demint: "i've never been part of the tea party in my life" | video | realclearpolitics
the only thing worse than jim demint, are the dumbass american's who voted for him.

The "bagger nation", is the most stupid group of American's on the face of the planet and anyone with that low of intelligence and backbone, should not be participating in the politics of this country.

They have a right to participate, but they're not helping the country when they do shit like this.
The "bagger nation", is the most stupid group of American's on the face of the planet and anyone with that low of intelligence and backbone, should not be participating in the politics of this country.

They have a right to participate, but they're not helping the country when they do shit like this.

Thanks for articulating such a well formed argument supported with overwhelming evidence and logical construct.

Clearly you have demonstrated superior intellect, and credentials to qualify who should, and should not "be participating in the politics of this country."


DeMINT: They're all called that. I mean, I'm called a tea party Senator and I’ve never been a part of a tea party in my life.

Rightists can’t have it both ways; or this is a concession that the ‘TPM’ never existed to begin with, that it was nothing more than a contrivance by the extreme right of the GOP and always part of the GOP.
The "bagger nation", is the most stupid group of American's on the face of the planet and anyone with that low of intelligence and backbone, should not be participating in the politics of this country.

They have a right to participate, but they're not helping the country when they do shit like this.

Well for the most stupid group of Americans on the face of the planet who obviously do not have the intelligence and the backbone, but hide behind RACIST titles and RACIST ideas is the Congressional Black Caucus, who should not have any right or reason to participate in the politics of this country.

If you want to compare self-made millionaires Glen Beck or Rush Limbaugh to government moocher any and all member the above mentioned august body, for stupidity, go ahead, be my guest.

If you want to compare the freeloaders who contribute nothing, in fact steal from society, you know, the ones who go out of their way to avoid working, those who collect on the generosity of tax payers, to corporations who provide jobs, that your favorite freeloaders are expert at avoiding, again, be my guest.

But please, do me a favor: Just ONCE present some facts to support your argument.
Corporations could provide a lot more jobs if they spent their record profits on creating more jobs.
What a fucking liar!

MARY KISSEL, WALL STREET JOURNAL: You’re seen as one of the backers, one of the intellectual godfathers of the tea party. So whether or not Heritage financially backs these candidates is a separate issue. When you look, though, at how tea party candidates are doing -- take Kansas, Milton Wolf, posting graphic x-rays on his Facebook page. He's trailing [incumbent Senator] Pat Roberts really badly. What are the lessons to learn from 2012, when, you know, you had some tea party winners, but then you have guys like this?

FMR. SEN. JIM DeMINT, HERITAGE: In 2010, it was a ground-up effort. That was good for Republicans. In 2012, they tried to do it from the top-down, a big central campaign without the grassroots. It didn't work. And what's happening around the country, you can't say one candidate is tea party and another one is not because the tea party is not --

KISSEL: Oh, come on, Senator!

DeMINT: They're not an organized --

KISSEL: Milton Wolf, Matt Bevin, Steve Stockman in Texas. They’re all running under the tea party banner and they’re all trailing by double digits. Why?

DeMINT: Well, a lot of them are running under tea party ideas. I don’t know if they’re calling themselves tea party candidates or not.

KISSEL: They are.

DeMINT: They're all called that. I mean, I'm called a tea party Senator and I’ve never been a part of a tea party in my life. I’ve been to a lot of meetings. It's the ideas that matter. It's the organization that has been vilified of tea parties, just like Republicans, and Democrats in a lot of cases. Congress only has like 10% approval. But America is hungry for ideas that will make our life better and the country stronger, and that's not being presented by politicians.
Jim DeMint: "I've Never Been Part Of The Tea Party In My Life" | Video | RealClearPolitics

I heard that and literally laughed out loud.
The "bagger nation", is the most stupid group of American's on the face of the planet and anyone with that low of intelligence and backbone, should not be participating in the politics of this country.

They have a right to participate, but they're not helping the country when they do shit like this.

Bagger Nation????

You mean Gays?
It is rather sad how they used and abused and then discarded the tea party, no one really deserves such political exploitation, even borderline racists and gun nutters.
Demint was a member of the Senate Tea Party Caucus, one of its first members in fact.
The "bagger nation", is the most stupid group of American's on the face of the planet and anyone with that low of intelligence and backbone, should not be participating in the politics of this country.

They have a right to participate, but they're not helping the country when they do shit like this.

Well for the most stupid group of Americans on the face of the planet who obviously do not have the intelligence and the backbone, but hide behind RACIST titles and RACIST ideas is the Congressional Black Caucus, who should not have any right or reason to participate in the politics of this country.

If you want to compare self-made millionaires Glen Beck or Rush Limbaugh to government moocher any and all member the above mentioned august body, for stupidity, go ahead, be my guest.

If you want to compare the freeloaders who contribute nothing, in fact steal from society, you know, the ones who go out of their way to avoid working, those who collect on the generosity of tax payers, to corporations who provide jobs, that your favorite freeloaders are expert at avoiding, again, be my guest.

But please, do me a favor: Just ONCE present some facts to support your argument.

You are calling for 'facts' after emoting pure right wing dogma?
The "bagger nation", is the most stupid group of American's on the face of the planet and anyone with that low of intelligence and backbone, should not be participating in the politics of this country.
Why? because they don't agree with you? or is it because they want less central government interference in their lives?

Why all the vitriol for a group of people who mostly just want to be left alone by government? I could understand being upset with them if they wanted to interfere with your right to decide how you want to live your life but the fact of the matter is most of them want exactly the opposite, they don't want to tell you how to live your life and are just asking for the SAME IN RETURN.
The "bagger nation", is the most stupid group of American's on the face of the planet and anyone with that low of intelligence and backbone, should not be participating in the politics of this country.

They have a right to participate, but they're not helping the country when they do shit like this.

Well for the most stupid group of Americans on the face of the planet who obviously do not have the intelligence and the backbone, but hide behind RACIST titles and RACIST ideas is the Congressional Black Caucus, who should not have any right or reason to participate in the politics of this country.

If you want to compare self-made millionaires Glen Beck or Rush Limbaugh to government moocher any and all member the above mentioned august body, for stupidity, go ahead, be my guest.

If you want to compare the freeloaders who contribute nothing, in fact steal from society, you know, the ones who go out of their way to avoid working, those who collect on the generosity of tax payers, to corporations who provide jobs, that your favorite freeloaders are expert at avoiding, again, be my guest.

But please, do me a favor: Just ONCE present some facts to support your argument.

You are calling for 'facts' after emoting pure right wing dogma?

If there were a body in Congress called Congressional White Caucus, you and your pathetic ilk would be the first to condemn it as RACIST. Yet, you seem to condone the RACIST Congressional Black Caucus.

That is a fact.

Glen Beck and Rush Limbaugh became millionaires by their own efforts, while freeloaders like every single member of the RACIST Black Congressional Caucus mooch and leech off government largesse and would be the lowest dirt in the ghetto left on their own abilities.

That is a fact. Well, that last one is just a guess based on historical examples.
The "bagger nation", is the most stupid group of American's on the face of the planet and anyone with that low of intelligence and backbone, should not be participating in the politics of this country.

They have a right to participate, but they're not helping the country when they do shit like this.

Man, that's the truth. What kind of moonbat thinks our government is taxing and spending too much money? WTF?
Well for the most stupid group of Americans on the face of the planet who obviously do not have the intelligence and the backbone, but hide behind RACIST titles and RACIST ideas is the Congressional Black Caucus, who should not have any right or reason to participate in the politics of this country.

If you want to compare self-made millionaires Glen Beck or Rush Limbaugh to government moocher any and all member the above mentioned august body, for stupidity, go ahead, be my guest.

If you want to compare the freeloaders who contribute nothing, in fact steal from society, you know, the ones who go out of their way to avoid working, those who collect on the generosity of tax payers, to corporations who provide jobs, that your favorite freeloaders are expert at avoiding, again, be my guest.

But please, do me a favor: Just ONCE present some facts to support your argument.

You are calling for 'facts' after emoting pure right wing dogma?

If there were a body in Congress called Congressional White Caucus, you and your pathetic ilk would be the first to condemn it as RACIST. Yet, you seem to condone the RACIST Congressional Black Caucus.

That is a fact.

Glen Beck and Rush Limbaugh became millionaires by their own efforts, while freeloaders like every single member of the RACIST Black Congressional Caucus mooch and leech off government largesse and would be the lowest dirt in the ghetto left on their own abilities.

That is a fact. Well, that last one is just a guess based on historical examples.

You're talking to someone who because I said no business should be forced to deal with any customer called me a segregational racist. We're not talking about someone firing on all cylinders...

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