Jim DeMint: "I've Never Been Part Of The Tea Party In My Life"

Glen Beck and Rush Limbaugh became millionaires by never underestimating the intelligence of their audience

OK, if you want to go down that route, will you admit that Obama won re-election because of his four-pinnochio lies and underestimating the intelligence of dummies, most prevalently in the black (and blind) community and the questionable intelligence of those who can't tell the difference between education and knowledge and the difference between experience and indoctrination.

That roundly puts and end to the myth that most "Main Stream" media favors liberals.

That wasn't a lie at all.

So, what is it?

On one breath you claim that liberal bias in the media does not exist.

Then you go and declare that the lie the liberal media thought was a lie and rewarded with four pinnocchios is not a lie at all.

Make up your mind if you have any.
What a fucking liar!

He's the Tea Party's bitch.

Jim DeMint resigns from Senate
December 2012

Jim DeMint resigns from Senate | TheHill

Sen. Jim DeMint (R-S.C.), a leading Senate conservative and founding member of the Senate Tea Party Caucus, will resign from office in January to become president of The Heritage Foundation.

DeMint, who frequently clashed with the Senate Republican leadership during his career over taxes, spending and political tactics, said he will continue to push his conservative vision from outside Congress."""""""

He's a whore with a capital "W"

JANUARY 27, 2011, 12:53 PM
Senate Tea Party Caucus Holds First Meeting

Some of the Tea Party’s most prominent candidates never made it to Washington (think Christine “I am not a witch” O’Donnell of Delaware), but the movement that perhaps best embodied the anti-incumbent sentiment of 2010 has nonetheless gained a toehold in the upper chamber of Congress. And on Thursday it became official: Senator Jim DeMint of South Carolina, the Tea Party patron, and the freshmen senators Rand Paul of Kentucky and Mike Lee of Utah held the first official gathering of the Senate Tea Party Caucus."""
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Now to be fair, DeMint is saying the same thing I've always said...there is no such thing as a Tea "Party". They are not a qualified party that you can run under...they are and will remain Republicans.

What's even funnier about Demint saying that is that one of very first elections with a Tea Partier in it was in 2009, the NY23 special Congressional election,

where Demint made big news endorsing Tea Partier Doug Hoffmann,

who ran on the Conservative Party ticket, against the Republican candidate.

which btw enabled the Democrats to win in a very Republican district.
they will just deny those facts.

they don't even like to believe in our own court records that go all the way to the SCOTUS decisions.

They don't deal in facts
So if we're to believe Demint, that there is no such thing as the Tea Party,

then is it fair to say that all these conservative candidates out there, past and present,

who proudly proclaim their Tea Party credentials at every opportunity,

are effectively affiliated with a figment of their imagination?
Still no evidence of DeMint's tea Party Membership. I'm truly shocked moonbats.

You're illiterate. He was a member of the Tea Party Caucus.

A member of the tea party caucus. Does that mean he's a member of the tea party? Or is the tea party just republicans. You guys have twisted yourselves up so pretzel over the "tea party", you throw it at anything you dislike. Then claim it's a dying "party", that isn't a party, but we have people like DeMint who are a member.

Fuckin' moonbats to the moon!!!

Now to be fair, DeMint is saying the same thing I've always said...there is no such thing as a Tea "Party". They are not a qualified party that you can run under...they are and will remain Republicans.

What's even funnier about Demint saying that is that one of very first elections with a Tea Partier in it was in 2009, the NY23 special Congressional election,

where Demint made big news endorsing Tea Partier Doug Hoffmann,

who ran on the Conservative Party ticket, against the Republican candidate.

which btw enabled the Democrats to win in a very Republican district.

So the Tea Party is the conservative party then? Not the republican party. The further we slide, the steeper the slope gets.

Thanks for articulating such a well formed argument supported with overwhelming evidence and logical construct.

Clearly you have demonstrated superior intellect, and credentials to qualify who should, and should not "be participating in the politics of this country."


What Einstein would march on Washington protesting a President (just 6 months after his inauguration), before he had a chance to do anything worth protesting about? On top of that, protesting shit that doesn't even exist in reality!
  • protesting the raising of taxes (that were actually lowered)
  • that he's a socialist, marxist, not born here, etc
  • that he's trying to take over the healthcare industry
You've got to be an idiot, to do that on the national stage in front of the whole country.

Yeah, they're stupid, dumbass American's, doing the bidding for corporate America.
It was created as a distraction from the near total distruction of the republican partys reputation after Bush nearly destroyed the country

Now they know its a joke and has run its course

The irony is that the tea party are against what you claim to be against in the Republican party. They say we need to stop focusing on social and military issues as our primary concern, which is what you say is wrong with the Republican party.

Their view is we are taxing and spending too much, that is our biggest issue. They are right. They don't believe there are no other issues, just that those are the biggest and we need to focus on addressing those first. Hence the name, think about it "tea party."

What's sad is that people as dumb as you are allowed to vote. We really need to do something about that.
lol, Jim Demint is like the apostle Peter, after Christ got arrested.

Jesus? Jesus who???
If there were a body in Congress called Congressional White Caucus, you and your pathetic ilk would be the first to condemn it as RACIST. Yet, you seem to condone the RACIST Congressional Black Caucus.

That is a fact.

Glen Beck and Rush Limbaugh became millionaires by their own efforts, while freeloaders like every single member of the RACIST Black Congressional Caucus mooch and leech off government largesse and would be the lowest dirt in the ghetto left on their own abilities.

That is a fact. Well, that last one is just a guess based on historical examples.

Glen Beck and Rush Limbaugh became millionaires by never underestimating the intelligence of their audience

OK, if you want to go down that route, will you admit that Obama won re-election because of his four-pinnochio lies and underestimating the intelligence of dummies, most prevalently in the black (and blind) community and the questionable intelligence of those who can't tell the difference between education and knowledge and the difference between experience and indoctrination.

There is no group of people with lower intelligence who parrot propaganda, indoctrination and dogma than right wing teabagger turds. ESPECIALLY the ones who listen to Limbaugh and Beck.

Ray McGovern, a retired CIA agent whose expertise was the old Soviet Union and the Eastern Bloc countries says the propaganda coming out of Fox News is at the same level as Pravda. But I suspect most Russians knew Pravda was propaganda.
Glen Beck and Rush Limbaugh became millionaires by never underestimating the intelligence of their audience

OK, if you want to go down that route, will you admit that Obama won re-election because of his four-pinnochio lies and underestimating the intelligence of dummies, most prevalently in the black (and blind) community and the questionable intelligence of those who can't tell the difference between education and knowledge and the difference between experience and indoctrination.

There is no group of people with lower intelligence who parrot propaganda, indoctrination and dogma than right wing teabagger turds. ESPECIALLY the ones who listen to Limbaugh and Beck.

Ray McGovern, a retired CIA agent whose expertise was the old Soviet Union and the Eastern Bloc countries says the propaganda coming out of Fox News is at the same level as Pravda. But I suspect most Russians knew Pravda was propaganda.

And here in lies one of the hypocritical, lying lefts biggest problems. You paint with the same brush strokes regarding the tea party as you accuse rconservatives of doing. There most certainly are "teabagger turds" who are filled with nonsensical ideas. And there are just as many moonbats that listen to Ed Schultz and other charlatans on the far fringe left.

The problem you guys have created for yourselves is that you can not keep a story straight regarding the tea party. It's constantly being said how they are dying etc...then you make sure to bring them at attention, smear anything you can on a largely individual based group and then act like THEY are the ones who are hate fillied, etc...

It's that liberal hypocrisy coupled with the intellectual dishonesty that runs so rampant among modern liberals colliding together. And it makes you all look like full blown moonbats.
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OK, if you want to go down that route, will you admit that Obama won re-election because of his four-pinnochio lies and underestimating the intelligence of dummies, most prevalently in the black (and blind) community and the questionable intelligence of those who can't tell the difference between education and knowledge and the difference between experience and indoctrination.

That roundly puts and end to the myth that most "Main Stream" media favors liberals.

That wasn't a lie at all.

So, what is it?

On one breath you claim that liberal bias in the media does not exist.

Then you go and declare that the lie the liberal media thought was a lie and rewarded with four pinnocchios is not a lie at all.

Make up your mind if you have any.


This makes no sense whatsoever.

Lately the "bias" has been tilted right. CNN puts out extremely silly stories all the time. I don't even bother with them anymore, it's like FOX light. Same with most other "news" outfits. The major networks seem to be following the FOX model and hiring dippy news casters and off the wall opinionated morons. The only thing I can tolerate lately is New York 1.
OK, if you want to go down that route, will you admit that Obama won re-election because of his four-pinnochio lies and underestimating the intelligence of dummies, most prevalently in the black (and blind) community and the questionable intelligence of those who can't tell the difference between education and knowledge and the difference between experience and indoctrination.

There is no group of people with lower intelligence who parrot propaganda, indoctrination and dogma than right wing teabagger turds. ESPECIALLY the ones who listen to Limbaugh and Beck.

Ray McGovern, a retired CIA agent whose expertise was the old Soviet Union and the Eastern Bloc countries says the propaganda coming out of Fox News is at the same level as Pravda. But I suspect most Russians knew Pravda was propaganda.

And here in lies one of the hypocritical, lying lefts biggest problems. You paint with the same brush strokes regarding the tea party as you accuse rconservatives of doing. There most certainly are "teabagger turds" who are filled with nonsensical ideas. And there are just as many moonbats that listen to Ed Schultz and other charlatans on the far fringe left.

The problem you guys have created for yourselves is that you can not keep a story straight regarding the tea party. It's constantly being said how they are dying etc...then you make sure to bring them at attention, smear anything you can on a largely individual based group and then act like THEY are the ones who are hate fillied, etc...

It's that liberal hypocrisy coupled with the intellectual dishonesty that runs so rampant among modern liberals colliding together. And it makes you all look like full blown moonbats.

Seriously dude.

You're the one saying Demint wasn't in the Tea Party.

Seriously, dude. You can't even nail down WHAT the tea party is, so I find it just more of your intellectual dishonesty to claim DeMint is a tea party member. You've jump the shark entirely as usual, Shallow.

the tea party is anything a LOLberal idiot doesn't like about conservatives. It's the moonbat boogeyman.
Seriously, dude. You can't even nail down WHAT the tea party is, so I find it just more of your intellectual dishonesty to claim DeMint is a tea party member. You've jump the shark entirely as usual, Shallow.

the tea party is anything a LOLberal idiot doesn't like about conservatives. It's the moonbat boogeyman.

You folks may want it to be vapor..but it isn't.

It was real. You folks advocated for it and now that it has the scorn of most Americans, you want it to go away.

It basically will.

But don't think you can wash it's stink off so easily.


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