Jim Himes: Tucker's a "parasite", cherry picked out of hours of video "enraging, makes me want to jump through the screen & strangle him, i was there"

Himes is an example of how TDS can become a desire to hurt other people or a general call to violence, like the antifa-BLM riots of the summer of 20. Himes is basically a run of the mill bigot who gets offended by opinions that don't reflect his own. He's an antifa wanna be.
He's a lying leftard sack of shit JUST LIKE ALL THE REST.
let's lower the temperature, i know tempers are flaring on both sides, let's calm down before someone gets hurt

The J6 Committee lied.

They Cherry-picked specific video intended to support their narrative.

Their 'narrative' was blown up by other actual footage.

The ONLY way 'haters' and liars can prove the video Carlson showed was 'doctored' is to release it all.

The J6 Committee could have done so at any time - they chose not to.
-- None of them are running for microphones to attack Carlson or demand all video video be released. They won't - Carlson showed us why.

The DOJ / Capitol Police can release all of the video RIGHT NOW to support their Conspiracy Theory that Carlson altered the video...they won't. They are content with launching unsupported accusations.

Carlson endangered security by releasing video? But the J6 Committee did NOT do so by releasing video?!


The truth is out, & Deep State, Washington Establishment, Democrats, & the J6 Kabuki Theater actors are pissed.

No? Then they can release all the video to prove it. Again, they won't.

Despite making 90% of the J6 Committee's focus on Trump, in the end, Trump was exonerated. The DOJ / FBI / DEMOCRATS, once again, FAILED to provide any evidence of Trump's involvement in the incited violent J6 protest.

Garland was left pathetically begging judges to allow Trump to be sued despire the fact that Garland had completly failed to prove Trump's involvement / fault.

Not only that, but with more than enough Intel and months to prepare, Democrats, the DC Mayor, the DOJ, FBI, ATF, DHS, & local / district / federal law enforcement all FAILED to prevent J6 and FAILED to protect the Capitol. THEY failed!

The entire J6 Committee was another massive FAILED 'Get Trump' waste of time and tax-payer dollars.

Now that this has been proven Democrats and RINOs are trying to save face and salvage their credibility by launching the CONSPIRACY THEORY of a doctored video and attempting to spin the focus / blame back onto the person who exposed them as frauds and liars.

Again, they have a very easy way of proving the video was doctored - release it all.

They won't.
Again, they have a very easy way of proving the video was doctored - release it all.

1-6- meme.jpg

These people really, really, really.....I mean REALLY...need the "insurrection".

The funny thing is--and I think what they're raging against--is no one believes them anymore.

They lost on Covid. I mean lost catastrophically.

And now the narrative is crumbling on the "insurrection" too.

They're raging not about one thing but many. Pretty much everywhere they turn, they're losing, they know it, and they can't deal.

The Cope is strong, IOW
Oh, okay.

What are my positions on Single Payer, the border, abortion, guns, corporate taxation, green energy, Political Correctness and Identity Politics, for example?

Lay it out for me.


We never get to read that, Mac. What we read is you crying and whining about parasites and "those people" while you say you never talk like that, you're above it all.

It would be funny, but it's pathetic
Oh, okay.

What are my positions on Single Payer, the border, abortion, guns, corporate taxation, green energy, Political Correctness and Identity Politics, for example?

Lay it out for me.

Deflecting again?

This thread is about leftard parasites, dummy.

I guess if the shoe fits...
Oh, okay.

What are my positions on Single Payer, the border, abortion, guns, corporate taxation, green energy, Political Correctness and Identity Politics, for example?

Lay it out for me.

Well, it’s an anonymous message board, so you can lie about anything. The only thing that matters is how you vote, and you’ll lie about that too. So, based on your posting history, you’re a dyed in the wool liberal. Everything else is just nastiness.

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