Jim Himes: Tucker's a "parasite", cherry picked out of hours of video "enraging, makes me want to jump through the screen & strangle him, i was there"

Being a big history guy, perhaps you could give us the run down on political prisoners. Dead civilians and Maga Shaman tours are not a takeover attempt, sorry. Let the prisoners go.
Yeah. I agree. And Germans sitting around drinking and smoking isn't genocide either.

As a history guy you should be appalled that you have been duped.

That picture can't lie.
Tucker nailed it. I thought I had seen chaos and anarchy on live tv but I can't believe my lying eyes after Tucker exposed the truth . Obviously everyone there was just sightseeing.

In that vein, I started doing my own research of the Nazis in world war two, and low and behold, what did find? This pic that totally upends what we we thought we knew about the Nazis.

Obviously based on this pic, history has lied to us.

View attachment 763630

Anyone see any Jews getting killed here? Not me. Evidently WW2 was a hoax to keep Hitler from being elected. These Nazis are just sitting around smoking, drinking, laughing and having a great time. I would guess these are just nazi tourists, visiting Poland for some sight seeing.

This is just like Jan 6. They want to hide the truth. Hmm, I wonder if there is any other atrocities I can expose as lies using the Tucker Carlson method of exposure? Wish me luck all.


You're an idiot!!!

Oh, okay.

What are my positions on Single Payer, the border, abortion, guns, corporate taxation, green energy, Political Correctness and Identity Politics, for example?

Lay it out for me.

Not another g5000 and Dadoalex bunch of bullshit.
”Ignore my enormous history of leftist as fuck posts and trust me when I say…..I’m right of you righties.”
Please stop with that retarded bullshit…..NOBODY believes you fools.
Not another g5000 and Dadoalex bunch of bullshit.
”Ignore my enormous history of leftist as fuck posts and trust me when I say…..I’m right of you righties.”
Please stop with that retarded bullshit…..NOBODY believes you fools.
I listed out some specific issues and you avoided them.

Because you have no balls.
My politics don't obediently and mindlessly fall in line with those of either silly party.

And that's why you mindless sheep hate my guts. I expose you for what you are.

I'm good with that.
Hahahaha….yeah yeah….you’re so fucking intelligent you don’t fit in anywhere…everyone around you is stupid as fuck by comparison…just ask you.

My politics don't obediently and mindlessly fall in line with those of either silly party.
Yet ALL of your posts here seem to oddly fall right in line with all the other leftists….weird huh?

You crazy as fuck megalomaniacs are all the same….you’re facinating as hell….Thank you for the entertainment.
Hahahaha….yeah yeah….you’re so fucking intelligent you don’t fit in anywhere…everyone around you is stupid as fuck by comparison…just ask you.

Yet ALL of your posts here seem to oddly fall right in line with all the other leftists….weird huh?

You crazy as fuck megalomaniacs are all the same….you’re facinating as hell….Thank you for the entertainment.
And you guys tell us you have all the answers. And that you're so much intelligent than us. Talk about ego.

There are more of me than you. You're just louder and needier.
Instead of playing photo op tough guy, Himes should ask to go on Carlson's show.

But he won't. None of these people want to answer actual questions about any of this, which is why they established the utterly ridiculous J6 committee and structured it the way they did. They've established their frothing at the mouth narrative and it is exactly where they want it, so they will do exactly nothing that might jeopardize that, such as having to answer questions that aren't softballs from some sham committee.

So, instead, he'll rant and rail, and if Carlson offers any of these pukes the opportunity to come onto his show to discuss, which would not surprise me one bit, they will say it is beneath them, that he is a 'parasite' that should not be given any further attention etc., etc., etc., and decline.

People should wonder why these people aren't clamoring to take on Carlson in a live debate and sift through this material for the entire nation to see, as should have been done in the first place. But they seemingly don't, and won't.
I especially enjoyed the part last night in the interview Tucker aired with the disgraced and disgruntled former Capitol Police officer when the crybaby told the interviewer that someone put a red MAGAt hat on his head and he decided to keep it on for safety....to keep the hostile and aggressive MAGAt crowd from singling him out and attacking him.


And Tucker's "peaceful protest" theory goes up in smoke.:auiqs.jpg::TH_WAY~113:
And you guys tell us you have all the answers. And that you're so much intelligent than us. Talk about ego.

There are more of me than you. You're just louder and needier.
That’s the thing bud…this shit is so fucking simple…Intelligence is hardly even required.
The answer is sooooo simple….it goes like this.
Advocate to protect and preserve ALL THINGS core America and we all get along just fine….TA-DA!
See how simple this shit is?
I especially enjoyed the part last night in the interview Tucker aired with the disgraced and disgruntled former Capitol Police officer when the crybaby told the interviewer that someone put a red MAGAt hat on his head and he decided to keep it on for safety....to keep the hostile and aggressive MAGAt crowd from singling him out and attacking him.


And Tucker's "peaceful protest" theory goes up in smoke.:auiqs.jpg::TH_WAY~113:

MAGA people welcome blacks? Weird. :popcorn:

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