Jim Himes: Tucker's a "parasite", cherry picked out of hours of video "enraging, makes me want to jump through the screen & strangle him, i was there"

My politics don't obediently and mindlessly fall in line with those of either silly party.

And that's why you mindless sheep hate my guts. I expose you for what you are.

I'm good with that.
Didn't you run with this garbage like a good little Demstapo?

Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-Fla.) hammered the leftist media for falsely portraying him as supporting a Florida Senate bill that sought to force bloggers to register with the state, declaring that it was “not anything” he’s “ever supported.”

NBC News tweeted out a story reporting on the bill and plastered DeSantis’ face on it, falsely intimating he was behind Republican State Sen. Jason Brodeur’s proposal. The state legislature never even took up the legislation. It would have required “any blogger writing about government officials to register with the Florida Office of Legislative Services or the Commission on Ethics.”

The media attempted to spin DeSantis once again as an authoritarian fascist dictator who wants to clamp down on individual rights.

Your "co-righties" attacked with lies and YOU SWALLOWED!!!

let's lower the temperature, i know tempers are flaring on both sides, let's calm down before someone gets hurt

Personally, I feel that if Democrats can cherry pick what they want released I see nothing wrong with McCarthy and Carlson releasing cherry picked things. Democrats could have avoided all this by just releasing everything themselves instead of their own cherry picked findings.
Let’s see now. Trumptards in the hundreds have been convicted and in prison or on the way, your orange fuhrer is a whiny loser but you idiots have a video and so we are the ones who should commit seppuku? LOL

And you idiots wonder why everyone laughs at you. :itsok:
Idiots laughing at me??? Is that supposed to make me feel something?
Personally, I feel that if Democrats can cherry pick what they want released I see nothing wrong with McCarthy and Carlson releasing cherry picked things. Democrats could have avoided all this by just releasing everything themselves instead of their own cherry picked findings.
Indeed, this new release should focus on what the Dems deliberately left out and why.
Alinsky couldn't do it any better. Democrats cherry picked selected videos in order to put mom and pop demonstrators in prison for years and now they accused Tucker of cherry picking when he tells the whole story. Jim Himes should be in prison instead of the guy with the horns.
Which is really all Republicans wanted - everything released.
Sometimes the best way to nab criminals, though, is to let them get away with it for awhile so evidence can pile up for future prosecution. They've been lying for 2 years about this. We wouldn't have that to slap them with if everything had been released back then. IMO they are past the point of no return. Hopefully next details about election fraud and tampering will also surface. The Dems were dangerous long before 2020. But these things are a smoking gun, a body, DNA....all the things you really need to get a conviction. So I say let them leave a trail to be followed later. It will be the difference between winning a battle and winning the war.
Never cared for Carlson, until now, when I see all the bedwetting over him and his objective reporting on Jan. 6 and how the Democrats criminal syndicate is trying to smear him. The Hive is also sending its shills out to proclaim Carlson hated Trump, as if that absolves them of scumbaggery or something. lol
What do you think Tucker has uncovered about Jan 6 with all of his “objective reporting” as you call it?
What do you think Tucker has uncovered about Jan 6 with all of his “objective reporting” as you call it?
What was uncovered is the truth. The riots that democrats supported in 2021 did billions in damage, ruined hundreds of small family businesses and assaulted hundreds of innocent citizens, and you pus pockets made a mountain out of a molehill on January 6th for political profit.
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What do you think Tucker has uncovered about Jan 6 with all of his “objective reporting” as you call it?
You must be kidding or you’re stupid as fuck.
Tucker revealed that Mexicrats did one hell of an edit job on the video they released to steer public opinion and push their narrative / propaganda.
He revealed that Q Shaman was as dangerous as toothless quadriplegic, he revealed that there was a fun-loving cordial party going on inside the Capitol….he revealed that Brian Sicknick was just fine and directing pedestrian traffic inside the Capitol after he was supposedly killed by a fire extinguisher blow to the head, he affirmed that Ashli Babbit was in fact murdered in cold blood by an angry trigger happy blacktivist.
Tucker nailed it. I thought I had seen chaos and anarchy on live tv but I can't believe my lying eyes after Tucker exposed the truth . Obviously everyone there was just sightseeing.

In that vein, I started doing my own research of the Nazis in world war two, and low and behold, what did find? This pic that totally upends what we we thought we knew about the Nazis.

Obviously based on this pic, history has lied to us.

View attachment 763630

Anyone see any Jews getting killed here? Not me. Evidently WW2 was a hoax to keep Hitler from being elected. These Nazis are just sitting around smoking, drinking, laughing and having a great time. I would guess these are just nazi tourists, visiting Poland for some sight seeing.

This is just like Jan 6. They want to hide the truth. Hmm, I wonder if there is any other atrocities I can expose as lies using the Tucker Carlson method of exposure? Wish me luck all.

If you were only 1% as clever as you think that you are....
You must be kidding or you’re stupid as fuck.
Tucker revealed that Mexicrats did one hell of an edit job on the video they released to steer public opinion and push their narrative / propaganda.
He revealed that Q Shaman was as dangerous as toothless quadriplegic, he revealed that there was a fun-loving cordial party going on inside the Capitol….he revealed that Brian Sicknick was just fine and directing pedestrian traffic inside the Capitol after he was supposedly killed by a fire extinguisher blow to the head, he affirmed that Ashli Babbit was in fact murdered in cold blood by an angry trigger happy blacktivist.
Yep. Good assessment. I used the same one to prove the vietnam war and WW2 didn't happen.

We got'em it on the run now.
You must be kidding or you’re stupid as fuck.
Tucker revealed that Mexicrats did one hell of an edit job on the video they released to steer public opinion and push their narrative / propaganda.
He revealed that Q Shaman was as dangerous as toothless quadriplegic, he revealed that there was a fun-loving cordial party going on inside the Capitol….he revealed that Brian Sicknick was just fine and directing pedestrian traffic inside the Capitol after he was supposedly killed by a fire extinguisher blow to the head, he affirmed that Ashli Babbit was in fact murdered in cold blood by an angry trigger happy blacktivist.
Nancy Pelosi's OWN DAUGHTER worked on the filming. Speaks volumes.
Yep. Good assessment. I used the same one to prove the vietnam war and WW2 didn't happen.

We got'em it on the run now.
Yeah thanks…much appreciated. The pesky truth, clarity and total transparency is kryptonite to disgusting Democrats….Filthy leftists are pissing themselves right now as the American public becomes more enlightened and their bullshit concoctions of J6 fall apart.
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Leftists have the self-awareness of turds.

For years we've watched their kind cherry-pick facts and videos to make a case for an insurrection that never occurred.

Then the cream-puffs scream cherry-picked over Tucker's reporting.

Turds > Democracks
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