Jim Jordan uses one from my playbook…says “real America” is done with Covid…What does he mean by real America?

Those who are vaccinated will be done with Covid the soonest, but they could be real or unreal in my opinion.
Those who are vaccinated are better protected than those who are unvaxxed and haven’t had covid. Those who have had covid are better protected than those who are vaxxed and haven’t caught it. The most protected are those who are vaxxed and have caught it. I don’t know what you mean by “done with”
These stupid American hating Moon Bats and their Illegal and welfare queen Negro buddies are the scum of this country and are not real Americans by any stretch of the imagination.

Those shithead Democrats that are hell bent to turn this country into a Socialist shithole aren't real Americans.

The Libtard woke scumbags aren't real Americans.
These stupid American hating Moon Bats and their Illegal and welfare queen Negro buddies are the scum of this country and are not real Americans by any stretch of the imagination.

Those shithead Democrats that are hell bent to turn this country into a Socialist shithole aren't real Americans.

The Libtard woke scumbags aren't real Americans.
Do you feel better now queenie?! If not trying getting a nice cry going, let some of that emotion out! You can do it, I’m here for you!
Those who are vaccinated are better protected than those who are unvaxxed and haven’t had covid. Those who have had covid are better protected than those who are vaxxed and haven’t caught it. The most protected are those who are vaxxed and have caught it. I don’t know what you mean by “done with”
In general it's true that the vaxxed will be done with Covid sooner. That would/could also apply to those who have had Covid and are also vaxxed. I think?

I have my own opinions but you can trust that I have no dog in your fight.
You can play in your fantasyland patting yourself on the back as a real American while deeming others as illegitimate but from an observer you just look like a fool.
Anytime a leftist says I look like a fool….I know for absolute fact that I am perfectly on point.
In general it's true that the vaxxed will be done with Covid sooner. That would/could also apply to those who have had Covid and are also vaxxed. I think?

I have my own opinions but you can trust that I have no dog in your fight.
I don’t really see myself in a fight. Im just living life. I think it’s smart to get vaxxed. I think if you have health concerns then you should talk to your doctor and take their advice… I think the data shows that natural immunity is stronger than vax immunity and that is being whitewashed by the media. I also think there are a lot of idiot anti vaxxers out there spreading lies for political reasons and they are a large part of the issues we are facing today.
I often hurt the feelings of those who know they aren’t really part of “real America”, they pretend to be perplexed by the phrase, these globalist America haters want to believe that everyone standing on U.S. soil is part of real America.
So what is Jim Jordan‘s definition of ‘real Americans‘?
The same thing the trumpanzee traitors on here mean when they say it. White, dumb, and racist.
What lie are you talking about? Be specific
Immunology 101

The cell is the lowest level of memory that can be stored. Your mRNA uses spike proteins as the trigger and those cannot be stored without the base cell. When your created by forced antibodies from the mRNA cell are gone so are your protections. There is no memory.
Immunology 101

The cell is the lowest level of memory that can be stored. Your mRNA uses spike proteins as the trigger and those cannot be stored without the base cell. When your created by forced antibodies from the mRNA cell are gone so are your protections. There is no memory.
I asked what the lie was. Can you post the lie and who is saying it?
I don’t really see myself in a fight. Im just living life. I think it’s smart to get vaxxed. I think if you have health concerns then you should talk to your doctor and take their advice… I think the data shows that natural immunity is stronger than vax immunity and that is being whitewashed by the media. I also think there are a lot of idiot anti vaxxers out there spreading lies for political reasons and they are a large part of the issues we are facing today.
Yeah o.k., except for: It's been mentioned that the vax provided better immunity than having had Covid. I don't know if that's true and I'm not claiming it is. But logical thinking on the question tells me tha it's at least possible that the vax could protect against most strains while having one strain of Covid may only protect against that one particular strain.

I'll just remain 50/50 and in the middle on the question.
I'm open to any argument that could prove it either way. Just be aware that I don't entertain unsophisticated nonsense from either side.
Except for Fau Chi and the vaccine lobby, all H. sapiens should be done with the communist Chinese virus, whose origins are still apparently unknown.
Except you do know that it is our virus, right? Fauci could not have sent it to Wuhan if he didn't have it to send in the first place.
I want to know what functions he wanted it to gain when he sent it.

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