Jim Jordan uses one from my playbook…says “real America” is done with Covid…What does he mean by real America?

To be honest I had only ever heard reports that NI was much more effective. Joe Rogan had an excellent discussion with Sanjay Gupta about it on his podcast and Gupta was affirming that claim. I just saw the report you are pointing to as I looked it up before responding to your claim. I havent dug in so I dont have an opinion yet
I'll be interested in your opinion.
The best I can do is weigh opinions because I'm not willing to make it my business to do an in-depth study of the science. The knowledge available on the topic is coming from professionals with many years of experience and knowldege.

For that reason we all must decide who is the most credible source of the truth.

I take that same position on the 'climate change' debate because I believe it's the best I can do.
What an absurd remark. Can a cancer patient just declare he is tired of battling cancer, so he is just done with it? A diabetic? Someone with heart disease? Crazy right wingers are truly crazy.
Human history is of violence with lulls of peace. For the issues that exist in the United States we are ruining it. Most of the Progs who yell the loudest would be squashed in a real violent atmosphere. If the government you want comes to pure reality, you may not like what that government does to keep the power. In fact we saw it with the troops in January.
I often hurt the feelings of those who know they aren’t really part of “real America”, they pretend to be perplexed by the phrase, these globalist America haters want to believe that everyone standing on U.S. soil is part of real America.
So what is Jim Jordan‘s definition of ‘real Americans‘?
Young men wrestling in tights. And asseaters like him who are in love with Orange Man.
Yes, They Can.... It's their right to do so... What is crazy are the people who think they have all the answers and that they can mandate what will happen.... there is a word for that... Tyranny...
As a country, we can't just pretend the virus just doesn't exist. There are already more than 788,000 dead from the virus.
If one is born on american soul one is a real american. I could care less whether someone considers me a real american or not. There's nothing anyone can do about it one way or the other. I choose to do all shopping from home online. It's my entitled right to not go into stores and stop eating out. I don't care what others do.

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