Jim Jordan uses one from my playbook…says “real America” is done with Covid…What does he mean by real America?

30% of American thinkers were done with it as soon as CDC stopped hiding and rearranging stats. The fear was impressed upon the mathematically disabled and the agenda driven but the agenda driven are now down to 40% and most of the previous fence sitters now recognize this for the overreactive hoax it has always been
Yeah o.k., except for: It's been mentioned that the vax provided better immunity than having had Covid. I don't know if that's true and I'm not claiming it is. But logical thinking on the question tells me tha it's at least possible that the vax could protect against most strains while having one strain of Covid may only protect against that one particular strain.

I'll just remain 50/50 and in the middle on the question.
I'm open to any argument that could prove it either way. Just be aware that I don't entertain unsophisticated nonsense from either side.
This a flat false position. The vaccines are narrower and allow you to become infectious over and over again. Natural Immunities are 27 times stronger, will not allow you to become a spreader of the virus a second time, and has longevity in excess of 20 years. 137 studies now show natural immunities far outlasting and out protecting than any vaccine driven immunity. Omicron is a good example of this. NI stops this variant in its tracks, but it evades all vaccine driven immunity and shots. It is 10-15 times more contagious than Delta but far less severe as those with cases are treated at home and no one has yet died from this variant's infection.

This variant is going to burn through all of those with vaccine driven immunities and those who are unvaccinated equally. As it has a very low mortality rate and creates natural immunities it will end the pandemic in short order just as other pandemics have ended in history.
This a flat false position. The vaccines are narrower and allow you to become infectious over and over again. Natural immunities are 27 times stronger, will not allow you to become a spreader of the virus a second time, and has longevity in excess of 20 years. 137 studies now show natural immunities far outlasting and out protecting than any vaccine driven immunity. Omicron is a good example of this. NI stops this variant in its tracks, but it evades all vaccines driven immunity and shots. It is 10-15 times more contagious than Delta but far less severe as those with cases are treated at home and no one has yet died from this variant's infection.

This variant is going to burn through all of those with vaccine driven immunities and those who are unvaccinated equally. As it has a very low mortality rate and creates natural immunities it will end the pandemic in short order just as other pandemics have ended in history.
Most all of us had it and most all of us never even knew it
That’s how viruses have always worked. What was the difference this time?- Trump
Yeah o.k., except for: It's been mentioned that the vax provided better immunity than having had Covid. I don't know if that's true and I'm not claiming it is. But logical thinking on the question tells me tha it's at least possible that the vax could protect against most strains while having one strain of Covid may only protect against that one particular strain.

I'll just remain 50/50 and in the middle on the question.
I'm open to any argument that could prove it either way. Just be aware that I don't entertain unsophisticated nonsense from either side.
There is a recent report that came out that said vax protection was 6x better than natural immunity. Prior to that report there were and still are several others that say quite the opposite. Natural immunity is 7-13x more effective.
This a flat false position. The vaccines are narrower and allow you to become infectious over and over again. Natural immunities are 27 times stronger, will not allow you to become a spreader of the virus a second time, and has longevity in excess of 20 years. 137 studies now show natural immunities far outlasting and out protecting than any vaccine driven immunity. Omicron is a good example of this. NI stops this variant in its tracks, but it evades all vaccine driven immunity and shots. It is 10-15 times more contagious than Delta but far less severe as those with cases are treated at home and no one has yet died from this variant's infection.

This variant is going to burn through all of those with vaccine driven immunities and those who are unvaccinated equally. As it has a very low mortality rate and creates natural immunities it will end the pandemic in short order just as other pandemics have ended in history.
No he is correct there is a report that says that…

This a flat false position. The vaccines are narrower and allow you to become infectious over and over again. Natural immunities are 27 times stronger, will not allow you to become a spreader of the virus a second time, and has longevity in excess of 20 years. 137 studies now show natural immunities far outlasting and out protecting than any vaccine driven immunity. Omicron is a good example of this. NI stops this variant in its tracks, but it evades all vaccines driven immunity and shots. It is 10-15 times more contagious than Delta but far less severe as those with cases are treated at home and no one has yet died from this variant's infection.
I was about to accept your evidence as one side of the debate but then you deliberately lied about the vax not being effective against Omicron. You can't do that with me.
This variant is going to burn through all of those with vaccine driven immunities and those who are unvaccinated equally. As it has a very low mortality rate and creates natural immunities it will end the pandemic in short order just as other pandemics have ended in history.
Maybe but we don't know that as fact yet.
There is a recent report that came out that said vax protection was 6x better than natural immunity. Prior to that report there were and still are several others that say quite the opposite. Natural immunity is 7-13x more effective.
That's a good example of how the debate can take place.
Your contribution suggests both possibilities but leans a bit toward NI being more effective.
Except for Fau Chi and the vaccine lobby, all H. sapiens should be done with the communist Chinese virus, whose origins are still apparently unknown.
Thought I heard this morning that Fau Chi has now stated that omnicron appears to be not serious. Then why doesn't he say it nationally!!!! Stop with the extra vaccine rhetoric? why the enhanced testing to fly international? And, that omnicron may have already been in the US and not originated in South Africa.

The slight of hand by the demofks is remarkable.
I was about to accept your evidence as one side of the debate but then you deliberately lied about the vax not being effective against Omicron. You can't do that with me.

Maybe but we don't know that as fact yet.
no demofk will ever let it end, we know that already.
Those who are vaccinated are better protected than those who are unvaxxed and haven’t had covid. Those who have had covid are better protected than those who are vaxxed and haven’t caught it. The most protected are those who are vaxxed and have caught it. I don’t know what you mean by “done with”
nothing to support this paragraph.
I was about to accept your evidence as one side of the debate but then you deliberately lied about the vax not being effective against Omicron. You can't do that with me.

Maybe but we don't know that as fact yet.
Only one of the vaccines is stopping this variant. It is the one that uses dead virus as its base. None of the mRNA vaccines (shots as they do not allow long term memory to form) do this. I assumed too much and I should have been more specific. My apologies.
I asked what the lie was. Can you post the lie and who is saying it?
1. That it is a vaccine. It is not. The CDC removed the def. of a vaccine because this serum didn't meet the criteria of a vaccine.
2. That it doesn't alter your DNA. It actually does. Ask science, not the media.
3. That the spike proteins would stay at the injection site. They head right for the gonads and ovaries. (Gain of function=population control?)
4. That it is safe for pregnant women.
5. That it is safe for children.
6. That it is safe for infants.
^ How do they know? They didn't gather the data necessary to make that determination because of an effort to "fast track" this serum.

With a survival rate better than that of the flu, why are they insisting that children, a group that has a 99.97% rate of survival, be inoculated? Why chance a lifetime of heart disease for your child so they can inject our children routinely with whatever the government wants in their system? Is altering their DNA not enough for now???
Only one of the vaccines is stopping this variant. It is the one that uses dead virus as its base. None of the mRNA vaccines (shots as they do not allow long term memory to form) do this. I assumed too much and I should have been more specific. My apologies.
Apology accepted. I'll consider your assertion that none of the mRNA vaxs protect against is stopping Omicron. We might get something definitive on the news tonight?
That's a good example of how the debate can take place.
Your contribution suggests both possibilities but leans a bit toward NI being more effective.
To be honest I had only ever heard reports that NI was much more effective. Joe Rogan had an excellent discussion with Sanjay Gupta about it on his podcast and Gupta was affirming that claim. I just saw the report you are pointing to as I looked it up before responding to your claim. I havent dug in so I dont have an opinion yet

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