Jim Jordan Warns Bragg

And every judge laughed in your face, in your face at the bullshit you ass clowns brought in front of them!
Every single one of them. Several even appointed by your Fat Orange Shit Giblet God/King!
Haven't you heard?

Trump's Justice Department, Trump's DHS, Trump's Attorney General, Trump's Supreme Court, Trump-appointed judges, Trump's White House staff, Trump's White House lawyers, Trump's campaign manager, Trump cybersecurity officials, several Republican lawmakers, Republican state and local election officials, state Supreme Courts and Republican State Attorneys General, and the GQP's very own handpicked Cyber Ninjas ARE ALL EVIL DEMONIC DEEP STATE HITLER SWAMP COMMIES

Bragg isn’t claiming jurisdiction because he isn’t prosecuting any violation federal law.

Cohen was already prosecuted by the DoJ.

But can a New York DA prosecute fraud related to federal campaign activity? I think there's enough of a case to bring it to trial, but wouldn't be totally surprised if it got thrown out and far less surprised if the jury get hung.
But can a New York DA prosecute fraud related to federal campaign activity? I think there's enough of a case to bring it to trial, but wouldn't be totally surprised if it got thrown out and far less surprised if the jury get hung.
I wouldn’t be surprised either if it fails either.
That's your uninformed opinion, not a specific statute.

Of course it's not:

Prosecutorial misconduct occurs when a prosecutor breaks a law or a code of professional ethics in the course of a prosecution. In Berger v. United States, 295 U.S. 78 (1935), Justice Sutherland explained prosecutorial misconduct as “overstepp[ing] the bounds of that propriety and fairness which should characterize the conduct of such an officer in the prosecution of a criminal offense.”

Fat Alvin ran his campaign on getting Trump for something.....anything. Now he his carrying out that promise. This is clearly an abuse of his authority.
Of course it's not:

Prosecutorial misconduct occurs when a prosecutor breaks a law or a code of professional ethics in the course of a prosecution. In Berger v. United States, 295 U.S. 78 (1935), Justice Sutherland explained prosecutorial misconduct as “overstepp[ing] the bounds of that propriety and fairness which should characterize the conduct of such an officer in the prosecution of a criminal offense.”

Fat Alvin ran his campaign on getting Trump for something.....anything. Now he his carrying out that promise. This is clearly an abuse of his authority.

How, then, is Bragg going to end up in jail, as you predict, when he's supposedly violating a non-existent statute? Maybe you're suggesting he'll be cited for contempt of Congress? I'm sure JJ will try, but Bragg's a lawyer and will probably outwit him.
Bragg isn’t claiming jurisdiction because he isn’t prosecuting any violation federal law.

Cohen was already prosecuted by the DoJ.
Of course he is, moron. He's proscecuting Trump for mislabeling a campaign contribution as a legal expense. What part of that don't you get?
I wouldn’t be surprised either if it fails either.

Which is why I wasn't excited about this particular indictment. Georgia and the DOJ have far stronger cases, and ones that people can relate to.

Bragg has a case that seems technically valid based on the letter of the law, but it seems to be a highly unusual application of the statute and the charges seem to be mostly technicalities. A jury could sour really quickly if that's how the perceive the case, such that even if Bragg makes a compelling argument, it won't matter.

And so then Trump either gets off or maybe gets a conviction or two (out of 34) and the narrative afterward is that he's being set up, kinda like how the FBI investigates Barry Bonds for years and the only conviction they walk away with is "lying to the FBI". It makes any remaining prosecution seem politically motivated, particularly given the timing.
How, then, is Bragg going to end up in jail, as you predict, when he's supposedly violating a non-existent statute? Maybe you're suggesting he'll be cited for contempt of Congress? I'm sure JJ will try, but Bragg's a lawyer and will probably outwit him.

I doubt it. Funds were allocated to NYC in this case and the House has every right to question him about how he used the funds and why. If it's ruled that he abused his power, he can be removed from office, found guilty of contempt of court (a jailable offense) and disbarred.
I doubt it. Funds were allocated to NYC in this case and the House has every right to question him about how he used the funds and why. If it's ruled that he abused his power, he can be removed from office, found guilty of contempt of court (a jailable offense) and disbarred.

Keep daydreaming.
Jim Jordan

"... same week we learn that the IRS knocked on Matt Taibbi’s door while he’s testifying in Congress, that same week is when we learn a district attorney is going to — a left-wing district attorney, a Soros-backed district attorney, is going to go after the former president of the United States.”


Of course he is, moron. He's proscecuting Trump for mislabeling a campaign contribution as a legal expense. What part of that don't you get?
It was a campaign contribution, the DoJ already determined that when they prosecuted Cohen.
Jim Jordan

"... same week we learn that the IRS knocked on Matt Taibbi’s door while he’s testifying in Congress, that same week is when we learn a district attorney is going to — a left-wing district attorney, a Soros-backed district attorney, is going to go after the former president of the United States.”



Matt Taibbi's full of shit. His twitter scoop has been thoroughly destroyed by Mehdi Hasan, and now even Elon himself is claiming that Taibbi was given access to twitter files while hiding the fact that Taibbi was working for Substack. Personally I can't tell whether Elon's lying or Taibbi. My default? They both are.

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