Jimmy Carter, oldest ever


Diamond Member
Dec 7, 2012
Didn't see this posted anywhere so I picked the most appropriate forum.... as of last Friday 3/22, Jimmy Carter became the oldest ex-POTUS in American history at 94 years 172 days, surpassing George H.W. Bush who passed away in December.

>> "Both President and Mrs. Carter are both determined to use their influence for as long as they can to make the world a better place, and millions of the world's poorest people are grateful for their resolve and heart," [a Carter Center spokeswoman] added, "...we at The Carter Center sure are rooting for him and grateful for his long life of service that has benefited millions of the world's poorest people."

As the winner of a Nobel Peace Prize and three separate Grammys, President Jimmy Carter can now add being the oldest living US president to his long and impressive resume. <<​

He still builds houses with Habitat for Humanity and teaches Sunday school (video at the link)

Carter is the only POTUS since Herbert Hoover, who left office when Carter was 8 years old, who never dropped a bomb, never started a war, never fired a shot, which is in context at least as impressive as the above accomplishments although it should be standard procedure. However according to Carter his greatest accomplishment his 72-year marriage to his wife Rosalyn.

Good for him. He also started some really cool US weapons systems

Did not know that but apparently he was a friend of Elvis...

>> Carter and his wife, Rosalynn, met him on June 30, 1973, before Presley was to perform onstage in Atlanta.[404] They remained in contact by telephone two months before Presley's sudden death in August 1977. Carter later recalled an abrupt phone call received by Presley in June 1977, who sought a presidential pardon from Carter, in order to help George Klein's criminal case; Klein had only been indicted at the time for fraud.[405][406] According to Carter, he was almost incoherent and cited barbiturate abuse as the cause of this; although Presley phoned the White House several times again, this would be the last time Carter would speak to Elvis Presley.[407] << -- Wiki​

Fun fact ---- Jimmy Carter is related, through his mother Bessie Lillian Gordy, to Berry Gordy the founder of Motown Records.
Other fun fact: All of Carter's direct relatives --- both his parents and all of his siblings --- died young and all from the same cause: pancreatic cancer.
Maybe he didnt fire a shot but he started the bullshit precedent of selling weapons to terrorists.
Thats just as bad.
Of course, i will focus on the bad shit with every president because i have a high bar. Lol
Maybe he didnt fire a shot but he started the bullshit precedent of selling weapons to terrorists.
Thats just as bad.
Of course, i will focus on the bad shit with every president because i have a high bar. Lol

Really. What terrorists would these be then?
Other fun fact: All of Carter's direct relatives --- both his parents and all of his siblings --- died young and all from the same cause: pancreatic cancer.

So Obama has hope to live a long life as the second worse president in history, 94 Jimmy being the worse.

Maybe he didnt fire a shot but he started the bullshit precedent of selling weapons to terrorists.
Thats just as bad.
Of course, i will focus on the bad shit with every president because i have a high bar. Lol

Really. What terrorists would these be then?
He started the selling weapons to ME terrorists and reagan expanded it.
The mujahadeen, IIRC
Fun linear time fact: Jimmy and Rosalyn were married when the current POTUS was just under one month old.
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never dropped a bomb, never started a war, never fired a shot,

Never got any of the 52 Americans out of Iranian prison either until Reagan came along and cleaned up his mess. Jimmy Carter: Peanut farmer / president long considered by many the most hapless president of all time until Obumma came along to exceed him. Figures both of them would get Nobel prizes for being such good globalist puppet group-think chums.
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Didn't see this posted anywhere so I picked the most appropriate forum.... as of last Friday 3/22, Jimmy Carter became the oldest ex-POTUS in American history at 94 years 172 days, surpassing George H.W. Bush who passed away in December.

>> "Both President and Mrs. Carter are both determined to use their influence for as long as they can to make the world a better place, and millions of the world's poorest people are grateful for their resolve and heart," [a Carter Center spokeswoman] added, "...we at The Carter Center sure are rooting for him and grateful for his long life of service that has benefited millions of the world's poorest people."

As the winner of a Nobel Peace Prize and three separate Grammys, President Jimmy Carter can now add being the oldest living US president to his long and impressive resume. <<​

He still builds houses with Habitat for Humanity and teaches Sunday school (video at the link)

Carter is the only POTUS since Herbert Hoover, who left office when Carter was 8 years old, who never dropped a bomb, never started a war, never fired a shot, which is in context at least as impressive as the above accomplishments although it should be standard procedure. However according to Carter his greatest accomplishment his 72-year marriage to his wife Rosalyn.

Cater proves the old quip about whores, ugly buildings and politicians getting respect if they last long enough.
Carter is a good man with a big heart. Just a lousy president. He wasn't even invited to the next DNC convention after his term.
never dropped a bomb, never started a war, never fired a shot,

Never got any of the 500 Americans out of Iranian prison either until Reagan came along and cleaned up his mess. Jimmy Carter: Peanut farmer / president long considered by many the most hapless president of all time until Obumma came along to exceed him. Figures both of them would get Nobel prizes for being such good globalist puppet group-think chums.

False. Carter got the hostages freed before he left office. He was said to be obsessed with getting it done. Immediately after Reagan's inauguration where Carter's presidency transferred to Reagan, Carter flew to Germany to greet the hostages on their first touchdown to freedom on the first leg of their journey. The flight would have taken place the previous day but Iran and Iraq were at war and nothing was permitted to fly out of Tehran airport in the dark.

If you still prefer to cling to your myth, see "Algiers Accords". Warren Christopher was assigned the task of getting it done, and he did.

Oh and speaking of mythmaking, it was fifty-two hostages, not "500". Perhaps that sells in your limited cranium; doesn't sell here.
never dropped a bomb, never started a war, never fired a shot,

Never got any of the 500 Americans out of Iranian prison either until Reagan came along and cleaned up his mess. Jimmy Carter: Peanut farmer / president long considered by many the most hapless president of all time until Obumma came along to exceed him. Figures both of them would get Nobel prizes for being such good globalist puppet group-think chums.

False. Carter got the hostages freed before he left office. He was said to be obsessed with getting it done. Immediately after Reagan's inauguration where Carter's presidency transferred to Reagan, Carter flew to Germany to greet the hostages on their first touchdown to freedom on the first leg of their journey. The flight would have taken place the previous day but Iran and Iraq were at war and nothing was permitted to fly out of Tehran airport in the dark.

If you still prefer to cling to your myth, see "Algiers Accords". Warren Christopher was assigned the task of getting it done, and he did.

Oh and speaking of mythmaking, it was fifty-two hostages, not "500". Perhaps that sells in your limited cranium; doesn't sell here.
Not a bad man, but a weak and vacillating president like Obama. Although Reagan did not campaign on the hostage crisis, the message to Iran was clear; Reagan was no Carter.
Carter is a good man with a big heart. Just a lousy president. He wasn't even invited to the next DNC convention after his term.

Izzat right.

Makes this hard to explain then doesn't it....

>> Former Pres. Jimmy Carter and his wife Rosalynn then step up to the podium. Topics discussed include the following: the importance of peace and diplomacy; the dangers of nuclear war and the arms race; the Reagan administration's poor human rights record abroad; and the need for party unity. Carter affirms party unity and lists the names of all eight Democratic candidates, concluding the speech with an optimistic portrait of America.

Bill Moyers remarks on the choice of Carter as an opening-night speaker. The crowd roars as Gov. Mario M. Cuomo (D-N.Y.) steps to the podium... << -- Democratic National Convention, the, 1984, Day 1 / {Carter Speech}

Why do you naysayers lie so much? Is it really that important to poison anyone not on "muh team"? Really?
never dropped a bomb, never started a war, never fired a shot,

Never got any of the 500 Americans out of Iranian prison either until Reagan came along and cleaned up his mess. Jimmy Carter: Peanut farmer / president long considered by many the most hapless president of all time until Obumma came along to exceed him. Figures both of them would get Nobel prizes for being such good globalist puppet group-think chums.

False. Carter got the hostages freed before he left office. He was said to be obsessed with getting it done. Immediately after Reagan's inauguration where Carter's presidency transferred to Reagan, Carter flew to Germany to greet the hostages on their first touchdown to freedom on the first leg of their journey. The flight would have taken place the previous day but Iran and Iraq were at war and nothing was permitted to fly out of Tehran airport in the dark.

If you still prefer to cling to your myth, see "Algiers Accords". Warren Christopher was assigned the task of getting it done, and he did.

Oh and speaking of mythmaking, it was fifty-two hostages, not "500". Perhaps that sells in your limited cranium; doesn't sell here.
Not a bad man, but a weak and vacillating president like Obama. Although Reagan did not campaign on the hostage crisis, the message to Iran was clear; Reagan was no Carter.

Inasmuch as Reagan had no hostages to deal with, nope he wasn't.
Reagan would get his arms-for-hostages deal done a few years later. Didn't involve Iran though.
Good for him. He also started some really cool US weapons systems
And he loved the Allman brothers, fishing, hunting and was one of the first solar panel installers in govt ( which that piece of shit Bush 1 had immediately removed)
Good for him. He also started some really cool US weapons systems

Did not know that but apparently he was a friend of Elvis...

>> Carter and his wife, Rosalynn, met him on June 30, 1973, before Presley was to perform onstage in Atlanta.[404] They remained in contact by telephone two months before Presley's sudden death in August 1977. Carter later recalled an abrupt phone call received by Presley in June 1977, who sought a presidential pardon from Carter, in order to help George Klein's criminal case; Klein had only been indicted at the time for fraud.[405][406] According to Carter, he was almost incoherent and cited barbiturate abuse as the cause of this; although Presley phoned the White House several times again, this would be the last time Carter would speak to Elvis Presley.[407] << -- Wiki​

Fun fact ---- Jimmy Carter is related, through his mother Bessie Lillian Gordy, to Berry Gordy the founder of Motown Records.

Robert Plant talks about Meeting Elvis

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False. Carter got the hostages freed before he left office. He was said to be obsessed with getting it done. Immediately after Reagan's inauguration where Carter's presidency transferred to Reagan, Carter flew to Germany to greet the hostages on their first touchdown to freedom on the first leg of their journey. The flight would have taken place the previous day but Iran and Iraq were at war and nothing was permitted to fly out of Tehran airport in the dark.

If you still prefer to cling to your myth, see "Algiers Accords". Warren Christopher was assigned the task of getting it done, and he did.

Oh and speaking of mythmaking, it was fifty-two hostages, not "500". Perhaps that sells in your limited cranium; doesn't sell here.

False my ass, you lying jackass. They can rewrite history all they want on the internet but I lived through the event and remember it like it was yesterday.

Once AGAIN....

>> The Algeria Declaration was a set of agreements between the United States and Iran to resolve the Iran hostage crisis, brokered by the Algerian government and signed in Algiers on January 19, 1981.[1] The crisis arose from the takeover of the American embassy in Tehran on November 4, 1979, and the taking hostage of the American staff there. By this accord the 52 American citizens were set free and able to leave Iran. --- Wikipedia, the free repository of what the rest of us call "Reality" while snowflaked losers desperately try to rewrite history

I'm afraid what you "remember" is Duh Liburrul Media portraying Reagan swearing in at the same time the hostages were freed after months of diplomatic work, implying he had something to do with it while playing down all the work Carter and Christopher did to get it done. Again ---- without firing a shot. Then again you also "remember" ten times the number of hostages so ----------- there's that.

DARN that liburrul media anyway.

Some POTUSes spend their last day in office shooting a slew of pardons out like a baseball game hot dog launcher.
Carter spent his bringing 52 Americans home. There ain't nuttin' you can do about that.
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