Jimmy Carter tells the truth about Isreal

I think most readers can figure out that he is deranged and needs to seek help. He probably thinks that Rense guy who believes in aliens is his best friend. Actually, Roudy, I wish someone can push him in the cell with one of the two terrorists being held who are the planners of 9/11. Do you think they would be too happy with this sick man for trying to take the credit away from them when they are so proud of what they accomplished? I guess all we can do is have some sympathy for someone who is clearly non compus mentis and who doesn't wish to go for some help with his problem.

classic evasion from the paid shills.:clap::clap::clap::clap:

love how you troll evading all my facts of very credible people who dont accept the lies of the 9/11 commission either plus half the 9/11 familys.must feel good to shoot the messenger and convince yourself that im the only one out there who thinks 9/11 was an inside job.ignore what the experts say,worship your CIA controlled media.comedy gold:lol::lol::lol:
oh and the media IS controlled by the CIA and the zionists.congress did an investigation into the CIA's activites in the 70's and discovered documents that the CIA has agents in the mainstream media.let me guess,that didnt happen right?:cuckoo::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

No facts and no credible people just ISLAMONAZI BLOOD LIBELS

I can't but help laughing at his nonsense even though I realize it is not nice to laugh at mentally sick people. Do you notice his cuckoo: and then lol: lol: l0l: lol at the end of his post?. He is probably laughing maniacally in some mental hospital unless he has escaped and is on the loose posting in the publish library. In real life, if we met someone like him babbling his nonsense on the street, we would just pass him by.
Thats because the poster is a know. Anti semitic scumbag who trashes Jews and Israelis all the time.

As for the video, Ive seen it many times and he is entitled to his opinions, but I disagree with him.

And I wouldn't talk about personal attacks, you are the king of that loiney.
So, what else are going to whine about?
I never attacked anyone that didn't deserve it.

And I always address the points of their post.
It shows he has an agenda that should get every decent persons back up. It brings into question every word he writes as it could be subversive, just as it brings his POV into closer scrutiny. In fact he should have had his avatar removed by the moderators as being against the rules.
You have an agenda. The things you say are subversive. Even your post is against the rules.

Gratuitous zone 2 compliance:
Carter rocks! Go Jimmy!

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