Jimmy Carter tells the truth about Isreal

Look at your username and your avatar. Do you expect anyone to take you seriously??

You're well known to be a deranged conspiracy theorist who cant handle the truth

Go smoke some pot and watch Cheech and Chong.
I love how 10 posters thanked you for your drive-by shooting that had nothing to do with the thread topic.

Got any more people you wanna trash?

Got anything you want to say about Carter? Or what Carter said?

I guess it's more fun playing "kill the messenger".

Thats because the poster is a know. Anti semitic scumbag who trashes Jews and Israelis all the time.

As for the video, Ive seen it many times and he is entitled to his opinions, but I disagree with him.

And I wouldn't talk about personal attacks, you are the king of that loiney.
So, what else are going to whine about?

well i WILL read your past stuff just not your NEW lies you spout off.this post just proves what an idiot troll you really are with these lies about me.:D

for one thing,you made the false assumption that I trash jews all the time when in fact,I have GREAT respect for jews.Its just like most logicial people,I have no respect for the evil ZIONISTS of israel.Huge deifference.:cuckoo: Jewish people and zionists are two totally different people with totally different views about the world.:cuckoo: judists jewish people are very good kind people that again,i have great respect for.

Zionists of israel are murderers.kind of like how you whine ignoiring fatcs that YOU are a deranged conspiracy theorist who believes in that pathetic conspiracy THEORY of the governmenrts with no evidedence to prove their lies.:cuckoo:oh and again,i guess i must be in good company then as someone deranged since half the 9/11 familys as has been proven in opinion polls agree with me on 9/11 as well.:D

oh and the way you guys attack people who come on here and tell the truth about the evil atrocities of the zionists whne they make threads about it as evidenced by the replies here to tihis video,no wonder he attacks you,you all as I have seen from lurking here in the past,all attack people who tell the truth about the atrocities of the zionists anytime they come on here as evidenced by so many threads in the past:cuckoo:
shoot the messenger do the agent trolls roudy and sweet caroline because the truth hurts.they cant refute my facts so they do the easy thing,shoot the messenger cause the truth hurts.typical shill rebuttals.

How can you call them trolls when they post regularly while you, the real troll, show up now and then with your silly nonsense? No doubt you also troll all the other forums with your nonsense.

cause all you trolls do is defend the lies of Israel here everyday ignoring the atrocities they commit and ignoring evidence and facts people present to you all refusing to admit you have been proven wrong.,thats why so many people stay away from this section because of the behavior that goes on around here from the people that worship the atrocities israel committs posting lies about Palestinians and ignoring the atrocities of israel.:cuckoo:

sure this is the first time in ages i have posted here,but thats because of how people blatantly defend the atrocities and lies of isreal around here ignoring the evidence and facts about them from many posters such as george phillips who has done an excellent job of getting word out about the atrocities of israel..:cuckoo:

This may be the first time I have posted here in ages,but I have lurked here for many years watching the arrogant behaviour of people blatantly ignoring facts about israels atrocities against palestine.there are far many more trolls here in this section than there in the conspiracy section is why i seldom ever venture in here.:cuckoo:

I dont believe in god,but I sure do believe in karma,therefore I would hate to be in you alls shoes defending their atrocities they commit against mankind.you'll laugh now but one day you wont be laughing when you suffer from all the terrible karma you have brought down on yourself defending the government of israel.

I think the readers are intelligent enough to let whatever this demented person says in one ear and out the other, so to speak. As an anti-Semite, he appears to be obsessed with Israel but cares nothing about the innocent people being murdered en masse in the Middle East by the Muslims. This is how you can see just what the anti-Semites are about. Perhaps he would like to live in one of these Middle East countries and see how he fares. They wouldn't care how much he hates the Jews as long as he is still an Infidel to them.
of course a paid zionist troll would say that.I use the user name for people like these agents who automatically come on and say 9/11 wasnt an inside job,to prove it was showing any facts or evidence to back up their lies.:cuckoo:they fail everytime resorting to INTERNET links as evidence.:cuckoo::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Ignoring the facts that many witnesses heard explosions going off in the basement before the towers collapse,ignoring there are demolition experts that have said they came down because of demoltions as well as architiects and engineers,ignoring the best pilots in the world have said they could not fly a jet airliner into the pentagon the way the commssion said the highjackers allegedly did,ignoring there are high ranking officials in the military government that dont accept their lies either,as well as ignoring that most the 9/11 familys dont accept their lies either.:cuckoo:

to defend the lies of the 9/11 commission report is spitting in the faces of these familys that all these trolls have done.Its well documented that most new yorkers in oinion polls have said they dont believe the lies of the 9/11 commission report.

I see one agent here saying he has seen that video,yeah he watched it only seeing what he WANTS to see or he would be aware of all these facts I know about.:cuckoo:

oh think im lying about all those high ranking people in the military,architiects and enginners and high government officials that dont accept the lies of the government either and that most the 9/11 familys dont believe their lies either? bullshit.look below.:cuckoo:

Patriots Question 9/11 - Responsible Criticism of the 9/11 Commission Report

This is the wrong forum for your conspiracy garbage, moron.

I think most readers can figure out that he is deranged and needs to seek help. He probably thinks that Rense guy who believes in aliens is his best friend. Actually, Roudy, I wish someone can push him in the cell with one of the two terrorists being held who are the planners of 9/11. Do you think they would be too happy with this sick man for trying to take the credit away from them when they are so proud of what they accomplished? I guess all we can do is have some sympathy for someone who is clearly non compus mentis and who doesn't wish to go for some help with his problem.

classic evasion from the paid shills.:clap::clap::clap::clap:

love how you troll evading all my facts of very credible people who dont accept the lies of the 9/11 commission either plus half the 9/11 familys.must feel good to shoot the messenger and convince yourself that im the only one out there who thinks 9/11 was an inside job.ignore what the experts say,worship your CIA controlled media.comedy gold:lol::lol::lol:
oh and the media IS controlled by the CIA and the zionists.congress did an investigation into the CIA's activites in the 70's and discovered documents that the CIA has agents in the mainstream media.let me guess,that didnt happen right?:cuckoo::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
Jimmy Carter got spanked by Iran 3 times, he should stick to building his houses for humanity thing.
How can you call them trolls when they post regularly while you, the real troll, show up now and then with your silly nonsense? No doubt you also troll all the other forums with your nonsense.

cause all you trolls do is defend the lies of Israel here everyday ignoring the atrocities they commit and ignoring evidence and facts people present to you all refusing to admit you have been proven wrong.,thats why so many people stay away from this section because of the behavior that goes on around here from the people that worship the atrocities israel committs posting lies about Palestinians and ignoring the atrocities of israel.:cuckoo:

sure this is the first time in ages i have posted here,but thats because of how people blatantly defend the atrocities and lies of isreal around here ignoring the evidence and facts about them from many posters such as george phillips who has done an excellent job of getting word out about the atrocities of israel..:cuckoo:

This may be the first time I have posted here in ages,but I have lurked here for many years watching the arrogant behaviour of people blatantly ignoring facts about israels atrocities against palestine.there are far many more trolls here in this section than there in the conspiracy section is why i seldom ever venture in here.:cuckoo:

I dont believe in god,but I sure do believe in karma,therefore I would hate to be in you alls shoes defending their atrocities they commit against mankind.you'll laugh now but one day you wont be laughing when you suffer from all the terrible karma you have brought down on yourself defending the government of israel.

I think the readers are intelligent enough to let whatever this demented person says in one ear and out the other, so to speak. As an anti-Semite, he appears to be obsessed with Israel but cares nothing about the innocent people being murdered en masse in the Middle East by the Muslims. This is how you can see just what the anti-Semites are about. Perhaps he would like to live in one of these Middle East countries and see how he fares. They wouldn't care how much he hates the Jews as long as he is still an Infidel to them.

there you shills go,lying about me again making false assumptions.as i told your fellow troll agent,I have great respect for jews,they are good, kind people,Zionists are not jews,they dont have the same values and beliefs that juduism jews do.yeah thats what you trolls do everytime evidence is shown the government of israel is murdering paletians and that 9/11 was an inside job,have it go through one ear and out the other.:cuckoo: funny how I am somehow anti semitic when I have said at least twice here now I have great respect for true jewish people.:cuckoo::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:comedy gold.
How can you call them trolls when they post regularly while you, the real troll, show up now and then with your silly nonsense? No doubt you also troll all the other forums with your nonsense.

cause all you trolls do is defend the lies of Israel here everyday ignoring the atrocities they commit and ignoring evidence and facts people present to you all refusing to admit you have been proven wrong.,thats why so many people stay away from this section because of the behavior that goes on around here from the people that worship the atrocities israel committs posting lies about Palestinians and ignoring the atrocities of israel.:cuckoo:

sure this is the first time in ages i have posted here,but thats because of how people blatantly defend the atrocities and lies of isreal around here ignoring the evidence and facts about them from many posters such as george phillips who has done an excellent job of getting word out about the atrocities of israel..:cuckoo:

This may be the first time I have posted here in ages,but I have lurked here for many years watching the arrogant behaviour of people blatantly ignoring facts about israels atrocities against palestine.there are far many more trolls here in this section than there in the conspiracy section is why i seldom ever venture in here.:cuckoo:

I dont believe in god,but I sure do believe in karma,therefore I would hate to be in you alls shoes defending their atrocities they commit against mankind.you'll laugh now but one day you wont be laughing when you suffer from all the terrible karma you have brought down on yourself defending the government of israel.

Atrocities? Well, let's just ignore the atrocities Muslims/Arabs commit against their own kind and Christians, and just focus on their atrocities against Jews for the moment.
1) Pushing an elderly, wheelchair-bound man into the sea.
2) Blowing up an entire family at a Passover meal.
3) Slitting the throats of infants.
4) Blowing up a bride and her father on her wedding day.
5) Killing 11 Israeli athletes.

I'll leave the 140,000 dead in Syria for another time.

whatever you say shill.
This is the wrong forum for your conspiracy garbage, moron.

I think most readers can figure out that he is deranged and needs to seek help. He probably thinks that Rense guy who believes in aliens is his best friend. Actually, Roudy, I wish someone can push him in the cell with one of the two terrorists being held who are the planners of 9/11. Do you think they would be too happy with this sick man for trying to take the credit away from them when they are so proud of what they accomplished? I guess all we can do is have some sympathy for someone who is clearly non compus mentis and who doesn't wish to go for some help with his problem.

classic evasion from the paid shills.:clap::clap::clap::clap:

love how you troll evading all my facts of very credible people who dont accept the lies of the 9/11 commission either plus half the 9/11 familys.must feel good to shoot the messenger and convince yourself that im the only one out there who thinks 9/11 was an inside job.ignore what the experts say,worship your CIA controlled media.comedy gold:lol::lol::lol:
oh and the media IS controlled by the CIA and the zionists.congress did an investigation into the CIA's activites in the 70's and discovered documents that the CIA has agents in the mainstream media.let me guess,that didnt happen right?:cuckoo::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Hey, Mr. Troll, we have read the debunking of the myths of 9/11. However, if you get your jollies being a conspiracy guy, go for it. I don't think anyone wants to deny you whatever pleasure you can get out of life. Why not try to get permission to visit one of the terrorists who admits to planning and having 9/11 carried out. I am sure he will be so happy to hear your nonsense. Before you go, read Masterminds of Terrorism so that you can be briefed before you go. You don't want to be tripping over your own two feet.
shoot the messenger do the agent trolls roudy and sweet caroline because the truth hurts.they cant refute my facts so they do the easy thing,shoot the messenger cause the truth hurts.typical shill rebuttals.

What truth?? None of that drivel you blab about is truth.

Dont you get it you Islamic shill, everytime there is a high profile event, there are conspiracy theorists who make shit up and try to pass it off as the truth and you idiots actually believe it lol

Or you're probably a paid shill for Muslims who are trying to take the attention off their involvement in 9/11.
You fail

funny that Im an islamic shill? last time I checked i was white,born here in the midwest,yep all those high ranking officials in the government who question 9/11 are all idiots.got it.:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: hey not my fault you cover your ears and close yoru eyes to videos everytime you are shown them.that you wont look at the evidence.:cuckoo:

again this is one of your OLD b.s rambling lies and i said i would address the old crap of yours.
shoot the messenger do the agent trolls roudy and sweet caroline because the truth hurts.they cant refute my facts so they do the easy thing,shoot the messenger cause the truth hurts.typical shill rebuttals.

What truth?? None of that drivel you blab about is truth.

Dont you get it you Islamic shill, everytime there is a high profile event, there are conspiracy theorists who make shit up and try to pass it off as the truth and you idiots actually believe it lol

Or you're probably a paid shill for Muslims who are trying to take the attention off their involvement in 9/11.
You fail

funny that Im an islamic shill? last time I checked i was white,born here in the midwest,yep all those high ranking officials in the government who question 9/11 are all idiots.got it.:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: hey not my fault you cover your ears and close yoru eyes to videos everytime you are shown them.that you wont look at the evidence.:cuckoo:

again this is one of your OLD b.s rambling lies and i said i would address the old crap of yours.

Can one not be white and still be a shill for the Islamists? Moreover, there have been instances where Caucasians have converted to Islam and then planned some terrorist act. In fact, just the other day there was a story about a Caucasian guy who converted and then planned to blow up the Los Angeles subway. No doubt if he had been successful, you would have been blaming this atrocity on the "Zionists."
I think most readers can figure out that he is deranged and needs to seek help. He probably thinks that Rense guy who believes in aliens is his best friend. Actually, Roudy, I wish someone can push him in the cell with one of the two terrorists being held who are the planners of 9/11. Do you think they would be too happy with this sick man for trying to take the credit away from them when they are so proud of what they accomplished? I guess all we can do is have some sympathy for someone who is clearly non compus mentis and who doesn't wish to go for some help with his problem.

classic evasion from the paid shills.:clap::clap::clap::clap:

love how you troll evading all my facts of very credible people who dont accept the lies of the 9/11 commission either plus half the 9/11 familys.must feel good to shoot the messenger and convince yourself that im the only one out there who thinks 9/11 was an inside job.ignore what the experts say,worship your CIA controlled media.comedy gold:lol::lol::lol:
oh and the media IS controlled by the CIA and the zionists.congress did an investigation into the CIA's activites in the 70's and discovered documents that the CIA has agents in the mainstream media.let me guess,that didnt happen right?:cuckoo::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Hey, Mr. Troll, we have read the debunking of the myths of 9/11. However, if you get your jollies being a conspiracy guy, go for it. I don't think anyone wants to deny you whatever pleasure you can get out of life. Why not try to get permission to visit one of the terrorists who admits to planning and having 9/11 carried out. I am sure he will be so happy to hear your nonsense. Before you go, read Masterminds of Terrorism so that you can be briefed before you go. You don't want to be tripping over your own two feet.

great lies from you as always Mrs or Ms Troll.if you had read it,you would stop defending the lies of the 9/11 commission report.:cuckoo: Love how you agents keep evading the facts that half the members of the 9/11 familys dont accept the lies either and that many people in the government dont either.im in pretty good company then with these people then as a troll.:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

oh and thanks for showing you have reading comprehension problems.I already told you,that book Masterminds of Terrorism has been debunked by Griffins book Debunking the 9/11 Debunking as well as all the videos I have shown you.:lol::lol::lol::lol::cuckoo:
How can you call them trolls when they post regularly while you, the real troll, show up now and then with your silly nonsense? No doubt you also troll all the other forums with your nonsense.

cause all you trolls do is defend the lies of Israel here everyday ignoring the atrocities they commit and ignoring evidence and facts people present to you all refusing to admit you have been proven wrong.,thats why so many people stay away from this section because of the behavior that goes on around here from the people that worship the atrocities israel committs posting lies about Palestinians and ignoring the atrocities of israel.:cuckoo:

sure this is the first time in ages i have posted here,but thats because of how people blatantly defend the atrocities and lies of isreal around here ignoring the evidence and facts about them from many posters such as george phillips who has done an excellent job of getting word out about the atrocities of israel..:cuckoo:

This may be the first time I have posted here in ages,but I have lurked here for many years watching the arrogant behaviour of people blatantly ignoring facts about israels atrocities against palestine.there are far many more trolls here in this section than there in the conspiracy section is why i seldom ever venture in here.:cuckoo:

I dont believe in god,but I sure do believe in karma,therefore I would hate to be in you alls shoes defending their atrocities they commit against mankind.you'll laugh now but one day you wont be laughing when you suffer from all the terrible karma you have brought down on yourself defending the government of israel.

I think the readers are intelligent enough to let whatever this demented person says in one ear and out the other, so to speak. As an anti-Semite, he appears to be obsessed with Israel but cares nothing about the innocent people being murdered en masse in the Middle East by the Muslims. This is how you can see just what the anti-Semites are about. Perhaps he would like to live in one of these Middle East countries and see how he fares. They wouldn't care how much he hates the Jews as long as he is still an Infidel to them.

Hes obviously seeking attention, and the more we give it to him, the more he will spew the same drivel
classic evasion from the paid shills.:clap::clap::clap::clap:

love how you troll evading all my facts of very credible people who dont accept the lies of the 9/11 commission either plus half the 9/11 familys.must feel good to shoot the messenger and convince yourself that im the only one out there who thinks 9/11 was an inside job.ignore what the experts say,worship your CIA controlled media.comedy gold:lol::lol::lol:
oh and the media IS controlled by the CIA and the zionists.congress did an investigation into the CIA's activites in the 70's and discovered documents that the CIA has agents in the mainstream media.let me guess,that didnt happen right?:cuckoo::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Hey, Mr. Troll, we have read the debunking of the myths of 9/11. However, if you get your jollies being a conspiracy guy, go for it. I don't think anyone wants to deny you whatever pleasure you can get out of life. Why not try to get permission to visit one of the terrorists who admits to planning and having 9/11 carried out. I am sure he will be so happy to hear your nonsense. Before you go, read Masterminds of Terrorism so that you can be briefed before you go. You don't want to be tripping over your own two feet.

great lies from you as always Mrs or Ms Troll.if you had read it,you would stop defending the lies of the 9/11 commission report.:cuckoo: Love how you agents keep evading the facts that half the members of the 9/11 familys dont accept the lies either and that many people in the government dont either.im in pretty good company then with these people then as a troll.:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

oh and thanks for showing you have reading comprehension problems.I already told you,that book Masterminds of Terrorism has been debunked by Griffins book Debunking the 9/11 Debunking as well as all the videos I have shown you.:lol::lol::lol::lol::cuckoo:

I feel sorry for you. Just know that you would be more successful bashing Israel if you changed your username. That's all.
What truth?? None of that drivel you blab about is truth.

Dont you get it you Islamic shill, everytime there is a high profile event, there are conspiracy theorists who make shit up and try to pass it off as the truth and you idiots actually believe it lol

Or you're probably a paid shill for Muslims who are trying to take the attention off their involvement in 9/11.
You fail

funny that Im an islamic shill? last time I checked i was white,born here in the midwest,yep all those high ranking officials in the government who question 9/11 are all idiots.got it.:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: hey not my fault you cover your ears and close yoru eyes to videos everytime you are shown them.that you wont look at the evidence.:cuckoo:

again this is one of your OLD b.s rambling lies and i said i would address the old crap of yours.

Can one not be white and still be a shill for the Islamists? Moreover, there have been instances where Caucasians have converted to Islam and then planned some terrorist act. In fact, just the other day there was a story about a Caucasian guy who converted and then planned to blow up the Los Angeles subway. No doubt if he had been successful, you would have been blaming this atrocity on the "Zionists."

errr no,oh and its good to hear you have so much faith in the CIA controlled media.:cuckoo: I would like to hear the story from the guy who did it before accepting the medias version of it.:cuckoo:
Hey, Mr. Troll, we have read the debunking of the myths of 9/11. However, if you get your jollies being a conspiracy guy, go for it. I don't think anyone wants to deny you whatever pleasure you can get out of life. Why not try to get permission to visit one of the terrorists who admits to planning and having 9/11 carried out. I am sure he will be so happy to hear your nonsense. Before you go, read Masterminds of Terrorism so that you can be briefed before you go. You don't want to be tripping over your own two feet.

great lies from you as always Mrs or Ms Troll.if you had read it,you would stop defending the lies of the 9/11 commission report.:cuckoo: Love how you agents keep evading the facts that half the members of the 9/11 familys dont accept the lies either and that many people in the government dont either.im in pretty good company then with these people then as a troll.:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

oh and thanks for showing you have reading comprehension problems.I already told you,that book Masterminds of Terrorism has been debunked by Griffins book Debunking the 9/11 Debunking as well as all the videos I have shown you.:lol::lol::lol::lol::cuckoo:

I feel sorry for you. Just know that you would be more successful bashing Israel if you changed your username. That's all.

the only one you should be feeling sorry for is yourself.the karma you are bringing down on yourself for shitting on the victems of these 9/11 familys.:cuckoo: oh let me guess,I just made that all up that half the familys dont believe the lies either and that major credible people in government and the military dont either right.? riggghhhhhtttt.:cuckoo:
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great lies from you as always Mrs or Ms Troll.if you had read it,you would stop defending the lies of the 9/11 commission report.:cuckoo: Love how you agents keep evading the facts that half the members of the 9/11 familys dont accept the lies either and that many people in the government dont either.im in pretty good company then with these people then as a troll.:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

oh and thanks for showing you have reading comprehension problems.I already told you,that book Masterminds of Terrorism has been debunked by Griffins book Debunking the 9/11 Debunking as well as all the videos I have shown you.:lol::lol::lol::lol::cuckoo:

I feel sorry for you. Just know that you would be more successful bashing Israel if you changed your username. That's all.

the only one you should be feeling sorry for is yourself.the karma you are bringing down on yourself for shitting on the victems of these 9/11 familys.:cuckoo: oh let me guess,I just made that all up that half the familys dont believe the lies either and that major credible people in government and the military dont either right.? riggghhhhhtttt.:cuckoo:

It appears that 9/11 Inside Job thinks everyone who disagrees with him is cuckoo, when he actually is one of the nuttiest posters on these forums. I wonder if 9/11 can show us from a legitimate source where half of the families of the victims of 9/11 think the government is making up lies. As far as karma goes, I wonder if he can tell us what a successful life he has had, such as a well-paying job, etc. Maybe he will tell us that he was a famous heart surgeon during his working years, and people came from all over the world to be operated on by him.
9/11's username, which implies that the American gov't was secretly involved in the mass murder of 3,000 of its own citizens, inspires tremendous disgust and invalidates ANY of his opinions on the matter. Don't you realize that?
I understand it, but that doesn't automatically mean all his comments are wrong.

Your personal feelings towards another poster have nothing to do with the truth or falsehood of any assertions he/she might make.

Ad hominem's are not valid rebuttals.

of course a paid zionist troll would say that.I use the user name for people like these agents who automatically come on and say 9/11 wasnt an inside job,to prove it was showing any facts or evidence to back up their lies.:cuckoo:they fail everytime resorting to INTERNET links as evidence.:cuckoo::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Ignoring the facts that many witnesses heard explosions going off in the basement before the towers collapse,ignoring there are demolition experts that have said they came down because of demoltions as well as architiects and engineers,ignoring the best pilots in the world have said they could not fly a jet airliner into the pentagon the way the commssion said the highjackers allegedly did,ignoring there are high ranking officials in the military government that dont accept their lies either,as well as ignoring that half the 9/11 familys dont accept their lies either.:cuckoo:

to defend the lies of the 9/11 commission report is spitting in the faces of these familys that all these trolls have done.Its well documented that most new yorkers in oinion polls have said they dont believe the lies of the 9/11 commission report.

I see one agent here saying he has seen that video,yeah he watched it only seeing what he WANTS to see or he would be aware of all these facts I know about.:cuckoo:

oh think im lying about all those high ranking people in the military,architiects and enginners and high government officials that dont accept the lies of the government either and that most the 9/11 familys dont believe their lies either? bullshit.look below.:cuckoo:

Patriots Question 9/11 - Responsible Criticism of the 9/11 Commission Report

911 Proof

the official conspiracy theory apologists are so ignorant about 9/11,they dont even get it that half the familys dont accept theior lies either and many have filed lawsuits against our corrupt government as well.:cuckoo:

Disrespectful to the Victims

A common tactic that 9/11 apologists use for changing the subject away from 9/11 truth is to claim that questioning the official version is "disrespectful to the victims and their families".

In fact, half of the victim's families believe that 9/11 was an inside job (listen to this interview). Many family and friends of victims not only support the search for 9/11 truth, but they demand it (please ignore the partisan tone). See also this interview.

Indeed, it has now become so clear that the 9/11 Commission was a whitewash that the same 9/11 widows who called for the creation of the 9/11 Commission are now demanding a new investigation (see also this video).

And dying heroes, soon-to-be victims themselves, the first responders who worked tirelessly to save lives on and after 9/11, say that controlled demolition brought down the Twin Towers and that a real investigation is necessary.

So next time someone tells you that questioning 9/11 is disrespectful to the victims, show him or her the facts contained in this story, and educate them to the fact that NOT questioning the heinous lie passing for the official story is what is truly disrespectful to the victims and their families. For failing to uncover the truth of 9/11 will mean that the victims died in vain: just 3,000 of countless victims of false flag terror committed by Western (and other) governments from Rome to the present.

If, instead, the truth of 9/11 is revealed and the perpetrators are brought to justice, the victims of this horrible tragedy will have helped educate America and the world as to the secret history of false flag terror, and their deaths will have been heroic and honorable.

So you did not read my post were I showed that the building collapsed as it did because of the very nature of its skeleton. Any explosives in there would have been burnt to dust by the intense heat from the jets fuel. How it would have been noticeable if men were ripping out concrete and exposing the steel structure, then wrapping it in C4. Having a metallurgical background in the Steel industry I know the parameters of steel, and those buildings were built using 43A quality steel. The costs kept down by going for the cheapest options and minimum code requirements. This means a 10% safety margin on the steel structure as it is not in an earthquake zone. How as steel heats up it becomes soft and loses its tensile strength. How as the skeletons main structure became warmer the beams bent under the weight and finally gave way. How this exceeded the stress load on the rest of the building and each floor gave under the impact from above. No explosives team could calculate the amount needed to get that building to collapse as it did, on micro second out on a charge and the building would fall away from that leg.

funny that Im an islamic shill? last time I checked i was white,born here in the midwest,yep all those high ranking officials in the government who question 9/11 are all idiots.got it.:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: hey not my fault you cover your ears and close yoru eyes to videos everytime you are shown them.that you wont look at the evidence.:cuckoo:

again this is one of your OLD b.s rambling lies and i said i would address the old crap of yours.

Can one not be white and still be a shill for the Islamists? Moreover, there have been instances where Caucasians have converted to Islam and then planned some terrorist act. In fact, just the other day there was a story about a Caucasian guy who converted and then planned to blow up the Los Angeles subway. No doubt if he had been successful, you would have been blaming this atrocity on the "Zionists."

errr no,oh and its good to hear you have so much faith in the CIA controlled media.:cuckoo: I would like to hear the story from the guy who did it before accepting the medias version of it.:cuckoo:

It's also good to hear that people who evidently are in need of a psychiatrist have so much faith in conspiracity sites. Why not try to get permission from the government to visit one of the two guys who are being held in jail and you can tell them directly that they are lying when they claim credit for 9/11, or don't you want to hear the truth from them?
shoot the messenger do the agent trolls roudy and sweet caroline because the truth hurts.they cant refute my facts so they do the easy thing,shoot the messenger cause the truth hurts.typical shill rebuttals.

The truth is Islamic terrorists mass murdered 3,000 people that day and they still haven't paid for it.

Ask any half way competent metallurgist about the brittle zone when steel is subjected to heat ?
I love how 10 posters thanked you for your drive-by shooting that had nothing to do with the thread topic.

Got any more people you wanna trash?

Got anything you want to say about Carter? Or what Carter said?

I guess it's more fun playing "kill the messenger".

Thats because the poster is a know. Anti semitic scumbag who trashes Jews and Israelis all the time.

As for the video, Ive seen it many times and he is entitled to his opinions, but I disagree with him.

And I wouldn't talk about personal attacks, you are the king of that loiney.
So, what else are going to whine about?

well i WILL read your past stuff just not your NEW lies you spout off.this post just proves what an idiot troll you really are with these lies about me.:D

for one thing,you made the false assumption that I trash jews all the time when in fact,I have GREAT respect for jews.Its just like most logicial people,I have no respect for the evil ZIONISTS of israel.Huge deifference.:cuckoo: Jewish people and zionists are two totally different people with totally different views about the world.:cuckoo: judists jewish people are very good kind people that again,i have great respect for.

Zionists of israel are murderers.kind of like how you whine ignoiring fatcs that YOU are a deranged conspiracy theorist who believes in that pathetic conspiracy THEORY of the governmenrts with no evidedence to prove their lies.:cuckoo:oh and again,i guess i must be in good company then as someone deranged since half the 9/11 familys as has been proven in opinion polls agree with me on 9/11 as well.:D

oh and the way you guys attack people who come on here and tell the truth about the evil atrocities of the zionists whne they make threads about it as evidenced by the replies here to tihis video,no wonder he attacks you,you all as I have seen from lurking here in the past,all attack people who tell the truth about the atrocities of the zionists anytime they come on here as evidenced by so many threads in the past:cuckoo:

How about you define what you mean by ZIONIST
This is the wrong forum for your conspiracy garbage, moron.

I think most readers can figure out that he is deranged and needs to seek help. He probably thinks that Rense guy who believes in aliens is his best friend. Actually, Roudy, I wish someone can push him in the cell with one of the two terrorists being held who are the planners of 9/11. Do you think they would be too happy with this sick man for trying to take the credit away from them when they are so proud of what they accomplished? I guess all we can do is have some sympathy for someone who is clearly non compus mentis and who doesn't wish to go for some help with his problem.

classic evasion from the paid shills.:clap::clap::clap::clap:

love how you troll evading all my facts of very credible people who dont accept the lies of the 9/11 commission either plus half the 9/11 familys.must feel good to shoot the messenger and convince yourself that im the only one out there who thinks 9/11 was an inside job.ignore what the experts say,worship your CIA controlled media.comedy gold:lol::lol::lol:
oh and the media IS controlled by the CIA and the zionists.congress did an investigation into the CIA's activites in the 70's and discovered documents that the CIA has agents in the mainstream media.let me guess,that didnt happen right?:cuckoo::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

No facts and no credible people just ISLAMONAZI BLOOD LIBELS

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