Jimmy Carter tells the truth about Isreal

Look at your username and your avatar. Do you expect anyone to take you seriously??

You're well known to be a deranged conspiracy theorist who cant handle the truth

Go smoke some pot and watch Cheech and Chong.

Irregardless of his username and avatar, he's right on this one.

The neocon Zionists need to STFU and "Give Peace A Chance".

What the fuck are you talking about?
First of all, it's you're, not 'your'.
And no, YOURE the conspiracy theorist. Ive read your posts before and you are seriously deranged. You seem to believe that there is some sort of conspiracy behind EVERYTHING.
Yes, weve all heard the same 'it was the ZIONISTS who did it garbage' so many times already. Frankly, it's getting boring.
Not to mention you have no proof of this. You're boring *yawn*.

Nope,you're the conspiracy theorist believing in the conspiracy THEORY of the governments that has been debunked shill.:D its garbage,thats why you troll with posts like this and run away from that video of the mossad behind it all and wont try and counter it cause you no your cornered.:D:D great rebuttals to those vidoes.you sure showed me.:D

the fact that you ignore the laws of physics sc ientists have gone by for thousands of years and every junior high school kid learns at that age,i would say makes YOU the deraneged one:lol: just because you closed your eyes and covered your ears to those vidoes doesnt mean in your warped mind you have that i have shown no proof either.:lol::lol::cuckoo:

Uhh, you're calling me a CT when you are blurting out all these conspiracies???

And if the 9/11 'lies' have been debunked, then why hasnt it been exposed to the world yet? Why do we only see this crap on youtube videos and conspiracy sites??
Let me guess, the Zionist controlled media wont allow for this alleged debunking information to be aired??? LOL

Isnt it funny that not once have these 'the Joooos did it' conspiracy theories EVER been truly exposed to be true??

You dont get it do you? Any time there is a high event, there is ALWAYS some sort of conspiracy theory. There were even many of them about the 1993 WTC bombing

Pathetic Shill lol!

And BTW, you're doing EXACTLY what the terrorists want, to take the attention off them.

hey pathetic shill,the REAL terrorists are the Obama,Clinton,and the neocons in the Bush administration who pulled this off and in obama case,covering up Bushs crimes.:cuckoo:
Obama lied to the american people saying he was going to reverse all of Bushs policys yet all he did was EXPAND and continue them.

oh they tried before under clinton shill,they failed so they came back and succeeded later under his pal and long time friend Bush.oh they are not pals right?:cuckoo:

there you go lying again agent,just because YOU and the corrupt government of the us says they havent,does mean they havent.:cuckoo:

boy your really an idiot,its known all over the world that it was done by the us government.Bush and cheney will get arrested if they travel to a couple of other countries because of the fact they are mass murderers.:cuckoo:

there are thousands across many countroes with signs that say 9/11 truth as there are here in the states.they have been seen all over youtube.:cuckoo:

your such an idiot you tyou dont even get it that the CIA CONTROLS THE MEDIA.:lol:
Nope,you're the conspiracy theorist believing in the conspiracy THEORY of the governments that has been debunked shill.:D its garbage,thats why you troll with posts like this and run away from that video of the mossad behind it all and wont try and counter it cause you no your cornered.:D:D great rebuttals to those vidoes.you sure showed me.:D

the fact that you ignore the laws of physics sc ientists have gone by for thousands of years and every junior high school kid learns at that age,i would say makes YOU the deraneged one:lol: just because you closed your eyes and covered your ears to those vidoes doesnt mean in your warped mind you have that i have shown no proof either.:lol::lol::cuckoo:

Uhh, you're calling me a CT when you are blurting out all these conspiracies???

And if the 9/11 'lies' have been debunked, then why hasnt it been exposed to the world yet? Why do we only see this crap on youtube videos and conspiracy sites??
Let me guess, the Zionist controlled media wont allow for this alleged debunking information to be aired??? LOL

Isnt it funny that not once have these 'the Joooos did it' conspiracy theories EVER been truly exposed to be true??

You dont get it do you? Any time there is a high event, there is ALWAYS some sort of conspiracy theory. There were even many of them about the 1993 WTC bombing

Pathetic Shill lol!

And BTW, you're doing EXACTLY what the terrorists want, to take the attention off them.

hey pathetic shill,the REAL terrorists are the Obama,Clinton,and the neocons in the Bush administration who pulled this off and in obama case,covering up Bushs crimes.:cuckoo:
Obama lied to the american people saying he was going to reverse all of Bushs policys yet all he did was EXPAND and continue them.

oh they tried before under clinton shill,they failed so they came back and succeeded later under his pal and long time friend Bush.oh they are not pals right?:cuckoo:

there you go lying again agent,just because YOU and the corrupt government of the us says they havent,does mean they havent.:cuckoo:

boy your really an idiot,its known all over the world that it was done by the us government.Bush and cheney will get arrested if they travel to a couple of other countries because of the fact they are mass murderers.:cuckoo:

there are thousands across many countroes with signs that say 9/11 truth as there are here in the states.they have been seen all over youtube.:cuckoo:

your such an idiot you tyou dont even get it that the CIA CONTROLS THE MEDIA.:lol:
You should be running for the U.S. Senate instead of wasting your life on a political forum. I'll vote fer ya. ;)
Jimmy Carter unveils truth about Israel - YouTube

Carter mentions in his book Palestine,peace not aparthied and in the video how the palestines want peace not war but Israel illegally occupies their territory.

the zionist shills that have been allowed to roam these boards will come on and attack carter here of course.:cuckoo:
Jimma is senile, has dementia and the onset of Alzheimers. Anyone who would use Jimma Carter's opinions is head and shoulders into the bottom of the septic tank.

whatsever.you even advertise it here that your a zionist.:lol::lol::lol::lol:

as I said before,carter was the only president we have had since JFK who was NOT evil and corrupt.Like JFK,he also tried to do the right thing by trying to get rid of the CIA firing Gerald Fords appointee George Bush and replacing him with stansfiled turner who cleaned up the CIA firing all of the covert specialists in the CIA and was on the verge of reforming the CIA during his time as CIA director.

What happened after carter got out of office? Reagan came in,fired turner and replaced him with William Casey who got the CIA back to its old evil ways of covert operations again.

Here is an actual quote of what casey said while CIA director when he got in.

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything American public believes is false" William Casey, CIA | Peace . Gold . LOVE

We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false."-- William Casey, CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)
William Casey

or let me guess,casey never said that and thats just all made up right? Rrrrriiiggghhhtt.:cuckoo:

And you are advertising that you're a loonie :cuckoo:

BTW Whata wrong with being a Zionists??
You dont even know what a Zionist is LOL

And once again, it's YOU'RE , NOT YOUR
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Another useful idiot for Islamists?


Not all that useful: it's too stupid and boring for anyone to read much.

Jimma is senile, has dementia and the onset of Alzheimers. Anyone who would use Jimma Carter's opinions is head and shoulders into the bottom of the septic tank.

That is like saying all zionists are mentally retarded, delusional, have penis envy and fantasize about butt sex. There are probably some that don't.
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I don't know what it is, what is "Isreal"? is this some new country I've never heard of?

Do you the difference between Judah and Israel? Not the ridiculous terrorist zionist regime, but biblically?
I don't know what it is, what is "Isreal"? is this some new country I've never heard of?

Do you the difference between Judah and Israel? Not the ridiculous terrorist zionist regime, but biblically?
Well considering that the name "West Bank" is a totally fictional name Arab invaders changed after 3000 years of it being Judeah and Samaria, I wouldn't complain about historical revisionism when even the term Palestinian in relevance to Arabs is also a new invention as of 1960's.
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Jimma is senile, has dementia and the onset of Alzheimers. Anyone who would use Jimma Carter's opinions is head and shoulders into the bottom of the septic tank.

That is like saying all zionists are mentally retarded, delusional, have penis envy and fantasize about butt sex. There are probably some that don't.
What does your dumbass statement supposed to signify? Doesn't have anyting to compare to my opinion.
I don't know what it is, what is "Isreal"? is this some new country I've never heard of?

Do you the difference between Judah and Israel? Not the ridiculous terrorist zionist regime, but biblically?
Well considering that the name "West Bank" is a totally fictional name Arab invaders changed after 3000 years of it being Judeah and Samaria, I wouldn't complain about historical revisionism when even the term Palestinian in relevance to Arabs is also a new invention as of 1960's.

It hasn't been Judeah and Samaria for over 2,000 years. It has been Palestine since the Romans ruled.
I don't know what it is, what is "Isreal"? is this some new country I've never heard of?

Do you the difference between Judah and Israel? Not the ridiculous terrorist zionist regime, but biblically?

There is no correct way to answer that question.

Since I've seen you slandering both Israel and the Jewish religion, I doubt you're interested in an honest answer, anyway.
Jimma is senile, has dementia and the onset of Alzheimers. Anyone who would use Jimma Carter's opinions is head and shoulders into the bottom of the septic tank.

That is like saying all zionists are mentally retarded, delusional, have penis envy and fantasize about butt sex. There are probably some that don't.

Please tell us, what is the definition of a Zionist?
Do you the difference between Judah and Israel? Not the ridiculous terrorist zionist regime, but biblically?
Well considering that the name "West Bank" is a totally fictional name Arab invaders changed after 3000 years of it being Judeah and Samaria, I wouldn't complain about historical revisionism when even the term Palestinian in relevance to Arabs is also a new invention as of 1960's.

It hasn't been Judeah and Samaria for over 2,000 years. It has been Palestine since the Romans ruled.

Close but no cigar. The area was known as Palestine but the land was known as Judea and Samaria. Just as Jordan was known as Palestine along with Iraq, Syria and Lebanon
Do you the difference between Judah and Israel? Not the ridiculous terrorist zionist regime, but biblically?
Well considering that the name "West Bank" is a totally fictional name Arab invaders changed after 3000 years of it being Judeah and Samaria, I wouldn't complain about historical revisionism when even the term Palestinian in relevance to Arabs is also a new invention as of 1960's.

It hasn't been Judeah and Samaria for over 2,000 years. It has been Palestine since the Romans ruled.
Hah? Go back to school dipweed, it's been Judeah and Samaria for the last 3000 years and after 1948 war Jordan and Egypt changed the name to "West Bank" to eliminate the Jewish connotation. Isn't that what Muslims do, invade lands, and then destroy its history and culture. Even ancient barbarians were more respectful of the people they conquered, not so with the fruits of Islam.
Well considering that the name "West Bank" is a totally fictional name Arab invaders changed after 3000 years of it being Judeah and Samaria, I wouldn't complain about historical revisionism when even the term Palestinian in relevance to Arabs is also a new invention as of 1960's.

It hasn't been Judeah and Samaria for over 2,000 years. It has been Palestine since the Romans ruled.
Hah? Go back to school dipweed, it's been Judeah and Samaria for the last 3000 years and after 1948 war Jordan and Egypt changed the name to "West Bank" to eliminate the Jewish connotation. Isn't that what Muslims do, invade lands, and then destroy its history and culture. Even ancient barbarians were more respectful of the people they conquered, not so with the fruits of Islam.
Where do all these Arab historians come from? They pop up like mushrooms, spouting fantasy.
Do you the difference between Judah and Israel? Not the ridiculous terrorist zionist regime, but biblically?
Well considering that the name "West Bank" is a totally fictional name Arab invaders changed after 3000 years of it being Judeah and Samaria, I wouldn't complain about historical revisionism when even the term Palestinian in relevance to Arabs is also a new invention as of 1960's.

It hasn't been Judeah and Samaria for over 2,000 years. It has been Palestine since the Romans ruled.
Now we know why you ain't teaching history at Harvard.
Look at your username and your avatar. Do you expect anyone to take you seriously??

You're well known to be a deranged conspiracy theorist who cant handle the truth

Go smoke some pot and watch Cheech and Chong.
I love how 10 posters thanked you for your drive-by shooting that had nothing to do with the thread topic.

Got any more people you wanna trash?

Got anything you want to say about Carter? Or what Carter said?

I guess it's more fun playing "kill the messenger".
It hasn't been Judeah and Samaria for over 2,000 years. It has been Palestine since the Romans ruled.
Hah? Go back to school dipweed, it's been Judeah and Samaria for the last 3000 years and after 1948 war Jordan and Egypt changed the name to "West Bank" to eliminate the Jewish connotation. Isn't that what Muslims do, invade lands, and then destroy its history and culture. Even ancient barbarians were more respectful of the people they conquered, not so with the fruits of Islam.
Where do all these Arab historians come from? They pop up like mushrooms, spouting fantasy.
Isn't that like an oxymoron?

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