Jimmy Carter's War against Israel & the Jews

I love David Horowitz. He is such a great man!
I'm sure that you do.

He is a rabid zionist Jew that hates Islam and muslims. ........ :cool:

No he doesn't. He hates Islam because it is a death cult (as he explains in this video) but he does not hate the Muslim people, - listen to this video and you'll see he boldly speaks out against the stoning of Muslim women, Islam refusing women equality, Islam using oppression, the insanity and sickness of what the people are taught to believe - he is right! I agree with him because he is right. Why do I love David Horowitz? Because he is willing to be straightforward and speak an very unpopular truth. That Islam is not a religion that can give any human being salvation. That is the truth. Your trouble is not with David Horowitz but with the truth about Islam. David does not hate Muslim people. I do not hate Muslim people - I would like to see every Muslim saved out of Islam and receiving the free gift of Salvation and forgiveness of their sins that only Jesus Christ can offer them.

You should watch this video:

The students at UCLA appear to agree with him, Sunni Man. Perhaps the tide is turning and the hate and division which Islam sought to spread on College Campuses is losing its momentum?
The students at UCLA appear to agree with him, Sunni Man. Perhaps the tide is turning and the hate and division which Islam sought to spread on College Campuses is losing its momentum?
That was filmed in 2012, before the BDS resolutions were passed, the tide is turning away from the Zionists, that's why Sheldon Adelson is spending $50,000,000.00 to finance anti-BDS organisations.
The students at UCLA appear to agree with him, Sunni Man. Perhaps the tide is turning and the hate and division which Islam sought to spread on College Campuses is losing its momentum?
That was filmed in 2012, before the BDS resolutions were passed, the tide is turning away from the Zionists, that's why Sheldon Adelson is spending $50,000,000.00 to finance anti-BDS organisations.

Unless you can see into the hearts of every person who attended Horowitz's speech at UCLA you cannot say that. What I see is the tide is turning against Islam, that the world is fed up with the violence, the propaganda against Israel and a corrupt Administration here in America who not only permits it to continue but promotes and aligns themselves with those who perpetuate division, strife and lawlessness on many fronts.
The students at UCLA appear to agree with him, Sunni Man.
I'm sure that a small room filled with Jewish students would agree with a sick radical zionist like Whorewitz. ...... :cool:

The personal attack against Horowitz tells me this discussion is becoming too much for you, Sunni man. If it bothers you? Don't read. I have to go anyhow. May God bless those who bless Israel. May the LORD bless Israel. Amen!

See you tomorrow - God willing.
Jerri, would you like to see every Jew saved out of sin and receiving the free gift of Salvation and forgiveness of their sins that only Jesus Christ can offer them too?.
Jerri, would you like to see every Jew saved out of sin and receiving the free gift of Salvation and forgiveness of their sins that only Jesus Christ can offer them too?.

And you can prove this HOW ?
Horowitz is what he is, but on track to the subject of this thread . . . .

Jimmy Carter was Barrack Hussein Obama's warm up act.
The students at UCLA appear to agree with him, Sunni Man. Perhaps the tide is turning and the hate and division which Islam sought to spread on College Campuses is losing its momentum?
That was filmed in 2012, before the BDS resolutions were passed, the tide is turning away from the Zionists, that's why Sheldon Adelson is spending $50,000,000.00 to finance anti-BDS organisations.

Unless you can see into the hearts of every person who attended Horowitz's speech at UCLA you cannot say that. What I see is the tide is turning against Islam, that the world is fed up with the violence, the propaganda against Israel and a corrupt Administration here in America who not only permits it to continue but promotes and aligns themselves with those who perpetuate division, strife and lawlessness on many fronts.

Neither can you.

"What I see is the tide is turning against Zionism, that the world is fed up with the violence, the propaganda against the Palestinians and a corrupt Congress and Senate in America who not only permits it to continue but promotes and aligns themselves with those who perpetuate division, strife and lawlessness on many fronts."

There, fixed it for you. :)
The students at UCLA appear to agree with him, Sunni Man. Perhaps the tide is turning and the hate and division which Islam sought to spread on College Campuses is losing its momentum?
That was filmed in 2012, before the BDS resolutions were passed, the tide is turning away from the Zionists, that's why Sheldon Adelson is spending $50,000,000.00 to finance anti-BDS organisations.

Unless you can see into the hearts of every person who attended Horowitz's speech at UCLA you cannot say that. What I see is the tide is turning against Islam, that the world is fed up with the violence, the propaganda against Israel and a corrupt Administration here in America who not only permits it to continue but promotes and aligns themselves with those who perpetuate division, strife and lawlessness on many fronts.

Neither can you.

"What I see is the tide is turning against Zionism, that the world is fed up with the violence, the propaganda against the Palestinians and a corrupt Congress and Senate in America who not only permits it to continue but promotes and aligns themselves with those who perpetuate division, strife and lawlessness on many fronts."

There, fixed it for you. :)

So 'palestinian' of You to be most unoriginal and rewrite what's not yours
The students at UCLA appear to agree with him, Sunni Man. Perhaps the tide is turning and the hate and division which Islam sought to spread on College Campuses is losing its momentum?
That was filmed in 2012, before the BDS resolutions were passed, the tide is turning away from the Zionists, that's why Sheldon Adelson is spending $50,000,000.00 to finance anti-BDS organisations.

Unless you can see into the hearts of every person who attended Horowitz's speech at UCLA you cannot say that. What I see is the tide is turning against Islam, that the world is fed up with the violence, the propaganda against Israel and a corrupt Administration here in America who not only permits it to continue but promotes and aligns themselves with those who perpetuate division, strife and lawlessness on many fronts.

Neither can you.

"What I see is the tide is turning against Zionism, that the world is fed up with the violence, the propaganda against the Palestinians and a corrupt Congress and Senate in America who not only permits it to continue but promotes and aligns themselves with those who perpetuate division, strife and lawlessness on many fronts."

There, fixed it for you. :)

No you broke the rules again and got away with it because you are a NAZI JEW HATER
The students at UCLA appear to agree with him, Sunni Man. Perhaps the tide is turning and the hate and division which Islam sought to spread on College Campuses is losing its momentum?
That was filmed in 2012, before the BDS resolutions were passed, the tide is turning away from the Zionists, that's why Sheldon Adelson is spending $50,000,000.00 to finance anti-BDS organisations.

Unless you can see into the hearts of every person who attended Horowitz's speech at UCLA you cannot say that. What I see is the tide is turning against Islam, that the world is fed up with the violence, the propaganda against Israel and a corrupt Administration here in America who not only permits it to continue but promotes and aligns themselves with those who perpetuate division, strife and lawlessness on many fronts.

Neither can you.

"What I see is the tide is turning against Zionism, that the world is fed up with the violence, the propaganda against the Palestinians and a corrupt Congress and Senate in America who not only permits it to continue but promotes and aligns themselves with those who perpetuate division, strife and lawlessness on many fronts."

There, fixed it for you. :)

So 'palestinian' of You to be most unoriginal and rewrite what's not yours

Au contraire, mon petite chou, merely providing a more accurate view. :)
The students at UCLA appear to agree with him, Sunni Man. Perhaps the tide is turning and the hate and division which Islam sought to spread on College Campuses is losing its momentum?
That was filmed in 2012, before the BDS resolutions were passed, the tide is turning away from the Zionists, that's why Sheldon Adelson is spending $50,000,000.00 to finance anti-BDS organisations.

Unless you can see into the hearts of every person who attended Horowitz's speech at UCLA you cannot say that. What I see is the tide is turning against Islam, that the world is fed up with the violence, the propaganda against Israel and a corrupt Administration here in America who not only permits it to continue but promotes and aligns themselves with those who perpetuate division, strife and lawlessness on many fronts.

Neither can you.

"What I see is the tide is turning against Zionism, that the world is fed up with the violence, the propaganda against the Palestinians and a corrupt Congress and Senate in America who not only permits it to continue but promotes and aligns themselves with those who perpetuate division, strife and lawlessness on many fronts."

There, fixed it for you. :)

So 'palestinian' of You to be most unoriginal and rewrite what's not yours

Au contraire, mon petite chou, merely providing a more accurate view. :)

No just being a troll which you are the best at

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