Jimmy Carter's War against Israel & the Jews

Drum roll....

I voted for Carter.


I'm sorry to hear that. You must feel sick realizing what he has done to Israel with his lies and propaganda.
After I graduated college, got a job, started a family... I realized the error of my ways and became a Republican. :lol:

I lived history as it happened (don't we all) and this was the 1970's. As I recall, Carter was highly praised for his efforts at Camp David.
Jihad Watch is a program from David Horowitz Freedom Center - it is not a hate site. You're mistaken about that.
I have followed the hate site Jihad Watch since 2010 when Robert Spencer was appointed director.

btw Jeremiah, do you realize the Robert Spencer is a dedicated Roman Catholic. ...... :cool:

"Robert Spencer has been described by some civil rights organizations including the Southern Poverty Law Center and Anti-Defamation League as a “hate group leader".

Jihad Watch - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

He couldn't be too dedicated. Pope Francis has sided with the long lost Palestinians (Arabs) against Israel. Too bad the Sanhedrin couldn't haul him in for trial and give him a stiff sentence behind bars. The longer the better.

p.s. I've known some wonderful Catholic people in my time who have been 4 square behind Israel. As I told you before I do not hate Catholic people. I despise the false teachings of Catholicism but the people are for the most part unaware of what is really going on.
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Drum roll....

I voted for Carter.


I'm sorry to hear that. You must feel sick realizing what he has done to Israel with his lies and propaganda.
After I graduated college, got a job, started a family... I realized the error of my ways and became a Republican. :lol:

I lived history as it happened (don't we all) and this was the 1970's. As I recall, Carter was highly praised for his efforts at Camp David.
We'll give Carter an E for Effort because everybody knew Arafart would renege on the promises he made just to get a Nobel prize. Same shit Obama pulled to get his.
Drum roll....

I voted for Carter.


I'm sorry to hear that. You must feel sick realizing what he has done to Israel with his lies and propaganda.
After I graduated college, got a job, started a family... I realized the error of my ways and became a Republican. :lol:

I lived history as it happened (don't we all) and this was the 1970's. As I recall, Carter was highly praised for his efforts at Camp David.
We'll give Carter an E for Effort because everybody knew Arafart would renege on the promises he made just to get a Nobel prize. Same shit Obama pulled to get his.

What exactly did Obama do to win a Nobel Peace Prize again? Didn't they give it to him right after he was elected President? I never could figure out why they chose him? As for Arafat? The meaning of the Nobel Peace Prize went out the window (IMO) after they gave it to that son of the devil. What a disgrace that was!
Drum roll....

I voted for Carter.


I'm sorry to hear that. You must feel sick realizing what he has done to Israel with his lies and propaganda.
After I graduated college, got a job, started a family... I realized the error of my ways and became a Republican. :lol:

I lived history as it happened (don't we all) and this was the 1970's. As I recall, Carter was highly praised for his efforts at Camp David.
We'll give Carter an E for Effort because everybody knew Arafart would renege on the promises he made just to get a Nobel prize. Same shit Obama pulled to get his.

What exactly did Obama do to win a Nobel Peace Prize again? Didn't they give it to him right after he was elected President? I never could figure out why they chose him? As for Arafat? The meaning of the Nobel Peace Prize went out the window (IMO) after they gave it to that son of the devil. What a disgrace that was!
Former Nobel chief: Obama Peace Prize a failure
I love David Horowitz. He is such a great man!
No, he's an idiot. Anyone who starts a speech saying universities only teach you one side of the story is a complete moron and probably didn't go to university. When you are in university you are encouraged to go track down as many sources as possible, preferrably primary sources. That is not one side of the story. You are also encouraged to back up your assertions with credible and fact-checked sources. Something you Fox watchers have no idea about.
This is an educational video produced by David Horowitz Freedom Center. It exposes the truth about Jimmy Carter's war against Israel and the Jewish people. In this video you will learn the facts about Israel and the Jewish people and see that Jimmy Carter has invited disaster upon his own life by making himself an enemy of God. Jim Carter has lied to the world about Israel. Jimmy Carter has decided to curse what God has blessed! Israel and God's people, the Jews. Please view this video and share it with friends, co -workers and family. Thank you for viewing!

Wow, I'm almost speechless. I can't believe your blatant attempt to propagandize for the extremist David Horowitz Freedom Center.
Freedom for conservative Jews.

What about freedom for other people & cultures?
It seems that you are saying: "You are either with us or against us"!
And you claim "God's people, the Jews."

Don't you see how destructive that is?
That's exactly what Carter was trying to overcome in his diplomacy at the Camp David accords in 1978, which led to the 1979 Israel-Egypt Peace Treaty. Due to that agreement, Sadat and Begin received the shared 1978 Nobel Peace Prize. Do you really think Begin was Israel's enemy?

This is a good example why religion should be separated COMPLETELY from humane government ... for ALL the people.
This is an educational video produced by David Horowitz Freedom Center. It exposes the truth about Jimmy Carter's war against Israel and the Jewish people. In this video you will learn the facts about Israel and the Jewish people and see that Jimmy Carter has invited disaster upon his own life by making himself an enemy of God. Jim Carter has lied to the world about Israel. Jimmy Carter has decided to curse what God has blessed! Israel and God's people, the Jews. Please view this video and share it with friends, co -workers and family. Thank you for viewing!

You should be ashamed of yourself...

Claiming that the video is "educational"... It isn't!

I think we ALL know this zionut BS...

The likes of you post it here every day!
This is an educational video produced by David Horowitz Freedom Center. It exposes the truth about Jimmy Carter's war against Israel and the Jewish people. In this video you will learn the facts about Israel and the Jewish people and see that Jimmy Carter has invited disaster upon his own life by making himself an enemy of God. Jim Carter has lied to the world about Israel. Jimmy Carter has decided to curse what God has blessed! Israel and God's people, the Jews. Please view this video and share it with friends, co -workers and family. Thank you for viewing!

right cursed by God , a president of the US, and a long life. Crazy beyond belief, and Israel and worship of Jews is not needed for a good life. Gods people are all people, and I would not share that trash with anyone.
This is an educational video produced by David Horowitz Freedom Center. It exposes the truth about Jimmy Carter's war against Israel and the Jewish people. In this video you will learn the facts about Israel and the Jewish people and see that Jimmy Carter has invited disaster upon his own life by making himself an enemy of God. Jim Carter has lied to the world about Israel. Jimmy Carter has decided to curse what God has blessed! Israel and God's people, the Jews. Please view this video and share it with friends, co -workers and family. Thank you for viewing!

Oh Horowitz is what Carter walks around on, dirt. His non profit hate sites are disgusting.

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