Jimmy Kimmel/gun debate thread

And why is a mod still debating in that thread after it was closed?
And now the mod has deleted their post in that thread, still have no idea why it was closed.
And now the same mod has finally given a reason:

Can't start a thread with just a vid or link. As in the rules, the OP MUST provide some summary of what is important to them about this discussion. Many reasons for that -- contact a mod if you have questions.

Welcome to try again..

Problem is we are now 4 pages into the thread and right in the middle of a debate. Probably not the best idea to make everyone start all over again. Jesus, what a dipshit.
Oh no!
Start all over again?
Sheesh! My typing finger may get a cramp!
I propose a new Emmy category: "Best Smug + Clueless Social-Warrior Rant From a Self-Adoring Late Night Host." Expect fierce competition.
And now the same mod has finally given a reason:

Can't start a thread with just a vid or link. As in the rules, the OP MUST provide some summary of what is important to them about this discussion. Many reasons for that -- contact a mod if you have questions.

Welcome to try again..

Problem is we are now 4 pages into the thread and right in the middle of a debate. Probably not the best idea to make everyone start all over again. Jesus, what a dipshit.

- "What is the next topic Jimmy Kimmel will cry about to push uninformed leftist talking points?" -

What a hypocrite! Exactly like Michael Moore.

Armed bodyguards and guns to protect him and his loved ones,but none for the rest of the population!

Makes me vomit!:puke:

what Kimmel gets wrong: the NRA is not some lobbying group.

The NRA is millions & millions & millions & millions...& MILLIONS of law abiding Americans
New idea for Jimmy Kimmel! He and John Boehner show up at a WWE style arena and have a cry-off.
Im honestly so sick of the gun law argument. Drugs are illegal and we still have states with huge drug problem. Laws arent going to stop it.
"Dear crazies: it is fascinating that 500 innocent people get shot and your anger is directed at me. Think about that" - Low Energy Jimmy Kimmel

It’s fascinating that you blame innocent people for the evil of a murderer. Think about that, Low Energy Jimmy!

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