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JK's 1st vp choice - are no democrats good enough?

Originally posted by Socrates
I'm a Democrat, and it doesn't bother me at all that Kerry was interested in McCain. McCain is a good man and has integrity.

McCain is not a good man. He was the one that pushed the Incumbent Protection Act through congress recently. It was signed by the president and is arguably the worst violation of civil rights in this country in the last decade.

He may have helped someone get elected to office, but that is only because people do not yet understand the scope of the incumbent protection act yet. In fact they still call it the campaign finance reform bill.

Originally posted by Socrates
I'm a Democrat, and it doesn't bother me at all that Kerry was interested in McCain. McCain is a good man and has integrity. To me it shows that Kerry is actually willing to reach accross party lines to move this country forward, something Bush said he would do ("I'm a unifier") but has not done at all.

While I have respect for McCain, he needs to improve his honesty. McCain is a liberal, plain and simple. He has a right to be a liberal (although obviously his judgement is impaired), but if he chooses to be a liberal, he should not try to fool the voters into thinking otherwise by clothing himself in the conservative mantle. McCain is a Democrat in Republican clothing.

The image kerry seeks to project about reaching across party lines is just window dressing for the suckers who are too naive to know better, or too lazy to do a little reading. The fact is that kerry would be getting a VP almost as liberal as he, but by doing so, he acquires the illusion of being a moderate.
Originally posted by winston churchi
If I were a democrat, I would want Lieberman as the running mate...but honestly....not as second choice. If I were a democrat, I would have voted for Lieberman as I really thought he would be the best choice....

If I were a Democrat I would have wanted Zell Miller to run. Sen. Miller understands the factors which are leading to the downfall of the Democratic party. Sen. Lieberman would also be a candidate far superior to the freak show currently offered by the Democrat party.

Why do you suppose that men or women with principles, convictions, morals and ethics can get no traction in the Democratic party? Could it be that Democrats prefer the "leadership" provided by Slick Willie? Clinton's decision making process appears be based solely on reading opinion polls. In my view, the Clintons are evil incarnate. They are a pair of cynical criminals who exploited the highest office in the land to their own ends. They have no vision, no moral compass, and certainly no ethics. Their only motivation is an insatiable lust for power.
Zell Miller is a backstabbing traitor to the Democratic party. I'd sooner vote for a Republican than him.

As for McCain, the reason why Kerry would love to have him on the ticket is because Kerry-McCain would be unbeatable. Bush would have no chance in hell against that ticket and McCain knows it, that's why he won't run. Kerry can win with John Edwards on the ticket, but McCain would make it almost a sure deal.

Originally posted by Merlin1047
While I have respect for McCain, he needs to improve his honesty. McCain is a liberal, plain and simple. He has a right to be a liberal (although obviously his judgement is impaired), but if he chooses to be a liberal, he should not try to fool the voters into thinking otherwise by clothing himself in the conservative mantle. McCain is a Democrat in Republican clothing.

I agree McCain is a liberal but he would never survive as a Democrat mainly because he is pro life. Democrats dont let any diversity on that issue.

McCain really irks me though. Read his book why courage matters. Its a great book. the stories of heroism are great. But the one part that really bugged me was when he was talking about politicians and lying like everyone does it and its no big deal. Im sorry Senator McCain but not everyone lies and if you are lying you have a problem and shouldnt be in office. Its like the whole reasoning for his Incumbent protection act was to take the corruption out of washington. He even says he is corrupt. Then do us a favor Senator. Find someone who is good, honest, upright and endorse him for your seat. Dont go around thinking you are going to be given the presidency after claiming to be corrupt. Do you think the american people are stupid?
Originally posted by acludem
Zell Miller is a backstabbing traitor to the Democratic party. I'd sooner vote for a Republican than him.

As for McCain, the reason why Kerry would love to have him on the ticket is because Kerry-McCain would be unbeatable. Bush would have no chance in hell against that ticket and McCain knows it, that's why he won't run. Kerry can win with John Edwards on the ticket, but McCain would make it almost a sure deal.


No you are the backstabbing traitor of the Party. Miller is trying to keep the party where it should have stayed before the radicals took over in the late sixties.

Also, if you think Kerry McCain is unbeatable you have to be smoking something. Bush is leading Kerry now and he wiped the Floor with McCain already. The only thing thats changed since then is that stinking incumbent protection act was passed which is simply going to turn more people off to McCain. especially among Democrats. (amazing how someone who claims to be for civil rights can support a guy who sponsored the bill to prohibit political speech 60 days before an election)

Edwards doesnt bring Kerry anything but a pretty face. he couldnt help him win his home state.

The Unions have already threated Kerry if he doesnt choose Gephardt. Which i dont think he will. Its just not likely. So if he did choose Edwards or McCain (assuming McCain would have ever seriously run with him) then Kerry would have lost a major support of the Democrat party.

No, i think Kerry knows who he will pick. he just is waiting till later to announce to the world that Senator Clinton is his running mate. And God help him if he manages to get elected with her in the VP position, because his days will be numbered, literally.
I've said it before and I'll say it again...there is NO chance in hell of Hillary Clinton being the VP nominee. Zero, zip, zilch, nada, no chance, not gonna happen. I know that's the dream of every Republican. Hillary as the Veep candidate makes no sense from a lot of standpoints, first, geographically it is useless. Second, it's politically useless. Kerry will likely pick somone who is seen as more moderate than he is, like John Edwards. Third, why in the world would John Kerry want to add Clinton baggage to his ticket?

As for Miller, he's trying to take the Democratic party back to the 19th century. I want a Democratic party, not two Republican parties which is what Miller seems to want.

A Kerry-McCain ticket in recent polls has been up as many as 14 points on Bush-Cheney. Kerry-McCain would draw nearly all of the anti-war Republicans away from Bush, as well many of the more moderate Republicans who are turned off by Bush's constant kowtowing to the religious right.

A Kerry-McCain ticket in recent polls has been up as many as 14 points on Bush-Cheney. Kerry-McCain would draw nearly all of the anti-war Republicans away from Bush, as well many of the more moderate Republicans who are turned off by Bush's constant kowtowing to the religious right.posted by acludem

But it's not going to happen doh! BTW if Bush coops McCain, he too gains 14 points. Not going to happen either.
Originally posted by acludem
Zell Miller is a backstabbing traitor to the Democratic party. I'd sooner vote for a Republican than him.


You have made it plain numerous times that your first concern is for the Democratic party. I doubt very much that your slavish devotion to idiotic ideology leaves any room for you to have any concern for your country.

You zealots screech about conscience, ethics and principles. But let someone exercise those principles to the detriment of your mad-dog party, then he becomes a "backstabbing traitor"
Originally posted by Merlin1047
You have made it plain numerous times that your first concern is for the Democratic party. I doubt very much that your slavish devotion to idiotic ideology leaves any room for you to have any concern for your country.

You zealots screech about conscience, ethics and principles. But let someone exercise those principles to the detriment of your mad-dog party, then he becomes a "backstabbing traitor"
:clap: :clap: :clap:
Originally posted by acludem
I've said it before and I'll say it again...there is NO chance in hell of Hillary Clinton being the VP nominee. Zero, zip, zilch, nada, no chance, not gonna happen. I know that's the dream of every Republican. Hillary as the Veep candidate makes no sense from a lot of standpoints, first, geographically it is useless. Second, it's politically useless. Kerry will likely pick somone who is seen as more moderate than he is, like John Edwards. Third, why in the world would John Kerry want to add Clinton baggage to his ticket?

As for Miller, he's trying to take the Democratic party back to the 19th century. I want a Democratic party, not two Republican parties which is what Miller seems to want.

A Kerry-McCain ticket in recent polls has been up as many as 14 points on Bush-Cheney. Kerry-McCain would draw nearly all of the anti-war Republicans away from Bush, as well many of the more moderate Republicans who are turned off by Bush's constant kowtowing to the religious right.


Again i cant figure out why you as a civil rights advocate continue to push the for McCain, a man who proposed legislation to limit political speech as a VP candidate.

Also, Hillary is a very likely choice because Clinton still controls the party. They want to set her up for a 2008 run and they will do so by putting her as a VP now, immunizing her from the criticisms now so she can be seen as the likely candidate in 2008. I dont think her dreams will be realized.

However, why not suggest an idea for an actual VP. Instead of of the hypothetical combination of First admendment attacker McCain and American Military attacker John Kerry.
My problem with Zell Miller is the fact that he claims to be a Democrat and yet is trying to divide the party by supporting George W. Bush. Rather than doing as Jim Jeffords did and becoming an Independent, he chooses to be a cancer in our party, trying to destroy it from within.

There are many Democrats who stand for principles that may not meet with agreement in the majority of the party, myself included. This does not make them traitors. They're not actively campaigning for Republican candidates.

As for Kerry's running mate, I think the most likely choices are John Edwards, Dick Gephardt or Bill Richardson. Hillary Clinton WILL NOT be his VP choice.


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