Job growth, income, and GDP is better under democrat presidents - by a lot.

I've re-read and yes, I've made a mistake, you did say Joe Biden, not Obama.

But what you said is still full of shit, pattern of just about all new jobs being full time held since 2010 all the way to today.

Great, now tell us how many of these alleged "jobs" (actually just people returning to work) are going to AMERICANS, rather than Biden's millions of illegal aliens.

See the source image
Do you realize how retarded you sound calling it the “democrat pandemic” when he was president at the time it started?
No, it started when Obama was president, and the Wuhan lab was funded by Obama's NIH. Strike 1.

And it was Pelosi who refused to allow the stimulus checks to be sent out (to keep the economy bad, and take away Trump's top issue in an election year). Strike 2.

And it was the Democrat lockdowns that resulted in a nosedive of GDP on 2020's first 2 quarters, then fixed by Trump's anti-lockdown policy in 3rd quarter of 2020, giving us 33.8% GDP growth (highest in US history) Strike 3. NEXT BATTER.

So now you claim Trump is only responsible for quarters 2017 Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4; 2018 Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4; 2020 Q3, Q4? How convenient. And still, back here in reality, annualized real GDP growth...

Obama ... 1.9%
Trump ..... 1.3%
I didn't say that. You said that. Picking up tactics from Anton ? That's about like emulating a dog.

And nobody is falling for the ruse of Democrats wrecking the economy in 2020, and then blaming it on Trump. Wanna see those November election numbers again ? :biggrin:

Wanna do numbers ? OK. After we, OF COURSE, subtract out the PANDEMIC quarters of 2020. we have 33.8% qtr 3, and 4.5% qtr 4.
That averages out to >> 19.2% for 2020. :biggrin:

Aren't you lucky to have me here to repair all this for you. You're welcome.
No, it started when Obama was president, and the Wuhan lab was funded by Obama's NIH. Strike 1.

And it was Pelosi who refused to allow the stimulus checks to be sent out (to keep the economy bad, and take away Trump's top issue in an election year). Strike 2.

And it was the Democrat lockdowns that resulted in a nosedive of GDP on 2020's first 2 quarters, then fixed by Trump's anti-lockdown policy in 3rd quarter of 2020, giving us 33.8% GDP growth (highest in US history) Strike 3. NEXT BATTER.

View attachment 661287

Trump's stimulus checks went out... they even had his name on them...

I didn't say that. You said that. Picking up tactics from Anton ? That's about like emulating a dog.

And nobody is falling for the ruse of Democrats wrecking the economy in 2020, and then blaming it on Trump. Wanna see those November election numbers again ? :biggrin:

Wanna do numbers ? OK. After we, OF COURSE, subtract out the PANDEMIC quarters of 2020. we have 33.8% qtr 3, and 4.5% qtr 4.
That averages out to >> 19.2% for 2020. :biggrin:

Aren't you lucky to have me here to repair all this for you. You're welcome.


That's exactly what you said. But you are senile, so I'm not surprised to see you don't understand what you're saying.
No, it started when Obama was president, and the Wuhan lab was funded by Obama's NIH. Strike 1.

And it was Pelosi who refused to allow the stimulus checks to be sent out (to keep the economy bad, and take away Trump's top issue in an election year). Strike 2.

And it was the Democrat lockdowns that resulted in a nosedive of GDP on 2020's first 2 quarters, then fixed by Trump's anti-lockdown policy in 3rd quarter of 2020, giving us 33.8% GDP growth (highest in US history) Strike 3. NEXT BATTER.

View attachment 661287
Lol it blows my mind on how fucking stupid this is. I mean my god. It started when Obama was president? Trump gets no blame whatsoever? Your notion is that Trump is 100% blameless? You just had to shoehorn Pelosi in there for good measure I guess.

Could you be any more ridiculous? You’re embarrassing yourself lol

That's exactly what you said. But you are senile, so I'm not surprised to see you don't understand what you're saying.
Oh, excuse me. I re-read your post. YES. Trump is responsible for 2017, 2018, 2019, and the 3rd & 4th quarters of 2020. OF COURSE.

I guess I got distracted by the new Supreme Court decision (6-3), that just came down some minutes ago. Good news for everyone, even though liberals are too shallow brained to realize it.
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What everyone know is you're out of your mind. The first round of stimulus was passed in March, 2020. The second round was first submitted by Democrats in May, 2020 but held up by Republicans...

BULLSHIT. Menuchin was on TV (even on the leftist channels) saying he told Pelosi "Why don't we pass the parts of the bill that we agree on, send out the checks, and we'll negotiate the other stuff later." And she refused. Over and over, for months. You think we have short memories ?
Lol it blows my mind on how fucking stupid this is. I mean my god. It started when Obama was president? Trump gets no blame whatsoever? Your notion is that Trump is 100% blameless? You just had to shoehorn Pelosi in there for good measure I guess.
You guess WRONG. Contrary to all that leftist media propaganda shoved in your face, Trump has no blame for the pandemic. It was started by Democrats, and maintained by them, for the expressed purpose of making & keeping the economy bad, to take away Trump's top issue in an election year. I already told you this in Post # 262. Read Baby! read!

In addition it should be noted that Trump was the HERO of the pandemic, for a list of things, which I have posted many times.
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You guess WRONG. Contrary to all that leftist media propaganda shoved in your face, Trump has no blame for the pandemic. It was started by Democrats, and maintained by them, for the expressed purpose of making & keeping the economy bad, to take away Trump's top issue in an election year. I already told you this in Post # 262. Read Baby! read!
Lol dude even if the virus started under Obama even though it obviously didn’t, it clearly did not arrive in the US until Trump was president. You do get that right? There zero infections in the US when Obama was president? It’s so fucking pitiful how you can’t even give a the smallest amount of blame to Trump. Your critical thinking skills are just awful.
Lol dude even if the virus started under Obama even though it obviously didn’t, it clearly did not arrive in the US until Trump was president. You do get that right? There zero infections in the US when Obama was president? It’s so fucking pitiful how you can’t even give a the smallest amount of blame to Trump. Your critical thinking skills are just awful.
I give no blame to Trump because there is nothing to blame him for. Democrats created the goofy thing, then maintained it in 2020. I explained twice (or is it 3 times now ?)

This is what happens when you talk to people whose brains are infected with leftist loony-BS. I suppose you also have no clue of all the reasons why Trump is the HERO of the pandemic. Of course not. Information-derived victims of liberal OMISSION media could never have gotten any look at that.
Oh, excuse me. I re-read your post. YES. Trump is responsible for 2017, 2018, 2019, and the 3rd & 4th quarters of 2020. OF COURSE.

I guess I got distracted by the new Supreme Court decision (6-3), that just came down some minutes ago. Good news for everyone, even though liberals are too shallow brained to realize it.


And still, despite your senility, annualized real GDP growth...

Obama ... 1.9%
Trump .... 1.3%
BULLSHIT. Menuchin was on TV (even on the leftist channels) saying he told Pelosi "Why don't we pass the parts of the bill that we agree on, send out the checks, and we'll negotiate the other stuff later." And she refused. Over and over, for months. You think we have short memories ?

Link to that quote...

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