Job growth, income, and GDP is better under democrat presidents - by a lot.

The economy was shitty under Jimmy Carter.

Slick Willy inherited Reagan economic growth. While a real scumball Clinton was smart enough to let Newt and the Republicans drive the economic train.

Bush's economy did well for six years despite the hit from 911.

The economy started to go to hell when the Democrats took over Congress in 2007 because of the CRA chickens coming home to roost. The democrats crashed the housing market.

During The Worthless Negro's administration poverty increased, taxes increased, family income decreased, economic growth was dismal and high paying jobs went overseas.

Joe Potatohead is causing tremendous inflation, less family income, runaway fuel cost and a near recession economy.

Democrats are a disaster for the country, always.
Joe Biden goes into a restaurant. “I’ve created 8 million jobs” he tells the server. “I know”, the server replies, “I have three of them.”

Funny and true, right lil‘ Anthony?

Almost ALL job growth was full time positions. So no, it's not true at all, like most of bullshit you post.

Yes moron, Obama was the president untill 2017, that his jobs record then and it's still his record today.

You are so fucking stupid it should hurt.
Here’s a clue. It’s not 2017. It’s 2022 you fucking worthless worm.

Looks like you don't read too much.

And still, polls don't reflect that...

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Hear all, hear all - Trump was not president for 4 years and 2019 GDP has nothing to do with Trump's economic record either.

Yep, thats how much protectionist likes to shit his pants publicly.

Can you blame him for denying reality?

Obama... 1.9% annualized real GDP growth
Trump.... 1.3% annualized real GDP growth
The economy was shitty under Jimmy Carter.

Slick Willy inherited Reagan economic growth. While a real scumball Clinton was smart enough to let Newt and the Republicans drive the economic train.

Bush's economy did well for six years despite the hit from 911.

The economy started to go to hell when the Democrats took over Congress in 2007 because of the CRA chickens coming home to roost. The democrats crashed the housing market.

During The Worthless Negro's administration poverty increased, taxes increased, family income decreased, economic growth was dismal and high paying jobs went overseas.

Joe Potatohead is causing tremendous inflation, less family income, runaway fuel cost and a near recession economy.

Democrats are a disaster for the country, always.


If Clinton inherited Reagan's economy, how come GHW Bush didn't??
Here’s a clue. It’s not 2017. It’s 2022 you fucking worthless worm.


Moron, Obama has not been the president since 2017.

2018 and on growth didn't happen under his administration and is not part of his jobs record. DUH

Nothing changed about job growth record under Obama since 2018 and what you are posting is absolute incoherent stupidity.
Moron, Obama has not been the president since 2017, 2018 and on growth didn't happen under his administration.

What you are posting is absolute stupidity.
You arent getting this. It’s not 2017 or 2018.

Do you even know what year it is?

Are you Joe Biden?
You arent getting this. It’s not 2017 or 2018.

Do you even know what year it is?

Are you Joe Biden?

It's 2022 moron and you are still posting ignorant bullshit about Obama's jobs record.

You can't refute that job growth under Obama was entirely in Full time positions, can't refute that your little anecdotes about people holding multiple part time jobs is not representative of that record.
It's 2022 moron and you are still posting ignorant bullshit about Obama's jobs record.

You can't refute that job growth under Obama was entirely in Full time positions, can't refute that your little anecdotes about people holding multiple part time jobs are pure bullshit
WTF dude? Stop posting BS.
You posted nonsense that has nothing to do with the topic we are debating, which you commonly do because your dumb.

The topic is part-time VS full time job growth under Obama.

What the fuck do you think the topic is?? Are you off your fucking meds?
I've re-read and yes, I've made a mistake, you did say Joe Biden, not Obama.

But what you said is still full of shit, pattern of just about all new jobs being full time held since 2010 all the way to today.

So yes, you now admit that Trump's record is what you described as SINKING GDP after 2018 growth fell rate by almost a 1% in 2019, like it did 2015-2016.

2020 total GDP growth was a contraction of over 3% and thats with blockbuster 4 trillion dollar deficit. And yet you seem to be calling that a good job. Imagine that, rightwingers throwing away all the goofy tea-bag hats and loving all that Keynesian stimulus as soon as (R) gets into office. Principles - shminciples, you've got political theater to run first and foremost.

Anyway thanks for playing, you can now get back to playing in your little sandbox.
Only a complete idiot would talk about "2020 total GDP growth". The first 2 PANDEMIC quarters of 2020 has NOTHING to do with Trump, and YOU KNOW IT. As soon as he got past the all goofy warpage of the pandemic, he registered the highest GDP growth in US history, in the 3rd quarter of 2020, and it would have been even higher if blue states would have stopped their locking down. Trump's last quarter of 2020 was very good too at 4.5%. Some people have to be told twice (or is it 3 times now ? - I'm losing count)

You are boring. All you do is search out anything you can find that makes Trump look bad, and then try to swing the discussion totally onto that. Do you think there's a single poster in USMB that doesn't see that ? :doubt:
Stupid clown.......I never said 2019 GDP has nothing to do with Trump's economic record, YOU are saying those words.

As for the 4 years, his 4th year as president was taken away from him by the Democrat pandemic, and turned into a mish mash.

Despite the warpage and distortion of the year, Trump performed admirably in addressing the pandemic, and finished the year that Democrats had sabatoged against him, with a record, whopping 33.8% GDP in the 3rd quarter of 2020 + a very healthy 4.5% in the 4th quarter of 2020.

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Do you realize how retarded you sound calling it the “democrat pandemic” when he was president at the time it started?
Only a complete idiot would talk about "2020 total GDP growth". The first 2 PANDEMIC quarters of 2020 has NOTHING to do with Trump, and YOU KNOW IT. As soon as he got past the all goofy warpage of the pandemic, he registered the highest GDP growth in US history, in the 3rd quarter of 2020, and it would have been even higher if blue states would have stopped their locking down. Trump's last quarter of 2020 was very good too at 4.5%. Some people have to be told twice (or is it 3 times now ? - I'm losing count)

You are boring. All you do is search out anything you can find that makes Trump look bad, and then try to swing the discussion totally onto that. Do you think there's a single poster in USMB that doesn't see that ? :doubt:


So now you claim Trump is only responsible for quarters 2017 Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4; 2018 Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4; 2020 Q3, Q4?

How convenient.


And still, back here in reality, annualized real GDP growth...

Obama ... 1.9%
Trump ..... 1.3%

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