Jobless claims at a 49 year low...

What percent of Federal payroll taxes come from employer?

  • Employers DON"T pay payroll taxes they just keep profits

    Votes: 1 12.5%
  • Employers pay less than employees do

    Votes: 1 12.5%
  • Employers match employees payroll tax of 6.2%

    Votes: 6 75.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I have provided the link a half a dozen times over the last week, even did the math for a couple of the math idiots.

Let me know if you need help with the addition and subtraction

Monthly Treasury Statement

Sent from my iPhone using

Was that so difficult?

Now in looking at your LINK... NOTE the net effect of the TAX CUTS as dummies like you seem to be so ignorant of how the economy works!

A) INDIVIDUAL tax income UP! Why? People making more money because why? Dummy! More people working!
B) Corporate Taxes DOWN! Why? Because of tax cuts which MEANS more money to spend by stockholders which you hate, more people being hired..geez bad news to you!
C) SS/Medicare taxes UP and WHY MORE people working paying what??? PAYROLL TAXES!
D) Wow LOOK what went down??? Unemployment Insurance? WHY? More people working!
E) GEEZ what went up? Excise taxes... meaning people are spending more money on goods and services!
F) Total receipts UP year to date comparable 1/1/17 to 08/1/17 !

View attachment 217548

You link show Fed receipts up for the FY, not the CY. They are up for the FY because the tax cut did not kick in until Jan. They are down since then.

That is why for the CY will push 1.3 trillion added to the the middle of a booming economy.

Sent from my iPhone using

"Too bad tax revenue is down 9,725,000,000 for the FY since the tax cuts kicked in. In a time of economic boom we really should be increasing revenue, not decreasing it".

You said FY so that's what I used and that's what the attached spreadsheet shares.
Table 9. Summary of Receipts by Source, and Outlays by Function of the U.S. Government, August 2018 and Other Periods

So which is it? FY tax revenues year to date show increase over previous year NOT CURRENT YEAR!

You are right, I did put FY instead of CY. Should have been CY. By the way, CY stands for calendar year.

Tax revenues are up for the FY, they are down for the time period since the tax cuts kicked in, I.e. the CY.

Sent from my iPhone using

And you are right for calendar year receipts are down... GROSS receipts.
My point of the thread was though that as the poll question is showing Medicare/SS tax revenue is UP calendar year 2018 vs 2017.
This means more people are working and unemployment expenditures are down... i.e. MORE people are working. Older people are now "unretiring" because they can make more
money and again this is all contributing to the gross Federal revenue.
Q2 2018, Table 3.2. Federal Government Current Receipts and Expenditures: Quarterly | FRED | St. Louis Fed
View attachment 217560

All that is going on and yet revenues are down and deficits are at near record levels.

Just imagine how fucked we are when the next economic downturn hits.

Sent from my iPhone using
Yep...this is horrible, it totally sucks that the government has less money and the people have more of THEIR money. Run with that....PLEASE!

Yes it does suck that the government has less money yet is spending more money, thus putting more burden on the next generations.

Well, it sucks to anyone that is not a partisan hack who cares only about their party.

Sent from my iPhone using

The Kenyan spent like a horny drunk sailor at a whorehouse full of Playboy models for nearly a decade.
Tell us EXACTLY how you have been affected by the deficit seems like all I hear are stories of prosperity. Am I making this up?

Yes, Obama did indeed do that. Amazing how alike him and Trump are. But your head is too far up Trump’s ass to see it.

I have not been affected by the deficit spending, that is why I noted it is being pushed to future generations. Perhaps you have no issue fucking over those to follow us just so we can have your little statist paradise, but a few of us do.

Sent from my iPhone using

And you are so so full of Obama CRAP that you have NEVER ever repudiated THESE TOTALLY anti-business statements or actions THAT Trump would never make or do!
But in reality Trump is knocking down the dumb ass R&Rs that idiots like you I guess think are "Helpful"???
Read these and repudiate oK?
R&Rs reductions!
View attachment 217531

View attachment 217530

Once again you focus on words, I focus on results and facts.

That is why you are a partisan sheep and I am not.

Sent from my iPhone using

I focus on words? What does this chart show?

The December regulatory Agenda has brought the tally up to 1,579 regulatory actions withdrawn or delayed, broken down as follows:

  • 635 regulations were withdrawn.
  • 244 regulations were made inactive.
  • 700 regulations were delayed.
Trump's New 2018 Deregulatory Agenda

Yes it does suck that the government has less money yet is spending more money, thus putting more burden on the next generations.

Well, it sucks to anyone that is not a partisan hack who cares only about their party.

Sent from my iPhone using

The Kenyan spent like a horny drunk sailor at a whorehouse full of Playboy models for nearly a decade.
Tell us EXACTLY how you have been affected by the deficit seems like all I hear are stories of prosperity. Am I making this up?

Yes, Obama did indeed do that. Amazing how alike him and Trump are. But your head is too far up Trump’s ass to see it.

I have not been affected by the deficit spending, that is why I noted it is being pushed to future generations. Perhaps you have no issue fucking over those to follow us just so we can have your little statist paradise, but a few of us do.

Sent from my iPhone using

And you are so so full of Obama CRAP that you have NEVER ever repudiated THESE TOTALLY anti-business statements or actions THAT Trump would never make or do!
But in reality Trump is knocking down the dumb ass R&Rs that idiots like you I guess think are "Helpful"???
Read these and repudiate oK?
R&Rs reductions!
View attachment 217531

View attachment 217530

Once again you focus on words, I focus on results and facts.

That is why you are a partisan sheep and I am not.

Sent from my iPhone using

I focus on words? What does this chart show?

The December regulatory Agenda has brought the tally up to 1,579 regulatory actions withdrawn or delayed, broken down as follows:

  • 635 regulations were withdrawn.
  • 244 regulations were made inactive.
  • 700 regulations were delayed.
Trump's New 2018 Deregulatory Agenda

View attachment 217564
List some withdrawn regulations that are important.
The Kenyan spent like a horny drunk sailor at a whorehouse full of Playboy models for nearly a decade.
Tell us EXACTLY how you have been affected by the deficit seems like all I hear are stories of prosperity. Am I making this up?

Yes, Obama did indeed do that. Amazing how alike him and Trump are. But your head is too far up Trump’s ass to see it.

I have not been affected by the deficit spending, that is why I noted it is being pushed to future generations. Perhaps you have no issue fucking over those to follow us just so we can have your little statist paradise, but a few of us do.

Sent from my iPhone using

And you are so so full of Obama CRAP that you have NEVER ever repudiated THESE TOTALLY anti-business statements or actions THAT Trump would never make or do!
But in reality Trump is knocking down the dumb ass R&Rs that idiots like you I guess think are "Helpful"???
Read these and repudiate oK?
R&Rs reductions!
View attachment 217531

View attachment 217530

Once again you focus on words, I focus on results and facts.

That is why you are a partisan sheep and I am not.

Sent from my iPhone using

I focus on words? What does this chart show?

The December regulatory Agenda has brought the tally up to 1,579 regulatory actions withdrawn or delayed, broken down as follows:

  • 635 regulations were withdrawn.
  • 244 regulations were made inactive.
  • 700 regulations were delayed.
Trump's New 2018 Deregulatory Agenda

View attachment 217564
List some withdrawn regulations that are important.

For instance, the EPA is in the process of repealing and ultimately potentially replacing the controversial Clean Power Plan (CPP) and Waters of the U.S. (WOTUS) rules, both issued in 2015 and both longstanding U.S. Chamber priorities for immediate regulatory reform action.

The repeal actions for both rules have been issued as notices of proposed rulemakings and the agency is taking comments. The annual cost reduction for those two rules alone would be a minimum of $4 billion per year in 2020 peaking to as high as $34 billion per year by 2030. These cost reductions are substantial by any standard.

The Trump Administration’s Historic Year in Deregulation

But consider this: During President Obama's years in office, more than 22,700 regulations were imposed on Americans at an astounding cost to American consumers, businesses and workers of "more than $120 billion each and every year," wrote Heritage Foundation Fellow Diane Katz earlier this year.

"The actual costs are far greater," writes Katz, "both because the impacts have not been fully quantified for a significant number of rules, and because many of the worst effects — the loss of freedom and opportunity — are incalculable."

This also helps to explain the great mystery to many about why the stock market has performed so spectacularly since Trump was elected, even though neither tax reform or ObamaCare repeal have yet been passed: Businesses are already benefiting from lower regulatory costs, and they're expected to continue bolstering companies' bottom lines in the coming years.

So, yes, promises aren't just things you make on the election stump and forget about later. Promises mean something concrete. With over $2 trillion in annual regulatory costs each year in the U.S., Trump's actions to deregulate the U.S. economy will pay economic dividends for years to come. A promise kept.
The Economy Responds Trump Keeps His Promise To Slash Regulations | Stock News & Stock Market Analysis - IBD

Take the Disclosure of Payments by Resource Extraction Issuers, a rule that would require energy companies to report to the Federal Exchange Committee payments made to foreign governments. The AAF calculated its rollback would save $590.7 million annually, but those savings would only begin on Sept. 30, 2018, the rule’s required compliance date. The rollback of the Stream Protection Rule, calculated to save $81 million annually, would only start in 2020.
Has Donald Trump cut $18 billion worth of red tape?

Trump Administration Eases Regulation Of Methane Leaks On Public Lands
The methane rollback is the latest in a series of moves meant to undercut President Obama's signature regulations to address climate change. This year President Trump has also announced proposals to ease carbon emissions limits for power plants, and fuel economy standards for cars and trucks.
Trump Administration Eases Regulation Of Methane Leaks On Public Lands
Yes, Obama did indeed do that. Amazing how alike him and Trump are. But your head is too far up Trump’s ass to see it.

I have not been affected by the deficit spending, that is why I noted it is being pushed to future generations. Perhaps you have no issue fucking over those to follow us just so we can have your little statist paradise, but a few of us do.

Sent from my iPhone using

And you are so so full of Obama CRAP that you have NEVER ever repudiated THESE TOTALLY anti-business statements or actions THAT Trump would never make or do!
But in reality Trump is knocking down the dumb ass R&Rs that idiots like you I guess think are "Helpful"???
Read these and repudiate oK?
R&Rs reductions!
View attachment 217531

View attachment 217530

Once again you focus on words, I focus on results and facts.

That is why you are a partisan sheep and I am not.

Sent from my iPhone using

I focus on words? What does this chart show?

The December regulatory Agenda has brought the tally up to 1,579 regulatory actions withdrawn or delayed, broken down as follows:

  • 635 regulations were withdrawn.
  • 244 regulations were made inactive.
  • 700 regulations were delayed.
Trump's New 2018 Deregulatory Agenda

View attachment 217564
List some withdrawn regulations that are important.

For instance, the EPA is in the process of repealing and ultimately potentially replacing the controversial Clean Power Plan (CPP) and Waters of the U.S. (WOTUS) rules, both issued in 2015 and both longstanding U.S. Chamber priorities for immediate regulatory reform action.

The repeal actions for both rules have been issued as notices of proposed rulemakings and the agency is taking comments. The annual cost reduction for those two rules alone would be a minimum of $4 billion per year in 2020 peaking to as high as $34 billion per year by 2030. These cost reductions are substantial by any standard.

The Trump Administration’s Historic Year in Deregulation

But consider this: During President Obama's years in office, more than 22,700 regulations were imposed on Americans at an astounding cost to American consumers, businesses and workers of "more than $120 billion each and every year," wrote Heritage Foundation Fellow Diane Katz earlier this year.

"The actual costs are far greater," writes Katz, "both because the impacts have not been fully quantified for a significant number of rules, and because many of the worst effects — the loss of freedom and opportunity — are incalculable."

This also helps to explain the great mystery to many about why the stock market has performed so spectacularly since Trump was elected, even though neither tax reform or ObamaCare repeal have yet been passed: Businesses are already benefiting from lower regulatory costs, and they're expected to continue bolstering companies' bottom lines in the coming years.

So, yes, promises aren't just things you make on the election stump and forget about later. Promises mean something concrete. With over $2 trillion in annual regulatory costs each year in the U.S., Trump's actions to deregulate the U.S. economy will pay economic dividends for years to come. A promise kept.
The Economy Responds Trump Keeps His Promise To Slash Regulations | Stock News & Stock Market Analysis - IBD

Take the Disclosure of Payments by Resource Extraction Issuers, a rule that would require energy companies to report to the Federal Exchange Committee payments made to foreign governments. The AAF calculated its rollback would save $590.7 million annually, but those savings would only begin on Sept. 30, 2018, the rule’s required compliance date. The rollback of the Stream Protection Rule, calculated to save $81 million annually, would only start in 2020.
Has Donald Trump cut $18 billion worth of red tape?

Trump Administration Eases Regulation Of Methane Leaks On Public Lands
The methane rollback is the latest in a series of moves meant to undercut President Obama's signature regulations to address climate change. This year President Trump has also announced proposals to ease carbon emissions limits for power plants, and fuel economy standards for cars and trucks.
Trump Administration Eases Regulation Of Methane Leaks On Public Lands
I don’t see any good examples there.
The aggravation of Chinese air pollution cost the country $112 billion in 2005 in economic loss. This cost has been multiplied by 5 in 30 years as it was rising to $22 billion in 1975. CBS News brings forward a most recent number of the environmental damages: $220 billion in 2009 according to the Chinese Academy of Protection of the Environment.
Last edited:
The Kenyan was too busy spending on bottom feeders...he forgot we had an infrastructure and military....Trump has had to spend on shit that actually matters thanks to the Kenyans neglect. Simple shit.

You mean the Republicans were spending on bottom feeders. Perhaps they should have sent him a spending bill that did what was needed then.
The Kenyan was too busy spending on bottom feeders...he forgot we had an infrastructure and military....Trump has had to spend on shit that actually matters thanks to the Kenyans neglect. Simple shit.

You mean the Republicans were spending on bottom feeders. Perhaps they should have sent him a spending bill that did what was needed then.

Oh I see, you’re pretending you don’t know the POTUS leverages Congress?
The Kenyan was too busy spending on bottom feeders...he forgot we had an infrastructure and military....Trump has had to spend on shit that actually matters thanks to the Kenyans neglect. Simple shit.

You mean the Republicans were spending on bottom feeders. Perhaps they should have sent him a spending bill that did what was needed then.

Oh I see, you’re pretending you don’t know the POTUS leverages Congress?

I see you don’t know congress sends him the spending bills
Was that so difficult?

Now in looking at your LINK... NOTE the net effect of the TAX CUTS as dummies like you seem to be so ignorant of how the economy works!

A) INDIVIDUAL tax income UP! Why? People making more money because why? Dummy! More people working!
B) Corporate Taxes DOWN! Why? Because of tax cuts which MEANS more money to spend by stockholders which you hate, more people being hired..geez bad news to you!
C) SS/Medicare taxes UP and WHY MORE people working paying what??? PAYROLL TAXES!
D) Wow LOOK what went down??? Unemployment Insurance? WHY? More people working!
E) GEEZ what went up? Excise taxes... meaning people are spending more money on goods and services!
F) Total receipts UP year to date comparable 1/1/17 to 08/1/17 !

View attachment 217548

You link show Fed receipts up for the FY, not the CY. They are up for the FY because the tax cut did not kick in until Jan. They are down since then.

That is why for the CY will push 1.3 trillion added to the the middle of a booming economy.

Sent from my iPhone using

"Too bad tax revenue is down 9,725,000,000 for the FY since the tax cuts kicked in. In a time of economic boom we really should be increasing revenue, not decreasing it".

You said FY so that's what I used and that's what the attached spreadsheet shares.
Table 9. Summary of Receipts by Source, and Outlays by Function of the U.S. Government, August 2018 and Other Periods

So which is it? FY tax revenues year to date show increase over previous year NOT CURRENT YEAR!

You are right, I did put FY instead of CY. Should have been CY. By the way, CY stands for calendar year.

Tax revenues are up for the FY, they are down for the time period since the tax cuts kicked in, I.e. the CY.

Sent from my iPhone using

And you are right for calendar year receipts are down... GROSS receipts.
My point of the thread was though that as the poll question is showing Medicare/SS tax revenue is UP calendar year 2018 vs 2017.
This means more people are working and unemployment expenditures are down... i.e. MORE people are working. Older people are now "unretiring" because they can make more
money and again this is all contributing to the gross Federal revenue.
Q2 2018, Table 3.2. Federal Government Current Receipts and Expenditures: Quarterly | FRED | St. Louis Fed
View attachment 217560
Sounds like deficits should be shrinking then. They are not.

Gator and Brain, do either of you think any of us will live to see the day when the government controls spending? I'm pretty sure I'll never live to see it. I am encouraged by the booming economy, and happy for the people who are doing well. When dems get power back, will either of you make a peep, or will you just cheer your programs?
And you are so so full of Obama CRAP that you have NEVER ever repudiated THESE TOTALLY anti-business statements or actions THAT Trump would never make or do!
But in reality Trump is knocking down the dumb ass R&Rs that idiots like you I guess think are "Helpful"???
Read these and repudiate oK?
R&Rs reductions!
View attachment 217531

View attachment 217530

Once again you focus on words, I focus on results and facts.

That is why you are a partisan sheep and I am not.

Sent from my iPhone using

I focus on words? What does this chart show?

The December regulatory Agenda has brought the tally up to 1,579 regulatory actions withdrawn or delayed, broken down as follows:

  • 635 regulations were withdrawn.
  • 244 regulations were made inactive.
  • 700 regulations were delayed.
Trump's New 2018 Deregulatory Agenda

View attachment 217564
List some withdrawn regulations that are important.

For instance, the EPA is in the process of repealing and ultimately potentially replacing the controversial Clean Power Plan (CPP) and Waters of the U.S. (WOTUS) rules, both issued in 2015 and both longstanding U.S. Chamber priorities for immediate regulatory reform action.

The repeal actions for both rules have been issued as notices of proposed rulemakings and the agency is taking comments. The annual cost reduction for those two rules alone would be a minimum of $4 billion per year in 2020 peaking to as high as $34 billion per year by 2030. These cost reductions are substantial by any standard.

The Trump Administration’s Historic Year in Deregulation

But consider this: During President Obama's years in office, more than 22,700 regulations were imposed on Americans at an astounding cost to American consumers, businesses and workers of "more than $120 billion each and every year," wrote Heritage Foundation Fellow Diane Katz earlier this year.

"The actual costs are far greater," writes Katz, "both because the impacts have not been fully quantified for a significant number of rules, and because many of the worst effects — the loss of freedom and opportunity — are incalculable."

This also helps to explain the great mystery to many about why the stock market has performed so spectacularly since Trump was elected, even though neither tax reform or ObamaCare repeal have yet been passed: Businesses are already benefiting from lower regulatory costs, and they're expected to continue bolstering companies' bottom lines in the coming years.

So, yes, promises aren't just things you make on the election stump and forget about later. Promises mean something concrete. With over $2 trillion in annual regulatory costs each year in the U.S., Trump's actions to deregulate the U.S. economy will pay economic dividends for years to come. A promise kept.
The Economy Responds Trump Keeps His Promise To Slash Regulations | Stock News & Stock Market Analysis - IBD

Take the Disclosure of Payments by Resource Extraction Issuers, a rule that would require energy companies to report to the Federal Exchange Committee payments made to foreign governments. The AAF calculated its rollback would save $590.7 million annually, but those savings would only begin on Sept. 30, 2018, the rule’s required compliance date. The rollback of the Stream Protection Rule, calculated to save $81 million annually, would only start in 2020.
Has Donald Trump cut $18 billion worth of red tape?

Trump Administration Eases Regulation Of Methane Leaks On Public Lands
The methane rollback is the latest in a series of moves meant to undercut President Obama's signature regulations to address climate change. This year President Trump has also announced proposals to ease carbon emissions limits for power plants, and fuel economy standards for cars and trucks.
Trump Administration Eases Regulation Of Methane Leaks On Public Lands
I don’t see any good examples there.
The aggravation of Chinese air pollution cost the country $112 billion in 2005 in economic loss. This cost has been multiplied by 5 in 30 years as it was rising to $22 billion in 1975. CBS News brings forward a most recent number of the environmental damages: $220 billion in 2009 according to the Chinese Academy of Protection of the Environment.

Explain this then.
Jobless claims fall again to reach new 49-year low of 201,000

Initial jobless claims, a rough proxy for layoffs, fell by 3,000 to 201,000 in the seven days ended Sept. 15. That’s below the 208,000 MarketWatch forecast and marks the lowest level since Nov. 12, 1969.

Jobless claims fall again to reach new 49-year low of 201,000

Now other than showing the economy, jobs, etc are better than they have been in a long time guess what else is happening????
Payroll tax revenues increase.
And I'll share more after poll results are shown.
View attachment 217495
Thanks obama
Trump gave the economy a huge stimulus should give us a short term bump. It has. Bfd.
Trump gave the economy a huge stimulus should give us a short term bump. It has. Bfd.

Well I would hope you can understand the 180º difference between the following statements AND actions taken by Obama and President Trump.
It certainly doesn't bode well when a President suggests 1,400 companies close up, let go 450,000 people, stop paying $100 billion a year in taxes AND during that same period
encourage foreign oil while DISCOURAGING American oil production. All the while encourage more government rules and regulations along with destroying the environment by putting 1 million barrels of oil a day on the open ocean. And then suggest we should get use to higher gas prices and skyrocketing utility rates.

NONE. I guarantee NONE of the following statements would be made by Trump!
You link show Fed receipts up for the FY, not the CY. They are up for the FY because the tax cut did not kick in until Jan. They are down since then.

That is why for the CY will push 1.3 trillion added to the the middle of a booming economy.

Sent from my iPhone using

"Too bad tax revenue is down 9,725,000,000 for the FY since the tax cuts kicked in. In a time of economic boom we really should be increasing revenue, not decreasing it".

You said FY so that's what I used and that's what the attached spreadsheet shares.
Table 9. Summary of Receipts by Source, and Outlays by Function of the U.S. Government, August 2018 and Other Periods

So which is it? FY tax revenues year to date show increase over previous year NOT CURRENT YEAR!

You are right, I did put FY instead of CY. Should have been CY. By the way, CY stands for calendar year.

Tax revenues are up for the FY, they are down for the time period since the tax cuts kicked in, I.e. the CY.

Sent from my iPhone using

And you are right for calendar year receipts are down... GROSS receipts.
My point of the thread was though that as the poll question is showing Medicare/SS tax revenue is UP calendar year 2018 vs 2017.
This means more people are working and unemployment expenditures are down... i.e. MORE people are working. Older people are now "unretiring" because they can make more
money and again this is all contributing to the gross Federal revenue.
Q2 2018, Table 3.2. Federal Government Current Receipts and Expenditures: Quarterly | FRED | St. Louis Fed
View attachment 217560
Sounds like deficits should be shrinking then. They are not.

Gator and Brain, do either of you think any of us will live to see the day when the government controls spending? I'm pretty sure I'll never live to see it. I am encouraged by the booming economy, and happy for the people who are doing well. When dems get power back, will either of you make a peep, or will you just cheer your programs?
Which programs are mine? I’d cheer welfare reform.
Once again you focus on words, I focus on results and facts.

That is why you are a partisan sheep and I am not.

Sent from my iPhone using

I focus on words? What does this chart show?

The December regulatory Agenda has brought the tally up to 1,579 regulatory actions withdrawn or delayed, broken down as follows:

  • 635 regulations were withdrawn.
  • 244 regulations were made inactive.
  • 700 regulations were delayed.
Trump's New 2018 Deregulatory Agenda

View attachment 217564
List some withdrawn regulations that are important.

For instance, the EPA is in the process of repealing and ultimately potentially replacing the controversial Clean Power Plan (CPP) and Waters of the U.S. (WOTUS) rules, both issued in 2015 and both longstanding U.S. Chamber priorities for immediate regulatory reform action.

The repeal actions for both rules have been issued as notices of proposed rulemakings and the agency is taking comments. The annual cost reduction for those two rules alone would be a minimum of $4 billion per year in 2020 peaking to as high as $34 billion per year by 2030. These cost reductions are substantial by any standard.

The Trump Administration’s Historic Year in Deregulation

But consider this: During President Obama's years in office, more than 22,700 regulations were imposed on Americans at an astounding cost to American consumers, businesses and workers of "more than $120 billion each and every year," wrote Heritage Foundation Fellow Diane Katz earlier this year.

"The actual costs are far greater," writes Katz, "both because the impacts have not been fully quantified for a significant number of rules, and because many of the worst effects — the loss of freedom and opportunity — are incalculable."

This also helps to explain the great mystery to many about why the stock market has performed so spectacularly since Trump was elected, even though neither tax reform or ObamaCare repeal have yet been passed: Businesses are already benefiting from lower regulatory costs, and they're expected to continue bolstering companies' bottom lines in the coming years.

So, yes, promises aren't just things you make on the election stump and forget about later. Promises mean something concrete. With over $2 trillion in annual regulatory costs each year in the U.S., Trump's actions to deregulate the U.S. economy will pay economic dividends for years to come. A promise kept.
The Economy Responds Trump Keeps His Promise To Slash Regulations | Stock News & Stock Market Analysis - IBD

Take the Disclosure of Payments by Resource Extraction Issuers, a rule that would require energy companies to report to the Federal Exchange Committee payments made to foreign governments. The AAF calculated its rollback would save $590.7 million annually, but those savings would only begin on Sept. 30, 2018, the rule’s required compliance date. The rollback of the Stream Protection Rule, calculated to save $81 million annually, would only start in 2020.
Has Donald Trump cut $18 billion worth of red tape?

Trump Administration Eases Regulation Of Methane Leaks On Public Lands
The methane rollback is the latest in a series of moves meant to undercut President Obama's signature regulations to address climate change. This year President Trump has also announced proposals to ease carbon emissions limits for power plants, and fuel economy standards for cars and trucks.
Trump Administration Eases Regulation Of Methane Leaks On Public Lands
I don’t see any good examples there.
The aggravation of Chinese air pollution cost the country $112 billion in 2005 in economic loss. This cost has been multiplied by 5 in 30 years as it was rising to $22 billion in 1975. CBS News brings forward a most recent number of the environmental damages: $220 billion in 2009 according to the Chinese Academy of Protection of the Environment.

Explain this then.
View attachment 217586
What does that have to do with all the environmental costs? China is closing plants to fight air pollution.
You link show Fed receipts up for the FY, not the CY. They are up for the FY because the tax cut did not kick in until Jan. They are down since then.

That is why for the CY will push 1.3 trillion added to the the middle of a booming economy.

Sent from my iPhone using

"Too bad tax revenue is down 9,725,000,000 for the FY since the tax cuts kicked in. In a time of economic boom we really should be increasing revenue, not decreasing it".

You said FY so that's what I used and that's what the attached spreadsheet shares.
Table 9. Summary of Receipts by Source, and Outlays by Function of the U.S. Government, August 2018 and Other Periods

So which is it? FY tax revenues year to date show increase over previous year NOT CURRENT YEAR!

You are right, I did put FY instead of CY. Should have been CY. By the way, CY stands for calendar year.

Tax revenues are up for the FY, they are down for the time period since the tax cuts kicked in, I.e. the CY.

Sent from my iPhone using

And you are right for calendar year receipts are down... GROSS receipts.
My point of the thread was though that as the poll question is showing Medicare/SS tax revenue is UP calendar year 2018 vs 2017.
This means more people are working and unemployment expenditures are down... i.e. MORE people are working. Older people are now "unretiring" because they can make more
money and again this is all contributing to the gross Federal revenue.
Q2 2018, Table 3.2. Federal Government Current Receipts and Expenditures: Quarterly | FRED | St. Louis Fed
View attachment 217560
Sounds like deficits should be shrinking then. They are not.

Gator and Brain, do either of you think any of us will live to see the day when the government controls spending? I'm pretty sure I'll never live to see it. I am encouraged by the booming economy, and happy for the people who are doing well. When dems get power back, will either of you make a peep, or will you just cheer your programs?

We will see the government control spending when the people demand they do so. I am happy about the booming economy, but I know it will not last, the nature of our system is that there will be a "correction" sooner rather than later.

I and my family are doing great, not because of who is in the White House but because of our hard work.

I have been making more than a peep since the last Repub I voted for told me to "read his lips" as he was lying to me. I gave the Dems one vote after that and have voted 3rd party ever since. As long as we keep putting Rs and Ds in power we will continue to see spending going up and up and up.
Was that so difficult?

Now in looking at your LINK... NOTE the net effect of the TAX CUTS as dummies like you seem to be so ignorant of how the economy works!

A) INDIVIDUAL tax income UP! Why? People making more money because why? Dummy! More people working!
B) Corporate Taxes DOWN! Why? Because of tax cuts which MEANS more money to spend by stockholders which you hate, more people being hired..geez bad news to you!
C) SS/Medicare taxes UP and WHY MORE people working paying what??? PAYROLL TAXES!
D) Wow LOOK what went down??? Unemployment Insurance? WHY? More people working!
E) GEEZ what went up? Excise taxes... meaning people are spending more money on goods and services!
F) Total receipts UP year to date comparable 1/1/17 to 08/1/17 !

View attachment 217548

You link show Fed receipts up for the FY, not the CY. They are up for the FY because the tax cut did not kick in until Jan. They are down since then.

That is why for the CY will push 1.3 trillion added to the the middle of a booming economy.

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"Too bad tax revenue is down 9,725,000,000 for the FY since the tax cuts kicked in. In a time of economic boom we really should be increasing revenue, not decreasing it".

You said FY so that's what I used and that's what the attached spreadsheet shares.
Table 9. Summary of Receipts by Source, and Outlays by Function of the U.S. Government, August 2018 and Other Periods

So which is it? FY tax revenues year to date show increase over previous year NOT CURRENT YEAR!

You are right, I did put FY instead of CY. Should have been CY. By the way, CY stands for calendar year.

Tax revenues are up for the FY, they are down for the time period since the tax cuts kicked in, I.e. the CY.

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And you are right for calendar year receipts are down... GROSS receipts.
My point of the thread was though that as the poll question is showing Medicare/SS tax revenue is UP calendar year 2018 vs 2017.
This means more people are working and unemployment expenditures are down... i.e. MORE people are working. Older people are now "unretiring" because they can make more
money and again this is all contributing to the gross Federal revenue.
Q2 2018, Table 3.2. Federal Government Current Receipts and Expenditures: Quarterly | FRED | St. Louis Fed
View attachment 217560
Sounds like deficits should be shrinking then. They are not.
If this is the best the right wing has to offer,

Tax Cut Economics are worthless when they don't cover Spending.
Jobless claims fall again to reach new 49-year low of 201,000

Initial jobless claims, a rough proxy for layoffs, fell by 3,000 to 201,000 in the seven days ended Sept. 15. That’s below the 208,000 MarketWatch forecast and marks the lowest level since Nov. 12, 1969.

Jobless claims fall again to reach new 49-year low of 201,000

Now other than showing the economy, jobs, etc are better than they have been in a long time guess what else is happening????
Payroll tax revenues increase.
And I'll share more after poll results are shown.
View attachment 217495
What Point are you trying to make?

This is the point...

View attachment 217556
Here is my rebuttal; U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time
So you dusted the debt clock off after 8 years, how sweet.
You link show Fed receipts up for the FY, not the CY. They are up for the FY because the tax cut did not kick in until Jan. They are down since then.

That is why for the CY will push 1.3 trillion added to the the middle of a booming economy.

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"Too bad tax revenue is down 9,725,000,000 for the FY since the tax cuts kicked in. In a time of economic boom we really should be increasing revenue, not decreasing it".

You said FY so that's what I used and that's what the attached spreadsheet shares.
Table 9. Summary of Receipts by Source, and Outlays by Function of the U.S. Government, August 2018 and Other Periods

So which is it? FY tax revenues year to date show increase over previous year NOT CURRENT YEAR!

You are right, I did put FY instead of CY. Should have been CY. By the way, CY stands for calendar year.

Tax revenues are up for the FY, they are down for the time period since the tax cuts kicked in, I.e. the CY.

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And you are right for calendar year receipts are down... GROSS receipts.
My point of the thread was though that as the poll question is showing Medicare/SS tax revenue is UP calendar year 2018 vs 2017.
This means more people are working and unemployment expenditures are down... i.e. MORE people are working. Older people are now "unretiring" because they can make more
money and again this is all contributing to the gross Federal revenue.
Q2 2018, Table 3.2. Federal Government Current Receipts and Expenditures: Quarterly | FRED | St. Louis Fed
View attachment 217560
Sounds like deficits should be shrinking then. They are not.
If this is the best the right wing has to offer,

Tax Cut Economics are worthless when they don't cover Spending.
Is that why revenue went up after the Trump tax cuts?

I’m all for ending funding to every Leftard program.

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