Jobless claims drop to lowest level in eight years

Tell that to the 16 thousand HP employees and 19 thousand IBM employees. Lot's of Indians to take up that slack.

Thank you, come again.

As an American, aren't you happy that jobless claims have dropped?

Do you want America to fail?

No because it just means more people have given up.

Given up and?

Came home from Iraq with no limbs?

What is it?

You guys are using a metric that never has been used before and includes people that have retired or cannot work.

It's bullshit.
Great news, RW!
This must mean that we can now raise interest rates above inflation and end QE.....Yippee!!!

The lefties are bragging about how great the economy...
Wht aren't they pushing for cuts in food stamps?

The Dems have been pushing for a cut in food stamps. They call it an increase in the minimum wage. You know fool, so the worker CAN"T qualify for food stamps cause they make to much money to qualify.

Republicans won't hear of it. Much better to a Rethug to let the employer pay low wages and let the workers apply for and receive food stamps.

Where you at, Roz? You must have a reply to this.
It's the summer of recovery!

Oh wait, that was 2 years ago.

Hasn't been a bad summer with a booming stock market and the economy adding 200,000 plus jobs for five straight months

Why doesn't that make you happy?

Economy must fail?
No because it just means more people have given up.

Except that number is DECLINING!!!!!!!
Minor detail! :cuckoo:

Employment Situation Summary

Among the marginally attached, there were 676,000 discouraged workers in June, a
of 351,000 from a year earlier. (The data are not seasonally adjusted.)
Discouraged workers are persons not currently looking for work because they believe
no jobs are available for them.

Yes eventually the number of people who give up result in lower numbers.

These numbers are people filing for unemployment. They have nothing to do with people giving up since they are initial claims (aka people who were just laid off/fired).
And the far left still does not understand anything beyond what their rich white far left masters tell them.

You continue to exhibit that the CEC can feed you anything and you'll parrot it, ignorance is a way of life with the far right in this country.
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I thought the unemployment numbers were the most important economic indicator to conservatives. Why the sudden shift to Labor Participation Rate?

Why didn't conservatives mention the Labor Participation Rate when it dropped every year under Bush?

That's what you get for thinking.... now, go back to sleep.

I wish you guys could make up your mind

All we heard for four years was unemployment, unemployment, unemployment

Now all of a sudden you are concerned with the labor participation rate that has been dropping for 15 years


unemployment and labor participation go hand in hand.., you dumbfuck. :up:
That's what you get for thinking.... now, go back to sleep.

I wish you guys could make up your mind

All we heard for four years was unemployment, unemployment, unemployment

Now all of a sudden you are concerned with the labor participation rate that has been dropping for 15 years


unemployment and labor participation go hand in hand.., you dumbfuck. :up:

No they don't. The labor force participation rate climbed in the early 80's as unemployment was high. It declined throughout the late 90's and early to mid 00's when unemployment was low.
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That's what you get for thinking.... now, go back to sleep.

I wish you guys could make up your mind

All we heard for four years was unemployment, unemployment, unemployment

Now all of a sudden you are concerned with the labor participation rate that has been dropping for 15 years


unemployment and labor participation go hand in hand.., you dumbfuck. :up:

They are related but they do not go hand in hand dumbfuck
Economic good news

Jobless claims drop to 284,000, lowest since 2006

The number of people seeking U.S. unemployment benefits fell last week to its lowest level in eight years.

The Labor Department says weekly applications for unemployment aid dropped 19,000 to a seasonally adjusted 284,000. That's the lowest reading since February 2006, nearly two years before the Great Recession began.

The four-week average, a less volatile measure, declined 7,250 to 302,000. Claims for jobless aid have been falling for the past three months.

Applications are a proxy for layoffs. When businesses hold onto staff, increased hiring and stronger economic growth often follows.

Hiring is at its healthiest clip since the late 1990s and the 6.1 percent unemployment rate is at a 5 1/2-year low. Employers added 288,000 jobs in June, the fifth straight month of job gains above 200,000.

Your full of shit as usually, phony doctored figures ,real unemployment is around 12%, pull Obama's nut sack off your eyes , and go look around .$LiveLeak-dot-com-732c462fa5f2-obama-kool-aid-battaile-politics-1365465516_jpg_resized.jpg
I wish you guys could make up your mind

All we heard for four years was unemployment, unemployment, unemployment

Now all of a sudden you are concerned with the labor participation rate that has been dropping for 15 years


unemployment and labor participation go hand in hand.., you dumbfuck. :up:

They are related but they do not go hand in hand dumbfuck

They're not really related at all. The UE rate is Unemployed/Labor Force and the LFPR is Labor Force/Population.
Except that number is DECLINING!!!!!!!
Minor detail! :cuckoo:

Employment Situation Summary

Among the marginally attached, there were 676,000 discouraged workers in June, a
of 351,000 from a year earlier. (The data are not seasonally adjusted.)
Discouraged workers are persons not currently looking for work because they believe
no jobs are available for them.

Yes eventually the number of people who give up result in lower numbers.

These numbers are people filing for unemployment. They have nothing to do with people giving up since they are initial claims (aka people who were just laid off/fired).

Umm you're arguing my point with a contradiction. Understand how the system works. The people whose benefits ran out would have to be laid off from another job before filing a new claim. The problem is they aren't finding any. Thus the claims go down.
No because it just means more people have given up.

Except that number is DECLINING!!!!!!!
Minor detail! :cuckoo:

Employment Situation Summary

Among the marginally attached, there were 676,000 discouraged workers in June, a
of 351,000 from a year earlier. (The data are not seasonally adjusted.)
Discouraged workers are persons not currently looking for work because they believe
no jobs are available for them.

Yes eventually the number of people who give up result in lower numbers.

No, it is saying that the total number of people who have GIVEN UP is DECREASING.
You just can't admit that your Right-wing sources have played you for a SUCKER!!!!!
Economic good news

Jobless claims drop to 284,000, lowest since 2006

The number of people seeking U.S. unemployment benefits fell last week to its lowest level in eight years.

The Labor Department says weekly applications for unemployment aid dropped 19,000 to a seasonally adjusted 284,000. That's the lowest reading since February 2006, nearly two years before the Great Recession began.

The four-week average, a less volatile measure, declined 7,250 to 302,000. Claims for jobless aid have been falling for the past three months.

Applications are a proxy for layoffs. When businesses hold onto staff, increased hiring and stronger economic growth often follows.

Hiring is at its healthiest clip since the late 1990s and the 6.1 percent unemployment rate is at a 5 1/2-year low. Employers added 288,000 jobs in June, the fifth straight month of job gains above 200,000.

B... b.... b..... bbbb.... bbb..... butttt screaming, frothing at the mouth Righties will say that:

a.) the data is a lie
b.) too many have dropped out of the workforce and unemployment is really 3,800%, you just don't know it.
c.) all those jobs are low wage jobs.
d.) the employers didn't first walk twenty miles, backwards, naked and barefoot in the snow to create said jobs and therefore they count for nothing.



Of course, when unemployment hits 5% in 2016, the Right will scream that it is a VLWC.

When everyone is unemployed, we'll finally reach the Zero Jobless Claim state of Nirvana.

How Hopenchangey!

You have to love these clowns..... :D

80% of these people have totally given up looking for work and they trumpet it as "progress". Unbelievable. 20 hour a week jobs. What a deal!! Well, I guess it's true, as that brain-dead Nancy Pelosi pointed out - these folks are out "following their passions" - shooting pictures, dancing, doing yoga.....

On the other hand - when Barry Obama is your president, I guess making beef stew out of cow shit is now the norm... :D

Got some EXACT data to back that claim up?

Oh, wait, you are a Tea Partier, you don't need to present facts. You just wave your magic-unicorn-wand and all is as you wish for it to be...
... and the labor participation rate is the lowest in 40 years... people have given up. And why shouldn't they? The Dems have made it pretty clear that nobody should have to work.

I thought the unemployment numbers were the most important economic indicator to conservatives. Why the sudden shift to Labor Participation Rate?

Why didn't conservatives mention the Labor Participation Rate when it dropped every year under Bush?

Because, well, well, well, BENGHAZI!!!
Tell that to the 16 thousand HP employees and 19 thousand IBM employees. Lot's of Indians to take up that slack.

Thank you, come again.

As an American, aren't you happy that jobless claims have dropped?

Do you want America to fail?

RWers like RC Christian stopped being patriotic a long time ago.

It think a little of this kind of stuff had skin in the game:

Some corporations and big companies that didn't like Obama deliberately held up creating jobs, hoping for a GOP win in 2012. When Obama won re-election, at some point in time, those companies HAD to expand, and so, biting their lips with their teeth, they started opening up positions they could have opened up already in 2012. I am talking about corps and large companies who were already starting to post major profits again starting in Q3 of 2011, in spite of the Republican fuckwads in congress who tried their hardest to send us into default.

In other words, the economy really IS healing, slowly, surely and somewhat methodically. Obama said in early 2009 that this was going to take a long time. I think that most people have no idea how bad the crash really was.

Of course, crazy assed RWers will claim that this is all a lie.

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What is the labor participation rate?

How many people have been downsized to part time since Obamacare came to be?

There were 9,216,000 working part-time for economic reasons when the ACA was signed, there are 7,544,000 working part-time for economic reasons now. So there are LESS people downsized to part-time work since Obamacare came to be. The fact that you thought otherwise just shows how dishonest your sources of disinformation are, but you will not abandon them.

Table A-8. Employed persons by class of worker and part-time status


but, but, bbbbbutttt, BENGHAZI!!!

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