Jobless claims drop to lowest level in eight years

It's amazing how well we're doing considering the United States only has one party that is sincerely trying to govern.

This month marked a milestone for us: We just hit 52 consecutive months of private sector job growth. The previous record was held by the Clinton administration from 1996-2000.

One of the things about the Labor Participation Rate falling the last 15 years is that boomers are starting to retire. They're the largest demographic in our country by like 5 miles. Many of their jobs are not being replaced. Some are.

As for the success of Obamacare, there are many part-time employees who've now been able to retire and leave jobs for younger people. A lot of them are getting to retire because of better and more cost-effective insurance plans thanks to the Affordable Care Act.

At no other point in American history in the middle of troubled times has a party ever decided to turn its back on its country the way Republicans have in recent years.

They complain about people collecting disability but forget that they created those people when they decided two simultaneous wars would be just dandy.

If you make a list of Republican achievements in recent decades, it's the thinnest of lists. They're real good at whining in recent decades and filling internet message boards with their petty complaints (if a Republican President had Obama's record, we'd never hear the end of their bragging).
It's amazing how well we're doing considering the United States only has one party that is sincerely trying to govern.

This month marked a milestone for us: We just hit 52 consecutive months of private sector job growth. The previous record was held by the Clinton administration from 1996-2000.

One of the things about the Labor Participation Rate falling the last 15 years is that boomers are starting to retire. They're the largest demographic in our country by like 5 miles. Many of their jobs are not being replaced. Some are.

As for the success of Obamacare, there are many part-time employees who've now been able to retire and leave jobs for younger people. A lot of them are getting to retire because of better and more cost-effective insurance plans thanks to the Affordable Care Act.

At no other point in American history in the middle of troubled times has a party ever decided to turn its back on its country the way Republicans have in recent years.

They complain about people collecting disability but forget that they created those people when they decided two simultaneous wars would be just dandy.

If you make a list of Republican achievements in recent decades, it's the thinnest of lists. They're real good at whining in recent decades and filling internet message boards with their petty complaints (if a Republican President had Obama's record, we'd never hear the end of their bragging).

And.....thankfully....enough Americans see this. A reduced unemployment rate is felt by the masses. Gerrymandering and voter supresson are the do-nothing GOP's only hopes.
I thought the unemployment numbers were the most important economic indicator to conservatives. Why the sudden shift to Labor Participation Rate?

Why didn't conservatives mention the Labor Participation Rate when it dropped every year under Bush?

That's what you get for thinking.... now, go back to sleep.

I wish you guys could make up your mind

All we heard for four years was unemployment, unemployment, unemployment

Now all of a sudden you are concerned with the labor participation rate that has been dropping for 15 years


Once again, bbb, bbbb, bbbbb, bbbbuuutttt BENGHAZI!
I thought the unemployment numbers were the most important economic indicator to conservatives. Why the sudden shift to Labor Participation Rate?

Why didn't conservatives mention the Labor Participation Rate when it dropped every year under Bush?

That's what you get for thinking.... now, go back to sleep.

I wish you guys could make up your mind

All we heard for four years was unemployment, unemployment, unemployment

Now all of a sudden you are concerned with the labor participation rate that has been dropping for 15 years


Skewed data chart!!! It's all a lie!! Obama is a secret muslim communist usurper who is ruining Murkah!!!
The post-recession economy has undergone the slowest recovery in 70 years. In addition to more than 8 percent unemployment, labor force participation has fallen sharply since the recession began in December 2007. Today, almost 6 million Americans are working or searching for work. The drop in unemployment since 2009 is almost entirely due to the fact that those not looking for work do not count as unemployed. Demographic factors explain one-quarter of the decreased labor force participation. The rest comes from increased school enrollment and more people collecting disability benefits. Six percent of U.S. adults are now on disability insurance. This is no time to make it more difficult for businesses to create jobs.
Not Looking for Work: Why Labor Force Participation Has Fallen During the Recession

What happened 70 years ago?

An even biggerRepublican economic collapse.

The post-recession economy has undergone the slowest recovery in 70 years. In addition to more than 8 percent unemployment, labor force participation has fallen sharply since the recession began in December 2007. Today, almost 6 million Americans are working or searching for work. The drop in unemployment since 2009 is almost entirely due to the fact that those not looking for work do not count as unemployed. Demographic factors explain one-quarter of the decreased labor force participation. The rest comes from increased school enrollment and more people collecting disability benefits. Six percent of U.S. adults are now on disability insurance. This is no time to make it more difficult for businesses to create jobs.
Not Looking for Work: Why Labor Force Participation Has Fallen During the Recession
Oh come on, Heritage!!!! They pay scholars to dig up the most MISLEADING stats and present them in the most MISLEADING way.

Why should people who do not want jobs, like retired people, stay at home spouses, students over 16 who stay in school, etc., and therefor don't look for work be counted in the unemployment stats?

While the population grows and ages more people become disabled, it's been going on since St Ronnie, the trend of record numbers of new disability awards each year under Bush has been reversed under Obama, so while the number of disabled for ALL years combined is increasing, the number of new awards each year has been decreasing under Obama for the last 3 years.

Which is why it would be good for the BLS to be able to provide some important substatistics on exactly who fell out of the statistic and WHY. But that would require a larger database and then the Right would scream impingment on our rights!
It's amazing how well we're doing considering the United States only has one party that is sincerely trying to govern.

This month marked a milestone for us: We just hit 52 consecutive months of private sector job growth. The previous record was held by the Clinton administration from 1996-2000.

One of the things about the Labor Participation Rate falling the last 15 years is that boomers are starting to retire. They're the largest demographic in our country by like 5 miles. Many of their jobs are not being replaced. Some are.

As for the success of Obamacare, there are many part-time employees who've now been able to retire and leave jobs for younger people. A lot of them are getting to retire because of better and more cost-effective insurance plans thanks to the Affordable Care Act.

At no other point in American history in the middle of troubled times has a party ever decided to turn its back on its country the way Republicans have in recent years.

They complain about people collecting disability but forget that they created those people when they decided two simultaneous wars would be just dandy.

If you make a list of Republican achievements in recent decades, it's the thinnest of lists. They're real good at whining in recent decades and filling internet message boards with their petty complaints (if a Republican President had Obama's record, we'd never hear the end of their bragging).

:D:D39% s0n!!!!:D:D

A huge majority think this country is a fucking Jonestown in 2014!!!

But do stick with your fringe hero assholes over there at MSNBC and report back to us!!!!!:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::2up: We'll want to keep hearing how awesome things are!!!
It's amazing how well we're doing considering the United States only has one party that is sincerely trying to govern.

This month marked a milestone for us: We just hit 52 consecutive months of private sector job growth. The previous record was held by the Clinton administration from 1996-2000.

One of the things about the Labor Participation Rate falling the last 15 years is that boomers are starting to retire. They're the largest demographic in our country by like 5 miles. Many of their jobs are not being replaced. Some are.

As for the success of Obamacare, there are many part-time employees who've now been able to retire and leave jobs for younger people. A lot of them are getting to retire because of better and more cost-effective insurance plans thanks to the Affordable Care Act.

At no other point in American history in the middle of troubled times has a party ever decided to turn its back on its country the way Republicans have in recent years.

They complain about people collecting disability but forget that they created those people when they decided two simultaneous wars would be just dandy.

If you make a list of Republican achievements in recent decades, it's the thinnest of lists. They're real good at whining in recent decades and filling internet message boards with their petty complaints (if a Republican President had Obama's record, we'd never hear the end of their bragging).

Considering that Republicans have done everything in their power to throw the brakes on a recovery,

Then they complain that the recovery is too slow
Economic good news

Jobless claims drop to 284,000, lowest since 2006

The number of people seeking U.S. unemployment benefits fell last week to its lowest level in eight years.

The Labor Department says weekly applications for unemployment aid dropped 19,000 to a seasonally adjusted 284,000. That's the lowest reading since February 2006, nearly two years before the Great Recession began.

The four-week average, a less volatile measure, declined 7,250 to 302,000. Claims for jobless aid have been falling for the past three months.

Applications are a proxy for layoffs. When businesses hold onto staff, increased hiring and stronger economic growth often follows.

Hiring is at its healthiest clip since the late 1990s and the 6.1 percent unemployment rate is at a 5 1/2-year low. Employers added 288,000 jobs in June, the fifth straight month of job gains above 200,000.

My feeling all along has been that Americans expected recovery to happen too fast. As if such a mess could be fixed over night. Such recoveries are not, have not been, happening in other countries, not that fast, so why do Americans think is should happen there?

I am not surprised at this sign of recovery: it has been happening slowly all along, and is now showing stronger improvements. Of course. That's how it works. It takes time, and it involves the global enconomy.
Never mind the 100 million out of work. I see the OP is mining in a thin seam once again.

Only the simple minded buy that crap. Try some facts.

From the Washington Post. (I can hear you squealing now about the messenger but it's a better source than yours, which must have been your ass.).

The Facts

The Bureau of Labor Statistics does show that there are nearly 92 million Americans out of the workforce. But dig into the numbers and it is clear that it’s silly to say all of these people are “on the sidelines” and need action from the president and the Congress.

This BLS document shows that the civilian noninstitutional population—essentially, people over the age of 16–is nearly 247 million. The civil labor force is 155 million, with a participation rate of 62.8 percent. So that leaves nearly 92 million “not in the labor force.” What does that mean?

Essentially, it means everyone above the age of 16 who is not working. The BLS breaks it down even further, and it quickly becomes clear that the vast majority of these people are retired or simply are not interested in working, such as stay-at-home parents.

•6 million want a job now but cannot find one.

•2.4 million did not actively search for work.

•1.5 million did not search for work because they are students or left the job market for family reasons, illness or some other factor.

•900,000 are discouraged and think no job is available.

Add that up, along with the 10.3 million who are unemployed, and then maybe you could say there are 21 million people who are “on the sidelines” of the job market. But the other 80 million people have permanently left the work force.


Not squealing about the source but can definitely hear you parroting left wing rags. Again, the calculus changed in 1994. The u3 is hardly representative as an official number for unemployment.

You just called the WAPO a left-wing rag? Really?

Only the simple minded buy that crap. Try some facts.

From the Washington Post. (I can hear you squealing now about the messenger but it's a better source than yours, which must have been your ass.).


Not squealing about the source but can definitely hear you parroting left wing rags. Again, the calculus changed in 1994. The u3 is hardly representative as an official number for unemployment.

You just called the WAPO a left-wing rag? Really?


If it mentions good news while Obama is president, it must be a left-wing rag. Everyone knows this.
It's amazing how well we're doing considering the United States only has one party that is sincerely trying to govern.

This month marked a milestone for us: We just hit 52 consecutive months of private sector job growth. The previous record was held by the Clinton administration from 1996-2000.

One of the things about the Labor Participation Rate falling the last 15 years is that boomers are starting to retire. They're the largest demographic in our country by like 5 miles. Many of their jobs are not being replaced. Some are.

As for the success of Obamacare, there are many part-time employees who've now been able to retire and leave jobs for younger people. A lot of them are getting to retire because of better and more cost-effective insurance plans thanks to the Affordable Care Act.

At no other point in American history in the middle of troubled times has a party ever decided to turn its back on its country the way Republicans have in recent years.

They complain about people collecting disability but forget that they created those people when they decided two simultaneous wars would be just dandy.

If you make a list of Republican achievements in recent decades, it's the thinnest of lists. They're real good at whining in recent decades and filling internet message boards with their petty complaints (if a Republican President had Obama's record, we'd never hear the end of their bragging).

Consider also the fact that there are republicans who are actually disappointed by this and other good economic news, where they want Americans to continue to suffer so conservatives might realize some perceived political advantage.
Only the simple minded buy that crap. Try some facts.

From the Washington Post. (I can hear you squealing now about the messenger but it's a better source than yours, which must have been your ass.).


Not squealing about the source but can definitely hear you parroting left wing rags. Again, the calculus changed in 1994. The u3 is hardly representative as an official number for unemployment.

You just called the WAPO a left-wing rag? Really?


The same ones who quote the Washington Times
It's amazing how well we're doing considering the United States only has one party that is sincerely trying to govern.

This month marked a milestone for us: We just hit 52 consecutive months of private sector job growth. The previous record was held by the Clinton administration from 1996-2000.

One of the things about the Labor Participation Rate falling the last 15 years is that boomers are starting to retire. They're the largest demographic in our country by like 5 miles. Many of their jobs are not being replaced. Some are.

As for the success of Obamacare, there are many part-time employees who've now been able to retire and leave jobs for younger people. A lot of them are getting to retire because of better and more cost-effective insurance plans thanks to the Affordable Care Act.

At no other point in American history in the middle of troubled times has a party ever decided to turn its back on its country the way Republicans have in recent years.

They complain about people collecting disability but forget that they created those people when they decided two simultaneous wars would be just dandy.

If you make a list of Republican achievements in recent decades, it's the thinnest of lists. They're real good at whining in recent decades and filling internet message boards with their petty complaints (if a Republican President had Obama's record, we'd never hear the end of their bragging).

Consider also the fact that there are republicans who are actually disappointed by this and other good economic news, where they want Americans to continue to suffer so conservatives might realize some perceived political advantage.

Pay no attention to all those new jobs people

We are concerned with labor participation rate. Jobs don't matter
Yes eventually the number of people who give up result in lower numbers.

These numbers are people filing for unemployment. They have nothing to do with people giving up since they are initial claims (aka people who were just laid off/fired).

Umm you're arguing my point with a contradiction. Understand how the system works. The people whose benefits ran out would have to be laid off from another job before filing a new claim. The problem is they aren't finding any. Thus the claims go down.

Which isn't true as the U6 rate has been in decline and we've had a net gain of jobs every month for a few years now.
It's amazing how well we're doing considering the United States only has one party that is sincerely trying to govern.

This month marked a milestone for us: We just hit 52 consecutive months of private sector job growth. The previous record was held by the Clinton administration from 1996-2000.

One of the things about the Labor Participation Rate falling the last 15 years is that boomers are starting to retire. They're the largest demographic in our country by like 5 miles. Many of their jobs are not being replaced. Some are.

As for the success of Obamacare, there are many part-time employees who've now been able to retire and leave jobs for younger people. A lot of them are getting to retire because of better and more cost-effective insurance plans thanks to the Affordable Care Act.

At no other point in American history in the middle of troubled times has a party ever decided to turn its back on its country the way Republicans have in recent years.

They complain about people collecting disability but forget that they created those people when they decided two simultaneous wars would be just dandy.

If you make a list of Republican achievements in recent decades, it's the thinnest of lists. They're real good at whining in recent decades and filling internet message boards with their petty complaints (if a Republican President had Obama's record, we'd never hear the end of their bragging).

Consider also the fact that there are republicans who are actually disappointed by this and other good economic news, where they want Americans to continue to suffer so conservatives might realize some perceived political advantage.

Why are they disappointed?

because the two things they were counting on to happen in 2014 never happened

The failure of Obamacare and a collapsed economy

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