Jobs added in September is fantastic!! it isn't.

next time....I'll consider that you might join a thread after I post my comments and I'll try and predict what you'd have said if I had not made my comments. My bad.

Well ... yes ... that would be adviseable. :lol:

But seriously, since you didn't address this post to any one person, didn't quote anyone, and said "folks", it seemed that you were talking in a broad sense to anyone on the board who might be reading the thread and who might not usually be inclined to go out and praise the report:

No shortage of love for this person TM, is there?

I, for one, am pleased that the jobs report showed any increase at all. September was my best month of the year so far. I have seen a little more activity in the past few months, in fact.

Do me a favor, folks. It won't hurt a bit, I promise. Tell someone you know IRL that you think the jobs report for September was a positive sign. You don't have to commit to anything......just take a fucking second off from your 3 year downer-fest and brighten someone's day.

Dude......I live the truth. And the truth is that if my customer gets the idea that shit might be a bit better....and his customer also gets that feeling.......I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that this development won't be bad for business.

Nobody asked for all smiles. Smile at me for more than a minute I'm probably gonna ask you an inappropriate question.

Check this out. I'm with this guy.

American Rhetoric: Franklin Delano Roosevelt - First Fireside Chat ("The Banking Crisis")
You are not willing to state that the jobs report released today is a bit of good news?

And ....I'd like to suggest that you try a different road when it comes to characterizing my grip on reality. I'm just as human as you....and there are ample times when I ain't singing and dancing over the economic news. But......unlike you.....I understand the NEED FOR OUR CONSUMER BASE TO GAIN PSYCHLOGICAL CONFIDENCE IN THE ECONOMY.

Oz? You are funny. You say you see no end to this.......maybe you need to take a few steps down off of fucking Mt. Doom, Gollum.

58,000 new jobs for the entire nation Lone is in abysmal.
Sorta like a guy falling 250ft down a pit, in a months worth of work he has managed to climb 6ft. - Not good. Ok he is not still sliding....but it is going to take him three and a half f*cking years to get out of the hole!!!
Same thing guy...58,000 new jobs across the entire nation is less than a doesn't even compensate for population growth.

Yep. And I imagine that he'd probably be pleased about that fact. Might even give this unlucky fucker a reason to crack a smile for a few moments.

Carry on with your doom and gloom. I sure hope you ain't the person my next customer is talking to just before I call on him for that order.

Soooo, howww many new employees are you currently hiring? (not that you'd tell the truth....afterall, it is the interwebz).

Put up or :anj_stfu:.
You want the truth? Really?

I let go of 6 employees about a year ago when one of my businesses failed. Got wood yet?

Fortunately, I never sold the business that now supports my family. It is a one man show.......and you can suck a dick.
Oh those wall street bulls looking for anything to excuse a rally.
September "added" 103,000 jobs...which is 41,000 better than expected - so it is wonderful news.
But well...45,000 of the 103,000 is Verizon employees ending their strike and placed back on the rolls of the unemployed.
So in reality - the nation only added 58,000 jobs...7000 LESS than expected.

And 58,000 is an awful number.

No. The consensus included the Verizon strikers. Last month the strikers detracted 45k jobs. Government lost 30k, so the private sector added 88k jobs.

Very anemic numbers, but with all the talk of a new recession, the jobs number may contradict this notion.
Oh those wall street bulls looking for anything to excuse a rally.
September "added" 103,000 jobs...which is 41,000 better than expected - so it is wonderful news.
But well...45,000 of the 103,000 is Verizon employees ending their strike and placed back on the rolls of the unemployed.
So in reality - the nation only added 58,000 jobs...7000 LESS than expected.

And 58,000 is an awful number.

No. The consensus included the Verizon strikers. Last month the strikers detracted 45k jobs. Government lost 30k, so the private sector added 88k jobs.

Very anemic numbers, but with all the talk of a new recession, the jobs number may contradict this notion.
The problem this month as for the last year is not so much our pack of idiots in DC but the EU's pack of idiots.
...I let go of 6 employees about a year ago... ... a one man show...
In 09 I cut my workforce and went into 'hunker down' mode too, and I also am seeing a lot of positive signs for the future.
...the jobs report released today is a bit of good news?
No, while the report had increased employment, it also had increased unemployment. So while month to month changes are all well and good, we have to remember that in mid '08 there were 146,331,000 employees and now it's 140,025,000. We have a long way to go and the positive economic news out there is not in the labor market.
You want the truth? Really?

I let go of 6 employees about a year ago when one of my businesses failed. Got wood yet?

Fortunately, I never sold the business that now supports my family. It is a one man show.......and you can suck a dick.

You got a leaf when you logged onto and are related to Gen. George Custer.
You want the truth? Really?

I let go of 6 employees about a year ago when one of my businesses failed. Got wood yet?

Fortunately, I never sold the business that now supports my family. It is a one man show.......and you can suck a dick.

You got a leaf when you logged onto and are related to Gen. George Custer.

You think anyone got that? I doubt it.
Oh those wall street bulls looking for anything to excuse a rally.
September "added" 103,000 jobs...which is 41,000 better than expected - so it is wonderful news.
But well...45,000 of the 103,000 is Verizon employees ending their strike and placed back on the rolls of the unemployed.
So in reality - the nation only added 58,000 jobs...7000 LESS than expected.

And 58,000 is an awful number.

No. The consensus included the Verizon strikers. Last month the strikers detracted 45k jobs. Government lost 30k, so the private sector added 88k jobs.

Very anemic numbers, but with all the talk of a new recession, the jobs number may contradict this notion.

Very Anemic.

The Total Employed figure increased by 398K; Employed People Working Part Time for Economic Reasons increased by 444K. This means that we actually lost 46,000 full time jobs...and that a large portion of the nonfarm job gains are likely part time ones.
I hope we create enough jobs this month, october, that the collecting unemployment rate drops under 9% and the real unemployment comes down at least 2% too.
Oh those wall street bulls looking for anything to excuse a rally.
September "added" 103,000 jobs...which is 41,000 better than expected - so it is wonderful news.
But well...45,000 of the 103,000 is Verizon employees ending their strike and placed back on the rolls of the unemployed.
So in reality - the nation only added 58,000 jobs...7000 LESS than expected.

And 58,000 is an awful number.

The number of jobs added during this administrations occupation has been outstanding.
At least that's what I keep hearing from this President.
How many times has he gone to the American people to pat himself on the back to announce that "It's now 19 straight months of thousands of jobs added.

How many times has the left announced that millions and millions of jobs have been added thanks to the stimulus package...

I don't know about you but the last time I checked unemployment was still very very high.
Oh those wall street bulls looking for anything to excuse a rally.
September "added" 103,000 jobs...which is 41,000 better than expected - so it is wonderful news.
But well...45,000 of the 103,000 is Verizon employees ending their strike and placed back on the rolls of the unemployed.
So in reality - the nation only added 58,000 jobs...7000 LESS than expected.

And 58,000 is an awful number.

The number of jobs added during this administrations occupation has been outstanding.
At least that's what I keep hearing from this President.
How many times has he gone to the American people to pat himself on the back to announce that "It's now 19 straight months of thousands of jobs added.

How many times has the left announced that millions and millions of jobs have been added thanks to the stimulus package...

I don't know about you but the last time I checked unemployment was still very very high.

The numbers agree with both of you.
Oh those wall street bulls looking for anything to excuse a rally.
September "added" 103,000 jobs...which is 41,000 better than expected - so it is wonderful news.
But well...45,000 of the 103,000 is Verizon employees ending their strike and placed back on the rolls of the unemployed.
So in reality - the nation only added 58,000 jobs...7000 LESS than expected.

And 58,000 is an awful number.

Republicans say it's because we aren't giving enough tax breaks to billionaires and subsidies to corporations. We need to do a better jobs of bribes.
Oh those wall street bulls looking for anything to excuse a rally.
September "added" 103,000 jobs...which is 41,000 better than expected - so it is wonderful news.
But well...45,000 of the 103,000 is Verizon employees ending their strike and placed back on the rolls of the unemployed.
So in reality - the nation only added 58,000 jobs...7000 LESS than expected.

And 58,000 is an awful number.

Republicans say it's because we aren't giving enough tax breaks to billionaires and subsidies to corporations. We need to do a better jobs of bribes.

Does rdeam always have a habit of (to use the left's GREEN term) recycling the same old bad emissions . . . thread, after thread, after thread? I was hoping to find something more thought provoking and constructive to the discussion. I guess I might just be hoping for a bit too much.
Oh those wall street bulls looking for anything to excuse a rally.
September "added" 103,000 jobs...which is 41,000 better than expected - so it is wonderful news.
But well...45,000 of the 103,000 is Verizon employees ending their strike and placed back on the rolls of the unemployed.
So in reality - the nation only added 58,000 jobs...7000 LESS than expected.

And 58,000 is an awful number.

I remember reading about a similar tactic used by these Democrats to try and manipulate the unemployment numbers, to make the economy appear to have improved. Back in 2010, you may remember the Obama administration had decided to hire, then layoff, only to retrain again the Census Workers.

Two more Census workers blow the whistle -

Census Costs Skyrocket 325% Versus 2000
Todd Kinsey, Galveston County Republican Examiner
June 8, 2010

"The economy added 431,000 jobs. Now this is the fifth month in a row we've seen jobs grow. - This report is a sign that our economy is getting stronger by the day" the president said.

Well let's dig a little deeper into this 431,000 jobs. Only 41,000 of these jobs were in the private sector and 390,000 of these jobs are temporary census workers bringing the total to 550,000 census workers (an estimated 1.4 million temporary workers will be hired in total). To put that in perspective, that is once census worker for every 560 people in America.

I find it hard to believe that it takes that many people to conduct the census.

Continue reading on Census Costs Skyrocket 325% Versus 2000 - Houston Republican | Census Costs Skyrocket 325% Versus 2000 - Houston Republican |

The Cost of the U.S. Census

Year . Total Population. . Census Cost . . . Average Cost Per Person
1970 . . 203,302,031 . . . . $247,653,000 . . . . .$1.22
1980 . . 226,542,199 . . . . $1,078,488,000 . . . $4.76
1990 . . 248,718,301 . . . . $2,492,830,000 . . . $10.02
2000 . . 281,421,906 . . . . $4.5 Billion . . . . . . $15.99
2010* . 308,745,538 . . . . $13 Billion . . . . . . .$42.11

The Cost of the Census | How Much Does it Cost to Take the U.S. Census?
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I hope we create enough jobs this month, october, that the collecting unemployment rate drops under 9% and the real unemployment comes down at least 2% too.

The collecting unemployment rate is 2.9% though that's the % covered by state programs who are receiving benefits. Looking at percent of labor force receiving benefits from state and fed programs...that's 4.5% (note that some states allow partial benefits to people who have jobs).

Total unemployment is a 9.1%.
Republicans say it's because we aren't giving enough tax breaks to billionaires and subsidies to corporations. We need to do a better jobs of bribes.

Does rdeam always have a habit of (to use the left's GREEN term) recycling the same old bad emissions . . . thread, after thread, after thread? I was hoping to find something more thought provoking and constructive to the discussion. I guess I might just be hoping for a bit too much.
You misunderstood sir, rdean is obviously complaining about the Obama administration's Energy and Justice departments not holding out for large enough bribes to break the law. You owe him an apology.
Oh those wall street bulls looking for anything to excuse a rally.
September "added" 103,000 jobs...which is 41,000 better than expected - so it is wonderful news.
But well...45,000 of the 103,000 is Verizon employees ending their strike and placed back on the rolls of the unemployed.
So in reality - the nation only added 58,000 jobs...7000 LESS than expected.

And 58,000 is an awful number.

so those tax cuts still are not working?
Oh those wall street bulls looking for anything to excuse a rally.
September "added" 103,000 jobs...which is 41,000 better than expected - so it is wonderful news.
But well...45,000 of the 103,000 is Verizon employees ending their strike and placed back on the rolls of the unemployed.
So in reality - the nation only added 58,000 jobs...7000 LESS than expected.

And 58,000 is an awful number.

so those tax cuts still are not working?

should we raise them as Hoover did?

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