Jobs Boom Favors Democratic Counties, Not Trump Strongholds


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City

The booming economy may not be the boon to the GOP as many think. According to this article, some of the hardest hit areas remain so in spite of the increases in jobs. And many are Democrat strongholds. So, how will the people in these areas vote in November?

Sixty percent of Americans told Pew that they see their midterm vote as an act of either supporting the president (26 percent) or opposing him (34 percent). That is the highest combined number since Pew began asking such a question in 2006.

And 68 percent said that control of Congress would influence how they vote, the highest level in two decades.

More of this @ Jobs Boom Favors Democratic Counties, Not Trump Strongholds
That's a good question. Will they vote for the party that got them jobs?? Or vote the status quo??

The booming economy may not be the boon to the GOP as many think. According to this article, some of the hardest hit areas remain so in spite of the increases in jobs. And many are Democrat strongholds. So, how will the people in these areas vote in November?

Sixty percent of Americans told Pew that they see their midterm vote as an act of either supporting the president (26 percent) or opposing him (34 percent). That is the highest combined number since Pew began asking such a question in 2006.

And 68 percent said that control of Congress would influence how they vote, the highest level in two decades.

More of this @ Jobs Boom Favors Democratic Counties, Not Trump Strongholds
Well, since many or all of them do not get their facts from the left wing propaganda pushers, most of them will vote for the candidate that those globalist networks push.
That's a good question. Will they vote for the party that got them jobs?? Or vote the status quo??
The black people vote against the party that set them free, desegregated their schools, that don't patronize them for political gain, and have provided them more opportunities than they have ever had anywhere at any time in history.

Instead of saying thank you, they go to the party that enslaved them, use them for political gain by convincing them they are nothing but victims and are mentally enslaved still. They don't care that all of their cities are run by democrats for decades and are dilapidated cesspools. Mostly by design.

As illogical as that is, it is the truth. The sad truth.
Doesn't matter what working folks tell the pollsters.....they secretly like Trump and will vote for him while claiming they didn't....They're all done with the unisex bathrooms, blacks shooting at cops and then crying when they get shot, chinese junk in the stores, communist school teachers...the whole deal... 2016 all over again.
"Hardest hit" in what way, by the the eight stagnant Obama years or by ineffective democrat administrations or both? ? It's a credit to President Trump that he didn't specifically target republican areas but made it easier for industry to open up everywhere. I know it seems like a long time but it's only been about 19 months. Give it time.
Jobs Boom Favors Democratic Counties, Not Trump Strongholds

its next to impossible to get the hicks in RW southern states to get a job and get off the government tit.

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