Fact check: Trump, in 2023, tells a new lie about the 2020 election

So long as Sore Loser Donald keeps whining about 2020, the American people will grow more and more tired of his bullshit.

Trump Fatigue Syndrome.
And the grift goes on. It's not enough that people are sitting in jail because of Trump's election lies. It's not enough that Fox News, the once darling media outlet of conservatives, has taken a financial hit because they helped spread Trump's lies. It's not enough that people have now lost their jobs over Trump's lies. He continues to spin them because at the end of the day it's all about him. It always has been.

In a speech to a Republican gathering in Florida on Friday, during which he repeated his usual lie that the 2020 election was “rigged and stolen,” Trump pointedly noted that Biden got more votes than Trump in fewer than a fifth of US counties in 2020. Trump then said, “Nothing like this has ever happened before. Usually it’s very equal, or – but the winner always had the most counties.”

Facts First: Trump’s claim that the winner of every presidential election before 2020 always carried the most counties is false. The two previous Democratic winners before Biden, Barack Obama in 2008 and 2012 and Bill Clinton in 1992 and 1996, carried a minority of counties in each of their victories. Obama won about 28% of counties in his 2008 victory and even fewer, about 22% of counties, in his 2012 victory, according to figures provided to CNN by David Wasserman, a prominent analyst of election data who is a senior editor at The Cook Political Report with Amy Walter. Like Biden, Obama won the national popular vote by millions even as he carried fewer than a third of counties.

Biden carried about 17% of counties while beating Trump in 2020, a smaller percentage of counties than Obama carried while winning in 2008 and 2012, but there is nothing odd about the 2020 figure. In fact, it’s easy to explain. Land doesn’t vote, people do. In the current political era, Democratic presidential candidates have tended to be dominant in the most populous counties, some of which have hundreds of thousands or even millions of people, while Republicans have tended to do best in areas with fewer residents.

Placing all of that aside, there is one fact that is almost universally ignored in any of these cookie-cutter discussions. And that's the fact that there were several states in which the law was changed by the secretary of state rather than the state legislature. That's blatantly unconstitutional. Of course, Republicans sat by and let it happen, too.

At its root, the election process itself was therefore corrupted. There are no ifs ands or buts about it.

But nobody ever talks about that, predictably.
Placing all of that aside, there is one fact that is almost universally ignored in any of these cookie-cutter discussions. And that's the fact that there were several states in which the law was changed by the secretary of state rather than the state legislature. That's blatantly unconstitutional. Of course, Republicans sat by and let it happen, too.

At its root, the election process itself was therefore corrupted. There are no ifs ands or buts about it.

But nobody ever talks about that, predictably.
That’s because those happy with the outcome are sleazy cheaters and those objecting to the outcome are afraid to speak out because they’ll be attacked by the sleazy cheaters.
Placing all of that aside, there is one fact that is almost universally ignored in any of these cookie-cutter discussions. And that's the fact that there were several states in which the law was changed by the secretary of state rather than the state legislature. That's blatantly unconstitutional. Of course, Republicans sat by and let it happen, too.

At its root, the election process itself was therefore corrupted. There are no ifs ands or buts about it.

But nobody ever talks about that, predictably.

They don't want to talk about it, and you're right, the sleezy reps let it happen, which is why I have zero respect or trust for any of them. None of it was ever taken through the court system that I know of, just allowed to slide by as usual.
That’s because those happy with the outcome are sleazy cheaters and those objecting to the outcome are afraid to speak out because they’ll be attacked by the sleazy cheaters.

There will be bad times ahead for those who are lost in the narrative and therefore unprepared. And much, much sooner than later.

What we're witnessing now is the rise of the authoritarian elements of the duopoly. And I doubt they have anything good in store for America. Peace or prosperity are out of the question. They're going for full spectrum dominance over the electorate.

While people are distracted by the cookie-cutter smut, the authoritarian elements of the party of one are coming together. Sharpening their knives...
They don't want to talk about it, and you're right, the sleezy reps let it happen, which is why I have zero respect or trust for any of them. None of it was ever taken through the court system that I know of, just allowed to slide by as usual.

Ultimately they're on the same team.

There is only the illusion of difference at that level of politics.

And they don't even do a good job faking it any more.
Ultimately they're on the same team.

There is only the illusion of difference at that level of politics.

And they don't even do a good job faking it any more.

You're absolutely right, but I was disappointed that those at the state level apparently fall into the same category. PA had a majority R house and allowed it to happen, they didn't even try to do anything that I'm aware of. Granted, the asshole Wolf would have over ridden anything they did, and the SOS who actually did it is now the new governor. He was rewarded for helping to hand the D's their win.
And the grift goes on. It's not enough that people are sitting in jail because of Trump's election lies. It's not enough that Fox News, the once darling media outlet of conservatives, has taken a financial hit because they helped spread Trump's lies. It's not enough that people have now lost their jobs over Trump's lies. He continues to spin them because at the end of the day it's all about him. It always has been.

In a speech to a Republican gathering in Florida on Friday, during which he repeated his usual lie that the 2020 election was “rigged and stolen,” Trump pointedly noted that Biden got more votes than Trump in fewer than a fifth of US counties in 2020. Trump then said, “Nothing like this has ever happened before. Usually it’s very equal, or – but the winner always had the most counties.”

Facts First: Trump’s claim that the winner of every presidential election before 2020 always carried the most counties is false. The two previous Democratic winners before Biden, Barack Obama in 2008 and 2012 and Bill Clinton in 1992 and 1996, carried a minority of counties in each of their victories. Obama won about 28% of counties in his 2008 victory and even fewer, about 22% of counties, in his 2012 victory, according to figures provided to CNN by David Wasserman, a prominent analyst of election data who is a senior editor at The Cook Political Report with Amy Walter. Like Biden, Obama won the national popular vote by millions even as he carried fewer than a third of counties.

Biden carried about 17% of counties while beating Trump in 2020, a smaller percentage of counties than Obama carried while winning in 2008 and 2012, but there is nothing odd about the 2020 figure. In fact, it’s easy to explain. Land doesn’t vote, people do. In the current political era, Democratic presidential candidates have tended to be dominant in the most populous counties, some of which have hundreds of thousands or even millions of people, while Republicans have tended to do best in areas with fewer residents.

A lie is an intentional misstatement of the facts. Trump is stating his opinion, If he believes it, it cannot be a lie.
The friggin Dumbocrats cannot speak English.
Libs deny the election being stolen so much, one might start to wonder if maybe it was stolen!
A lie is an intentional misstatement of the facts. Trump is stating his opinion, If he believes it, it cannot be a lie.
The friggin Dumbocrats cannot speak English.

If what you are saying is true about rump believing everything he says then that's solid proof he's insane and dangerous. Meaning, he should be locked where there are excellent drugs and retraints.
And the grift goes on. It's not enough that people are sitting in jail because of Trump's election lies. It's not enough that Fox News, the once darling media outlet of conservatives, has taken a financial hit because they helped spread Trump's lies. It's not enough that people have now lost their jobs over Trump's lies. He continues to spin them because at the end of the day it's all about him. It always has been.

In a speech to a Republican gathering in Florida on Friday, during which he repeated his usual lie that the 2020 election was “rigged and stolen,” Trump pointedly noted that Biden got more votes than Trump in fewer than a fifth of US counties in 2020. Trump then said, “Nothing like this has ever happened before. Usually it’s very equal, or – but the winner always had the most counties.”

Facts First: Trump’s claim that the winner of every presidential election before 2020 always carried the most counties is false. The two previous Democratic winners before Biden, Barack Obama in 2008 and 2012 and Bill Clinton in 1992 and 1996, carried a minority of counties in each of their victories. Obama won about 28% of counties in his 2008 victory and even fewer, about 22% of counties, in his 2012 victory, according to figures provided to CNN by David Wasserman, a prominent analyst of election data who is a senior editor at The Cook Political Report with Amy Walter. Like Biden, Obama won the national popular vote by millions even as he carried fewer than a third of counties.

Biden carried about 17% of counties while beating Trump in 2020, a smaller percentage of counties than Obama carried while winning in 2008 and 2012, but there is nothing odd about the 2020 figure. In fact, it’s easy to explain. Land doesn’t vote, people do. In the current political era, Democratic presidential candidates have tended to be dominant in the most populous counties, some of which have hundreds of thousands or even millions of people, while Republicans have tended to do best in areas with fewer residents.

There was obvious massive and organized fraud. Anyone who says there was not is scared, stupid, or both. Why do you think you have to continue the cover up if it really did not happen. Why are lawyers sanctioned for doing their jobs. Why are people being held for over 2 years without a trial?

I'll tell why. It is happening because fraud happened. The cover up will be an eternal struggle for you traitors.

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