Jobs Joe! Economy is defying naysayers and added a whopping 372k Jobs in June!!

Isn't it interesting that you cherry pick times for Trump, when production was understandably low. When he first began (and we were still under the influence of the low production Obama years - (invalid critique)
And then at the end of Trump's reign, when we were under the influence of pandemic shutdown - (Another invalid critique)

But if we look at production months when these influences were not handicapping production, we see Trump' oil production months by far exceeding any of those of Joe Biden.
Trump production
December 2019 - 402.3 Million Barrels/month
January 2020 - 398.4
And Trump exceeded Biden's top month of 371.2 Million Barrels/month NINE TIMES, despite the Obama low production influences and later, the pandemic months reductions. And note also that Biden's top production month of 371.2, was recently in August of 2022, when he started increasing production, to try to lower gas prices, as we started getting closer to the 2022 ELECTION.

As for the rest of your gobbledegook post, Oh, lots of causes, huh ? Anything but Joe Biden and his reckless assault on the oil/gas industry, which he pledged to do in the 2020 presidential debates, so it's no secret or surprise. And consequently, we went from being the top energy producer in the world, and 100% energy independent, to being embarrassingly dependent on other countries for oil, including Biden making a fool out of himself, by going to Saudi Arabia, and begging them for oil - and then threatening them when they wouldn't cave to his clownish demands.

YOUR assessment is not only moronically simpleminded, it's also flat out wrong.
Isn’t it interesting you pick and chose the beginning of Biden’s administration when Trump passed home 62% less oil rigs than Trump started with and a pandemic affected production level to focus on? You are making excuses for Trump and then throwing them out for Biden. It’s transparently see through that your just a partisan hack.
It is not an issue for me.

Sorry you are suffering.
So sadly typical of the Democrats of today. "I'm not suffering, so what is the problem?" "Screw the folks on Social Security, low-income workers, and millions of others, I'M FINE!" Nothing to see here, just move along.

You must be proud!
So sadly typical of the Democrats of today. "I'm not suffering, so what is the problem?" "Screw the folks on Social Security, low-income workers, and millions of others, I'M FINE!" Nothing to see here, just move along.

You must be proud!

Tis the American way. Plus you all never give a shit about any of those people you listed when there is an R in the White House, only when there is a D.

So yeah, fuck em....did they care about me when I was in that boat?
HA HA. Wacky liberal pretending gas prices are not an issue. Let's see what the voters say 5 days from now.
I just purchased airline tickets from BLV to PIE at the cheapest price ever. I fly that round trip 4 times a year. Now it only cost $39 each way. Under Trump admin it always cost $200 round trip.

2022-11-04 (1).png
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Isn’t it interesting you pick and chose the beginning of Biden’s administration when Trump passed home 62% less oil rigs than Trump started with and a pandemic affected production level to focus on? You are making excuses for Trump and then throwing them out for Biden. It’s transparently see through that your just a partisan hack.
Looks like you want to make this easy for me, Can you read ? I did NOT pick the beginning of Biden's administration. The 371.2 Million Barrels/month was August 2022, and the most recent month on record.

So you want to keep the discussion going ? Fine with me. In case anybody might have missed it in the other post, Biden's highest oil production month was August 2022, and it was 371.3 Million Barrels/month. That is as we were getting closer to the 2022 election, and Biden was looking to try to bring gas prices down.

Generally, throughout Biden's awful time of 2021/2022, his oil production numbers have been relatively low compared to Trump, simply because, as Biden himself declared in the 2020 debates, he wants to transition us away from fossil fuels, and to alternative energy. So his war against the energy industry has resulted in low production levels, thereby creating high gas prices and severe inflation in hundreds of commidities, as all manufacturers face difficulty trucking their products to stores, while trying to keep it all economical. They can't, and consequently we get MUCH higher prices and shortages of goods, as some items can't be moved at all (ex. baby formula).

Trump exceeded Biden's top month of 371.2 Million Barrels/month NINE TIMES, despite the Obama low production influences and later, the pandemic months reductions, and Biden's best month of 371.2 million pales in comparison to Trump's best month of 402.3.

Your laughingstock reply said nothing at all, and calling me a "partisan hack" is the funniest part of it. All I've done here is present the facts. Biden's oil production has been horribly low, and it was all intentional, as he cut production in Alaska & the Gulf of Mexico, as well as stopped the Keystone Pipeline, thereby changing oil company forecasting scenarios.

If you want to post here in baldfaced opposition to the facts, and make a fool out of yourself, you do have that right.
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Pandemic glut doesn't count. Gas prices were soaring until Trump left office on 1/20/2021

Trump destroyed 3.4 million barrels per day of US oil production and bankrupted many oil drillers.
BULLSHIT! Gas prices were $1.89/gallon at the gas station down the street from my house on 1/20/2021. As I passed that same gas station today, the price was $3.93/gallon. As soon as Biden got in office, he went to work cutting production and the numbers show it in both the oil production (going down), and the gas prices (going up).

Do you think there is a living soul in America that doesn't know this ? Unless there are some total idiots who watch MSNBC and "The View", and are too stupid to know what's going on.

In case you happen to be one of these mindless, brainwashed robots, see Post # 176.
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I just purchased airline tickets from BLV to PIE at the cheapest price ever. I fly that round trip 4 times a year. Now it only cost $39 each way. Under Trump admin it always cost $200 round trip.

View attachment 720738
You really want to bring up this subject ?

Airline ticket prices have spiked by 25% in the past year — the biggest annual jump since 1989. In April alone, airfares surged 18.6%, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics .

U.S. refining capacity dropped by 5.4% in 2022 since it peaked in 2019 — the lowest in eight years. The dip came in the wake of refinery closures, and conversions to produce more renewable fuels.
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Tis the American way. Plus you all never give a shit about any of those people you listed when there is an R in the White House, only when there is a D.

So yeah, fuck em....did they care about me when I was in that boat?
What makes you think a Republican in the White House doesn't care about folks on Social Security, and low income workers ? See the list in Post # 178

Here's part of it >>>

5. created 10 million jobs in 4 months, created over 400,000 manufacturing jobs,
6. unemployment claims hit 50 year low,
7. lowest unemployment for blacks, Hispanics, Asians, and disabled in US history, 8.lowest unemployment for women in over 70 years,
9. lowest unemployment rate in US history for Americans without a high school diploma,
10. 4 million Americans off food stamps,
11. vocational training topped 4 million - highest in US history
12. highest median wage in US history .
13. Obamacare individual mandate penalty GONE,
14. FDA approved more affordable generic drugs than ever before in US history. > drug companies are freezing or reversing planned price increases,
15. reformed the Medicare program to stop hospitals from overcharging low-income seniors on their drugs—saving seniors hundreds of millions of dollars,
Wow, you were wrong again...who would have thunk it...

If there even are any NEW jobs being created (and not just shutdown workers RETURNING to work), how many of them are being scooped up by Biden's 2.4 Million illegal aliens, he has let into the country ?

PS - the unemployment rate has just gone UP again. (3.5 to 3.7)
You really want to bring up this subject ?

Airline ticket prices have spiked by 25% in the past year — the biggest annual jump since 1989. In April alone, airfares surged 18.6%, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics .

U.S. refining capacity dropped by 5.4% in 2022 since it peaked in 2019 — the lowest in eight years. The dip came in the wake of refinery closures, and conversions to produce more renewable fuels.
Refineries don't produce renewable fuels, you dumbass!

They closed because Trump bankrupted & destroyed US oil production, then he demanded Saudi cut production.
Refineries don't produce renewable fuels, you dumbass!

They closed because Trump bankrupted & destroyed US oil production, then he demanded Saudi cut production.
They CONVERT to them Can you read ?

Well, if you think that "Trump bankrupted & destroyed US oil production" then it's not your reading ability that is questionable. It's YOUR BRAIN, and the lack of it.

If you are capable of reading a table from the EIA of >
U.S. Field Production of Crude Oil (Thousand Barrels), you will see that Trump's 402.3 Million Barrels/month in December of 2019 was the highest production of oil in US history, and many of his other months were almost that high.

When oil companies are pumping oil at high rates like that, they're not being bankrupted. What leftist rag told you that Trump destroyed US oil production, which you were DUPED into believing ?
I just purchased airline tickets from BLV to PIE at the cheapest price ever. I fly that round trip 4 times a year. Now it only cost $39 each way. Under Trump admin it always cost $200 round trip.

View attachment 720738

Airline tickets could become even more expensive, aviation execs warn

Lee Ying Shan
"Airline ticket prices have spiked by 25% in the past year — the biggest annual jump since 1989. In April alone, airfares surged 18.6%, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics."

Refineries don't produce renewable fuels, you dumbass!

They closed because Trump bankrupted & destroyed US oil production, then he demanded Saudi cut production.
They CONVERT to them Can you read ?

Well, if you think that "Trump bankrupted & destroyed US oil production" then it's not your reading ability that is questionable. It's YOUR BRAIN, and the lack of it.

If you are capable of reading a table from the EIA of >
U.S. Field Production of Crude Oil (Thousand Barrels), you will see that Trump's 402.3 Million Barrels/month in December of 2019 was the highest production of oil in US history, and many of his other months were almost that high.

When oil companies are pumping oil at high rates like that, they're not being bankrupted. What leftist rag told you that Trump destroyed US oil production, which you were DUPED into believing ?
Haynes Boone has monitored North American oil and gas producer Chapter 11 bankruptcies since 2015. This is our final report, which covers new cases filed during 2021. Over the past seven years, there have been 274 oil and gas producer bankruptcies. In the same period, 330 oilfield services and midstream companies have filed for bankruptcy, bringing the combined North American industry total to more than 600 industry bankruptcies involving over $321 billion in secured and unsecured debt.

Airline tickets could become even more expensive, aviation execs warn

Lee Ying Shan
"Airline ticket prices have spiked by 25% in the past year — the biggest annual jump since 1989. In April alone, airfares surged 18.6%, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics."

I fly this airline route all the time & never got rates this cheap.
2022-11-04 (2).png
Haynes Boone has monitored North American oil and gas producer Chapter 11 bankruptcies since 2015. This is our final report, which covers new cases filed during 2021. Over the past seven years, there have been 274 oil and gas producer bankruptcies. In the same period, 330 oilfield services and midstream companies have filed for bankruptcy, bringing the combined North American industry total to more than 600 industry bankruptcies involving over $321 billion in secured and unsecured debt.
IF any of this is true it's also MOOT, when we had record breaking oil production, America became the #1 energy producer in the world, and we had 100% energy independence, All just the opposite from the awful Biden administration.

Can't wait to have Trump back in the White House - a super high probability, barring any election fraud problems.

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