Jobs Joe! Economy is defying naysayers and added a whopping 372k Jobs in June!!

You are always wrong.

The dot is the start of the first full month of the Biden admin...has production gone up or down since then?

View attachment 721538
No, YOU are who is wrong. Not one word, or one number of what I posted in Post # 213 was wrong. And it hardly matters if Biden's numbers increased or decreased. The LEVELS of them are what points to his reductions of production.

Biden's 19 production months have ranged from 277 Million Barrels/mo to his high of 371 Million Barrels/mo. In the same span of 19 months before the pandemic shutdowns really hit in April of 2020, Trump's production months went from 343 to 402.

The median of these for Biden is 324. For Trump - 372

Twisting it and spinning it any way anyone wants to, the bottom line is Biden intentionally cut oil production, and the numbers bear that out. And these stark differences of numbers would be even worse if we factored in production forecasting into the future, because of Biden shutting down the Keystone Pipeline.

No, YOU are who is wrong. Not one word, or one number of what I posted in Post # 213 was wrong. And it hardly matters if Biden's numbers increased or decreased. The LEVELS of them are what points to his reductions of production.

It does matter because you said this..... he intentionally had oil production nose dive, and that's just what it did.

This is false, they did not nose dive. They went up, which is the opposite of nose diving.

Biden's 19 production months have ranged from 277 Million Barrels/mo to his high of 371 Million Barrels/mo. In the same span of 19 months before the pandemic shutdowns really hit in April of 2020, Trump's production months went from 343 to 402.

The median of these for Biden is 324. For Trump - 372

Trump's pre-pandemic numbers are irrelevant to if production has gone up or not during the Biden term. All that matters is the starting point.

Twisting it and spinning it any way anyone wants to, the bottom line is Biden intentionally cut oil production, and the numbers bear that out.

No, the numbers do not bear it out. IF he had cut it then there would be less being produced now than when he took office. Even you agree that is not the case. I am not the one doing the spinning here, it is you who says that higher production numbers really equal a nose dive.

And these stark differences of numbers would be even worse if we factored in production forecasting into the future, because of Biden shutting down the Keystone Pipeline.

The Keystone pipeline was not going to have shit to do with American oil, thus it would have made ZERO difference in US production.
Trump's pre-pandemic numbers are irrelevant to if production has gone up or not during the Biden term. All that matters is the starting point.

No, the numbers do not bear it out. IF he had cut it then there would be less being produced now than when he took office. Even you agree that is not the case. I am not the one doing the spinning here, it is you who says that higher production numbers really equal a nose dive.

The Keystone pipeline was not going to have shit to do with American oil, thus it would have made ZERO difference in US production.
55% of Trump's Economy was Government Spending

Only Democrats Carter, Clinton, Obama & Biden Slashed Government Spending. We must keep the Republican disasters out of power!
Statistics in pandemic months are invalid as related to just about anything.

Looking at the VALID months, your chart clearly shows much less spending by George W Bush and Trump (non-pandemic months) than Obama.
Thanks for pointing that out.
The last time I looked Trump was President in 2020 and rewarded people to stay home after he is the one who FIRST shut the country down. But for you basement dweller's guess you missed that.
So Trump (and many others got suckered by Fauci's shutdown "advice"), and Democrats succeeded in tanking the economy, and thus destroying Trump's # 1 campaign asset, his good economy. Pelosi also helped by refusing to allow Stimulus checks to be sent out.

When Republicans realized they were being conned, and attacked, they OPENED up the economy (in red states) and in July 2020 (3rd quarter), we had the biggest increase in GDP in US history (33.8%), even while Democrats were still shutting down.
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It does matter because you said this..... he intentionally had oil production nose dive, and that's just what it did.

This is false, they did not nose dive. They went up, which is the opposite of nose diving.

Trump's pre-pandemic numbers are irrelevant to if production has gone up or not during the Biden term. All that matters is the starting point.

No, the numbers do not bear it out. IF he had cut it then there would be less being produced now than when he took office. Even you agree that is not the case. I am not the one doing the spinning here, it is you who says that higher production numbers really equal a nose dive.

The Keystone pipeline was not going to have shit to do with American oil, thus it would have made ZERO difference in US production.
No -you are totally wrong. And thanks for bringing this up . Trump's last month in office was January 2021 - production was 344 MB/mo. Bidens first month was 277.
A DROP of a whopping 67 MB/mo. Yeah, I 'd call that NOSEDIVE. Better believe it.

And what happened after that nosedive ? Anybody reading this thread doesn't have to ask. Its already explained in Post # 176.....187.....188.....213.....221.

No dude, Trump's pre-pandemic numbers are VERY relevant, because they show what (under normal conditions) Trump was getting produced. Duh!

It doesn't matter if there is more or less within Biden's months, up or down. The point is, over his whole term of office he has been well below what Trump was ordinarily producing, and it all started with a 67 MB/mo nosedive.

Wrong again. The Keystone pipeline has EVERYTHING to do with US oil production not only in the future, but also in the present (now the past 20 months). Ever owned your own business ? Most leftists haven't. I have. Ever hear of FORECASTING ? It's what businesses do when they make up their budgeting & production plans. When they anticipate a change in supply for the short to long range future, they adjust budgeting and production accordingly. But why am I talking business to a leftist liberal ? For all I know, you might have majored in Philosophy. Minor in basketweaving.
I'm an expert at reading graphs but you have a tendency to post misleading information that is not verifiable. I give you an A for effort but an F for accuracy.

I gave a link to the graph, feel free to prove their data wrong
No dude, Trump's pre-pandemic numbers are VERY relevant, because they show what (under normal conditions) Trump was getting produced. Duh!

It doesn't matter if there is more or less within Biden's months, up or down. The point is, over his whole term of office he has been well below what Trump was ordinarily producing, and it all started with a 67 MB/mo nosedive.

Trump does not produce oil, neither does Biden.

But the US is getting back to where we were in 2019 and will be by mid-2023. These things take time, one cannot just flip a switch and have an active well again.
I gave stats too, and a link to both a graph and a table. Both show Biden having oil production levels far below what they were in Trump's time. Ho hum. yawn****

Yes, the levles under Biden have not yet reached 2019 levels. That is not in dispute. That still does not mean production took a nose drive after Biden took office, the nosedive took place while Trump was still in office.

And so far, North America is the only region that is above their 2018 levels and closing in on the 2019 levels.

Do you blame Biden for the rest of the world not increasing production as well?
Which means it is lower than all but 7 of Trump's 48 months in office.
Wanna talk unemployment ? OK I'll play that game with you. While Trump was president he >>>
5. created 10 million jobs in 4 months, created over 400,000 manufacturing jobs,
6. unemployment claims hit 50 year low,
7. lowest unemployment for blacks, Hispanics, Asians, and disabled in US history, 8.lowest unemployment for women in over 70 years,
9. lowest unemployment rate in US history for Americans without a high school diploma,
10. 4 million Americans off food stamps,
11. vocational training topped 4 million - highest in US history
12. highest median wage in US history
Trump does not produce oil, neither does Biden.

But the US is getting back to where we were in 2019 and will be by mid-2023. These things take time, one cannot just flip a switch and have an active well again.
Wrong. The president of the US decides how much oil will be produced by (in Biden's case) restricting drilling, and cutting off pipelines.


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