Jobs Joe! Economy is defying naysayers and added a whopping 372k Jobs in June!!

Wow. What a disaster. We have 2 jobs for every 1 person looking, more people are employed this month than last month, and now more people are in the market looking for a job. Sometimes understanding the variables in a metric keeps you from looking stupid.
So you believe what you hear from Hogwash Josh Biden, huh ? Wanna buy a bridge in Brooklyn ?

Time for me to have breakfast now. Class dismissed.
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So Trump (and many others got suckered by Fauci's shutdown "advice"), and Democrats succeeded in tanking the economy, and thus destroying Trump's # 1 campaign asset, his good economy. Pelosi also helped by refusing to allow Stimulus checks to be sent out.

When Republicans realized they were being conned, and attacked, they OPENED up the economy (in red states) and in July 2020 (3rd quarter), we had the biggest increase in GDP in US history (33.8%), even while Democrats were still shutting down.
I thought trump was his own man. What did he do about your rent control?
You wouldn't know a fact if it crept up and bit you on the ass. You provide nothing of substance on this site.

I am the only one in here supporting my claims, you have nothing but empty words
HA HA. Why ? What would that show, since it would be comparing to a post pandemic period.

Sorry, but I've already posted the comparisons, and they show Biden's overall production is far lower than Trump's. Do I need to post all the Post # s again, where this has been shown ?

Yes, the production under Biden is lower than the high it was at under Trump. That is not in dispute.

What is in dispute is your lie that production took a nose dive under Biden. Production is higher now than when he took office, which is the opposite of a nose dive.
Yes, the production under Biden is lower than the high it was at under Trump. That is not in dispute.

What is in dispute is your lie that production took a nose dive under Biden. Production is higher now than when he took office, which is the opposite of a nose dive.
certainly the production of adult diapers has gone into high gear
every cheap fast food place is hiring because no one can afford to eat at a decent place due to all their spare change going on gas and rent

More empty words not back up by a bit of data.

In October, employment in health care rose by 53,000
Professional and technical services added 43,000 jobs in October
Manufacturing added 32,000 jobs in October
Employment in social assistance increased by 19,000 in October
Wholesale trade added 15,000 jobs in October
Employment in food services and drinking places changed little
over the month (+6,000)
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So you believe what you hear from Hogwash Josh Biden, huh ? Wanna buy a bridge in Brooklyn ?

Time for me to have breakfast now. Class dismissed.
Everything is fake except what you believe. You’re insane.
I have no idea what you are talking about. Joe has consistently added jobs. Trump hemorrhaged the jobs. Please be clear.
Why do you demand to look so foolish? Do you believe that folks forget that COVID-19 shut down the entire economy, shut down millions of businesses, and put tens of millions out of work?

Wouldn't it be pathetic if someone, anyone, couldn't add jobs after that catastrophe?
:laughing0301: - So you believe 90 YEAR OLDS should be counted as Labor Force?

Who said that? Please be specific and show the number of the post. If you can't, that makes you a liar, once again, right?
Why do you demand to look so foolish? Do you believe that folks forget that COVID-19 shut down the entire economy, shut down millions of businesses, and put tens of millions out of work?

Wouldn't it be pathetic if someone, anyone, couldn't add jobs after that catastrophe?

Then why did Trump recommend it?

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