Jobs Joe! Economy is defying naysayers and added a whopping 372k Jobs in June!!

So you think that with the largest (by far) increase in GDP growth in US history (33.8%)> 3rd quarter of 2020, there wouldn't have been 10 million jobs in 4 months, created over 400,000 manufacturing jobs ? You think that rates a question ? :doubt:
So you think that with the largest (by far) increase in GDP growth in US history (33.8%)> 3rd quarter of 2020, there wouldn't have been 10 million jobs in 4 months, created over 400,000 manufacturing jobs ? You think that rates a question ? :doubt:

Provide a link to the 10 million jobs created in 4 months or I will just assume you made it up.

You might also want to take into consideration post number #228 when you do.
Yes, the levles under Biden have not yet reached 2019 levels. That is not in dispute. That still does not mean production took a nose drive after Biden took office, the nosedive took place while Trump was still in office.

And so far, North America is the only region that is above their 2018 levels and closing in on the 2019 levels.

Do you blame Biden for the rest of the world not increasing production as well?
Not a nosedive ? Pheeew! Dude! Do you need to go back to the 3rd grade, and learn elementary arithmetic all over again ?
Trump's last month in office was January 2021 - production was 344 MB/mo. Bidens first month was 277. A DROP of a whopping 67 MB/mo.
Some people have to be told twice. :rolleyes:

"rest ot the world" is a deflection from what we're talking about. I blame Biden for restricting drilling, Cancelling the keystone pipeline, and bringing forth the worst inflation in many decades. Think I'm alone ? Watch what happens on Tuesday.
I can post a graph that would contradict yours but I won't waste my time.

Please do. I will be happy to wait for it. Post a graph that shows oil production lower now than when Biden took office and if the data is legit I will leave the forum for a full month.
If someone is big and fat, it's amazing how they lost so many lbs in the first week.....well.....they do have shit loads of fat to get rid of.

If a president haemorrhages the employment market to a disastrous extent, then it's easy to initially get a high surge in re-employmemt figures.

So look at consistency. Is the fatty consistently losing weight, is the idiot in charge consistently reducing unemployment.
I have no idea what you are talking about. Joe has consistently added jobs. Trump hemorrhaged the jobs. Please be clear.
Provide a link to the 10 million jobs created in 4 months or I will just assume you made it up.

You might also want to take into consideration post number #228 when you do.
In the 3rd quater of 2020, there were 400,000 MANUFACTURING jobs created. Those jobs didn't exist before the pandemic. If they had, we would have seen shortages of those manufactred products. We did not see that.
In the 3rd quater of 2020, there were 400,000 MANUFACTURING jobs created. Those jobs didn't exist before the pandemic. If they had, we would have seen shortages of those manufactred products. We did not see that.

Still waiting on the link for the 10 million jobs and I will also wait for the link to this claim.

This site says you are full of shit....

Unemployment rate just INCREASED - from 3.5% to 3.7%
Wow. What a disaster. We have 2 jobs for every 1 person looking, more people are employed this month than last month, and now more people are in the market looking for a job. Sometimes understanding the variables in a metric keeps you from looking stupid.
So, you have nothing but empty words while I provide hard, cold facts.

Thanks for coming clean about that.
HA HA Trouble is your "facts "don't show what you claim they show. Biden created the inflation, a recession in 2022, and shortages of all sorts of goods in stores due to truckers not finding it economical to truck products to stores (ex baby formula).

Shipping containers still remain idle, still on ships, with no trucks to pick them up , right now as we speak,
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So, you have nothing but empty words while I provide hard, cold facts.

Thanks for coming clean about that.
I can’t watch this beat down anymore. I’m calling a TKO. Please go back to your corner while I get an ambulance for protectionist
Still waiting on the link for the 10 million jobs and I will also wait for the link to this claim.

This site says you are full of shit....

View attachment 721574
That graph is dated Nov 4 2022, from US Bureau of Labor Statistics. Do you know what the US BLS is a subdivision of ?
I can’t watch this beat down anymore. I’m calling a TKO. Please go back to your corner while I get an ambulance for protectionist
HA HA. Not only is Golfing Gator gettting the "beatdown" here , SO ARE YOU.

Biden restricted/reduced/NOSEDIVED oil production throughout his whole term, and created the worst inflation (+ a recession) in 40 years.

Game, set, match.

Psst - when leftists are getting their asses handed to them, they claim victory. Just another facet of left lunacy.
Please do. I will be happy to wait for it. Post a graph that shows oil production lower now than when Biden took office and if the data is legit I will leave the forum for a full month.
HA HA. Why ? What would that show, since it would be comparing to a post pandemic period.

Sorry, but I've already posted the comparisons, and they show Biden's overall production is far lower than Trump's. Do I need to post all the Post # s again, where this has been shown ?

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