Jobs Joe! Economy is defying naysayers and added a whopping 372k Jobs in June!!

I am the only one in here supporting my claims, you have nothing but empty words
No, you're not. Are you mimicking Joe Biden ?

I am the only one in here supporting my claims, you have nothing but empty words
No, you're not. Are you mimicking Joe Biden ?

Yes, the production under Biden is lower than the high it was at under Trump. That is not in dispute.

What is in dispute is your lie that production took a nose dive under Biden. Production is higher now than when he took office, which is the opposite of a nose dive.
Good grief! How many times do you need to be told ?

Trump's last month was 344 Million Barrels/mo
Biden's last month was 277
Do the math > 67 Million Barrels difference ......aka NOSEDIVE

How do you know what production is now ? Latest EIA report is August 2022.


More empty words not back up by a bit of data.

In October, employment in health care rose by 53,000
Professional and technical services added 43,000 jobs in October
Manufacturing added 32,000 jobs in October
Employment in social assistance increased by 19,000 in October
Wholesale trade added 15,000 jobs in October
Employment in food services and drinking places changed little
over the month (+6,000)
Says WHO ? Joe Lyin?

One more time, empty words. Is that really the best you can do?
It's at last as good as your FAKE "data" Biden concoctions.

Then why did Trump recommend it?
You know the answer. > He, and all other Republicans, were scammed by Fauci et al, only initially, when Covid peaked in April 2020. By July, they caught on to the ruse, opened the economy in red states, and GDP soared to 33.8% (3rd quarter2020) :biggrin:

See Post # 230
He's Mr. Statistics and you know what Mark Twain said about Statistics.
Especilly today when the statistics he's quoting are BIDEN statistics, which come from US govt departments which Biden controls.

Does anybody believe these job #s ? Does anybody believe that the GDP just rose 2.6% as is claimed ? That number comes from the BEA, which is part of the US Dept of Commerce - part of BIDEN's cabinet, which he controls. And the dude is America's # 1 scammer.
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I can’t watch this beat down anymore. I’m calling a TKO. Please go back to your corner while I get an ambulance for protectionist
Actually I have been very over-considerate to you & GG.

I let both of you slide on the oil production numbers.

The real Trump #s would be immensely higher, if we extended the graph line of Trump's rising numbers as they were going before the pandemic drop.

Look at the graph line where it peaked at 402 Million Barrels/mo in December of 2019. Because of the climb up to that point, there is every reason to believe, that had the pandemic shutdowns not occured, that rising line would have continued rising exactly as it was already doing.

SO, if we extend the line to as far as August 2022, we can easily see that it would be at about 550 Million Barrels/mo

(179 million Barrels/mo more than Biden's measly 371 Million).

Here's something else that should make for some good informative reading, to explain how Biden cut oil production, to fulfill his promises to do just that, in the 2020 debate with Trump. And he wasted no time in doing it - just a few days after taking office >>>

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Yes, I know. But that has jack shit to do with my post.

When COVID hit we had peaked at 152,504,000 people employed in the US. Then Trump lost some 22 million jobs.

As of July of this year we are at 152,440,00 and now we are at 153,308,000...thus having made up all the jobs that Trump lost and then added some more.

The LFPR does not change these simple facts.
HA HA. "Trump" did not lose 22 million jobs, or ANY jobs, the people (Democrats) who rode the pandemic shutdowns as a way to smear Trump, and try to take away his top campaign talking point - his good economy. They (including Pelosi) are the ones who lost 22 million jobs.
Actually I have been very over-considerate to you & GG.

I let both of you slide on the oil production numbers.

The real Trump #s would be immensely higher, if we extended the graph line of Trump's rising numbers as they were going before the pandemic drop.

Look at the graph line where it peaked at 402 Million Barrels/mo in December of 2019. Because of the climb up to that point, there is every reason to believe, that had the pandemic shutdowns not occured, that rising line would have continued rising exactly as it was already doing.

SO, if we extend the line to as far as August 2022, we can easily see that it would be at about 550 Million Barrels/mo

(179 million Barrels/mo more than Biden's measly 371 Million).

Here's something else that should make for some good informative reading, to explain how Biden cut oil production, to fulfill his promises to do just that, in the 2020 debate with Trump. And he wasted no time in doing it - just a few days after taking office >>>

Trump didn’t turn over those peak numbers he let half the rigs shut down in those last two years and then passed that over to Biden who has built on them every year. You are simply a cheerleader with no intent to handle truth.
Because of the scientists.

That's not the issue, the issue is why do you pretend that it didn't happen?

You appear insane. Post a link to a post of mine denying it happened....

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