Jobs Joe! Economy is defying naysayers and added a whopping 372k Jobs in June!!

They are, but normally by the end of the year their totals are pretty close. A lot of the difference are in when things are reported.
None of this will make any difference in the upcoming election. Voters are concerned about inflation, and the recession we just had. In addition, nobody is paying any attention to Joe Biden any more, which is all that these numbers are. HIS BLS. HIS Dept of Commerce. HIS numbers. Ho hum. yawn****
Jobs Joe is at it again. The economy is much stronger than people are crediting. Recession fears are admittedly high but job growth doesn’t show any signs of letting up. Fingers crossed supply chain pulls us out of the single issue of costs.

Job growth accelerated at a much faster pace than expected in June, indicating that the main pillar of the U.S. economy remains strong despite pockets of weakness.

Nonfarm payrolls increased 372,000 in the month, better than the 250,000 Dow Jones estimate and continuing what has been a strong year for job growth, according to data Friday from the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

The unemployment rate was 3.6%, unchanged from May and in line with estimates.
Inflation ,continuing interest rate hikes, the price of groceries and energy ......youre gonna have to cheat much harder than 2020
Inflation ,continuing interest rate hikes, the price of groceries and energy ......youre gonna have to cheat much harder than 2020
And you’re gonna have to go out and get a brain. What are the Democrats doing to raise inflation? How did it raise prices from England and Germany to Japan and Australia? It’s a world wide shortage from Covid interruptions not a policy impact you retard.
None of this will make any difference in the upcoming election. Voters are concerned about inflation, and the recession we just had. In addition, nobody is paying any attention to Joe Biden any more, which is all that these numbers are. HIS BLS. HIS Dept of Commerce. HIS numbers. Ho hum. yawn****

Who gives a fuck about the upcoming election, I actually care about the country, unlike you who hopes for more pain so your beloved party can gain a few more votes.

Yes, the same BLS, the same Dept of Commerce that gave us the numbers under Trump and Obama and Bush II. If you did not question them under Trump, doing so now just proves you are nothing but a partisan drone
Illegal jobs are not counted in the BLS jobs numbers.

They come because America is Great again.
First of all the BLS "numbers" are anything Joe Biden wants them to be.
And if the nubers had any legitimacy, at any point in time, why wouldn't illegal aliens' jobs be counted same as anyone else ?
Who gives a fuck about the upcoming election, I actually care about the country, unlike you who hopes for more pain so your beloved party can gain a few more votes.

Yes, the same BLS, the same Dept of Commerce that gave us the numbers under Trump and Obama and Bush II. If you did not question them under Trump, doing so now just proves you are nothing but a partisan drone
:puhleeze:It's not the same. Trump didn't have to lie. He had an actual, real, good economy. And so he didn't.

Biden's awful economy makes him have to lie. Like pretending that people simply returning to work after pandemic shutdowns, are "jobs added" Oh yeah :right: And nothing could be dumber than to be a partisan drone for the empty suit OPPORTUNIST, unscrupulous, corrupt Biden.
And you’re gonna have to go out and get a brain. What are the Democrats doing to raise inflation? How did it raise prices from England and Germany to Japan and Australia? It’s a world wide shortage from Covid interruptions not a policy impact you retard.
You fool - you don't kniw that Biden's war against the oil/gas industry reduced production, thereby lowering the supply & raising prices ?
You don't know that the higher gas prices made companies spend more to transport their goods to stores ?
And in some cases the gas & diesel prices were so high, they stopped shipping alltogether - like in the cases of baby formula and tampons, just to mention a couple.
:puhleeze:It's not the same. Trump didn't have to lie. He had an actual, real, good economy. And so he didn't.

Biden's awful economy makes him have to lie. Like pretending that people simply returning to work after pandemic shutdowns, are "jobs added" Oh yeah :right: And nothing could be dumber than to be a partisan drone for the empty suit OPPORTUNIST, unscrupulous, corrupt Biden.

Yes, they are the same. Biden does not make the numbers, the same people that did them under Trump are doing them under Biden. These numbers are published prior to the POTUS even seeing them.

You are just a clueless drone that bases all your views off of emotions instead of facts
Yes, they are the same. Biden does not make the numbers, the same people that did them under Trump are doing them under Biden. These numbers are published prior to the POTUS even seeing them.

You are just a clueless drone that bases all your views off of emotions instead of facts
I see you just ignore what I already said which refutes what you now say. You are a sucker who falls for the scam. Once again, Trump didn't have to lie. He had an actual, real, good economy. And so he didn't.

Biden's awful economy makes him have to lie. Like pretending that people simply returning to work after pandemic shutdowns, are "jobs added. Some people (DUPES) have to be told twice.

And frankly, Americans aren't thinking about jobs being added (or scooped up by Biden's low wage migrants) - they're thinking about the recession, INFLATION and CRIME (while Democrats allow dangerous criminals to go free and kill people, like Adam Bennefield, 45, killing his estranged wife Keaira, hours after being released from police custody on no bail-due to Democrats' soft on crime policies.
And then what do loony Democrats like Fetterman and Hochul say ? They say they're giving the criminals a second chance. Yeah, a second chance to go out and commit more crime.
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You have refuted nothing, you have not given on iota of evidence to support our claims, they are just empty words
You don't have to believe what I say. That's OK. The majority of Americans are NOT DUPED, and they KNOW what I'm saying is true, and they will use that knowledge when voting 5 days from now. Keep watching.

And as I said, Jobs are not the issue in this election, anyway. Biden has wrecked the economy by waging war on the energy industry. Everybody knows it.
You don't have to believe what I say.

I do not believe what anyone on this forum says if they cannot back it up with real data. You have nothing but empty words backed up by your blind devotion to your party.
and they will use that knowledge when voting 5 days from now. Keep watching.

5 days from now the GOP will take the House and nothing will change. As long as we keep electing the same two parties nothing will ever change.
I do not believe what anyone on this forum says if they cannot back it up with real data. You have nothing but empty words backed up by your blind devotion to your party.

5 days from now the GOP will take the House and nothing will change. As long as we keep electing the same two parties nothing will ever change.
how do I afford gas to get to my great new job

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