Jobs, The Economy or "What's Wrong With These Robots?"

Yea that's what the liberal envey comes from they struggle to raise a family put off school/ drop out and are jealous of folks who work 60 hours a week and go to night school on top of that to get ahead. And they try to use voting power to get the fruits of others work.
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Unfreaking believable!!!! You are calling for more government control!!!
More Government licensing? What government agency/department operates more efficiently than a private company?

I don't know, a mafia hit man? I mean, if you're judging a machine on its efficiency, that's probably one step closer than a private company. All things being equal with complete disregard both for other people and for the overall system one finds oneself in.

Look, I'm just trying to explain macro economics to you. You cannot divorce yourself from the common laborer no matter how hard you try. You can "efficient" him out of the equation and then watch his lack of employment create cobwebs around the doorhandle of your shop door.

Your choice.

I have been waiting for you to post this (and I do have alot of respect for you to being a farmer) but ya do know business is not to provide job's right? It is about making money.

The whole entire reason for my posting this thread is so that notion changes. You MUST see the relationship between the falloff of YOUR OWN SALES and the common man's ability to buy things from you. Jesus H. Christ I think preschoolers could wrap their heads around the concept quicker. The malignant-capitalist dragon has nearly devoured the last scales of its own tail and still it pretends its behavior is perfectly normal and the right way to do things.

*shakes head*. Just unbelieveable...

There is malignant capitalism that lives on an island and believes in pure profit as a religion and a god...even willing to jump into a volcano to its own death if necessary and required of that faith. Then there is benign capitialism that thinks ahead, recognizes it lives within a system of people it relies on to keep itself in business. One is archaic and needs to die. The other is viable and will save this country from the precipice of ruin it is teetering on the edge of..
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Yeah but who builds the ROBOTS? Do they build themselves?

Yes, they do. I was just looking at a site where robots are making components, circuitry actually, that go into making robots. I imagine since everything is automated these days that the only hands-on human part in making robots that make everything is the drafting process on the drawing board. Beyond that, yeah, the robots take over making themselves actually.

Glad you brought that up because of course that's where everyone knew this would end up. Did you think they had an old-timey assembly line of humans assembling robot parts in clear exception to every other industry practice of having machines do that work? :cuckoo:

KITAKYUSHU, Japan — They may be the most efficient workers in the world. But in the global downturn, they are having a tough time finding jobs.
Japan’s legions of robots, the world’s largest fleet of mechanized workers, are being idled as the country suffers its deepest recession in more than a generation as consumers worldwide cut spending on cars and gadgets.
At a large Yaskawa Electric factory on the southern Japanese island of Kyushu, where robots once churned out more robots, a lone robotic worker with steely arms twisted and turned, testing its motors for the day new orders return. Its immobile co-workers stood silent in rows, many with arms frozen in midair.
They could be out of work for a long time. Japanese industrial production has plummeted almost 40 percent and with it, the demand for robots. Japan Robots are Idle.pdf

The Chinese I think are the ones who have a famous picture of a dragon eating its own tail. Seems they learned about macro economics thousands of years ago. We'd do well to pay attention... See, those "consumers cut spending" because they were out of work. People who are out of work don't have money to spend on stuff the robots that replaced them make.
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Your fucking kidding right? There have been robots on the line for longer then most on this board has been alive.

We've had HIV longer than most on this board have been alive. What's your point?

I remember a time before automation. And at that time a man who did not have a job was either insane, injured horribly or a total social outcast; jobs were that plentiful and the culture of working to support oneself and one's family was that much of a religion.

People who flunked economics think more efficiency is harmful.

Actually, people who flunked economics wonder why stripping jobs via "efficiency" pans out in fewer customers buying homes, food, gas and sundries at their manufacturing plant.

No, they don't. They post those things as fact and wonder why people perceive them as idiots.
Like you, for example. Efficiency and changes in technology bring greater wealth, not less. Where are all those linotype operators and typists these days? Is our GDP higher or lower than 40 years ago?
Face it, you never took a course in Econ, you never read a book on the topic. Therefore you are a total noob who posts nonsense and thinks he's full of insight.
It's time to rethink economics and use the robots to our advantage.

Of course the republicans want to do away with them as they love holding the lower classes as slaves. Why not use them to provide cheap food and maybe move away from a purely profit economy?

WTF? Because our capitalist economy runs on people who are able to purchase goods that are manufactured. Looking for a compromise here, not some hippie utopia or maniacal and blind greedy capitalist who can't figure out why customers stopped walking through his doors..
Don't mind Matthew. HE thinks Government should be doling out jobs and running everything...PERIOD.
Yes, they do. I was just looking at a site where robots are making components, circuitry actually, that go into making robots. I imagine since everything is automated these days that the only hands-on human part in making robots that make everything is the drafting process on the drawing board. Beyond that, yeah, the robots take over making themselves actually.*
Nah you also have sales, shipping and all the rest. You dont know how much piece of crap robots I hated and threw out over the year's. And automation is another thing different then robots.

I can't tell you how many times I had tob re-engine 're them on the fly.
Efficiency and changes in technology bring greater wealth, not less. Where are all those linotype operators and typists these days? Is our GDP higher or lower than 40 years ago?

Your model only worked until the level of replacement in "efficiency" brought the consuming class to their knees.

I reiterate and will continue to reiterate, macro-economics dictates that you need customers with money in order sell stuff. That trumps any of your micro-economic theories. And we find ourselves precisely at that point today.

When Japan had to idle its robot fleet, it was because worldwide people stopped buying gadgets because worldwide people aren't making enough money for extras. When things get bad, the common man whittles it down like any good company. He gets "efficient" with his spending, just like any good company. He stops buying things until the economic climate gets better.

Check, and, I believe, checkmate... Only, we all lose in the game of malignant/blind capitalism....apathic/blind micro economics...
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Unfreaking believable!!!! You are calling for more government control!!!
More Government licensing? What government agency/department operates more efficiently than a private company?

I don't know, a mafia hit man? I mean, if you're judging a machine on its efficiency, that's probably one step closer than a private company. All things being equal with complete disregard both for other people and for the overall system one finds oneself in.

Look, I'm just trying to explain macro economics to you. You cannot divorce yourself from the common laborer no matter how hard you try. You can "efficient" him out of the equation and then watch his lack of employment create cobwebs around the doorhandle of your shop door.

Your choice..

First you did not even come close to answering the question.
How would more government interference help, companies be more efficient?
You cannot name one government agency that can call itself efficient yet you want them to train and certify that CEO's are efficient?
First you did not even come close to answering the question.
How would more government interference help, companies be more efficient?
You cannot name one government agency that can call itself efficient yet you want them to train and certify that CEO's are efficient?

I didn't say I had the solutions. I'm only saying what the problems, in fact, are.
When Japan had to idle its robot fleet,..

Now you are just posting stupid.
Efficiency and changes in technology bring greater wealth, not less. Where are all those linotype operators and typists these days? Is our GDP higher or lower than 40 years ago?

Your model only worked until the level of replacement in "efficiency" brought the consuming class to their knees.

I reiterate and will continue to reiterate, macro-economics dictates that you need customers with money in order sell stuff. That trumps any of your micro-economic theories. And we find ourselves precisely at that point today.

When Japan had to idle its robot fleet, it was because worldwide people stopped buying gadgets because worldwide people aren't making enough money for extras. When things get bad, the common man whittles it down like any good company. He gets "efficient" with his spending, just like any good company. He stops buying things until the economic climate gets better.

Check, and, I believe, checkmate... Only, we all lose in the game of malignant/blind capitalism....apathic/blind micro economics...
The consuming class has been brought to their knees? WTF is the "consuming class"?? You mean every American? Have we stopped selling goods and services in this country? No, I dont think so. Last I checked there were more goods and services being sold now than 10 years ago.
Japan idled its robot fleet? What drugs have you been taking to make such stupid statements? What link do you have to this historic fact? Japan's economy has suffered from over regulation, an aging populace, and years of zero interest rates. Sort of the way ours is going.
You couldn't play to checkmate against a kindergartner, don't kid yourself.
I still wish American' s buying cheap stuff from china from Wal-Mart would stop and I could buy good quality made in America levi's. American's are spending habits are the problem. .. quit buying cheap shit that breaks or wears out in a month.

I'd love to. Unfortunately, there often just isn't any choice! Just TRY finding a laptop not made in China. I have one of the few cell phones NOT from China.
The Luddites have always lost the arguments of people vs machines.

Change is constant and ongoing.

Businesses compete with one another for your attention.

The smart prepare for the future.

The ignorant live in the past whinning for the good ol days.
The Luddites have always lost the arguments of people vs machines.

Change is constant and ongoing.

Businesses compete with one another for your attention.

The smart prepare for the future.

The ignorant live in the past whinning for the good ol days.

The smart people prepare for the future indeed...prepare yourself for lowered sales if your business is part of the problem of putting people in the unemployment lines.

The working classes are a bit more of a hardy bunch; or at least they used to be. It's the folks owning businesses who are going to feel the punch the hardest. And, they already are. Get used to that. Prepare for that. And when it hits you, don't say I didn't warn you.

There is an interplay between the decency of a company towards its human resources and the eventual return to that company. It is real. It is undeniable. And as belts tighten more and'll see... People who are unemployed don't buy stuff..

Let me repeat that: People who are unemployed don't buy stuff. Mull that over like a fine wine.
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Let me repeat that: People who are unemployed don't buy stuff. Mull that over like a fine wine.

On the one hand they actually do buy a hell of a lot of stuff because of the generous handouts they get from Democrats anxious to keep them jobless on de plantation.

On the other, they to tend to buy less stuff because they get handed so much free (to them but not to the taxpayer) stuff.
Let me repeat that: People who are unemployed don't buy stuff. Mull that over like a fine wine.

On the one hand they actually do buy a hell of a lot of stuff because of the generous handouts they get from Democrats anxious to keep them jobless on de plantation.

On the other, they to tend to buy less stuff because they get handed so much free (to them but not to the taxpayer) stuff.

Dude, where on earth do you think those "handouts" come from?? TAXES from SALES of STUFF. If that supply [sales of stuff] runs out, what exactly do you think will happen to the handouts now artificially propping up your sales?

Prepare. For it is coming...
Dude, where on earth do you think those "handouts" come from?? TAXES from SALES of STUFF. If that supply [sales of stuff] runs out, what exactly do you think will happen to the handouts now artificially propping up your sales?

Prepare. For it is coming...

Wow, on your planet they don't have any INCOME TAX; only sales taxes?
Your model only worked until the level of replacement in "efficiency" brought the consuming class to their knees.
Hyperbole much?

Go find yourself a graph of consumption or retail sales per capita. Hell go find one on how much people spend dining out annually. You sound ridiculous.

When Japan had to idle its robot fleet, it was because worldwide people stopped buying gadgets because worldwide people aren't making enough money for extras.

When exactly do you believe Japan idled its robot fleet? I'll be happy to find some data on their net exports year over year for that time period.

Check, and, I believe, checkmate...
lol x 3

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