Jobs, The Economy or "What's Wrong With These Robots?"

We need robots for the lower paying area's of our economy as we simply can't out ****** China. Why shouldn't we use them to our advantage and educate our population to do better jobs?
Given the shortfall in the number of people with training in Science, Technology, Electronics and Math is so bad that every estimate I have seen has wiggle room for massive undercounts there will probably be transitional periods in which UE rises due to a shortfall in training or retraining slots. Not many people will take $50,000 jobs teaching when they could make $80,000 working. That is a legit problem area.
Actually this will provide better Safety, work conditions and less workers compensation.. Smart move I would say..
Actually this will provide better Safety, work conditions and less workers compensation.. Smart move I would say..
And this is only half of the story, if that. Additive manufacture is at least as transformative if not more so. Renewable bio-fuel likewise. The big change in robotics will be in agriculture where expensive stoop labor will be eliminated. Additive manufacture and robotics will also transform construction.
Well hopefully it will help make this society's Education Level better on top of all that since they will need to learn some basic Mechanics, Electricity, Thermodynamics and Fluid Dynamics for machinery..
Asimov would say that we would become like a slave force to robots, supplying them with the raw materials they demanded of us. We aren't there yet, but the drones killing people is an eerie and uncomfortable foreshadow..

Those drones are driven by an individual, automation is good and bad,it is dehumanizing to an extent.

Well, the point is that they are bad for the economy first and foremost. The amount of goods they produce is negated by the growing numbers of people who simply don't have the income/jobs to purchase them... Diminishing returns is a very bad formula for today's economy...

I disagree 100% efficiency is not bad,automation improves both efficiency,and quality.

Automation moves people not eliminate them,the rub is the individual needs to advance themselves with traini8ng and education.
Those drones are driven by an individual, automation is good and bad,it is dehumanizing to an extent.

Well, the point is that they are bad for the economy first and foremost. The amount of goods they produce is negated by the growing numbers of people who simply don't have the income/jobs to purchase them... Diminishing returns is a very bad formula for today's economy...

I disagree 100% efficiency is not bad,automation improves both efficiency,and quality.

Automation moves people not eliminate them,the rub is the individual needs to advance themselves with traini8ng and education.

Only modern liberals think forcing businesses to be luddites is a good thing. Think of all the people who would have jobs if Gutenberg hadn't automated the scribe out of existence.
Well, the point is that they are bad for the economy first and foremost. The amount of goods they produce is negated by the growing numbers of people who simply don't have the income/jobs to purchase them... Diminishing returns is a very bad formula for today's economy...

I disagree 100% efficiency is not bad,automation improves both efficiency,and quality.

Automation moves people not eliminate them,the rub is the individual needs to advance themselves with traini8ng and education.

Only modern liberals think forcing businesses to be luddites is a good thing. Think of all the people who would have jobs if Gutenberg hadn't automated the scribe out of existence.
But the training/retraining cycle always proves the sky really is falling this time
I disagree 100% efficiency is not bad,automation improves both efficiency,and quality.

Automation moves people not eliminate them,the rub is the individual needs to advance themselves with traini8ng and education.

Only modern liberals think forcing businesses to be luddites is a good thing. Think of all the people who would have jobs if Gutenberg hadn't automated the scribe out of existence.
But the training/retraining cycle always proves the sky really is falling this time

Yep. But only because it's more than likely union jobs. Liberals don't give a shit about the massive downsizing in the financial sector. Those people paid taxes and bought stuff too.
Only modern liberals think forcing businesses to be luddites is a good thing. Think of all the people who would have jobs if Gutenberg hadn't automated the scribe out of existence.
But the training/retraining cycle always proves the sky really is falling this time

Yep. But only because it's more than likely union jobs. Liberals don't give a shit about the massive downsizing in the financial sector. Those people paid taxes and bought stuff too.

People on the left of middle most certainly do understand how the private sector contributes to society and handouts. Don't judge the democratic party by the dingleberries hanging off the far left side of its butt...
Only modern liberals think forcing businesses to be luddites is a good thing. Think of all the people who would have jobs if Gutenberg hadn't automated the scribe out of existence.
But the training/retraining cycle always proves the sky really is falling this time

Yep. But only because it's more than likely union jobs. Liberals don't give a shit about the massive downsizing in the financial sector. Those people paid taxes and bought stuff too.
Oh so true.
Those robots need engineers, technicians, scientists, assemblers and programmers.

Looks like a lot of liberals will be employed. See? It isn't all bad.

True but you also have to factor in robots that have artificial intelligence that can program themselves, do their own repairs, and perform research.

You give them too much credit. They aren't that far along, yet.
You give them too much credit. They aren't that far along, yet.

This thread wasn't meant to scare people a la Asimov. It was to alert people to the jobs issues and mechanization. Also, outsourcing. Chinese are being utilized by industry as "meat robots" to replace American workers.

My contention is that the chickens are coming home to roost on these policies and as a result, industry should not be surprised that American consumers will not be able to purchase, and that sales are down. It's a very simple economic equation that the enormity of the US economy fools people into thinking is complex.

ie: "well we've had this system [of steady, invisible erosion] in place for so long now and nothing completely horrible has happened yet!". "Yet" is now at our doorstep.
It shouldn't be a question of automation vs. manual labor. The fact is that there are millions of Americans who are willing to work, yet are unemployed.

There has to be something that these people can do to be productive and create wealth. People are far more complex and productive that machines. We are suffering from a huge waste of resources by not employing these people.

The fact is that the wealthy just aren't interested in investing and creating jobs for these people.

Here's a plan:

The government should start a $10T, 5 year infrastructure and R&D stimulus program AND they should raise the maximum tax rate to 75%.

The $10T spent will go to consumers stimulating demand. Company profits will soar - so the wealthy will still continue to be wealthy despite the high tax rate.

The government could then use the increase in revenues to pay off the national debt.

It's kind of like having the government just print money to pay it's debt, but instead the money would be filtered thru the economy first.
You give them too much credit. They aren't that far along, yet.

This thread wasn't meant to scare people a la Asimov. It was to alert people to the jobs issues and mechanization. Also, outsourcing. Chinese are being utilized by industry as "meat robots" to replace American workers.

My contention is that the chickens are coming home to roost on these policies and as a result, industry should not be surprised that American consumers will not be able to purchase, and that sales are down. It's a very simple economic equation that the enormity of the US economy fools people into thinking is complex.

ie: "well we've had this system [of steady, invisible erosion] in place for so long now and nothing completely horrible has happened yet!". "Yet" is now at our doorstep.

The chickens came home to roost in the 1970s when manufacturing labor became a commodity. Artificial barriers to efficiency will not help that.
You give them too much credit. They aren't that far along, yet.

This thread wasn't meant to scare people a la Asimov. It was to alert people to the jobs issues and mechanization. Also, outsourcing. Chinese are being utilized by industry as "meat robots" to replace American workers.

My contention is that the chickens are coming home to roost on these policies and as a result, industry should not be surprised that American consumers will not be able to purchase, and that sales are down. It's a very simple economic equation that the enormity of the US economy fools people into thinking is complex.

ie: "well we've had this system [of steady, invisible erosion] in place for so long now and nothing completely horrible has happened yet!". "Yet" is now at our doorstep.

The chickens came home to roost in the 1970s when manufacturing labor became a commodity. Artificial barriers to efficiency will not help that.

Usually I have a snappy answer or idea to try to solve the problem. But I can't help agree that this one is very complex because of the slave labor icon that has been set. And the religion of massive greed in corporate America and beyond.

Properly, greed and amassing obscene wealth while one cultivates reflexive, even gleeful indifference to the suffering of others is the problem our economic system faces. It is a problem of morality rather than numbers. We could fix the problem with numbers. The only thing is that greedy people cannot be fixed with numbers and they will always be working 24/7 to beat back any regulation on their religion.

Of course they will go to hell. But that doesn't help the nation's economy right now. ie it's of little comfort in a practical sense.

This country not only should return to morality; it must, or it will not survive.
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This thread wasn't meant to scare people a la Asimov. It was to alert people to the jobs issues and mechanization. Also, outsourcing. Chinese are being utilized by industry as "meat robots" to replace American workers.

My contention is that the chickens are coming home to roost on these policies and as a result, industry should not be surprised that American consumers will not be able to purchase, and that sales are down. It's a very simple economic equation that the enormity of the US economy fools people into thinking is complex.

ie: "well we've had this system [of steady, invisible erosion] in place for so long now and nothing completely horrible has happened yet!". "Yet" is now at our doorstep.

The chickens came home to roost in the 1970s when manufacturing labor became a commodity. Artificial barriers to efficiency will not help that.

Usually I have a snappy answer or idea to try to solve the problem. But I can't help agree that this one is very complex because of the slave labor icon that has been set. And the religion of massive greed in corporate America and beyond.

Properly, greed and amassing obscene wealth while one cultivates reflexive, even gleeful indifference to the suffering of others is the problem our economic system faces. It is a problem of morality rather than numbers. We could fix the problem with numbers. The only thing is that greedy people cannot be fixed with numbers and they will always be working 24/7 to beat back any regulation on their religion.

Of course they will go to hell. But that doesn't help the nation's economy right now. ie it's of little comfort in a practical sense.

This country not only should return to morality; it must, or it will not survive.
Please point to a society that is not greedy.
Virtually every point you have made in this thread has been debunked, disproven, and refuted. You are merely repeating the same thing over and over. We get it: you're an illiterate.
The chickens came home to roost in the 1970s when manufacturing labor became a commodity. Artificial barriers to efficiency will not help that.

Usually I have a snappy answer or idea to try to solve the problem. But I can't help agree that this one is very complex because of the slave labor icon that has been set. And the religion of massive greed in corporate America and beyond.

Properly, greed and amassing obscene wealth while one cultivates reflexive, even gleeful indifference to the suffering of others is the problem our economic system faces. It is a problem of morality rather than numbers. We could fix the problem with numbers. The only thing is that greedy people cannot be fixed with numbers and they will always be working 24/7 to beat back any regulation on their religion.

Of course they will go to hell. But that doesn't help the nation's economy right now. ie it's of little comfort in a practical sense.

This country not only should return to morality; it must, or it will not survive.
Please point to a society that is not greedy.
Virtually every point you have made in this thread has been debunked, disproven, and refuted. You are merely repeating the same thing over and over. We get it: you're an illiterate.
Sorry, me boy. But you are, as usual, wrong. If you actually had ever spent a minute or two, or hopefully more, trying to understand why economies crater and those world leading economies become mere shadows of themselves while others take their place, you would be worth listening to. But instead, all you are capable of is to pontificate the drivel from bat shit crazy con sitesl. Which makes you irrelevant, and dishonest.

Massive and increasing income inequality has been one of the primary reasons for the fall of leading economies. Always. Every time. Read a little. Try to enlighten yourself. You would find it to be true.

But then, you will not. Because ignorance is bliss. And you prefer to be told what to believe.
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Please point to a society that is not greedy.
Virtually every point you have made in this thread has been debunked, disproven, and refuted. You are merely repeating the same thing over and over. We get it: you're an illiterate.


You make the mistake of saying "a society". What you meant to say was "a society who has greedy individuals". There will always be greedy people who get giddy watching others suffer as they flourish. It's just not every day you see an entire country building up a political system around rampant greed. They never last. Read your history books.

They never last. And the reason is because greed blinds people to the fact that they need their fellows in order to survive. Hence this thread.

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