Jodi Arias Trial


Silver Member
Aug 2, 2009
Jodi Arias is charged with killing her ex-lover in 2008 in Arizona.

Anyone watching it or reading about it?

Arias' defense strategy: Blame the victim? |

She killed him in 2008 but the trial just began. She is one truly psychotic killer imo. Calm almost serene demeanor. She has offered, I believe, three different stories over the 4 years.

1-She was not there when he was killed.

2-She was there but she ran from the killers and never reported it.

3-She did kill Travis Alexander in self defense.

His injuries?

29 stab wounds, many in the back.
Shot in the face
Throat slit ear to ear.

Yeah, sure sounds like self-defense.
Jodi Arias is charged with killing her ex-lover in 2008 in Arizona.

Anyone watching it or reading about it?

Arias' defense strategy: Blame the victim? |

She killed him in 2008 but the trial just began. She is one truly psychotic killer imo. Calm almost serene demeanor. She has offered, I believe, three different stories over the 4 years.

1-She was not there when he was killed.

2-She was there but she ran from the killers and never reported it.

3-She did kill Travis Alexander in self defense.

His injuries?

29 stab wounds, many in the back.
Shot in the face
Throat slit ear to ear.

Yeah, sure sounds like self-defense.

There is no doubt to me that she killed him...I mean, it reeks of 'crime of passion'...and yes, telling 4 dif stories does NOT help her case at all...she f'ing did it...there shouldnt even be a me it's a waste of time and money.......lot's of money.
If she was convinced that if she did not kill him, he would kill her, then her actions were justified, i.e., a valid case of self defense. And, if that was the situation, it doesn't matter how many times she stabbed him, slit his throat, cut his nuts off, or whatever. The 29 stabbings, throat slitting, etc. is consistent with a highly emotional person reacting to just having to defend her own life.

Telling different stories does not necessarily mean guilt. I have had several murder cases where the defendant told police three or four different stories, not because they were guilty of murder, but because the victim died in their presence, no one else was there, and they thought they might be accused of murder, so they lied in order to distance themselves from the situation just to make sure they didn't get prosecuted for murder.
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If she was convinced that if she did not kill him, he would kill her, then her actions were justified, i.e., a valid case of self defense. And, if that was the situation, it doesn't matter how many times she stabbed him, slit his throat, cut his nuts off, or whatever. The 29 stabbings, throat slitting, etc. is consistent with a highly emotional person reacting to just having to defend her own life.

Telling different stories does not necessarily mean guilt. I have had several murder cases where the defendant told police three or four different stories, not because they were guilty of murder, but because the victim died in their presence, no one else was there, and they thought they might be accused of murder, so they lied in order to distance themselves from the situation just to make sure they didn't get prosecuted for murder.

Aaah but how often does a killing committed in an alleged self-defense and in such a violent manner as this one apparently was cause the killer to flee and call no one? The trial is damning at this point because of the pictures that have been offered into evidence. There was also no prior evidence of domestic abuse or violence by him. Her? She allegedly sliced his tires. I truly look forward to the defense's case.
If she was convinced that if she did not kill him, he would kill her, then her actions were justified, i.e., a valid case of self defense. And, if that was the situation, it doesn't matter how many times she stabbed him, slit his throat, cut his nuts off, or whatever. The 29 stabbings, throat slitting, etc. is consistent with a highly emotional person reacting to just having to defend her own life.

Telling different stories does not necessarily mean guilt. I have had several murder cases where the defendant told police three or four different stories, not because they were guilty of murder, but because the victim died in their presence, no one else was there, and they thought they might be accused of murder, so they lied in order to distance themselves from the situation just to make sure they didn't get prosecuted for murder.

Aaah but how often does a killing committed in an alleged self-defense and in such a violent manner as this one apparently was cause the killer to flee and call no one?

Quite often. In fact, one of the murder cases I had which I referred to in my previous post, inovlved exactly that. The deceased died in a fall from a 10-story hotel room balcony. The defendant was present when it happened. He had nothing to do with the death, but was afraid that he might be accused of something, so he left her room, went to his room and went to sleep. He did not report the death. The next morning, another hotel guest saw the body and called police.

When the police came, the defendant told them several different stories about what had happened the night before, the first one of which didn't even have him in her room at any time, the second one had him in the room briefly and the final story was the truth, which was that he was with her on the balcony when she fell, but he had nothing to do with her fall. (She was very drunk and was perched on the balony railing and then fallen off on her own.)

It was a not guilty verdict. And rightly so. This defendant was factually innocent.
I recently started following the trial. It bothers me that she changed her story three times before she settled on self defense. Were that true, why lie in the first place??
Jodi Arias is a psychopath

I believe she planned on killing him or not depending on the answer she got when she asked him about the other girl he was planning a trip to Cancun, to get to know.

She stole her Grandfathers .25 drove from Cali to Arizona and then to Utah, (I happen to believe that Ryan, her new so called love interest in Utah was suppose to be an alibi, but things got so bloody and messy, it took a little longer than she expected to get there from Arizona). 24 hours longer , in fact.

After they broke up, she hacked into his email, crawled through the doggy door and slept on his couch, slashed his tires ect.......

She is as guilty as they come.

She deserves the harshest penalty under Arizona law
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The psychopath even smiles in her mugshot.

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She is a cold blooded, calculated murderer.
I have only been able to see bits and pieces of the trial....but from what I have seen, and then watched on the late night shows, the bitch is guilty guilty guilty.
She was pissed at Travis.....and I saw a part where the reason she took along gas cans, was she wanted to buy gas in Utah...because gas was so high in California.....but yet, the dumb bitch filled the gas cans up in Pasadena.
Today I was able to catch a glimpse of her broken finger crap.
She makes me sick...almost as sick as Casey Anthony....and I hope Arias gets the max.
I think I have hit/surpassed my quota for interest in such trials.

Not easy to escape but I am trying.
That trial is some hilarious shit. The librarian makeover is too.

Arias always has these smug like smirks on her face.
Like she thinks she is winning over the prosecutor....or maybe she think she is better than everyone...hellifiknow.
It wouldn't ever be a good idea for me to be a juror, I have already convicted her ass ~LoL~
Juan Martinez did a great job outing Jodi Arias for the pathological liar and brutal murderer that she is. I want to see her go down.

The following video is one of my favorite moments of the prosecution. Juan Martinez was incensed as most of us should be. The moment is at 1:40 in the video

Woman accused of murdering boyfriend confronted with lies | Watch the video - Yahoo! News


When asked if anyone could corroborate her testimony, she said "God". Juan Martinez, replies with, "Well, we can't subpoena God can we?
That trial is some hilarious shit. The librarian makeover is too.

The way Travis Alexander was brutally murdered is not so funny though.

Premeditation; I believe was proven by the prosecution.

29 stab wounds, she cut his throat practically beheading him and then for good measure she shot him in the head

Then she began the cover up.
OMG...has anyone seen the gruesome autopsy photos of Travis Alexander??
Damn...his throat wound is horrifying...and the stab wounds IN HIS can she say she was trying to defend herself??
Seems like he was trying to get the hell away from her!
I saw a repeat of Dateline on ID over the weekend. It took place in Arizona and was about a missing woman. Juan Martinez was the prosecutor and got a conviction of the boyfriend without a body. Martinez is good!!!

I think Jody wanted to marry Travis and he did not want to marry her. It infuriated her he was taking someone else on a trip. I hope that fury causes her to be in prison for life.
I'd rather not see the photos, thanks. Just hearing about what that crazy bitch did is enough.

No need to worry....I would not post them here.....but there is a site online that has the naked photos that were taken on June 4, 2008......of Jodi naked...and Travis naked on the bed. All that shit that they have been talking about.
The naked photos of Jodi....I kid you gross as this sounds.....her butthole is as huge as an apple! And she is trying to say Travis was the sex looks like she has fucked an elephant.
And there are photos of Travis Alexander in the shower, after he had been laying there for days, and pics of the throat wound.......they are bad. But....and I'm not saying this to be disrespectful to this case or anything...but gore just doesn't bother I have looked at them~
I saw a repeat of Dateline on ID over the weekend. It took place in Arizona and was about a missing woman. Juan Martinez was the prosecutor and got a conviction of the boyfriend without a body. Martinez is good!!!

I think Jody wanted to marry Travis and he did not want to marry her. It infuriated her he was taking someone else on a trip. I hope that fury causes her to be in prison for life.

Martinez is pretty good...I hope he wins this one!
I also heard on the news that right now there are 3 women on death row in Arizona....and Martinez put one of them there.

I also think she went to see him that day, to try and get him to take her to Cancun, and he probably kept telling her no....she got pissed and decided if she couldn't have him, nobody could.

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