Jodi Arias Trial

Alyce L. is just irritating the snot out of me. She is not objective at all and it's so obvious. Jodi played her like a violin. I hope Juan Martinez continues to make her look foolish. She deserves it.

The only person Juan Martinez made look foolish by his cross examination of Alyce L., was Juan Martinez. Well, not foolish, necessarily, but certainly like a bullying asshole. I said early on this guy was a jerk and he really came into his own with his cross of Alyce.

One pundit was commenting on Martinez. He said he's a good prosecutor, but he only knows one way to fight, and that's balls out. Trouble with that is, balls out isn't always the best strategy. He's like the 300-pound gorilla who hits not only his drives 500 yards, but his putts also.

I guarantee you that Martinez has alienated a number of jurors. Trust me.

Do I think Arias is guilty? Yup. Should she be convicted? Yup. I just hope that this Martinez asshole hasn't stepped on his own Johnson with his annoying and obnoxious trial tactics.

I completely disagree with you!!! I think he is absolutely brilliant. Hate to tell you this. He tried Wendi Andriano in the exact same manner and she now sits on death row. You can tell by the jury questions in this case that they do not believe Jodi or her so called expert witnesses. The girl is a gone goose, thanks to Juan Martinez.
Think you are wrong, Rinata, in part, on this.

She won't get death and may well get life with a possibility of parole. If she does, then the prosecutor blew a slam dunk because he got mad and has been ever since she toyed with him on cross ex.

I served on many courts-martial in my years in the service, and most of us were put off by prosecutors who acted like Juan.

Time will tell, time is growing short on this case.
Alyce L. is just irritating the snot out of me. She is not objective at all and it's so obvious. Jodi played her like a violin. I hope Juan Martinez continues to make her look foolish. She deserves it.

The only person Juan Martinez made look foolish by his cross examination of Alyce L., was Juan Martinez. Well, not foolish, necessarily, but certainly like a bullying asshole. I said early on this guy was a jerk and he really came into his own with his cross of Alyce.

One pundit was commenting on Martinez. He said he's a good prosecutor, but he only knows one way to fight, and that's balls out. Trouble with that is, balls out isn't always the best strategy. He's like the 300-pound gorilla who hits not only his drives 500 yards, but his putts also.

I guarantee you that Martinez has alienated a number of jurors. Trust me.

Do I think Arias is guilty? Yup. Should she be convicted? Yup. I just hope that this Martinez asshole hasn't stepped on his own Johnson with his annoying and obnoxious trial tactics.

I completely disagree with you!!! I think he is absolutely brilliant. Hate to tell you this. He tried Wendi Andriano in the exact same manner and she now sits on death row. You can tell by the jury questions in this case that they do not believe Jodi or her so called expert witnesses. The girl is a gone goose, thanks to Juan Martinez.

Well, you are certainly free to disagree with me all you want - especially on a subjective issues such as this one. All I can tell you is that I have been trying criminal jury trials for over 45 years. My comments about Mr. Martinez come from my experience in this regard.

As I said, I think she will be found guilty in spite of Mr. Martinez, not because of him. I think she will be found guilty because her self-defense defense is not tenable on the facts as I know them.


Death penalty still on table for Jodi Arias

By Graham Winch

updated 6:11 PM EST, Fri February 22, 2013


•Jodi Arias is accused of killing her ex-boyfriend, Travis Alexander
•Arias says she killed Alexander in self-defense

Death penalty still on table for Jodi Arias

Day 8: Jodi Arias' biggest moment of the day
Day 8: Jodi Arias' biggest moment of the day

Arias courtroom spectator: I fear jury is buying it
Arias courtroom spectator: I fear jury is buying it

Jodi Arias' life is still on the line despite her attorneys' efforts to get the death penalty thrown out.

The Supreme Court of Arizona denied Arias' appeal Friday asking for a stay of execution.

Read more: Showdown on the stand: Arias v. Prosecutor Martinez

Arias is facing execution by lethal injection for killing her ex-boyfriend on June 4, 2008. He was shot in the head, stabbed multiple times, and his neck was slit from ear to ear. Arias says she killed Alexander in self-defense.

Defense attorney Kirk Nurmi filed his petition with the Supreme Court Friday, arguing Arias should not face execution, because the aggravating factor serving as the foundation for the death penalty is improper. The same petition was also filed with the Arizona Court of Appeals on January 28, and the appeals court denied it two days later.

In order for Arias to be put to death, prosecutors must prove the defendant committed the offense in an especially heinous or depraved manner. In Arias’ case, prosecutor Juan Martinez must prove Alexander suffered before he died.

The defense is arguing there is inclusive evidence that Alexander suffered, because he may have been shot first, dying shortly afterward. In their scenario, Alexander may not have suffered from the stab wounds that followed. This contradicts medical examiner Kevin Horn’s testimony that Alexander’s first injury was a stab wound to his heart. If Alexander was stabbed first, he may have been conscious and in pain for a few minutes before finally dying.
Think you are wrong, Rinata, in part, on this.

She won't get death and may well get life with a possibility of parole. If she does, then the prosecutor blew a slam dunk because he got mad and has been ever since she toyed with him on cross ex.

I served on many courts-martial in my years in the service, and most of us were put off by prosecutors who acted like Juan.

Time will tell, time is growing short on this case.

I am not really for the death penalty. In any case, I think she will be in prison for a long time. That's better because I think that death is an easy way out. She deserves nothing easy after what she did to that poor man.

It really is!!!!
The only person Juan Martinez made look foolish by his cross examination of Alyce L., was Juan Martinez. Well, not foolish, necessarily, but certainly like a bullying asshole. I said early on this guy was a jerk and he really came into his own with his cross of Alyce.

One pundit was commenting on Martinez. He said he's a good prosecutor, but he only knows one way to fight, and that's balls out. Trouble with that is, balls out isn't always the best strategy. He's like the 300-pound gorilla who hits not only his drives 500 yards, but his putts also.

I guarantee you that Martinez has alienated a number of jurors. Trust me.

Do I think Arias is guilty? Yup. Should she be convicted? Yup. I just hope that this Martinez asshole hasn't stepped on his own Johnson with his annoying and obnoxious trial tactics.

I completely disagree with you!!! I think he is absolutely brilliant. Hate to tell you this. He tried Wendi Andriano in the exact same manner and she now sits on death row. You can tell by the jury questions in this case that they do not believe Jodi or her so called expert witnesses. The girl is a gone goose, thanks to Juan Martinez.

Well, you are certainly free to disagree with me all you want - especially on a subjective issues such as this one. All I can tell you is that I have been trying criminal jury trials for over 45 years. My comments about Mr. Martinez come from my experience in this regard.

As I said, I think she will be found guilty in spite of Mr. Martinez, not because of him. I think she will be found guilty because her self-defense defense is not tenable on the facts as I know them.

All I know is that I would rather have Juan Martinez on my side than those hot dogs representing Jodi.
Think you are wrong, Rinata, in part, on this.

She won't get death and may well get life with a possibility of parole. If she does, then the prosecutor blew a slam dunk because he got mad and has been ever since she toyed with him on cross ex.

I served on many courts-martial in my years in the service, and most of us were put off by prosecutors who acted like Juan.

Time will tell, time is growing short on this case.

I am not really for the death penalty. In any case, I think she will be in prison for a long time. That's better because I think that death is an easy way out. She deserves nothing easy after what she did to that poor man.

It really is!!!!

Fully agree.
I completely disagree with you!!! I think he is absolutely brilliant. Hate to tell you this. He tried Wendi Andriano in the exact same manner and she now sits on death row. You can tell by the jury questions in this case that they do not believe Jodi or her so called expert witnesses. The girl is a gone goose, thanks to Juan Martinez.

Well, you are certainly free to disagree with me all you want - especially on a subjective issues such as this one. All I can tell you is that I have been trying criminal jury trials for over 45 years. My comments about Mr. Martinez come from my experience in this regard.

As I said, I think she will be found guilty in spite of Mr. Martinez, not because of him. I think she will be found guilty because her self-defense defense is not tenable on the facts as I know them.

All I know is that I would rather have Juan Martinez on my side than those hot dogs representing Jodi.

Last time I looked, she only had one lawyer - the female. Is her lawyer a public defender?
Well, you are certainly free to disagree with me all you want - especially on a subjective issues such as this one. All I can tell you is that I have been trying criminal jury trials for over 45 years. My comments about Mr. Martinez come from my experience in this regard.

As I said, I think she will be found guilty in spite of Mr. Martinez, not because of him. I think she will be found guilty because her self-defense defense is not tenable on the facts as I know them.

All I know is that I would rather have Juan Martinez on my side than those hot dogs representing Jodi.

Last time I looked, she only had one lawyer - the female. Is her lawyer a public defender?

She has two lawyers, and they have tied Martinez from the beginning.
The only person Juan Martinez made look foolish by his cross examination of Alyce L., was Juan Martinez. Well, not foolish, necessarily, but certainly like a bullying asshole. I said early on this guy was a jerk and he really came into his own with his cross of Alyce.

One pundit was commenting on Martinez. He said he's a good prosecutor, but he only knows one way to fight, and that's balls out. Trouble with that is, balls out isn't always the best strategy. He's like the 300-pound gorilla who hits not only his drives 500 yards, but his putts also.

I guarantee you that Martinez has alienated a number of jurors. Trust me.

Do I think Arias is guilty? Yup. Should she be convicted? Yup. I just hope that this Martinez asshole hasn't stepped on his own Johnson with his annoying and obnoxious trial tactics.

I completely disagree with you!!! I think he is absolutely brilliant. Hate to tell you this. He tried Wendi Andriano in the exact same manner and she now sits on death row. You can tell by the jury questions in this case that they do not believe Jodi or her so called expert witnesses. The girl is a gone goose, thanks to Juan Martinez.

Well, you are certainly free to disagree with me all you want - especially on a subjective issues such as this one. All I can tell you is that I have been trying criminal jury trials for over 45 years. My comments about Mr. Martinez come from my experience in this regard.

As I said, I think she will be found guilty in spite of Mr. Martinez, not because of him. I think she will be found guilty because her self-defense defense is not tenable on the facts as I know them.

He and Alyce were so annoying, I couldn't stand watching them anymore. Martinez isn't brilliant and Alyce is biased for the defense. Sheesh, they were obnoxious.

Arias is guilty, this could have been an easy win for the prosecution. Juan schmucked it up and hopefully, the jury convicts her which is the way it should be.
All I know is that I would rather have Juan Martinez on my side than those hot dogs representing Jodi.

Last time I looked, she only had one lawyer - the female. Is her lawyer a public defender?

She has two lawyers, and they have tied Martinez from the beginning.

I wondered who the guy was. All I ever saw him do was just sit there and examine his fingernails. I think her female attorney is doing an excellent job, considering what she has to work with, which isn't much.

Normally, juries are not informed whether the defense attorney is a public defender. I am wondering if she is a pub def. Anyone have anything on that?
. . . and Alyce is biased for the defense.

Yes - but remember this. Neither side is going to put on an expert that is going to say bad things about their side of the case. Hence, the claim of bias is easy to make and may not be totally true. I thought Alyce was professional in her manner of response to the questions. Of course she gave testimony supportive of Jodi - that's why she was put on the stand.
Well, you are certainly free to disagree with me all you want - especially on a subjective issues such as this one. All I can tell you is that I have been trying criminal jury trials for over 45 years. My comments about Mr. Martinez come from my experience in this regard.

As I said, I think she will be found guilty in spite of Mr. Martinez, not because of him. I think she will be found guilty because her self-defense defense is not tenable on the facts as I know them.

All I know is that I would rather have Juan Martinez on my side than those hot dogs representing Jodi.

Last time I looked, she only had one lawyer - the female. Is her lawyer a public defender?

Jennifer Willmot and Kurt Nurmi are representing Jodi. Willmot is from the Public Defender's Office. So is Nurmi but he left to go into private practice. Due to that he tried to get out of representing Jodi. A hearing was held but did not go his way. The court said he had an ethical obligation to continue representing Jodi.
Granny seen dat onna 60 Minutes; says she's guilty as sin...
Just how crucial were experts for Arias defense?
May. 2,`13 — Testimony in Jodi Arias' murder trial concluded late Wednesday, and attorneys are preparing for closing arguments this week before the case goes to the jury for deliberations.
As the trial wraps up, Arias' fate rests in part on the testimony of expert witnesses who have offered one clinical diagnosis after another to explain why the small-town waitress and aspiring photographer from California killed her lover five years ago. Post-traumatic stress, amnesia, battered woman's syndrome and borderline personality disorder are among the conditions that various experts have offered to describe Arias, who is charged with first-degree murder in the stabbing and shooting death of Travis Alexander, 30, in his suburban Phoenix home in June 2008.

The jury must also come to grips with the defendant's ever-changing version of events. After initially denying involvement and later blaming masked intruders, she now claims she killed him in self-defense but doesn't recall details about the slaying. Testimony began Wednesday with defense expert Robert Geffner, a psychologist and founding president of the Family Violence and Sexual Assault Institute in San Diego. His testimony aimed to counter a prosecution witness's contention that Arias suffers from borderline personality disorder. The jury could get the case by the end of the week after closing arguments Thursday and Friday. Arias faces a possible death sentence if convicted of first-degree murder.


Jodi Arias, right, talks to her attorney, Jennifer Wilmott, during her murder trial in Phoenix. Dozens of enthusiasts flock to court each day for a chance to score one of a handful of seats open to the public in Arias’ ongoing murder case in Arizona. The tickets are given out on a first-come, first-served basis, and nearly four months into the trial, the crowds are growing. This week, one trial regular sold her spot to another person for $200 _ and both got reprimands from the court on Tuesday, April 23, 2013.

Testimony began in early January and quickly captured headlines with lurid tales of sex, lies, religion and a salacious relationship that ended in a bloodbath. The case spawned a virtual cottage industry for talk shows, legal experts and even Arias, who used her notoriety to sell her jail artwork, as it unfolded like a real-life soap opera for thousands of trial enthusiasts who followed every twist. Clinical psychologist Janeen DeMarte, a state expert witness, testified previously that Arias showed signs of immaturity and an "unstable sense of identity." People who suffer from borderline personality disorder "have a terrified feeling of being abandoned by others," she said.

DeMarte also discounted defense experts' testimony during which they told jurors that Arias suffered from battered woman's syndrome, post-traumatic stress disorder and amnesia, which explains why she can't recall details from the day of the killing. DeMarte said she found no evidence to support the defense experts' diagnoses. Geffner testified that DeMarte's conclusions were flawed and inaccurate. He later worked to discount previous testimony from a prosecution witness, Dr. Kevin Horn, a Maricopa County medical examiner who performed the autopsy on Alexander. Horn had told jurors that the gunshot wound to Alexander's head would have rendered him unconscious and unable to defend himself.

Alexander suffered nearly 30 knife wounds, was shot in the forehead and had his throat slit. Arias said that Alexander attacked her on the day of his death. She said she ran into his closet to retrieve a gun, and then shot him. She testified that he kept coming after her, and despite claiming to have no recollection of what happened next, Arias acknowledged that she must have then stabbed him repeatedly. Based on the defensive wounds on Alexander's hands, Horn said Arias' version of events would be impossible, given Alexander would have already been dead or dying before she stabbed him.

More Just how crucial were experts for Arias defense?
She's guilty, and the defense succeeded wildly in humanizing her for the jury.

Anywhere from a minimum of 7 years (manslaughter) to the maximum of death.
Just hope for Jodi's sake there aren't too many women on the jury. No matter what pretenses they put on, women really dislike other women and love to see them fry.

Just read through the comments on this thread and you'll start to see what I mean. Men, especially, are really naive about the true nature of women.

I used to live with a man for 4 1/2 years who slapped the crap out of me on a few occasions. As I started to rebel it got scarier, especially when he began to suspect (wrongly) that I was associating with other men. Yet, in spite of the fact that he caused me to have to go to the emergency room on two occasions, and had the police called on him on other occasions when he started slapping me around, there is not one thing on his record about any of these instances. The cops just let him go.

I can well imagine a situation where I would feel threatened enough and all those years of abuse and fear would come welling up and I might do a bit of overkill on him. But in a court of law they'd be saying there's not one thing on his record where he ever hurt this woman but she just up and murdered him. Bullshit.

Regarding other women...I can remember him knocking me on the floor and another woman coming over and snarling at me that it served me right, I had "asked for it." I'm laying there on the floor after he hit me, and instead of helping me up, she's snarling at me. That's women for you.
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Just hope for Jodi's sake there aren't too many women on the jury. No matter what pretenses they put on, women really dislike other women and love to see them fry.

Just read through the comments on this thread and you'll start to see what I mean. Men, especially, are really naive about the true nature of women.

I used to live with a man for 4 1/2 years who slapped the crap out of me on a few occasions. As I started to rebel it got scarier, especially when he began to suspect (wrongly) that I was associating with other men. Yet, in spite of the fact that he caused me to have to go to the emergency room on two occasions, and had the police called on him on other occasions when he started slapping me around, there is not one thing on his record about any of these instances. The cops just let him go.

I can well imagine a situation where I would feel threatened enough and all those years of abuse and fear would come welling up and I might do a bit of overkill on him. But in a court of law they'd be saying there's not one thing on his record where he ever hurt this woman but she just up and murdered him. Bullshit.

Regarding other women...I can remember him knocking me on the floor and another woman coming over and snarling at me that it served me right, I had "asked for it." I'm laying there on the floor after he hit me, and instead of helping me up, she's snarling at me. That's women for you.

I am really sorry this happened to you.

If this woman is found guilty, I hope she fries. I really do. She is making it hard for women who really are abused to get help. She is deligitimizing them in my opion. (If she if found guilty...of course).

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