Joe Biden Admits Breeding Out The White Race Through Immigration Is The End Game

That's why they're trying to educate everyone so we can compete in a global economy. Meanwhile, your greedy idiot brainwashing billionaires ARE turning us into an ignorant oligarchy 3rd worlder...

But thanks for the racist OP. Perfectly GOP...

We are not the world's educator. We can't pay for everyone on earth to come here for a free education.

Dems have significantly increased entitlements. The economic health of the underclass is not getting better at all.

If the Dems really wanted everyone to be off welfare, they would make education a requirement. I'd be all for that. As you are getting welfare, you have to take education for a college degree or a trade. If you don't go to school, you don't get welfare. That would get more of the poor educated, as you say their goal is.
When have the Dems been able to do anything for years? Booosh's world depression added to people on welfare, nothing else.

Obama wasted 8 years and 10 trillion dollars trying to fix it.

Good thing for you that Bush isn't running for POTUS.
85 straight months of growth, 4.9% UE despite pure obstruction. 8 trillion at least averting a depression and help for victims...

You would vote for that catastrophe again too....ay caramba. CHANGE THE CHANNEL, dupe.

Slowest recovery since the Great Depression. The lowest rate of GDP growth of any postwar president.
Only if you include the 9 months it was melting down, dupe.

Great considering 7 3/4 years of mindless GOP obstruction of even THEIR typical solutions, or anything for that matter. Thank god for those 2 nice GOP ladies who voted for the stimulus- and caught pure hell for it...

There's nothing more entertaining to me than watching so-called conservatives out themselves as racist populists.

It's economic. The immigration that Biden refers to is bringing in people who will be taking handouts and not paying taxes.

Bring in all immigrants methodically. Make sure they can be be positive for the economy, not a burden to taxpayers.

Why bring in any at all? What do we gain from immigration? Nothing, as far as I can see.

We certainly didnt gain much from your immigrant ancestors, but I dont think we should let that sour us on the concept entirely.

Actually, you gained quite a bit. But how my ancestors got here is irrelevant unless you believe that means foreigners have a right to immigrate here.

They don't.

End of story.

There's nothing more entertaining to me than watching so-called conservatives out themselves as racist populists.
Biden is the one who outed himself as a racist, and so did you, for that matter.


Whatever you have to tell yourself to get through the day.

The only thing that troubles my sleep is the knowledge that morons like you exist.


Thats the difference between you and me, right there - the fact that powerless morons like you exist doesnt bother me at all.

Its not like you guys have any power to do anything, and your impotent fury is fun to watch.

Right, that's why all you numskulls are so insane about Trump's impending election.


I promise you, none of us are "insane" over your fever dreams.
We are not the world's educator. We can't pay for everyone on earth to come here for a free education.

Dems have significantly increased entitlements. The economic health of the underclass is not getting better at all.

If the Dems really wanted everyone to be off welfare, they would make education a requirement. I'd be all for that. As you are getting welfare, you have to take education for a college degree or a trade. If you don't go to school, you don't get welfare. That would get more of the poor educated, as you say their goal is.
When have the Dems been able to do anything for years? Booosh's world depression added to people on welfare, nothing else.

Obama wasted 8 years and 10 trillion dollars trying to fix it.

Good thing for you that Bush isn't running for POTUS.
85 straight months of growth, 4.9% UE despite pure obstruction. 8 trillion at least averting a depression and help for victims...

You would vote for that catastrophe again too....ay caramba. CHANGE THE CHANNEL, dupe.

Slowest recovery since the Great Depression. The lowest rate of GDP growth of any postwar president.
Only if you include the 9 months it was melting down, dupe.

No, not including that. What part of "recovery" didn't you understand?

Great considering 7 3/4 years of mindless GOP obstruction of even THEIR typical solutions, or anything for that matter. Thank god for those 2 nice GOP ladies who voted for the stimulus- and caught pure hell for it...

Yeah, we know, it's all George Bush's fault. Obama isn't responsible for anything.
Biden is the one who outed himself as a racist, and so did you, for that matter.


Whatever you have to tell yourself to get through the day.

The only thing that troubles my sleep is the knowledge that morons like you exist.


Thats the difference between you and me, right there - the fact that powerless morons like you exist doesnt bother me at all.

Its not like you guys have any power to do anything, and your impotent fury is fun to watch.

Right, that's why all you numskulls are so insane about Trump's impending election.


I promise you, none of us are "insane" over your fever dreams.

You're just plain insane.
As anti-civilization and science the white race has become over the past few years...Well, maybe this isn't a bad thing.
are all white people anti-civilization and science?.....or is that what dean told you at lunch the other day?....

Those things use to be at the center of what it means to be proud of being white. What I am seeing the white race do the last few years makes me very angry.
AGW isn't science, retard. Anyone who believes in it is a scientific ignoramus.
Like every scientist who isn't bought off, dupe. Same ignorant talking points...
When have the Dems been able to do anything for years? Booosh's world depression added to people on welfare, nothing else.

Obama wasted 8 years and 10 trillion dollars trying to fix it.

Good thing for you that Bush isn't running for POTUS.
85 straight months of growth, 4.9% UE despite pure obstruction. 8 trillion at least averting a depression and help for victims...

You would vote for that catastrophe again too....ay caramba. CHANGE THE CHANNEL, dupe.

Slowest recovery since the Great Depression. The lowest rate of GDP growth of any postwar president.
Only if you include the 9 months it was melting down, dupe.

No, not including that. What part of "recovery" didn't you understand?

Great considering 7 3/4 years of mindless GOP obstruction of even THEIR typical solutions, or anything for that matter. Thank god for those 2 nice GOP ladies who voted for the stimulus- and caught pure hell for it...

Yeah, we know, it's all George Bush's fault. Obama isn't responsible for anything.
Recovery is when things start getting BETTER LOL. 10/2009.
Obama wasted 8 years and 10 trillion dollars trying to fix it.

Good thing for you that Bush isn't running for POTUS.
85 straight months of growth, 4.9% UE despite pure obstruction. 8 trillion at least averting a depression and help for victims...

You would vote for that catastrophe again too....ay caramba. CHANGE THE CHANNEL, dupe.

Slowest recovery since the Great Depression. The lowest rate of GDP growth of any postwar president.
Only if you include the 9 months it was melting down, dupe.

No, not including that. What part of "recovery" didn't you understand?

Great considering 7 3/4 years of mindless GOP obstruction of even THEIR typical solutions, or anything for that matter. Thank god for those 2 nice GOP ladies who voted for the stimulus- and caught pure hell for it...

Yeah, we know, it's all George Bush's fault. Obama isn't responsible for anything.
Recovery is when things start getting BETTER LOL. 10/2009.

Yes, that's right. Your point?
85 straight months of growth, 4.9% UE despite pure obstruction. 8 trillion at least averting a depression and help for victims...

You would vote for that catastrophe again too....ay caramba. CHANGE THE CHANNEL, dupe.

Slowest recovery since the Great Depression. The lowest rate of GDP growth of any postwar president.
Only if you include the 9 months it was melting down, dupe.

No, not including that. What part of "recovery" didn't you understand?

Great considering 7 3/4 years of mindless GOP obstruction of even THEIR typical solutions, or anything for that matter. Thank god for those 2 nice GOP ladies who voted for the stimulus- and caught pure hell for it...

Yeah, we know, it's all George Bush's fault. Obama isn't responsible for anything.
Recovery is when things start getting BETTER LOL. 10/2009.

Yes, that's right. Your point?
Then your statements were false. Link? At any rate, did you notice GOP obstruction of every typical solution he wanted to do? 84 straight months of growth and no corrupt GOP bubble. SOLID. Greatest country in the world. Now if we could get and keep the lying thieving crony GOP out of power...
Not true anymore and...

U.S. economic recovery may not be worst ever - Jul. 28, 2016
Jul 28, 2016 - Up until now, the economy's recovery from the Great Recession was the worstcomeback since World War II. But no longer -- America's economic growth between April and June is expected to finally put it in a better spot. On Friday, when U.S. GDP data is released, the current economic ...
Worst recovery in postwar era largely explained by cuts in government ...

Especially after last month

Economic Policy Institute
Aug 2, 2016 - In a story in the Wall Street Journal last Friday, reporter Eric Morath notes that therecovery from the Great Recession has been historically slow.
U.S. economic recovery may not be worst ever - Jul. 28, 2016
Jul 28, 2016 - Up until now, the economy's recovery from the Great Recession was the worstcomeback since World War II. But no longer -- America's economic growth between April and June is expected to finally put it in a better spot. On Friday, when U.S. GDP data is released, the current economic ...
Slowest recovery since the Great Depression. The lowest rate of GDP growth of any postwar president.
Only if you include the 9 months it was melting down, dupe.

No, not including that. What part of "recovery" didn't you understand?

Great considering 7 3/4 years of mindless GOP obstruction of even THEIR typical solutions, or anything for that matter. Thank god for those 2 nice GOP ladies who voted for the stimulus- and caught pure hell for it...

Yeah, we know, it's all George Bush's fault. Obama isn't responsible for anything.
Recovery is when things start getting BETTER LOL. 10/2009.

Yes, that's right. Your point?
Then your statements were false. Link? At any rate, did you notice GOP obstruction of every typical solution he wanted to do? 84 straight months of growth and no corrupt GOP bubble. SOLID. Greatest country in the world. Now if we could get and keep the lying thieving crony GOP out of power...

If the GOP obstructed everything he wanted to do, then why does he deserve any credit for the recovery?
Worst recovery in postwar era largely explained by cuts in government ...
Economic Policy Institute
Aug 2, 2016 - In a story in the Wall Street Journal last Friday, reporter Eric Morath notes that therecovery from the Great Recession has been historically slow.

So now you're admitting it's the worst recovery since the Great Depression?

What "cuts in government?"
He hasn't feqed it up like a GOPer would. Not any more. Read the link, dupe. And good night. Go Bills!
A new report offers one explanation as to why the mortality rate for uneducated white Americans has risen—even as people elsewhere are living longer and healthier.

It hasn't. It's a bullshit study.

We get it. Trump and his supporters want to keep America white and European. And Christian.
Come on white breeders, I want to see nothing but assholes and elbows, now get moving...
On one end we have people who are driven by white guilt and self-loathing, literally & passionately celebrating the demise of their influence in America.

On the other end we have people consumed by conservative media-fed paranoia about some never-to-come war of the races.

Meanwhile, most of us are just going on with our lives.
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