Joe Biden - America's 1st Dictator.


Democrat Party - the REAL Fascist Party
Dec 31, 2011
Bay State
By Joe Biden's standards, he is a dictator. I'm not going to even get into the mass voter fraud and election rigging it took to install this dictator, but again, I am only using Biden's own words in regards to dictatorship. Watch and listen:

Following the remarks by perhaps the dumbest dictator ever, you will see stats on executive orders:

Dictator Biden - 15 executive orders in 24 hours

Now, let's look at past presidents for executive orders written in their first two weeks in office:

Barack Obama - 9
Donald Trump - 8
Bill Clinton - 3
George W. Bush - 2

We do not have an honestly elected president, we have an installed dictator.
By Joe Biden's standards, he is a dictator. I'm not going to even get into the mass voter fraud and election rigging it took to install this dictator, but again, I am only using Biden's own words in regards to dictatorship. Watch and listen:

Following the remarks by perhaps the dumbest dictator ever, you will see stats on executive orders:

Dictator Biden - 15 executive orders in 24 hours

Now, let's look at past presidents for executive orders written in their first two weeks in office:

Barack Obama - 9
Donald Trump - 8
Bill Clinton - 3
George W. Bush - 2

We do not have an honestly elected president, we have an installed dictator.

Do you have the number of E/Os for each of those presidents listed, first 4 year terms? 2 weeks really doesn't tell us much...
Is the proof of vaccination requirement the mark of the beast?

Is the mask the mark of the beast?
Is it embedded in your right hand?


Maybe you will have to have proof of vaccination to be a citizen and circulate. Shop, work, travel, use a hooker.
Maybe, but it is still not the number 666, and it is still not in your right hand or forehead....

I think it will be clear, and we will know it, when that time comes.... it won't be a guessing game, or'll be a bop, right up side of the head, moment!!!
By Joe Biden's standards, he is a dictator. I'm not going to even get into the mass voter fraud and election rigging it took to install this dictator, but again, I am only using Biden's own words in regards to dictatorship. Watch and listen:

Following the remarks by perhaps the dumbest dictator ever, you will see stats on executive orders:

Dictator Biden - 15 executive orders in 24 hours

Now, let's look at past presidents for executive orders written in their first two weeks in office:

Barack Obama - 9
Donald Trump - 8
Bill Clinton - 3
George W. Bush - 2

We do not have an honestly elected president, we have an installed dictator.

Do you have the number of E/Os for each of those presidents listed, first 4 year terms? 2 weeks really doesn't tell us much...

Lots of sites, I was just looking at some. It has become obvious that Presidents are abusing this power.
You guys thought it was so awesome when Trump was undoing everything that Obama did. Well, now Biden is undoing everything Trump did. Suck it up, snowflake.

Yeah and the left was crying and wanting to impeach Trump. However, most Presidents will undo the opposing parties or at least put it on hold. That is the best thing about EO’s they are generally easy to wipe out.
You guys thought it was so awesome when Trump was undoing everything that Obama did. Well, now Biden is undoing everything Trump did. Suck it up, snowflake.

Yeah and the left was crying and wanting to impeach Trump. However, most Presidents will undo the opposing parties or at least put it on hold. That is the best thing about EO’s they are generally easy to wipe out.
That wasn’t what Trump was impeached for. He has, rightfully been impeached first for an abuse of power, pressuring a foreign government to interfere in an American election and the 2nd time for inciting an insurrection when he got an angry mob riled up so much that they stormed the capital.

Unlike Trump, Biden will try to follow up with legislation.
By Joe Biden's standards, he is a dictator. I'm not going to even get into the mass voter fraud and election rigging it took to install this dictator, but again, I am only using Biden's own words in regards to dictatorship. Watch and listen:

Following the remarks by perhaps the dumbest dictator ever, you will see stats on executive orders:

Dictator Biden - 15 executive orders in 24 hours

Now, let's look at past presidents for executive orders written in their first two weeks in office:

Barack Obama - 9
Donald Trump - 8
Bill Clinton - 3
George W. Bush - 2

We do not have an honestly elected president, we have an installed dictator.

Do you have the number of E/Os for each of those presidents listed, first 4 year terms? 2 weeks really doesn't tell us much...

The two weeks have revealed that corrupt old China Joe is not running shit. He is signing anything they put in front of him. The government is run by criminals.
Is the proof of vaccination requirement the mark of the beast?

Is the mask the mark of the beast?
Is it embedded in your right hand?


Maybe you will have to have proof of vaccination to be a citizen and circulate. Shop, work, travel, use a hooker.
Maybe, but it is still not the number 666, and it is still not in your right hand or forehead....

I think it will be clear, and we will know it, when that time comes.... it won't be a guessing game, or'll be a bop, right up side of the head, moment!!!

maybe you will get marked if vaccinated or have a scannable chip installed like a pet.
You guys thought it was so awesome when Trump was undoing everything that Obama did. Well, now Biden is undoing everything Trump did. Suck it up, snowflake.

Yeah and the left was crying and wanting to impeach Trump. However, most Presidents will undo the opposing parties or at least put it on hold. That is the best thing about EO’s they are generally easy to wipe out.
That wasn’t what Trump was impeached for. He has, rightfully been impeached first for an abuse of power, pressuring a foreign government to interfere in an American election and the 2nd time for inciting an insurrection when he got an angry mob riled up so much that they stormed the capital.

Unlike Trump, Biden will try to follow up with legislation.

I’m not sure what you rambling has to do with my post. Back when Trump was first in office, back then, way back then, Trump overturned Obama’s EOs, that is what we were talking about. My comment about the left crying and wanting to impeach Trump, was for that time period of the first couple weeks in office. The rest of your rambling is pretty accurate, but I’m not sure Biden will follow up with legislation.
By Joe Biden's standards, he is a dictator. I'm not going to even get into the mass voter fraud and election rigging it took to install this dictator, but again, I am only using Biden's own words in regards to dictatorship. Watch and listen:

Following the remarks by perhaps the dumbest dictator ever, you will see stats on executive orders:

Dictator Biden - 15 executive orders in 24 hours

Now, let's look at past presidents for executive orders written in their first two weeks in office:

Barack Obama - 9
Donald Trump - 8
Bill Clinton - 3
George W. Bush - 2

We do not have an honestly elected president, we have an installed dictator.

Do you have the number of E/Os for each of those presidents listed, first 4 year terms? 2 weeks really doesn't tell us much...

The two weeks have revealed that corrupt old China Joe is not running shit. He is signing anything they put in front of him. The government is run by criminals.

The govt isn't run by criminals.... It's run by people, citizens, who love their country...

You may differ with them, and they may differ with you, on political issues....

That does not make them or you, criminals.
By Joe Biden's standards, he is a dictator. I'm not going to even get into the mass voter fraud and election rigging it took to install this dictator, but again, I am only using Biden's own words in regards to dictatorship. Watch and listen:

Following the remarks by perhaps the dumbest dictator ever, you will see stats on executive orders:

Dictator Biden - 15 executive orders in 24 hours

Now, let's look at past presidents for executive orders written in their first two weeks in office:

Barack Obama - 9
Donald Trump - 8
Bill Clinton - 3
George W. Bush - 2

We do not have an honestly elected president, we have an installed dictator.

Do you have the number of E/Os for each of those presidents listed, first 4 year terms? 2 weeks really doesn't tell us much...

The OP is pointing out Biden's explicit hypocrisy.
By Joe Biden's standards, he is a dictator. I'm not going to even get into the mass voter fraud and election rigging it took to install this dictator, but again, I am only using Biden's own words in regards to dictatorship. Watch and listen:

Following the remarks by perhaps the dumbest dictator ever, you will see stats on executive orders:

Dictator Biden - 15 executive orders in 24 hours

Now, let's look at past presidents for executive orders written in their first two weeks in office:

Barack Obama - 9
Donald Trump - 8
Bill Clinton - 3
George W. Bush - 2

We do not have an honestly elected president, we have an installed dictator.

Do you have the number of E/Os for each of those presidents listed, first 4 year terms? 2 weeks really doesn't tell us much...

The two weeks have revealed that corrupt old China Joe is not running shit. He is signing anything they put in front of him. The government is run by criminals.

The govt isn't run by criminals.... It's run by people, citizens, who love their country...

You may differ with them, and they may differ with you, on political issues....

That does not make them or you, criminals.

Government is greedy, not criminal.
Is the proof of vaccination requirement the mark of the beast?

Is the mask the mark of the beast?
Is it embedded in your right hand?


Maybe you will have to have proof of vaccination to be a citizen and circulate. Shop, work, travel, use a hooker.
Maybe, but it is still not the number 666, and it is still not in your right hand or forehead....

I think it will be clear, and we will know it, when that time comes.... it won't be a guessing game, or'll be a bop, right up side of the head, moment!!!

maybe you will get marked if vaccinated or have a scannable chip installed like a pet.
If you believe in God (and Bible Prophesy), trust in God, that when the actual time comes, He will make certain, you know.... and that you choose correctly, by rejecting the number of the Beast... you are going to KNOW, not guess about it, but know.

God isn't a jokester, He isn't going to try to trick you in to making a wrong mistake or in to accepting the mark of the beast. Satan is the deceiver, not God...Satan is the trickster...and he wants you to be uncertain, or anxious, or afraid and lose faith in God...and make a bunch of misjudgment that could end up killing not getting vaccinated.
Is the proof of vaccination requirement the mark of the beast?

Is the mask the mark of the beast?
Is it embedded in your right hand?


Maybe you will have to have proof of vaccination to be a citizen and circulate. Shop, work, travel, use a hooker.
Maybe, but it is still not the number 666, and it is still not in your right hand or forehead....

I think it will be clear, and we will know it, when that time comes.... it won't be a guessing game, or'll be a bop, right up side of the head, moment!!!

maybe you will get marked if vaccinated or have a scannable chip installed like a pet.
If you believe in God (and Bible Prophesy), trust in God, that when the actual time comes, He will make certain, you know.... and that you choose correctly, by rejecting the number of the Beast... you are going to KNOW, not guess about it, but know.

God isn't a jokester, He isn't going to try to trick you in to making a wrong mistake or in to accepting the mark of the beast. Satan is the deceiver, not God...Satan is the trickster...and he wants you to be uncertain, or anxious, or afraid and lose faith in God...and make a bunch of misjudgment that could end up killing not getting vaccinated.

And what if YOU are wrong, and the vaccine kills more than the virus because YOU were deceived? Will you admit it? Or will you keep your head in the sand while still preaching?
Is the proof of vaccination requirement the mark of the beast?

Is the mask the mark of the beast?
Is it embedded in your right hand?


Maybe you will have to have proof of vaccination to be a citizen and circulate. Shop, work, travel, use a hooker.
Maybe, but it is still not the number 666, and it is still not in your right hand or forehead....

I think it will be clear, and we will know it, when that time comes.... it won't be a guessing game, or'll be a bop, right up side of the head, moment!!!

maybe you will get marked if vaccinated or have a scannable chip installed like a pet.
If you believe in God (and Bible Prophesy), trust in God, that when the actual time comes, He will make certain, you know.... and that you choose correctly, by rejecting the number of the Beast... you are going to KNOW, not guess about it, but know.

God isn't a jokester, He isn't going to try to trick you in to making a wrong mistake or in to accepting the mark of the beast. Satan is the deceiver, not God...Satan is the trickster...and he wants you to be uncertain, or anxious, or afraid and lose faith in God...and make a bunch of misjudgment that could end up killing not getting vaccinated.
Why are you avoiding the fact that the OP is pointing out Biden's explicit hypocrisy?
Is it your emotional disturbance or your mental illness?

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