Joe Biden Becomes A Whisperer For Some Reason

As the FBI roams around arresting people for trespassing this dipshit is president. Who has repeatedly caved to Putin,and to Xi.

Maybe you'd prefer him insulting people.

As for caving to Putin and Xi, where the fuck do you get your "information" from?

he lifted sanctions on russia making them a major supplier of energy to our so called allies in europe for the chicoms ... the country he pushed for entrance into the WTO theyre not bad people folks !

Right. Get this

The Department of State report notes that Nord Stream 2 AG and its chief executive, Matthias Warnig, a former East German intelligence officer, engaged in sanctionable activity.

But it concludes that it is in the US national interest to waive the sanctions."

So, the Department of State says it's in the US's interests to do this.

But then again I don't see how this is a sign that is caving in to Putin. Russia has been supplying gas and oil to the EU for a long time.

"In 2018, around 40% of EU natural gas imports came from Russia (Foy, 2018). In the same year, Gazprom, Russia’s state-owned gas monopoly, supplied a total of 200.8 billion cubic meters of gas to European countries, with 81% heading to Western Europe (Gazprom, 2018)."

That was when Trump was president. Did Trump also cave in to Russia? Is it caving in to Russia by allowed the EU to buy energy supplies from Russia and thereby benefiting the EU, the US's most IMPORTANT ally, an ally Trump tried his hardest to anger at every step of the way?

What's a "chicom"?
Looks like it works. He got your attention, even 2 months after his speech. Big contrast to the bellicose daily utterances of his predecessor. He's doing fine. Pretty much as advertised to get there, and as expected.
Yeah, if getting people''s attention was Joe's objective he could have dropped his pants and
accomplished that.
Most presidents feel like their words, inherent presige and message will draw people in
and gimmicks and idiocy like putting on voices and such would cheapen the president's
image and damage their credence. But you seem to approve.

Looks like someone else disapproved and thought the whispering was an inexplicably hare brained idea and Dr. Jill, or whoever Joe pays attention to, has stopped that idiocy straight away.

You think Joe's doing fine when he is doing favors for Vlad Putin or gets lost trying to leave an
open air restaurant and Dr. Jill has to come bring him out as dinners chuckle as this exhibition
of rampant senility?

I won't argue the point with a fan of this mentally diminished world leader. Let's just say your view is
not a popular one. Senility never is.
He just quietly says what he says and does what he does. It gets the job done, and people listen. That is a mark of leadership, as opposed to somebody who raises hell all the time and keep things stirred up all the time, while ignoring what is happening around him.
Joe Biden becomes "The Hairy Legs" whisperer ....:auiqs.jpg:

That's for sure!

OMG what an insane crazy asylum are we living in now.............under these communist Globalists idiots...

I started a thread on it this morning. It's unbelievable! Senile Joe is losing what little grip on reality
he has. The 25th Amendment was made for Joe Biden.

Does it matter? The president isn't that important. If he can't do the job, someone else will.

Saying that, the executive should probably have more elected people.
Oh, yeah, President by Committee. That'll work GREAT.

"His speech was delivered almost as conversation, rather than a series of declamations. He kept his voice, for long stretches, at times a near-whisper of empathy or concern—a tone that would have been completely unworkable in a full room. And this wasn’t just when he talked about the pain of the pandemic, but when he turned to the challenge of an autocratic China, or grand-sounding rhetoric like a “great inflection point in history.” His economic policy was detailed in the tones of voice you might use to address a small gathering at the White House. Even when he turned to the ill-gotten gains of the very rich, he used a “just the facts” mode."

In a new reason for invoking the 25th Amendment Joe Biden has taken to addressing his audience, for long sequences in a hushed sort of whisper that one might deliver to children when giving a spooky bedtime story.

It's incredibly unfathomable to try and figure out what increasingly Senile Joe is trying to accomplish. Inspire people? Awe or amuse them?
Frighten listeners? Draw more calls to vacate his illegitimate office?

Apparently even Dr. Jill can't keep him on the leash. His behavior is bizarre like King Georg III of England, the king that was ruling when America broke away. This is the man supposedly restoring faith in America?
No effing way!
Biden unveiled his master plan to get Americans back to work yesterday.

He used his creepy whisper voice to tell employers to pay their workers more, LOL...

Short video:
He just quietly says what he says and does what he does. It gets the job done, and people listen. That is a mark of leadership, as opposed to somebody who raises hell all the time and keep things stirred up all the time, while ignoring what is happening around him.
If Biden blew his words out of a trumpet in his ass you would find it admirable and useful.
Your bias is so glaring it's like a parody of a normal human being's reaction, actually,

Whispering is for children's secrets and ghost stories. Not for the president of the United States of
What must Vladamir Putin think of this ridiculous
caricature of a world leader? I'm sure the world is laughing at the man who has to have his wife
lead him out of a cafe in Cornwall.

Your attempts to explain away Biden's bizarre behavior makes an ass of you.
Was that your plan?
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"His speech was delivered almost as conversation, rather than a series of declamations. He kept his voice, for long stretches, at times a near-whisper of empathy or concern—a tone that would have been completely unworkable in a full room. And this wasn’t just when he talked about the pain of the pandemic, but when he turned to the challenge of an autocratic China, or grand-sounding rhetoric like a “great inflection point in history.” His economic policy was detailed in the tones of voice you might use to address a small gathering at the White House. Even when he turned to the ill-gotten gains of the very rich, he used a “just the facts” mode."

In a new reason for invoking the 25th Amendment Joe Biden has taken to addressing his audience, for long sequences in a hushed sort of whisper that one might deliver to children when giving a spooky bedtime story.

It's incredibly unfathomable to try and figure out what increasingly Senile Joe is trying to accomplish. Inspire people? Awe or amuse them?
Frighten listeners? Draw more calls to vacate his illegitimate office?

Apparently even Dr. Jill can't keep him on the leash. His behavior is bizarre like King Georg III of England, the king that was ruling when America broke away. This is the man supposedly restoring faith in America?
No effing way!
Looks like it works. He got your attention, even 2 months after his speech. Big contrast to the bellicose daily utterances of his predecessor. He's doing fine. Pretty much as advertised to get there, and as expected.
The dude is missing brain cells why the fuck would he channel the clown from IT?
wow this guy is off his’s no wonder the world is laughing at us and walking all over us
He's doing fine.
Hahaha...and yet you still can’t tell us what he’s done “fine” for good, core Americans.
Trust me, we know what “fine” work he’s done for Mexicos trash, for chicks with dicks, for criminal negroes....Trust me...we know.
He just quietly says what he says and does what he does. It gets the job done, and people listen. That is a mark of leadership, as opposed to somebody who raises hell all the time and keep things stirred up all the time, while ignoring what is happening around him.
If Biden blew his words out of a trumpet in his ass you would find it admirable and useful.
Your bias is so glaring it's like a parody of a normal human being's reaction, actually,

Whispering is for children's secrets and ghost stories. Not for the president of the United States of
What must Vladamir Putin think of this ridiculous
caricature of a world leader? I'm sure the world is laughing at the man who has to have his wife
lead him out of a cafe in Cornwall.

Your attempts to explain away Biden's bizarre behavior makes an ass of you.
Was that your plan?
If he blew his words out his ass through a trumpet, I would not find admirable, as it would remind me of the last four years of donald trump.
If he blew his words out his ass through a trumpet, I would not find admirable, as it would remind me of the last four years of donald trump.
Trying to put the spotlight on Trump is the typical way I would expect you to avoid the issue and
ignore bizarre Joe Biden behavior.
It's cowardly. It doesn't address the man who is laughed at in Europe. It's "I know you are but
what am I?" bullshit.
If he blew his words out his ass through a trumpet, I would not find admirable, as it would remind me of the last four years of donald trump.
Trying to put the spotlight on Trump is the typical way I would expect you to avoid the issue and
ignore bizarre Joe Biden behavior.
It's cowardly. It doesn't address the man who is laughed at in Europe. It's "I know you are but
what am I?" bullshit.
I am not the one that brought up the imagery of somebody blowing their words out their ass as if through a trumpet on this thread. It just brought forth an image of something like a cross between Dr Seuss book and a political satire cartoon, naturally bringing Donald to mind. He talked out his ass loudly for the last 4 years, especially during the Covid-19 2020 election year, trumpeting his crazy shtick. I did not create his bellicose methods of communication. I just recognized it for what it was and is (a childish scream for attention) and am glad it is over. Likewise, I am well aware trump was laughed at in Europe and shunned by key leaders on the world stage, but was not going to bring that up. You did.
With regard to Joe, he is doing fine. His tone, tenor and volume downright restful and thankfully boring after what we had. You might need some form of loud highly dynamic (often empty-headed) figurehead. I don't. After basic training, I am kind of inured to it and find it a method to be ignored or have the person done away with in business settings (and have fortunately been able to do that) as they lower productivity the closer to the top you go. It is sometimes OK and indeed appropriate at times for lower enlisted levels, but that is just it, (1) lower less experience levels, and (2) they must be enlisted in the cause, not forced to listen by sheer volume. People got tire of it, quick.
If he blew his words out his ass through a trumpet, I would not find admirable, as it would remind me of the last four years of donald trump.
Trying to put the spotlight on Trump is the typical way I would expect you to avoid the issue and
ignore bizarre Joe Biden behavior.
It's cowardly. It doesn't address the man who is laughed at in Europe. It's "I know you are but
what am I?" bullshit.
I am not the one that brought up the imagery of somebody blowing their words out their ass as if through a trumpet on this thread. It just brought forth an image of something like a cross between Dr Seuss book and a political satire cartoon, naturally bringing Donald to mind. He talked out his ass loudly for the last 4 years, especially during the Covid-19 2020 election year, trumpeting his crazy shtick. I did not create his bellicose methods of communication. I just recognized it for what it was and is (a childish scream for attention) and am glad it is over. Likewise, I am well aware trump was laughed at in Europe and shunned by key leaders on the world stage, but was not going to bring that up. You did.
If Boris Johnson or Emanuel Macron, or whomever, do not swoon over Donald Trump it doesn't
distress me. I am far more interested in what gets done then whether he is the most popular
student in the seventh grade.

If you don't think people are laughing at Joe Biden as his wife has to come and rescue him in a
Cornwall open air diner (in front of greatly amused customers) then you are less than honest.
I don't know if he favored Vlad Putin with some of his whispering or not. I'm hoping not.
With regard to Joe, he is doing fine. His tone, tenor and volume downright restful and thankfully boring after what we had. You might need some form of loud highly dynamic (often empty-headed) figurehead. I don't. After basic training, I am kind of inured to it and find it a method to be ignored or have the person done away with in business settings (and have fortunately been able to do that) as they lower productivity the closer to the top you go. It is sometimes OK and indeed appropriate at times for lower enlisted levels, but that is just it, (1) lower less experience levels, and (2) they must be enlisted in the cause, not forced to listen by sheer volume. People got tire of it, quick.
So Trump's at times bombastic style triggered you? I am more interested in his accomplishments
than whether he pissed off democrats all prepared to detest him anyway.

I never use the word "pussies" but I think it's apropos here. It used to be if your economy was sound
and the nation was at peace presidents were considered to be doing a good job.

But now, in the age of leftist pussies, Trump had to leave because he triggered them and their
poor feelings. I don't know how much of Trump's attitude had to do with the left working with the
Deep State to depose him. I'm sure it didn't help.
If he blew his words out his ass through a trumpet, I would not find admirable, as it would remind me of the last four years of donald trump.
Trying to put the spotlight on Trump is the typical way I would expect you to avoid the issue and
ignore bizarre Joe Biden behavior.
It's cowardly. It doesn't address the man who is laughed at in Europe. It's "I know you are but
what am I?" bullshit.
I am not the one that brought up the imagery of somebody blowing their words out their ass as if through a trumpet on this thread. It just brought forth an image of something like a cross between Dr Seuss book and a political satire cartoon, naturally bringing Donald to mind. He talked out his ass loudly for the last 4 years, especially during the Covid-19 2020 election year, trumpeting his crazy shtick. I did not create his bellicose methods of communication. I just recognized it for what it was and is (a childish scream for attention) and am glad it is over. Likewise, I am well aware trump was laughed at in Europe and shunned by key leaders on the world stage, but was not going to bring that up. You did.
If Boris Johnson or Emanuel Macron, or whomever, do not swoon over Donald Trump it doesn't
distress me. I am far more interested in what gets done then whether he is the most popular
student in the seventh grade.

If you don't think people are laughing at Joe Biden as his wife has to come and rescue him in a
Cornwall open air diner (in front of greatly amused customers) then you are less than honest.
I don't know if he favored Vlad Putin with some of his whispering or not. I'm hoping not.
With regard to Joe, he is doing fine. His tone, tenor and volume downright restful and thankfully boring after what we had. You might need some form of loud highly dynamic (often empty-headed) figurehead. I don't. After basic training, I am kind of inured to it and find it a method to be ignored or have the person done away with in business settings (and have fortunately been able to do that) as they lower productivity the closer to the top you go. It is sometimes OK and indeed appropriate at times for lower enlisted levels, but that is just it, (1) lower less experience levels, and (2) they must be enlisted in the cause, not forced to listen by sheer volume. People got tire of it, quick.
So Trump's at times bombastic style triggered you? I am more interested in his accomplishments
than whether he pissed off democrats all prepared to detest him anyway.

I never use the word "pussies" but I think it's apropos here. It used to be if your economy was sound
and the nation was at peace presidents were considered to be doing a good job.

But now, in the age of leftist pussies, Trump had to leave because he triggered them and their
poor feelings. I don't know how much of Trump's attitude had to do with the left working with the
Deep State to depose him. I'm sure it didn't help.
Trouble was, he did support Putin, wrote love letters with Lil Kim, and ran cover for the murderous Saudi Prince. He supported our enemies and sewed political and racial animosity at home and abroad. He is not exactly the leadership type, unless you never studied leadership or only studied negative leadership, preferring it over less destructive styles. The Fed is far more responsible for the economy during the DT years than trump, as they floated the money. He was certainly no great military leader, as he abandoned allies, disparage war heroes and their families, mocked the injuries of soldiers in Iraq after military action, he took. He was just a very poor example of an American President, not in keeping with our history, as will be recorded in the history books. Like the majority of Americans, I was not impressed. You are easily impressed. Who knew?

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