Joe Biden Calls a Lid First Thing This Morning, Hasn’t Been Seen in Days Since Returning From Ireland


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

Joe Biden Calls a Lid First Thing This Morning,

Hasn’t Been Seen in Days Since Returning From Ireland

17 Apr 2023 ~~ By Cristina Laila

Joe Biden called a lid early Monday morning.

Biden returned from a 4-day trip to Ireland very late Friday night/early Saturday morning and he hasn’t been seen since.
Joe Biden’s crackhead son Hunter and grifter sister Valerie joined the president in Ireland.
Hunter Biden had to intervene several times to help his old man answer questions.
Biden has nothing on his public schedule all day after a disastrous trip to Ireland and the media refuses to ask questions.
Earlier this month it was reported that the White House was limiting Joe Biden’s international travel because he’s just too old and feeble.
The long flights take a toll on him.

This my friends is what Maoist Democrats are offering American citizens as president now and for 2024.
I'm sure Hunter has hatched some kind of business scheme in Ireland.
Meanwhile, Joe can't make it to England for Charles coronation but goes to an utterly inconsequential country Ireland to look at his family tree and look like an old, dementia-ridden idiot giving meaningless speeches filled with lies and incomprehensible nonsense and they give him a standing ovation.
Guess today Joe is in for full maintenance. getting his blood changed, an amphetamine cocktail and God knows what else they use to keep him functioning. A true Manchurian Candidate.
What a joke...and it is on us. There is no reason this old frail, demented man should be president of the United States. Whoever is behind the destruction of this country is doing a fantastic ain't lunch bucket Joe...he is not smart enough. I wonder if the truth will ever come out of who is behind this disaster?
This is not good. Our nation can run on inertia for a while however during that time other nations can rob the candy store. A major party knowing what this man was along with his wife knowing and still putting their agendas in front of the nation. We have endless millions of immigrants coming here from other nations due to despots who have done the same thing. We have to citizens to dumb to realize that wealth is not permanent.
Will tey make a sequel to Weekend at Bernie's using Feinstein as the prop?

Joe Biden Calls a Lid First Thing This Morning,

Hasn’t Been Seen in Days Since Returning From Ireland

17 Apr 2023 ~~ By Cristina Laila

Joe Biden called a lid early Monday morning.

Biden returned from a 4-day trip to Ireland very late Friday night/early Saturday morning and he hasn’t been seen since.
Joe Biden’s crackhead son Hunter and grifter sister Valerie joined the president in Ireland.
Hunter Biden had to intervene several times to help his old man answer questions.
Biden has nothing on his public schedule all day after a disastrous trip to Ireland and the media refuses to ask questions.
Earlier this month it was reported that the White House was limiting Joe Biden’s international travel because he’s just too old and feeble.
The long flights take a toll on him.

This my friends is what Maoist Democrats are offering American citizens as president now and for 2024.
I'm sure Hunter has hatched some kind of business scheme in Ireland.
Meanwhile, Joe can't make it to England for Charles coronation but goes to an utterly inconsequential country Ireland to look at his family tree and look like an old, dementia-ridden idiot giving meaningless speeches filled with lies and incomprehensible nonsense and they give him a standing ovation.
Guess today Joe is in for full maintenance. getting his blood changed, an amphetamine cocktail and God knows what else they use to keep him functioning. A true Manchurian Candidate.
What a joke...and it is on us. There is no reason this old frail, demented man should be president of the United States. Whoever is behind the destruction of this country is doing a fantastic ain't lunch bucket Joe...he is not smart enough. I wonder if the truth will ever come out of who is behind this disaster?

I do have trouble finding the lids.

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